God of Destruction

Chapter 4100: Festival

Chapter 4108

Unwilling to take one side of the world? This is really a joke. Xing Tian would not believe the words of the Death God and Demon. If the Death God and Demon were really unwilling, he would not set up such a big picture before the endless years. In other words, he was just inducing Xing Tian, ​​just lowering Xing Tian’s Be wary of "sex", just want Xing Tian not to have so much defense against him.

I saw, Xing Tian smiled indifferently and said: "I didn't expect fellow Daoist to be so difficult, but since fellow Daoist is also "forced" helplessly, why not give up everything, with the power of fellow Daoist, even if you give up this world, it is nothing. Fellow Daoists have such determination that we can use this world as a trap to directly pit those chaotic gods and demons, and even the will of the world, to destroy all enemies, and to free ourselves from this terrible catastrophe. , Seize that ray of life!"

"Damn Xingtian, such a vicious mind, made me give up everything. This **** is really hateful. If I give up all of this, all the costs I have paid before will be turned into nothingness, and others will be in vain. And I The background of this renunciation has disappeared, and there is no possibility of detachment anymore. This **** is a vicious calculation!" After hearing Xing Tian's words, the death **** was furious and dissatisfied with Xing Tian. .

Although there is endless anger in his heart, the death **** and demon cannot explode. Whoever makes him deliberately induces Xingtian and deliberately deceives Xingtian. At this time, Xingtian's counter-calculation is also his retribution, and if he starts to fight back at this time, he will only Let Xing Tian find an excuse to give up all previous transactions, and if Xing Tian Yi does this, he will suffer the most, not Xing Tian. After all, Xing Tian has already thought about leaving this world before. The most important thing is Xing Tian Cong. I have obtained a lot of information here and have taken the initiative. Under this situation, the death gods and demons are naturally subject to many restrictions!

The death **** demon sighed: "Oh! I want to do this too, but now I can't help myself. Now my true spirit has been integrated into this world, and it's inseparable from this world. When I give up, it will only be me who is unlucky. Before I can calculate the **** of time gods and demons, I will die for the first time!"

Xing Tian nodded thoughtfully and said, "Oh! So, I was too careless. I forgot about the situation of fellow Daoist now. It is true that fellow Daoist is in a real situation and cannot be given up, but the situation of fellow Daoist is indeed very serious now. It’s dangerous. It’s also very detrimental to you if you continue to delay like this. There is a thousand days to be a thief, but there is no thousand days to defend against a thief. In this situation, passive defense will not work. Even if I help the daoists with all my strength, It is impossible to keep the enemy out, and it is impossible to give Daoists enough time to complete the final transformation. The Will of the World will not give Daoists such an opportunity. The same is true for those Chaos Gods and Demons. Daoists want to seize a ray of life, so they can only let go. Give it a go, otherwise Fellow Daoist really has no chance to stand up!"

The death **** and demon screamed, and said in a deep voice, "In the opinion of Friends Xingtian, how should I face this crisis, how can I seize the gleam of life, and let it go, it doesn’t matter to me. Before all this, I knew the danger of the situation and how dangerous my situation is. As long as there is a chance of success, I am willing to give it a go!"

Hearing the answer from the death **** and demon, Xing Tian smiled indifferently: "He has the first line of life. In fact, the main reason why Daoists are caught in such a predicament is still in their own body. Daoists have always ignored a big The problem is that Daoists have passively accepted the impact of external forces from beginning to end, and have never thought of proactively attacking. If before this, before the start of this big battle, Daoists would take the initiative to attack and control one side of the force, then it would not There is a situation like this, there is something to do, and if you want to get rid of the current crisis, the Daoist can only take the lead. The Daoist is not fully prepared, and the will of the world is the same, especially the many chaotic gods and demons hidden in the dark. , The first is the strongest, and the enemy is caught off guard!"

The death **** and demon's "color" condensed, and he said in a deep voice, "The daoists want to take the initiative and let those enemies jump out. Since everyone is not ready, whoever seizes the initiative first will have the advantage, just Dao. Do you have full confidence? This is not a trivial matter, but is related to our life and death. There must not be any mistakes. My life and death is not a big deal, but I don’t want to see Dao friends also because of my little things. Falling into a desperate situation, that's not what I wanted!"

"Hmph! It sounds better than singing. I don’t care about your own life or death. I am worried that I am in a crisis. You will be so kind. It’s just a verbal talk. It really makes you sacrifice yourself, I'm afraid you will be the next moment. You will regret it!" Before this ridiculous death, Xing Tian's heart was sneered again and again, and he didn't take it as a thing!

"Death gods and demon, time waits for no one. I really don’t have much time left for you and me. Now because of the evolution of your true spirit, you are under the control of others. If we want to get rid of this predicament, we can only do the opposite. I have How much power is clear in your heart, just relying on my little power and that little power of the descendants of the supreme chaos world, it is impossible to reverse the general trend. If you want to break a blood path from this desperate situation, we will We can't take the ordinary path, and let go is the best choice! Whether it's to fight the grass and startle the snake, or to start first, we can't fall into the passive!"

These words of Xing Tian made the death **** and devil thoughtful. Although Xing Tian had calculations in his heart, his words really moved the death **** and devil and made the death **** and devil be moved! Yes, judging from the current situation, if you blindly seek stability, there is absolutely no vitality, and you will only plunge yourself into a greater crisis step by step. Only if you let go, you will have a chance!

The death **** and demon was ruthless, and immediately made a decision, and said in a deep voice: "Okay, just do it, isn't it just letting go? It's not a big deal, but since the fellow Taoist said that, he must already have a plan in his heart. , Also ask fellow daoists to speak out!"


Hearing this, Xing Tian "exposed" a faint smile on his face, and said, "Actually, it is very simple for us to get rid of the crisis. It is to "disrupt" the order of the world. "Chaos", whether it's the will of the world or the chaotic gods and demons hidden in the depths, they can't help but jump out. Whoever jumps out first will bear the greatest impact and bear the world. Huge cause and effect, because they pay more attention to this world than Taoists!"

"I understand what the daoists mean. This matter is indeed that I am stuck in attachment. If I can let go of the attachment to the evolution of the true spirit, I will naturally get out of this crisis, and I can sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. The world will is still that time **** and demon. They will not let this world have any accidents. They are not willing to see the world shattered and order does not exist!" In an instant, the death **** and demon figured out Xingtian's true intentions, and he also Shocked by Xingtian's madness.

Xing Tian's thoughts are indeed very good, but doing so is also a huge danger. Once the enemy does not take the initiative to jump out as he wants, the situation of the death **** will be more dangerous, and it will even fall into a dead end.

"If there is a sacrifice, there will be gains. If you don’t pay, there will be no gains. If you want to gain something, you must first pay a little price. If you don’t pay at all, how can you let the enemy into the game? This world is "chaotic." It has an impact on the evolution of the true spirit of the Daoist, and affects the plan of the Daoist, but the biggest impact is not the Daoist, but the will of the world, because the Daoist is in charge of the land, and the will of the world is in charge of There is an essential difference in the power of the heavens!" Worried that the death **** and devil still have concerns in his heart, Xing Tian continued to persuade the death **** and devil, regardless of the death **** and devil who has understood the problem, but it is not easy to make this determination!

The death demon nodded and said: "Yes, there is something to do, there is no gain if you don't pay, and the situation is very unfavorable for us now. Only by letting go can we break a blood path from this crisis. Only then can we get rid of all hidden dangers! Well, fellow daoists said what we should do to "disrupt" everything and break the order of this world!"

Hearing that the death **** and demon agreed to his suggestion, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed. The death **** and demon finally did not let himself down, did not reject his suggestion, and saw Xing Tian smile indifferently: "It's very simple. Start wars and cause catastrophes. As long as the demons in the hands of fellow daoists attack in an all-round way, the order of the entire world will collapse in an instant. Whether it is a human race or other races, they will protect themselves at all costs in the life and death of ethnic civilization. , And together with the war, the order of the world itself does not exist. Those **** careerists will also take the initiative to jump out. At that time, not only the human race is turbulent, but all the race civilizations in the world will Turbulence and restlessness, no civilization will have no careerists!"

Xing Tian was right. For this world, for all racial civilizations, no one is monolithic. Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. There are struggles in any racial civilization, and there are careerists, not to mention this. Under the great calamity of the world, there is the struggle for the emperor of humanity and the struggle for the lord of humanity. Who can ignore such temptations!

"Start a war! Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, is really crazy. He actually made such a crazy suggestion, but he also made sense. As long as the war is together, the whole world will be confused. But together with this war, I finally demonized me. The demons and the condensed demons will collapse. All racial civilizations will regard the demons as their mortal enemies!” The death gods and demons soon saw the crisis behind this, but Xing Tian’s suggestion was not a conspiracy, but an upright plan. Even if the death **** demon sees the danger in this, he has no choice, unless the death **** demon is willing to give up everything!

The death **** demon nodded and said: "Okay, just do it, but only relying on the power of my demon clan cannot make the whole world "turbulent", nor can it face the counterattack of all race civilizations. Help me, I need to guide the descendants of the highest chaos world to block the major forces, so that they can't do their best to encircle and suppress my demons, and they cannot destroy my demonic country. After all, once the demonic country is broken, all my calculations will be shattered. All efforts will be shattered!"

In the final analysis, the death gods still can't fight with all their strength, reluctant to bear the secrets of the devil kingdom, and reluctant to master the tunnels! However, this is also human nature. After all, in the endless years of death, the gods and demons have put too much effort into it. At this time, it is impossible for him to give up completely, but in this case, there is no decisive heart. , But it has a huge impact on the death **** and demon, reluctant to give it a go, there must be some worry in the heart, this will become the biggest weakness of the death **** and devil, and it will plunge the death **** and demon into a greater crisis, and even Is endangering one's life!

Of course, it does not rule out that the death **** and demon also has a killer that can turn things around. After all, a chaos **** and demon that has survived from ancient times is normal, no matter how much preparation, Xing Tian dare not treat him with the slightest contempt, otherwise it is very likely to let him I plunged into the crisis of death, let myself plunge into the calculations of the enemy.

"Haha! The dead fellow daoists worry too much, I will naturally help with all my strength, and the fellow daoists also understand that in this world, apart from cooperating with fellow daoists, I have no choice, no power of any party, no racial civilization. Maybe let me go. After all, I have the benefits they desire, so I have no retreat like fellow Taoists!"

"Huh, there are so many nonsense, you will have no retreat, you **** has a retreat than anyone else, as long as you are willing to have the opportunity to break free from the shackles of the world and return to the highest chaotic world!" To Xing Tian's answer, the death **** demon is in his heart He sneered and didn't believe Xing Tian's words at all. In his opinion, Xing Tian has no credibility at all. He must be vigilant so as not to be calculated by Xing Tian as a bastard, or to fall into the trap of Xing Tian!

The death gods do not believe in Xingtian, and Xingtian does not believe in him. In fact, for the two of them, they have never trusted each other, and it is impossible to trust each other. This is a catastrophe, and there are terrible crises everywhere. , That means being irresponsible for one's own life, just killing oneself, no one can be so stupid! But they have to cooperate, because each other has the power they need, so they can only be entangled in this way! This is their situation, this is the result they must accept, who makes the situation so bad!

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