God of Destruction

Chapter 4102: Festival stars shining nine days

Chapter Four Thousand and Tenth Chapter

Yes, when Xing Tian absorbed the power of the chaotic star core, he naturally had a connection with the supreme chaotic world. With this connection, the world will can no longer tolerate itself, because the world will also wants to swallow the supreme chaos world. Origin, wanting to strengthen his own strength, he completely stood on the opposite side of the will of the world, and even stood on the opposite side of all the chaotic gods and demons! This is the calculation of the death **** and demon, this is the conspiracy of the death **** and demon, he wants to push Xing Tian to the front desk, to protect himself from disasters, to buy himself enough time, so that he can have enough time to complete his plan!

"Haha! That's fine, since you want to play, let's play a big game, you want to count me, want me to protect you from the disaster, then I will make the disaster more fierce, maybe In your bastard’s heart, I have never regarded me as a cooperating ally. In your eyes, in your heart, I am just an object that can be used!" Nor can Xingtian think that it is the death god. A series of actions are doing this kind of pointing!

"Aren't you trying to test my avenue? Don't you want to use me as a shield? Come on, let this storm come more violently, the stars are shining for nine days, open for me, the avenue of stars descends, the stars are here!" With a deep cry from Xing Tian, ​​a powerful star aura rises from Xing Tian's body, turning into that terrifying force that is shaking the world, and at this moment, the endless stars are attracted. This is Xing Tian The power of the Avenue of Stars, this is Xing Tian’s magical power condensed by the Avenue of Stars. The stars shine for nine days, and the movement of the Avenue of Stars can shock the entire starry sky and guide the origin of the stars to bless themselves!

"Damn! How dare Xingtian, a lunatic, dare to do this? How dare he provoke the power of Zhou Tian's stars? What does he want to dare?" When the stars Yao Jiu Tian's magical powers appeared, when the endless stars were shaken, death in the devil kingdom The gods and demons were terrified. This was a result he didn't expect. He didn't expect Xing Tian to be so crazy. Before he could prepare himself, he directly aroused the origin of the Avenue of Stars and directly affected the entire world. This Avenue of Stars moved. , Not to mention the creatures of this world, even the chaotic gods and demons hidden in the dark will be alarmed, the origin of the Avenue of Stars is terrible!

At this time, there was a trace of regret in the death **** and demon's heart. He had known that Xing Tian would be so crazy and so desperate that he shouldn't have given him the three thousand chaotic star cores, and shouldn't repeat it again and again. Test Xing Tian's fictitious reality, this time my own trouble is big, the stars are shaken, the whole world is turbulent, and all the situation is developing in the worst direction!

"Damn Xingtian, even if I agree with your suggestion of letting go, it is not now. You are breaking out with all your strength at this time. What are you going to do? Could it be that you **** can see through my mind, see through my intentions, think Want to pull me to death!" The death **** and demon muttered to himself, feeling extremely depressed and extremely angry.

"No, I can't let this madman go on like this, or else my plan will be wiped out before it starts. This madman wants to cause all wars and make everything erupt completely. He is the descendant of the highest chaotic world. , He has no worries in his heart, even if his body and this world have some cause and effect, but the previous series of changes have already freed the lunatic from the shackles of cause and effect, he really has to let go!" The death **** sees through. For Xingtian's intentions, it is useless to see through, he must have the ability to stop all of this, but the death gods and demons have no such ability.

Stop Xingtian? No, this is just the beginning. Xing Tian is not an ignorant person. Now that he has made a decision, he will not hesitate to make a decision, let alone hold back. Once his star Yao Nine Heavens magical powers appear, he naturally has to do his best. To pay, to achieve his own goals, Xing Tian not only wants to alarm the whole world, but also to attract everyone’s attention. That is only incidental. Xing Tian’s real idea is to sacrifice and evolve his own supernatural powers. !

"Pick the stars and take the moon, swallow the stars, and come to me!" Soon there was another deep cry. When the stars were shaken, Xing Tian made another move. This time, instead of attracting the origin of the stars, he picked the stars and took the moon directly. Swallow the stars in the void, directly plunder the stars above the starry sky, directly integrate them into oneself, and perfect one's own avenue of stars.

As Xing Tian’s voice fell, stars fell from the void and turned into meteors rushing towards Xing Tian, ​​and the falling of the stars had a huge impact on this world. , The falling of every star is shaking the origin of the world, all affecting the changes in this world, and even impacting the origin of the world!

"Damn Xingtian, your crazy plan is to swallow the stars to evolve your own avenue, to promote your own avenue of stars, you are really desperate, you really don’t care about anything in your heart, maybe you are I really don’t care about the destruction of this world, and the life and death of the creatures in this world!" Watching the falling of the shooting stars, I feel the breath of Xingtian that is close at hand is constantly increasing, not to mention the mood of the death god. How annoyed.

Xingtian is outside of his own demon kingdom. As long as the death **** and demon are willing, the earth can stop Xingtian’s madness, but at this time, if the death **** and demon can not bear the terrible cause and effect, nor can they bear the consequences, one shot means All previous transactions with Xing Tian will be turned into nothingness, and all the costs he has paid will be turned into flowing water. Xing Tian will completely lose his bondage, will be more crazier and more violent, making the situation more unfavorable to him.

"Perhaps I was really wrong. The calculation must be calculated by others. Any conspiracy and trickery are not withstandable in the face of absolute power. Just like Xing Tian now, no matter how much calculation is in my heart, it is crazy like him. I cannot withstand a single blow in front of the power. It seems that the endless years have really made me lose a lot of things, and my mood really has a big problem!" As an ancient chaos **** and demon, as a chaos **** and demon hidden in the dark. , The Death God and Demon quickly noticed its own hidden dangers, but time has passed too far. Even if the Death God and Demon are aware of themselves, it is very difficult to change!


"Damn, how could this happen, even if I intend to make up for my own hidden dangers, it is too late. The endless years affect not only my will, but also my own soul. Unless I am willing to cut the soul, it will be difficult to make up for my own hidden dangers!" In an instant, the death spirit became extremely heavy. He really didn't expect that he would fall into such a crisis.

Originally, the death **** and demon wanted to use Xingtian as a substitute for the dead ghosts to protect themselves from disasters, but now everything is "chaotic". Xingtian's action has completely shattered the original plan, and Xingtian's movement has caused the whole world to be in turmoil. No one would think that Xing Tian’s move to pick up the stars and take the moon was practicing, and was Xing Tian’s own choice. For the will of the world and the civilizations of many races, they would think that this was the calculation of the death **** and demon. It was the death **** and demon who supported him, who made Xing Tian just walk out of the death **** and devil's kingdom and stay outside the devil kingdom so well.

"Chaos aura, the origin of chaos, it seems that the death **** and demon really can't bear it. This is the power of the chaotic star core. In the endless years, the death **** and demon do not know how many chaotic star cores have been swallowed, and now this chaotic aura has appeared again, Moreover, appearing on an ant like Xing Tian, ​​it seems that the Death God and Demon's plan is extraordinary. With such a huge aura, it can be seen that the death God and Demon has paid amazingly. He really wants to launch the final battle. He does not want to continue to compromise! "While feeling the terrifying chaotic aura in the area where Xing Tian was located, the World Will was muttering to himself, and as his words fell, a series of murderous intentions radiated from the World Will, and the World Will did not want to continue. Waiting, since the death gods and demons are going to fight, they will fight a battle, a showdown, other than the world will can think of other solutions.

There is no choice or retreat in the battle of the great roads. Although I don’t know how much resources Xing Tian condenses this powerful avenue of stars from the death gods and demons, it is impossible for the world will to watch Xing Tian grow, and it is impossible to look at it. The world is out of its own control bit by bit, at this time the world will must fight to the death!

"War! Death God and Demon, don't hide it anymore, let's let go of a battle, let's fight for life and death!" A thunder rang from the void, and the power of the will of the world also descended on the earth, and the body condensed by the heavenly origin appeared in death. Above the kingdom of gods and demons!

"Asshole, I know that when the madman Xing Tian starts his hand, this **** world will can't help but come to the door. Xing Tian, ​​this **** boiled egg, really killed me. The world will has come, and it won’t take long to notice this. The secrets under the devil kingdom, I noticed that my true spirit evolved in the underworld, the battle between heaven and earth is inevitable!" The face of the death **** demon "shows" endless killing intent, which is not only aimed at the will of the world. More Xing Tian, ​​because Xing Tian led the deterioration of the situation!

Without waiting for the death **** and demon to speak, before the death **** and demon attacked, Xing Tian, ​​who was hidden among the stars, snorted coldly: "The world will, you want to fight me to fight you, I want to see. As the way of heaven, how powerful you are in charge of the origin of the way of heaven, can make the death gods and demons afraid, can shock the endless years of this world, come on, let us give it a go, let me see the way of heaven How powerful and terrifying is the power!"

While speaking, a starlight rose up in the void, and the stars flickered frantically, and merged with the starlight. In a moment, the starlight evolved into a powerful real body of law, waved and grabbed the void. Go, work directly on the will of the world, directly kicking off this life and death duel, and directly blocking the so-called disaster for the death gods and demons!

This is Xingtian's promise to the Death God and Demon. No matter how despicable and insidious the Death God and Demon is, Xingtian has to help the Death God and Demon Jin Time, and has to help the Death God and Demon avoid the impact of the will of the world and avoid that. The shock of death!

"Xingtian of the bastard! It seems that he really understood my plan, and even dared to fight against the will of the world at this time and under such circumstances to repay my cause and effect. If this **** continues, it won't take long. The cause and effect that caused Xing Tian to owe before will disappear. I am still too arrogant, too self-righteous, and too small to look at Xing Tian. This **** is smarter and terrifying than I thought!" The death **** is yelling at Xing Tian, In his opinion, Xing Tian was a trampling on the covenant, but Xing Tian took the initiative again, and he didn't give himself any excuses, leaving himself nothing to say!

The reason for agreeing with Xingtian’s suggestion is that for the death **** and devil, he only used Xingtian to fend off disasters for himself. Now that the death **** and devil’s plan has been shattered, he must face the anger of the will of the world, even if Xingtian takes action now, death The danger of gods and demons has not been eliminated. On the contrary, the danger is even greater, and they will directly realize what everyone thinks.

"What a Xing Tian, ​​such a fierce counterattack, directly "forced" me to the point where I had to fight, so I had to take the initiative to stand up. You are not protecting me from disasters, but "forcing" me to become an enemy of the world. , To be the enemy of all living beings, you have to use me to draw out the chaos gods and demons hidden in the dark. It’s so calculating, but it’s a pity that you too overestimate your own abilities, and you too underestimate the foundation of this world, and underestimate the world’s Secret, look down on the will of the world!” When he said this, the death **** and demon's eyes flashed with terrible murderous intent. At this moment, he was really right to kill Xingtian. If the death **** and demon were still holding to use Xingtian before In his mind, the only thought in his mind now is to kill Xingtian and destroy this **** who would threaten his safety at any time!

Yes, at this time, in the heart of the death **** and demon, Xing Tian has become a mortal! The death **** and demon never thought that the situation in this world would change so quickly, just for a short period of time, he and Xing Tian became an endless enemy, and Xing Tian directly pulled himself into this crazy and terrible In the life and death duel!

The death **** and demon can still fight off Xingtian's calculations, and can also free himself from this terrible crisis? It's difficult, because with the advent of the will of the world and the crazy attack of Xingtian, the creatures in this world have their own ideas. The ambitions of those ancestors are growing wildly, and they die in their eyes. The gods and demons, Xingtian, and the will of the world have become the objects of their greed. Yes, they have a killing intent in their hearts. They are killing the gods and demons, Xingtian and the will of the world. They want to plunder their luck. Plundering the origin, Xing Tian made such a change in the world with just one hand. It cannot be said that everything is really terrible.

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