God of Destruction

Chapter 4098: Avenue of Power

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Chapter 4106 The Avenue of Power

"No, it's impossible, it must be the death **** and demon made a mistake. If the Great Dao of Power does not exist, what Pangu Kaitian said, this is absolutely abnormal. The death **** and demon must have something to hide. I have to test him again. !" In an instant, Xing Tian had a new idea in his heart, and he became more suspicious and vigilant towards the death gods and demons.

Xing Tian took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Death God and Demon, the avenue of power I know is not what you think. It is learned from the secret world, but I have personally felt it. The avenue really exists, and someone really has to succeed in opening the sky, but that is not the highest chaos world, but the small world under the highest chaos world!"

When he heard Xing Tian’s words, the expression of the death **** and demon changed greatly, and his heart was greatly shocked, and he couldn’t help muttering to himself: “Damn, how is this possible? How can anyone break into the chaotic world, even Xiao Qian There shouldn’t be anyone in the world who can do it, and it’s still this ridiculous avenue of power. Could it be that someone is walking an unprecedented new road like me? If that’s the case, I’m afraid it’s too much trouble. Splitting the ground, this is clearly a catastrophe aimed at the Supreme Chaos World, the ultimate world destruction catastrophe, and this lunatic walked on a terrible road of destruction and good fortune!"

Xingtian’s mumbling words were heard by Xingtian and remembered in his heart. The death was horrified, and Xingtian was the same. Only from the words of death, Xingtian could Understand this is also a big secret.

Taking another deep breath, Xing Tian shouted in a deep voice: "The death **** and demon wake up!" With a deep drink, the death **** and demon instantly awoke from the fantasy, and the moment when he woke up, the death **** Endless horror flashed across the face of the demon. Yes, at this moment, the death **** and demon's heart was upset, and he was startled by Xing Tian's message.

"Death God, I want to hear your explanation. You and I are allies. You shouldn't hide anything. I think you should have already thought of the root of this great road. I hope you can tell me the secrets. !" When he said this, Xing Tian's eyes flashed a bright light, and he could instinctively make Xing Tian feel that this was his chance, a great chance.

Hearing Xing Tian’s words, the death **** demon smiled bitterly: "Even if the daoists don’t ask, I will tell you that if what the daoists say is true, then the situation we face will be even more dangerous, and this catastrophe will be even worse. Terrible! Open the world, even if it is the small chaotic world where the world is nurtured by one party, it is not what ordinary power can do. The other party did not shoot in the highest chaotic world, but in the small thousand world under the highest chaotic world. Obviously this is a temptation of a chaotic **** and demon. The other party is walking an unprecedented road like me. He wants to condense his own real world, complete the world, and create his own road!"

When he heard these words, Xing Tian frowned involuntarily, and said in a deep voice: "Death gods and demon, I can understand the world, but I don't understand this point, can you explain it carefully? !"

The death **** and demon sighed: "Friend Xingtian, condensing the world, you understand that you should be clear about creating the world, because you created your own avenue, and the ending avenue is actually your avenue!"

In a word of truth, this sentence of the Death God and Demon suddenly made Xing Tian aware of it. Yes, there is no secret in the road that belongs to him. He has created it. The road to the end is his own road. The Dao of Power is the Dao of Pangu, his original Dao, and the Dao of Force embodies the origin of Pangu.

"Understood, that is the case, this is the Dao of Power, this is the Dao that belongs to him!" In an instant, Xing Tian understood the meaning of the death **** and demon, and also understood the root of the Dao, and went a step further on the Dao practice. .

"It’s good for Taoist Xingtian to understand. Only by creating his own avenue can he truly embark on the road of avenue practice. Although all the chaotic gods and demons are born in chaos, none of them have their own avenue. The avenues owned by the Chaos Gods and Demons are given by heaven and earth. They seem to belong to themselves and are controlled by themselves, but they have great hidden dangers. This is why after the world is stabilized, all the innate Chaos Gods and Demons will die, because from beginning to end. , We have not mastered the great road given by heaven and earth, and that great road does not belong to us at all. This is why I gave up the road of death!"

At this time, Xing Tian’s expression was extremely solemn. From the answer of Death God and Demon, Xing Tian could deeply feel the cruelty of Heaven and Earth towards Innate Chaos God and Demon, but Xing Tian didn’t understand it. Since all Innate Chaos God and Demon can Knowing this crisis, why didn't they resist, and with every era's shattering, the destruction of heaven and earth, those chaotic gods and demons really had no one to survive? Death gods and demons can reshape themselves, would other gods and demons have no such idea?

"Death gods and demons, if someone can open the sky successfully and directly evolve a complete world, does that mean that he has gone farther on the path of cultivation, and is more powerful than ancient gods and demons like you?"

The Death Demon shook his head lightly and said: "I don't know, I have never been in contact with such a situation. I really don't know this, and I can't calculate it, but one thing is certain, the other party's perception on the road is absolutely very powerful. , At least his imagination is crazier and more terrifying than ours. The avenue of power is blazing heaven and earth. This is really crazy. You must know that all the worlds are born of chaos, dare to open the sky alone, and still succeed. , It's really amazing, but I don't understand that heaven and earth really let him succeed so easily. It really has a little test and no block at all?"

Without blocking, this is naturally impossible. What is the situation of Pangu Kaitian, Xingtian still understands in his heart, there are three thousand chaotic gods and demon blocking the way, this is the counterattack of heaven and earth, this is the test of Kaitian, but the death **** These words also reminded Xing Tian that Pan Gu is not the three thousand gods, chaos, gods and demons, he is independent of the innate chaos gods and demons!


"It's a great calculation. It seems that not only the death gods and demons are in the layout, but there are other chaotic gods and demons in the layout. The prehistoric world is a test of the place. I just don't know if the other party has perfected all this and whether it is really condensed. The avenue of power, embark on an unprecedented avenue, what exactly does the avenue of power exist for!"

The more he thought about it, the heavier Xing Tian's mood became, the more he was frightened by Pangu and King Pan. The origin of the other party was not as simple as he had previously thought. This may be the method of an innate chaos **** and demon, but his calculation. , In order to just get rid of everything, reverse your own destiny and cause and effect, and let yourself out of a road of your own!

Seeing Xing Tian's thoughtful appearance, the sober death **** demon said in a deep voice: "Friend Xingtian, the avenue of power you mentioned is good, but it is not your avenue. Everyone has his own Don’t pursue other people’s avenues too much. No matter how strong someone’s avenue is, it will also belong to others, not yours. Only the avenue that suits you is the best!"

Yes, only the avenue that suits you is the best, and which avenue is the most suitable for you. Naturally, you create your own avenue, just like the avenue of ending that Xing Tian masters, this is the avenue most suitable for Xing Tian himself. Spiritual practice.

Xing Tian sighed lightly and said: "I understand what the **** of death said. I just understand it, but it's not easy to do it. The road that suits you is the best, but there are some that can be done. How much, I want to know if someone really has to embark on this avenue of power, this avenue that opens the world, then there is a certain degree of success in the supreme chaotic world!"

The Death Demon shook his head again and said, "I don’t know, nor know that when every kind of avenue of his own is born, no one knows the success or failure, but he can really succeed in the world of Xiaoqian, which means that he is in the highest There is a possibility of success in the chaotic world, but it is not very likely. After all, the highest chaotic world is different from the small thousand world. The highest chaotic world is extremely powerful. Not everyone can withstand the backlash of the world, the backlash of the highest chaotic world It can kill all enemies in seconds!"

"Oh! In this way, the chance of success is very small, or even impossible, but if it is so, then why does the other party take risks and gamble with their own lives? This is a bit stupid!"

The death **** demon smiled calmly and said: "No, this is not stupid. If the other party can succeed, it means that he has completed his preliminary vision on the new big place, and has the possibility of success. In the highest chaotic world, condense His own avenue, this is not something anyone can do. For all innate chaos gods and demons, as long as there is a ray of life, he will not give up. No one can withstand the power of temptation, and no one can directly refuse. , Give up!"

When talking about this, the death **** and demon sighed again, and said with a wry smile: "Friend Xingtian does not know the pressure of our innate chaotic gods and demon, as long as everyone is aware of their own hidden dangers, no one can refuse such an opportunity. Like me, when I knew the crisis I was facing, even if I knew the harm that abandoning the Avenue of Death would cause to myself, but in the end I did it madly. Is it really that easy to succeed in the Magic Way? Friends look at me The current situation knows the danger, but I have no choice. I must do this in the face of life and death. For me, this is my greatest life!"

Seeing Xing Tian's thoughtful appearance, the death **** demon sighed and said: "Friend Xingtian, I still have to persuade you again, don't pay too much attention to the integration of the avenues. The fusion of the avenues is indeed a kind of cohesion of your own. The way of great avenues, but every time you add a great avenue, the danger of fusion will increase exponentially, and if you are not careful, you will die! Instead of using the avenue of power you said to open the world and condense one side With the perfect world as our foundation, it is better to plunder the world of life in the outer world directly. This is faster, easier, and less dangerous!"

In the eyes of the death gods, the reason why Xing Tian mentioned the great road of power is to walk this great road by himself, that is, he wants to open the world from the highest chaotic world, and condense one side of his own perfect world. Use this as your foundation.

Wrong, the death **** and demon is so wrong to think so. Xing Tian has never thought of it like this, because Xing Tian has already possessed his own perfect world. However, with Xingtian’s wisdom, it is natural to understand what the death **** and demon is in. miss you.

I saw, Xing Tian smiled calmly and said: "Thank you for your reminder, but I still don’t know what is the difference between a perfect world and the tree of the world. The tree of the world can condense three thousand avenues, perfect the world, and condense within one party. Wouldn’t it be easier to plunder a world tree to become the core of the inner world?”

"The tree of the world? Fellow Daoists said so lightly. In the endless years, even in the highest chaos world, I have never encountered a tree of the world, nor have I ever seen an innate chaos **** and demon possess it. Although the tree of the world exists in the universe, it is not easy to get it and refine it, because you will not be able to find the tree of the world even if you spend endless years, let alone use the world. The tree to stabilize its inner world and evolve a consummate world!"

In the eyes of the death gods and demons, it is impossible, but for Xingtian it is real, because Xingtian once owned the tree of the world, but in the end it was because of his own practice that the tree of the world gradually went to destruction. After being thoroughly integrated into one's own practice, perhaps it is because one's own world avenue integrates the origin of the world tree to be able to truly consummate, to be able to have that ray of life, and to be able to nurture the creatures of his own world!

Unfortunately, even though Xing Tian knows all this, Xing Tian will not tell the death **** and demon. This is one of the core secrets of Xing Tian, ​​and even if he knows so many secrets from the death **** and devil, Xing Tian believes in the death god. The demon still didn't reveal all the secrets, and still concealed something from himself, whether it was his own path of cultivation, the secrets of this world, even the secrets of the Supreme Chaos World, and the secrets of many chaotic gods and demons!

In fact, Xing Tian himself can understand the reservation of the death **** and demon. If he stands in the position of the death **** and demon, he will make the same choice and have some reservations. After all, if people know the secret too much If there are too many, then it’s no secret. What's more, the two parties are just cooperation based on interests. If you don’t make reservations, it would be stupid!


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