God of Destruction

Chapter 4104: Let go

Chapter 4,112, Let Go

"Forbearance, bastard, you know to say forbearance, how do you let us endure such things, whether the world will be good, or the death gods, they are all our dead enemies, no matter which of these two **** wins, they are waiting for us. There is only one dead end. On the contrary, Xing Tian’s lunatic threat is the smallest, because he never thought of seizing the origin of this world, and the will of the world and the death gods are all with the idea of ​​refining this world. And we are the nutrients in their eyes. How can we endure this situation? If we listen to you, we will have a dead end!"

Finally someone could not help but stand up against the anger in their hearts. The current situation really makes him intolerable, because the situation is too dangerous. Whether it is the attitude of the death gods or the will of the world, they are not good for their ancestors, as long as the world Being refined by others, their lives and deaths are in the hands of others. This is a result that no one can accept!

"Yes, we really can't bear it anymore. For us, these two **** are best to hurt both sides, so that we will be the safest, and we will be able to gain enough time to surpass the world and get rid of this terrible threat. If either of them is allowed to win, there is only a dead end waiting for us. This is a consequence that no one can bear!"

"Be prepared for war. No matter how the situation develops, as long as the world will fight the death gods and demons, it is an opportunity for us. What we have to do now is to prepare with all our strength and wait for the moment when the opposing party will fight. At the time of victory or defeat, that is when we take action, when we break free from our destiny. As long as we work together, we can take this opportunity to slay the will of the world and the gods of death. As long as they die, the crisis of this world Naturally relieved!"

"Hey!" When hearing these words, some people couldn't help but gasped in horror. This is really crazy. They want to kill the death **** and the world will, although this is indeed a very first time. Good opportunities, but opportunities do not represent results. If everyone fails, the consequences will be even more disastrous, and their situation will be even more dangerous!

Seeing some people’s horrified and unbelievable faces, a sneer rang out again: "At this time, we have no retreat. In that case, why don't we give it a try, if you have this in your heart? If we don’t have courage, then I have nothing to say. Everyone parted ways. This is not a trifling matter. If we can’t work together, we won’t have any chance of victory. Don’t try to negotiate peace with the enemy. It’s impossible. The death gods and demons are real enemies with the will of the world. They are immortal, and there is no room for both sides to relax!

Endlessness, this is the relationship between the world’s creatures, the world’s will, and the death gods and demons. For them, once the real master of the world appears, they will destroy their bodies and souls, and they will surely turn them into nutrients and nourish the world again. !

"War! At this point in the situation, we have no choice. Even the lunatic Xingtian dared to let go, risking his life to seize the opportunity in front of us. There is nothing we dare not do. Xingtian is truly capable. Beyond the shackles of this world, he has the ability to retreat from the tribulation, but he has done this, we have to hesitate, and if he hesitates, it will really be dead and no life, and there will be no chance of comeback. Give it a go, this is our last chance!"

war! For some people, the heart is full of enthusiasm, but for others, it is fearful! Let it go, it is not as simple as it is said, it requires great courage, not everyone has such courage!

"We can let go, fight the death gods and demons, and the world will, but this world does not have our human race, there are other race civilizations, if we let go, fight with the world will, and the death gods and demons We lose both sides, while other race civilizations will reap the benefits of the fisherman. We still can’t get the most benefit, or even sacrifice ourselves and the entire human race. So I don’t think this proposal will work unless we can civilization with other races. Reach an agreement!"

Cold spot! When these words fell, the atmosphere immediately cooled down! To reach an agreement with civilizations of other races, let’s not say what the ancestors of those race civilizations would think, just time does not allow it. You must know that the world’s will has been eyeing the death gods and demons, and the war is on the verge. There is still time for them to contact others!

"The war is about to start. We don't have so much time. Instead of contacting other ethnic civilizations, we might as well contact the lunatic Xingtian. If we can get his help, maybe we can have the last laugh!"

"Hmph! Ignorance! How could that lunatic Xingtian cooperate with us? Don’t forget how much grievances we have with this lunatic. If he doesn’t hurt us, it’s hard to get a killer. If you count on him to join hands with us, this is Tianda. Joke!"

The war is on the verge, but the human race is still in constant disputes and still unable to unite and cooperate. This situation is doomed to miss the opportunity, and it is destined that the desire to give it a go is impossible to realize. Some people have rivers and lakes, some people have grievances, no Everyone can start from the overall situation, not everyone will focus on the overall situation!

auzw.com did not wait for the many ancestors of the human race to make a decision, and the war broke out. The world will know what the death gods and monsters are making. The longer the time is, the more beneficial it is for the death gods and monsters. Under such circumstances, how can the world's will hesitate! When seeing the death **** and demon still not reacting at all, and didn't want to stand up and fight against him, the world will immediately lowered the sky full of thunder punishment, and the endless thunder fell like a torrential rain, falling on this demon country!

With a loud rumbling sound, under the thunder like a torrential rain, the entire Demon Kingdom was greatly impacted, countless demon qi was destroyed by the thunder, and the creatures in the Demon Kingdom were also destroyed. Assault, the demons gathered from all over the world by the death gods and demons fell under the thunder. They were killed by the thunder. It was only a few breaths of time. The entire demons suffered a huge impact, and the world of the demons began to happen. The weird changes and endless resentment burst out, making the entire Demon Kingdom weird and terrifying!

"Damn it! The Devil Kingdom did not collapse directly under the thunder of heaven, but an abnormal change occurred. This is another conspiracy of the death **** and demon. He has already guessed that the will of the world will not help but make a move, and the thunder will come down. All this has been arranged, waiting for the will of the world to take the initiative to come to the door, the appearance of this endless grievance accelerates the perfection of the underworld, **** it, this is another conspiracy, I have been calculated by the death **** from the beginning to the end, but he just came to me. In order to lure the world's will to be fooled!" Xing Tian's heart was cast a shadow when he saw the endless resentment, and he immediately understood the calculations of the death gods and demons.

Originally Xing Tian thought that the death gods and demons wooed him to deal with the will of the world. The death gods and demons paid so much price. He just wanted to make himself a substitute for the death ghosts, but did not expect the other party to have deeper calculations. With the strange changes in the country, Xing Tian has an endless intent to kill the death **** and demon in his heart. It is too dangerous to make a deal with such a sinister and vicious bastard. If the death **** and demon’s conspiracy is allowed to succeed, if he can really perfect the underworld, Having mastered the origin of the tunnel and the authority of the earth, I am afraid that I will not escape to death. Perhaps this **** never wanted to leave himself!

"What a death demon, so crazy, so insidious, so vicious calculation, you are calculating everyone, everyone is under your control, you are guiding everything, you pay so much The price is just to use me to draw the will of the world into the game. Could it be that you are really sure that you can completely control this world and refine this world!"

This situation is not impossible. The Death God and Demon paid a huge price, using endless years as their own calculations, and has been waiting for this moment. If the Death God and Demon really have to arrange everything, Xing Tian will I don’t think it’s impossible, and if such a situation occurs, I’m in danger. The will of the world has blocked the entire void of the world and severed my connection with the Supreme Chaos World, even if I have a body of power. Unable to break through the blockade of the will of the world, unable to contact the origin of the supreme chaotic world, unable to escape from here!

Kill with a knife! The death **** is really too insidious. He has calculated everything. Everyone is a **** in his conspiracy. In the end, he wants to use this catastrophe to destroy all the creatures in the whole world, and he wants to reshape the world!

"Those **** of the human race can't count on it, and civilized creatures of other races can't count on it. If they really have the belief in a fight to the death, they won't have no reaction now, perhaps in the hearts of these bastards, they want to sit back. For the benefit of the fisherman, he underestimated the madness of the death **** and demon, and underestimated the death **** and devil's calculations, waiting for them is not a chance, but death!" When thinking about this, Xing Tian couldn't help but shook his head, his face " Lu showed a look of helplessness.

Although Xing Tian can see through the calculations of the death gods and demons, and understand the sinister and viciousness of the death gods and demons, he cannot change all of this, cannot stop all of them, even if he stands up and tells the many ancestors of this world, No one will believe it, because all they have in their hearts are benefits. They all want to reap the benefits of the fisherman. The Death God must see through the hearts of the people, and is "fucking" people's hearts and letting everything arrange the development of his plan. Go down!

"Chaos gods and demons, time gods and demons, do they really exist? If these chaotic gods and demons really have to make calculations in this world, why don't they take action at this moment, what are they waiting for, or are they just fictional death gods? Everything, or the action of the will of the world, really blocked everything, and even the backhands of the chaotic gods and demons were blocked?” For a moment, Xing Tian thought of a lot, but Xing Tian could not determine the truth of the matter, because the death gods were hiding Is too deep.

Waiting to die? No, Xing Tian doesn’t want to sit still. Although the situation is developing in a direction that is unfavorable to him, although everything is "fucked" by the death god, Xing Tian does not think that this situation is impossible to solve, even if it is the death **** Great, as long as everything is not over, then there is a chance. Xingtian will not give up lightly, especially giving up also means death. This will make Xingtian not give up, and even Xingtian will find a way to break the situation!

"Wait! Now the power of the will of the world is too strong, and the power of the blockade of the entire world is too strong. At this time, if I try to break the blockade by force, it will definitely attract the attention of the will of the world, and even the will of the world. If I am not careful, maybe I will be calculated by the death **** and devil again. I have to wait patiently and wait for the time to come!"

It is not advisable for Xing Tian to attack rashly, because the death **** and demon hides too deeply, even Xing Tian doesn’t know how many back-hands this **** has, how many conspiracies and tricks he still has, once he "intervenes" in the war, The situation will inevitably undergo new changes, and he will also fall into a terrible life and death crisis, and become a substitute for the death gods and demons.

Wait, Xing Tian can only wait, waiting for the moment when the death gods and the world will confront each other, waiting for the moment when these two **** are both injured. Only when this moment appears, is the best time to break the game! Of course, for Xing Tian, ​​he never thought about taking advantage of the fisherman’s profit, wanting to take the opportunity to kill all the will of the world and the death gods and devils, devouring their origins, and refining the world. Xing Tian did not have such big ambitions. He just wanted to take the opportunity to break free from the shackles of the world and retreat from this world!

Yes! Xing Tian just wanted to leave. He had no other thoughts. In Xingtian's view, no matter how severe the injury of the death gods and demons and the will of the world, he could not attack them, because the injured beasts were the most terrible. Once he shot, this Two **** are likely to pull themselves to death, and for them, they will not let others step on their bodies to get this world!

For many people, the fascination of the origin of a world is huge, and being able to become the lord of a world has endless attraction, but for Xing Tian, ​​this is nothing, because Xing Tian does not need to refine this world. There is no need to seize everything in this world. Xing Tian has his own world avenue. After refining this world, he may not be able to bring him much help, so that he can go further on the world avenue, and Xing Tian I don't know if the depths of this world really have the calculations of the time gods and gods mentioned by the death gods and gods. If there are, if you attack yourself, you will only fall into a more terrible crisis!

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