God of Destruction

Chapter 4101: Saving calculation

Chapter 4,109 Calculation

"Okay, let's say it for sure. From now on, we will make preparations. Xingtian Daoist Fellowship must take time to refine the three thousand chaotic star cores and improve my own strength. And I also need to cover up my secrets and plan for the worst. , A single blow cannot be achieved, I am afraid it will cause endless troubles, I have to consider everything to the worst!" When this is said, the death **** and demon flashes with endless murderous intent, and now he really is There is no choice, just as Xing Tian said, it is impossible not to work hard!

Seeing the murderous intent flashing in the eyes of the Death God and Demon, a faint smile flashed across Xing Tian’s face. He who practiced the Killing Avenue could naturally clearly feel the weight of murderous intent in the Death God and Demon’s heart, and he could understand this. At that time, the other party really made up his mind, and no longer hesitated, and only such a death **** can cooperate with Xingtian!

"Haha! Dead fellow daoists should not be so pessimistic, no matter how small the vitality is, we can't be pessimistic. As long as there is a ray of life, we must fight for it with all our heart. There is no need to plan for the worst. Daoists must have confidence. With the confidence to win, only this way fellow daoists can break a **** path from this terrible situation!"

The death demon was not shaken by Xing Tian’s words. He smiled calmly and said: "The confidence of heart wins. I don’t have the confidence of Daoist Xingtian, nor the ability. Daoists have the choice to retreat. At the time of desperation, it can also induce the origin of the highest chaos world, tear the void and return to the highest chaos world, without any pressure, but I can't do it. If I don't plan for the worst, I am afraid that it will be dead. Life, only if you plan for the worst, you can have that ray of life. You and I are in different situations, so naturally you have different ideas and different moods!"

Hearing this, Xing Tian couldn't help being startled, and his mood was instantly touched! Can not help but secretly said: "Yes, different situations, different thoughts, and different moods. I still ignore the most important mood. Different environments naturally have different moods. If it weren't for the death of gods and demons, I’m afraid I’m bound to fall into a crisis, a crisis that will never recover. The path of practice cannot tolerate carelessness or mistakes. My previous successes have made my heart vain. This is a huge hidden danger. If you are not careful, you will die and you will never turn over again!"

Repeated success indeed made Xing Tian feel a touch of excitement and a hint of arrogance in his heart. Fortunately, his luck was added. The words of the death **** and demon made Xing Tian wake up and did not fall into this terrible crisis. , So that you can pay attention to gaze at yourself, re-adjust your mentality, eliminate this terrible hidden danger of yourself, and let yourself retreat from the crisis!

"The worst preparations, even the death gods and demons have such thoughts. I have to prepare for the worst. I can't take care of everything. The world is getting too fast. I have to hide my secrets and be careful. Be cautious!" With a light sigh, Xing Tian's eyes flashed with crazy expressions. The caution in Xing Tian's heart was not as the death **** and devil wanted, but preemptive strike! Before the end of Xing Lu, only to evacuate from this world, he did not want to fight to the death with those strong men in this world, but now Xing Tian has this idea and determination, because Xing Tian can’t believe in death gods and demons, he doesn’t believe it. What he said before!

"Friends of the dead, let's make preparations. Since you and I are determined to fight to the death, then take action. I don't think you are willing to let the enemy lead by the nose. I will leave first!" At this time, Xing Tian did not If you want to explore the transformation of the death gods and demons into the underworld, you no longer want to fight the death gods and demons, but want to leave the devil kingdom.

Upon seeing Xing Tian’s sudden change, the Death God and Demon’s eyes condensed, and a bad thought came into his heart. He was worried, worried whether Xing Tian had noticed something, or how could it happen suddenly? Such a big change. It's a pity that time waits for no one. The Death Demon has no time to speculate on Xing Tian's thoughts, nor can he stop Xing Tian's departure, otherwise the situation will be even more out of control, after all, he still has a deeper secret hidden.

Under this situation, the death **** and demon can only sigh: "Finally, everything is settled like this. Fellow Daoist will go back and be ready. I don’t need Fellow Daoist to attract enemy firepower for me. I just want the key. At all times, fellow daoists can block the attack of the will of the world for me and give me some breathing time. It is best that fellow daoists can restrain those who descend from the supreme chaotic world, so that they will not make a big disturbance, and do not let the situation reappear. The changes make everything even more uncontrollable!"

In the eyes of the death gods, the appearance of these supreme chaotic world descendants has disrupted their own plans, and has damaged their own plans. If there are any more changes, the situation will really be out of control. The plan is really going to be a complete failure. Don’t look at the Death God and Demon speaking very well now, but it is not easy to let him take the initiative, because the endless years, the Death God and Demon’s mind has been affected. There is no determined heart! Cover up the secrets, what secrets can be concealed at this time, all secrets in the catastrophe are deceived!

After bidding farewell to the death **** and demon, Xing Tian sighed involuntarily after he escaped from the devil country. Regarding the death **** and demon, Xing Tian no longer had any illusions in his heart. No matter what the death **** and demon had, Xing Tian didn't want to have it again. Many contacts, although I have made a promise, it is not an oath, at most I will only help one or two when the death **** and demon is in desperate situation, and the rest can only look at the death **** and devil himself, but there is a relationship with death Xing Tian also had a hint of illusion in his heart for this dialogue between the gods and demons!

People are not for themselves, and the earth will die! The death gods are evolving into the underworld, intending to take charge of the tunnels and the power of the earth, and the will of the world has mastered the heavens. If he takes the initiative at this time and opens the curtain of the decisive battle, will it let everything erupt in full, and will it let this happen? The origin of the Three Ways of Heaven, Earth and Human in Fang World is revealed, so that you can see the operation of the world clearly, so that you can understand more of the world, so that you can have new insights, it is precisely this idea in my heart that Xing Tian Want to let go, even want to take this opportunity to make the deity's practice further.


"Time waits for no one. I really don’t have much time left for me. If three thousand chaotic star cores are used to refine the star map and condense the original source to the most precious source, it would be a waste of time and energy. The star map is not what I need. The source of the treasure, and to my deity, the source of the treasure is not important, the most important thing is your own body, the avenue of power is inaccessible in the eyes of the death gods, but this is not absolute, if I can use these three thousand chaos The star core blends into itself and opens up three thousand worlds. Perhaps I can not only go further on the Avenue of Stars, but also on the Avenue of Worlds!"

Yes, after having a conversation with the death gods and demons, Xing Tian felt in his heart again. He thought of evolving the Avenue of Stars with the Avenue of Stars, carrying the Avenue of Stars with the Avenue of Stars, and the Avenue of Cohesion with the Way of the Flesh! It is not difficult for Xing Tian to open up the world with his own "acupoint" orifice. Even without chaotic star cores as the source, Xing Tian can do it easily. Now with three thousand star cores, it is even easier. The chaotic star nucleus can condense a "hole" orifice world, leading to the Avenue of Stars!

Of course, Xing Tian also understood in his heart that the reason why the death **** and demon gave himself three thousand chaotic star cores is not a compromise. More importantly, it is a temptation. The death **** and demon is testing his own way of cultivation. Three thousand chaotic star nuclei are used to sacrifice the star map, which will inevitably make the death gods and demons have doubts and "confused" that they must be based on the Avenue of Stars. After all, the star map is no longer a treasure of the Taiping Tao. There are hidden dangers, no one will let one's original treasure have hidden dangers, even if it is only a trace of doubt, because no one can withstand the danger of backlash of the original treasure!

"Hmph, since you want to find out the news from me, then I will give you an answer. I would like to see what you are going to do and what big secrets are left in this world. The power of three thousand chaotic star cores is even worse. It will radiate a trace, and it will inevitably arouse the will of the world, and it will inevitably cause shocking changes in the world. When three thousand chaotic star nuclei move, the entire star will tremble. If this world really has chaotic gods and demons, they will also I will definitely be alarmed and startled, I want to see how they react!"

Be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years, no matter what secrets are hidden in this world, Xing Tian believes that as long as he moves, as long as he refines the three thousand chaotic star cores, the power of the star core will inevitably alarm the Quartet and let those hidden in the dark. All power is "exposed", even the final secret of the death **** and demon will be "exposed", Xing Tian doesn't think the death **** and devil will be unprepared!

The most dangerous place is the safest place. Where is the most dangerous place in the whole world today? Naturally, it is the land of the north, the border between the empire and the devil country. There are too many forces’ sights condensed here. As long as there is a slight disturbance, the major forces will inevitably be aware of it, and even make them act. This is also the most tactile area!

Did not enter the land of the north, and had contact with the king of the north, Moruo, as soon as he left the devil country, Xing Tian settled in the yellow sand at the border of the devil country and the north. At this time, Xing Tian Without paying attention to the detection gaze above the void, or the surveillance of many enemies, with a thought, the light of stars fell in all directions. In a moment, a large array of stars appeared in this junction area, and Xing Tian Cover it up.

"Damn it, what does the lunatic Xingtian want to do? What did he say to the death gods and demons in the devil kingdom, what secrets are hidden in this world, why should he settle at this junction?" When he saw Xing Tian's actions , The ancestors of the major forces of the human race frowned, calculating Xing Tian's thoughts, and for the aliens, they also wanted to know what Xing Tian was going to do!

"Could it be that Xingtian, the lunatic, has reached an agreement with the King of the North, even with the Death God and Demon. He wants to take the opportunity to reconcile the conflict between Moreau and the Death God and Demon. If so, then trouble It's getting bigger, but once Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, unites Moro and the death gods, the entire north is completely out of control!"

"Control? It's ridiculous. When did we control the north, don't underestimate Moro, don't overestimate your own strength, with the little power we arranged in the north, it is Moro who can't shake the king of the north, in fact, I I think I want these three **** to unite together. If they cooperate, it is not us, but the alien race and the empire that will be most affected. I am afraid that Xingtian, a lunatic, has no such idea at all. I am afraid that he is just treating us. Try it out!"

"Temptation? What do we have to test? At this point, we have no retreat. The death gods and demons have no retreat. The power of the demons will soon impact us and make the world tremble. At this time, Xing Tian is tempted. What use are we? We are not his greatest enemy. It is the will of the world that can prevent him from breaking free from the world's shackles. It is the will of the world, the **** of death, not us! I say that Xingtian is testing the **** of death by doing this. , Is testing the will of the world!"

Just as these words fell, the light of stars fell frantically from the void to the land of yellow sand where Xing Tian was located, and Xing Tian, ​​who was in the star formation at this moment, shouted in a deep voice: "Star Core Fusion , The "acupoint" orifice is opened, the world is condensed, open it for me!" As Xingtian's voice fell, three thousand chaotic star nuclei burst out with a strong star light, directly integrated into Xingtian's opened three thousand "acupoint" orifices , One by one "acupoint" orifice worlds are condensing quickly, condensing from that chaotic star core!

When the three thousand star cores merged into him, Xing Tian felt the whole body trembling, his blood was boiling, the connection between him and the stars was strengthened, and the feelings of the stars came to his heart. The opening of the Aperture gave me an inexplicable connection with the stars, and this connection was not the stars surrounding the realm battlefield world, but the chaotic stars!

"What a death demon, such a powerful calculation. This is the origin of the Chaos Star Core. This is the breath of the Supreme Chaos World. This **** is really sinister. It seems that he has already calculated that I will use the Chaos Star Core to enhance my strength. With the breath of this supreme chaotic world, I will never retreat. The relationship between me and the will of the world is truly endless! Even if I deliberately stop, if I deliberately do not want to be an enemy of the will of the world, I cannot do it!" Xing Tian's expression became extremely dignified, even though he was more careful, in the end he was calculated by the death **** and demon, and fell into the opponent's calculation!

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