God of Destruction

Chapter 4099: Festival World Tree

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Chapter 4107: World Tree

Xing Tian didn’t dare to be sloppy about the death **** and demon. Even with the death **** and devil’s words, Xing Tian still didn’t believe the other party, and wanted to test the reality of the other party. After all, he had been the tree of the world. , And it was obtained from the prehistoric world, so Xing Tian had to pay attention to it, and Xing Tian had to treat it with caution!

I saw that Xing Tian smiled indifferently, and said disapprovingly: "Family Daoist has said a bit too much. I am afraid that the tree of the world is not as rare as it is said by Taoist friends. I don’t know that someone has ever obtained the world’s Tree, and successfully cultivated the tree of the world. This is all recorded, not casually said, and the daoists say it is completely different from this. It’s hard for me to believe that if the daoists say it is true, then It is hard to understand if it is recorded as false!"

"What? Have you got the World Tree from the Little Thousand World? Friends Xingtian, you are joking, let alone the Little Thousand World, even the Big Thousand World cannot do it. The real world tree can only be from the Chaos In the middle of evolution, how could there be a world tree in the little thousand world, even the seeds of the world tree can’t be there, the little thousand world can’t give birth to the world tree at all, the record you mentioned is probably from that secret realm. What you see in the world, I said, it’s all false, you can’t believe it, if you believe in those inheritances in the secret world, you can only say that you are going to death step by step!” At this point, The expression of the death **** and demon became extremely solemn, and he also had some contempt for Xing Tian.

Xing Tian nodded and said: "Yes, fellow Taoist is right. The record I mentioned is indeed learned from the secret world, but not from the secret world of our world, but from the highest chaotic world. In the world below, it’s just that those worlds are now shattered. It can be said that apart from these boundary battlefield worlds attached to the Supreme Chaos World, only the Supreme Chaos World remains in the entire universe, and other small worlds. All have been shattered. Both the Small Thousand World, the Middle Thousand World and the Big Thousand World have all gone to destruction, and now the Realm Battlefield World is also going to be destroyed. Fellow Daoists should also be very clear about this. After this great catastrophe, Only the Supreme Chaos World is left in the entire universe world!"

Hearing Xing Tian’s words, the expression of the death **** demon changed again, his face became dignified. It was obvious that he was very confused about Xing Tian’s knowledge of the world. This is no ordinary secret, even in the supreme chaotic world. It should also be a high-level secret. How could it be known to a small disciple of the Outland Sect like Xing Tian, ​​what is going on?

The death **** and demon asked suspiciously: "Friend Xingtian, how did you know this secret? How do you know that many realms and battlefields are going to be destroyed, and that only the highest chaotic world will remain in the entire universe? Could it be said that this secret? Has become popular in the supreme chaotic world and is known to everyone?"

Xing Tian smiled indifferently: "Haha! Fellow Daoists have been trapped in this realm of battlefield world for too long, and have long lost understanding of the outside world. In the endless years, the world has already undergone earth-shattering changes. It’s not the world you know. Although this secret is not known to everyone in the Supreme Chaos World, most sects know this secret, and the entire realm battlefield world and the Supreme Chaos World have it. What has changed is that at first the Supreme Chaos World is connected to the battlefield world of this realm. I think fellow Daoists should be aware of this!"

Clearly, the Death God and Demon naturally knew that before the Great Tribulation of the World began, the channel between the Supreme Chaos World and this world was only blocked by them now. However, the Death God and Demon would not say that, only Click a little!

moment! The death **** and demon sighed: "I didn't expect the world to change so fast, so fast that it was incredible. Even the final catastrophe of the realm battlefield world is no longer a secret. It seems that we, the chaos **** and demon, are too self-righteous. Now, maybe the calculations of the **** of the time gods and demons are going to fail. As soon as this secret is revealed, I am afraid that all the realm battlefield world will change. It seems that the time left for me is shorter, and I have to speed up!"

Xing Tian also nodded, and said in a deep voice: "Yes, fellow Taoists really want to speed up. There is not much time left for you, and not much time left for me. Why should I rush to leave this world? , Isn’t it because the changes in this world are so great that I can’t bear the terrible consequences? Do you think I don’t want to get the opportunity of this world and can’t maximize my benefits? It’s not that I don’t want to do it, but I I dare not do it, I don't have the ability to do it!"

The death **** and demon sighed: "Xingtian Daoist is really a good state of mind. He can make such a choice under such temptation. Yes, in the end, the catastrophe will come, and the whole world will face a desperate situation. If it can’t reverse the situation. , What is waiting for the whole world will be destruction and collapse. I have paid such a high price. What I am waiting for is the arrival of this day. Only when the final catastrophe comes, will I have the opportunity to seize the origin of the whole world, otherwise no matter what I How powerful is the power of, it is impossible to directly refine the entire world, turn this world into my original demon kingdom, and become my foundation!"

Xing Tian said disapprovingly: "Friends do not need to explain. I don't want to explore the secrets of friends, nor do I want to know the secrets and plans of friends. After all, everyone has their own calculations, and friends have their own plans. We also have our own plans. We don’t need to know each other’s secrets. All we seek is benefit. There is no need to tell each other all our secrets. Daoists conceal something, I understand, and I also have hidden dangers. After all, no one is a fool. It is impossible to truly believe the other person completely. If you really do this, then there will be a ghost, and you will even be unable to believe it!"

auzw.com The Death God and Demon nodded and said: "Yes, if you really do this, it will be really unacceptable and unbelievable. No one will tell others all their secrets. What's more, we are only allies who cooperate for profit, which is even more impossible. If I said that I had told all the secrets to fellow daoists, fellow daoists would not believe it."

When talking about this, the Death God and Demon sighed again, looked terrified, and said in a deep voice: "Friend Xingtian, I don’t know how you know the truth about the World Tree from the world below, but there is One thing I still want to say, don’t believe it, in the endless years, I don’t know how many innate chaotic gods and demons were born, and every time chaos is destroyed, not all inborn chaotic gods and demons will be extinct. There are chaotic gods and demons in our era. Can survive. Naturally, there will be chaos gods and demons in other eras. Those chaos will survive the final catastrophe for themselves, and they will continue to experiment and come up with a supreme that can survive the catastrophe. There is a great way, so now I hope you can forget all the information and don't believe in any information. Everything is difficult for your own eyes to see, or you will only fall into the calculations of the enemy!"

"Oh! In the opinion of fellow daoists, it is said that even if it is not in this realm of battlefield world, even the information of other worlds under the supreme chaos world can not be believed? Those innate chaos gods and demons are really so terrifying, they can really be unscrupulous Under the supreme chaotic world, stir up the wind and clouds, and continue to lay out?" When he said this, Xing Tian's eyes showed a faint doubt!

The death **** demon nodded and said, "Yes, they do have such methods and magical powers. Didn’t fellow Taoists see my real situation? Even I can pay a huge price in this realm. The battlefield world has just begun to prepare the overall situation for the capture of the entire world. You said that other chaotic gods and demons will not have the same means, will they not have the same scheming? Unless it is the information in the highest chaos world, otherwise do not believe other information. Don't even believe in the information of the Supreme Chaos World. No one knows what the innate chaos gods and demons left behind in each era!"

Xing Tian shook his head lightly and said, "It's incredible, it's really incredible. If it wasn't for the dao friends' personal words, I really couldn't believe all this. If it weren't for the conflict between me and the daoists for no benefit, I would not believe it. These words, this is really incredible, the innate chaos gods and demons should have such magical powers, this is really something I never expected!"

"Friend Xingtian, I know that you have condensed the real body of the acquired Chaos God and Demon, and embarked on your own road, but there is still a certain difference between the Innate Chaos God and Demon and your acquired Chaos God and Demon. Don’t use your own experience. To measure those innate Chaos Gods and Demons, even in your era, I am afraid that not all the Chaos Gods and Demons will die and return to the highest chaotic world. I am afraid that there are Chaos Gods and Demons hidden in the dark. Don't have the slightest. It’s a good idea!"

"Death God and Demon, you have mentioned Chaos Sea several times. I don't know what kind of place it is, what is the connection between it and the Supreme Chaos World, and what is the relationship with the great catastrophe of the Supreme Chaos World? ?"

Hearing Xing Tian’s question, the Death God and Demon sighed and said: “Chaotic Sea, that is the existence that gave birth to the highest chaotic world. When the luck of the highest chaotic world comes to an end, it is also when the highest chaotic world is destroyed. Not only the world under the highest chaotic world will be destroyed, even the highest chaotic world will have an end, and this era is the end of the highest chaotic world. If you cannot cross the cycle of reincarnation, all living creatures will be destroyed. All will return to the chaos, will be transformed into the original source to breed a new supreme chaotic world, and a new cycle will begin again!"

"Oh, so that the Chaos Sea is not affected by the Supreme Chaos World, it is eternal and immortal? If so, why don't everyone hide in the Chaos Sea when the Supreme Chaos World is shattered in order to escape the destruction of the world and protect yourself To protect all living beings, you must know that even weak people like me have their own inner world, and they can all evolve into a world. It is impossible for those strong in the supreme chaotic world to be unable to do so. They can completely protect their own race civilization. !"

"Huh! How is this possible? If the general era is shattered, doing so is indeed a good way to escape, but once this is done, the contained creatures can no longer appear in the new era, they Will be repelled by the world, but when the entire supreme chaotic world is heading for destruction, this method will not work, because all living creatures are branded by the supreme chaos world, and they will all die at the moment the supreme chaos world is destroyed. Only after reincarnation can one be able to live forever and protect one's own ethnic civilization!"

The more the Death God and Demon speaks, the more disturbed Xingtian’s heart is. The Death God and Demon are innate Chaos God and Demon, how did he learn all this? If he is derived from his own inheritance, Xingtian is not I would believe it, so Xing Tian felt too many secrets in the death gods and monsters, but Xing Tian couldn't ask all this!

"Death God and Demon, you have paid such a high price to capture this world. Does this mean that the perfect world avenue can have a ray of life in the Great Chaos World's destruction and can withstand the backlash of the Supreme Chaos World?"

The Death Demon laughed and said: "Hahaha! Smart, Xingtian Taoist Fellow is indeed very wise. Yes, the Perfect World Avenue does have a backlash against the destruction of the Supreme Chaos World, because the Perfect World Avenue itself is a self-contained system. After condensing one's own avenue, it will naturally be easier than others to survive the catastrophe of world destruction!"

When I said this, the voice of the death **** and devil turned and sighed: "In fact, for us innate gods and devils, the shackles on our bodies are much more terrifying than you born creatures, and it is much more difficult to transcend. You born creatures, although you don’t have the powerful origins of the innate chaos gods and demons, and the laws of the Great Way, you can easily get out of your own way, and as long as you walk out of your own way, it is possible to transcend the shackles of the world, and it is much more difficult for us , As I have counted endless years, I don’t know if my plan will succeed. After all, to seize a world, a world of perfection, you have to endure too many backlashes, too many tests, and one wrong step will be ruined. If you lose all of your efforts, you will be completely ruined, and there will be no chance of turning over again. This is the shackles on our innate chaotic gods and demons. This is the terrible pressure we bear. If possible, I really don’t want to take a world. Unwilling to face this terrible pressure and shock!"


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