God of Destruction

Chapter 4097: Section compromise

Chapter 4105 Compromise

"Friend Xingtian, you are so greedy. The number of three thousand is really killing me, but whoever makes us allies, I promise you, but this is our last deal. You can't make any excessive demands. Otherwise, we only have to part ways, and that’s not a good thing for you and me!” In the end, the death **** and demon still compromised. No compromise will not work. Who puts him in a passive position now? Who makes him have to With Xingtian's help, he can only compromise!

Xing Tian nodded and said, "Okay, I promise you. Actually, if it's not for spiritual practice, I won't speak loudly, but to the daoists, three thousand chaotic star cores are nothing. The chaotic world breeds endless stars. , Back then, your era was shattered. I believe in endless star destruction. Three thousand star cores are just a small number in your hands. You don’t need to be so stingy!"

Three thousand star cores are indeed not much for the death gods and demons, but this is only for the time when the era is shattered. Now the chaotic star cores collected by the death gods and demons have consumed more than half, and another three thousand are also for him. The pressure is huge.

Hearing Xing Tian’s words, the death **** demon shook his head slightly and said, “Friend Xingtian, if the three thousand chaotic star cores were when the chaos was destroyed, it was when this world was first born, it’s really not for me. Whatever it is, but endless years have passed, and even the huge chaotic star core will be exhausted. The number of three thousand is really difficult for me. After all, I need them to practice. You wouldn’t think I would use them. The true spirit evolves into the underworld only by its own strength, its own origin, it needs endless resources, and the Chaos Star Core is one of them, how much more can I have!"

Xing Tian smiled indifferently and said: "I also know how difficult your situation is, but my situation is more difficult than you. You still have endless years of accumulation. If I have nothing, I want to go further, want to To speed up my practice, I have to fight for it by myself. Daoists should know that, and in this situation, I can’t get more resources in this world, so I can only ask Daoists to help one or two. In my opinion, this is also no alternative. Whoever makes fellow Daoists do not want me to leave this world, and without resources, I will naturally be unable to capture or own combat power!"

"Haha! Fellow Daoists are really eloquent, that's fine, since the deal has been concluded, it's useless to say more. Now that I agree, I won't regret it anymore. Keep these chaotic star cores away!" While speaking, the **** of death Mo waved his hand, three thousand chaotic star nuclei appeared in front of Xing Tian, ​​the number of three thousand chaotic star nuclei condensed a huge star origin, and there is a terrible chaotic aura.

Without hesitation, Xing Tian waved his hand to accept the chaotic star cores in front of him, and then nodded and said, "Okay, very good. With these chaotic star cores as nutrients, my cultivation will go further. Thank you for your help. I will repay this kindness!"

The Death Demon shook his head slightly and said, "As long as Fellow Daoist Xingtian can complete the transaction, then I will be satisfied. This is a transaction, not a kindness, no cause and effect. The transaction is your wish. You don’t need to take it seriously. !"

It seems that the death demon is still defensive against Xingtian. He is totally unwilling to accept this cause and effect. He directly rejected Xingtian’s kindness. For him, he is unwilling to let this transaction evolve into cause and effect. There was an accident in the plan, which was an unacceptable consequence for the death **** and devil, so no matter how good Xing Tian's mind was, he dared not take it!

"Haha! Okay, since fellow daoists say that, then I have nothing to say. The transaction is the transaction, fair and just. That's good, you and I don't have to bear the cause and effect!" Facing the death **** and demon's rejection, Xing Tian I didn't care, and nodded with a light smile. For Xing Tian, ​​the rejection of the death **** is also a good thing, at least I don't need to contaminate the cause and effect again!

"Okay, it's good for fellow Taoists to understand my difficulties. I hope that fellow Taoists can buy time for me, so that I have enough time to complete my own transformation, so that my true spirit can complete the evolution of the underworld!" At this time, death The gods and demons did not say anything about the scene, and directly spoke out their own requirements, but this request is no small thing!

Hearing this, Xing Tian frowned, and said in a deep voice: "Death God and Demon, this request of yours makes me very embarrassed. Do you think I can buy you enough time with my strength alone? Do you think that this time the will of the world will not react at all? I don’t know what you think, but in my opinion, the situation today has become very dangerous, and the will of the world has reached the brink of explosion. At this time, it’s just me. The power of "does not do anything at all, do you understand?"

Yes, at this time Xingtian really couldn't meet the requirements of the death gods and demon. If you buy time, then you have to have time to fight for it. When the death gods and devil stand up to stop Xingtian and invite Xingtian to come to this demon country, everything is completely different. , The endurance of the will of the world has also come to an end, and this war has also reached the verge of breaking out, so Xingtian cannot meet this request of the Death God!

Without waiting for the death **** and demon to answer, Xing Tian said in a deep voice: "Not to mention that it is the death **** and demon, it is the creatures of this world. They will not give you that opportunity. They will also launch a full-scale war. It is impossible to let you The plan is successful, and the war is about to break out. Do you think I have the ability to stop all of this? What's more, you have a more terrifying enemy, the Chaos God and Demon!"

When Xing Tian mentioned the Chaos God and Demon, the expression of the Death God and Demon changed again and again. He knew in his heart that Xing Tian was right. His request was indeed excessive, which Xing Tian couldn’t do. But now The death **** is also very embarrassed.

After auzw.com took a deep breath, the death **** and demon said in a deep voice: "Friend Xingtian, I understand what you said, but you also understand my situation. I am now I have no choice. I also know that those **** chaotic gods and demons will definitely stop them, and even if you don’t say it, I can feel it. In fact, I have always been suspicious in my heart. Maybe when it all started, time The **** of the **** and demon knew my thoughts and my plan, and everything I had was in his control!"

"What? The death **** is true. If so, why do you have to do this? Isn't this self-defeating? If the time **** really knows your plan, then even if you succeeded, Will make wedding dresses for others!" After hearing the words of the death **** and devil, Xing Tian's expression became extremely solemn, and there was a trace of terrible anger in his heart!

The death **** demon sighed and said: "I don't know whether it's true or not, but the time **** and demon masters the time avenue, which is extremely terrifying. He who holds the time avenue may be able to see the future and everything about me through the magical powers of time, so I have always had worries in my heart. I have always been worried that the situation will be out of control. This is one of the reasons why I have to ask fellow daoists for help, because I have no choice at all, and now I cannot retreat. !"

"Damn, how can you be so crazy? This is simply joking about your own "life" and risking your own "life". If everything about you is already known by the time gods, then everything here is early Has fallen in the eyes of the time gods and demon, you are pulling me into the water, isn't this pushing me into the fire pit?" At this time, Xing Tian's face was filled with endless anger, no one wanted to be calculated, especially Xing Tian , And this move of the death **** has reached the bottom line of Xingtian!

The death **** and demon sighed: "Friend Xingtian does not need to be so angry. In fact, all of this is doomed. When you enter this world, all of this is already doomed, and I believe that Daoists in the secret world are also doomed. There must be something to gain, and at that time Fellow Daoist had already formed a cause and effect with the Time God and Demon, and it was already impossible to retreat from this world!"

For the Death God, he has never believed that Xing Tian will get nothing in the secret world. He has always suspected that Xing Tian has obtained the treasure of the Time God and Demon. Therefore, in the death God and Demon, Xing Tian is his natural ally. It is also an ally worthy of their trust, because they all have a life and death enemy, that is the time **** and demon!

Xing Tian said with a cold snort, "What a death **** and demon, it's really a good plan, no wonder you can be so confident, but do you think I will believe you? Do you think I have already fallen into your calculations? ?"

In the face of Xingtian’s anger, the death **** demon sighed again: “No matter whether you believe in Xingtian or not, this is a fact, a fact that cannot be changed. You entered the secret world and took things you shouldn’t take, so You have no choice, and I also remind fellow daoists, don’t believe everything you see in the secret world. Sometimes it’s better to know nothing than to know a little. The secret you know is the time **** and demon. If you believe it, you will only be calculated by him. I hope fellow Daoist can forget everything he saw in the secret world, or fellow Daoist will be calculated!"

Hearing this, Xing Tian frowned again, and said in a deep voice: "Death God and Demon, Time God and Demon is so terrible. You can really plan everything before the endless years. Can it be said that this world's Everything is already under his control, which is a bit too exaggerated. Even if he is in charge of the Time Avenue, he should not have such power!"

The death **** and demon sighed: "Time, space, destiny, and cause and effect, these are the four supreme laws and the most terrifying power of the law. Back then, in our era, the space **** and demon died, and the destiny **** and demon died, cause and effect. The gods and demons are also dead, only the time gods and demons survive. You say he is not terrible. Whether it is space, destiny, or cause and effect, they are enough to match the time gods and demons, but they are all dead, and only time survives. God and devil, how terrible his calculations are, how deep are his calculations!"

"Hey!" When Xing Tian heard these words, Xing Tian couldn't help but gasp. At this moment, Xing Tian also thought of the city of time and space that he had acquired in an instant, and finally understood why he felt that the treasure was a little tricky. The power will condense into a treasure of origin, because the space **** and demon is dead, this is the calculation of time **** and demon!

"Damn it, fortunately, I have broken down the entire time-space city, otherwise it would be really troublesome, but even so, I have formed a cause and effect with the time **** and demon. It seems that this time I really have to stand on the death **** and demon. On the other side, this cause and effect has to be settled, otherwise even if it returns to the highest chaotic world, this cause and effect will not dissipate!"

Seeing Xing Tian’s dignified look, the death **** demon sighed again: "Friend Xingtian, no matter what you see in the secret world or what you get, I hope you can let go, no matter how good the source is. There are hidden dangers. If you don’t sacrifice the treasures yourself, they will bring disasters to yourself, even if you have a star map in your hand. If you really want a star map, then you can sacrifice it again, using three thousand chaotic star cores. Source, completely decompose it, and use its own source to sacrifice it!"

In fact, Xing Tian also understands this truth without reminding the death gods and demons, but Xing Tian will not say it, because there are too many secrets in his body to "expose", or the fruit will be unimaginable! However, when the death **** and demon mentioned the ultimate treasure, Xing Tian suddenly had a thought in his heart, and unconsciously thought of the great power!

"Death God and Demon, you are one of the true three thousand Gods and Demons. I don’t know if you know the Great Dao of Power. One force breaks through ten thousand laws. This Great Dao of Power is so terrible and so powerful. Shaping the world?"

For a moment, the death **** and demon frowned, looked at Xing Tian with a very solemn expression, and said in a deep voice: "Friend Xingtian, any great avenue of power, I advise you not to believe, are you from the secret world? There is the inheritance of this so-called great avenue of power. Among the three thousand gods and demons, there is no great genius or great avenue of power. What you said is the power of the body. What is this power? , Or the power of the law, what the avenue of power is, open the sky and the earth, that chaos **** and demon can do it, the supreme chaotic world is the heaven and the earth, it is the primitive world, no one can open it, let go of the ridiculous in your heart Fantasy, don’t believe everything you see in the secret world, all that will only lead you to death!"

Dignified, Xing Tian's mood was extremely dignified. The words of the Death God and Demon made Xing Tian a little unbelievable. The Great Dao of Power was so despised by the Death God and Demon. Could it be that everything he knew was false and was the calculation of the enemy , Pangu opening the sky and splitting the earth is not the real avenue of power. Does the avenue of power really exist? At this moment, Xing Tian has endless doubts in his heart. All this is really hard for Xing Tian to accept, because this is subverting Xing Tian's original understanding, and the impact on Xing Tian is too great!

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