God of Destruction

Chapter 4105: Festival shot

The fourth one hundred and thirteenth chapter shot

The struggle for the origin of the world and the struggle for world power has plunged the entire world into terrible disasters. When the world’s will mobilizes the power of heaven to bombard the devil country frantically, and constantly strikes the death gods and demons, the entire world falls into a terrible situation. In the turmoil, countless volcanic eruptions and tsunamis appeared, countless lives and deaths fell into the crisis of death, endless grievances condensed in this world, the destruction of living beings, the arrival of disasters to the living belt of this world Here comes endless pain!

With the destruction of the earth, with the death of life and death, the breath of the Demon Kingdom not only did not dissipate, on the contrary, in the strange grievances, the power of the Demon Kingdom was continuously refined, and a terrible breath was rapidly condensing, that It is the power of the earth's authority, that is the power of the original origin, the perfection of the underworld, and the acceleration of the death gods and demons' grasp of this world!

shocked! In just a short period of time, the major forces and many ethnic civilizations who were waiting and watching were dumbfounded. They were all shocked by everything in front of them. No one thought that under such a terrible thunder strike, the Devil Kingdom It actually still exists, the death **** and demon didn't even "show" his face, so he easily blocked the crazy bombardment of the will of the world! Yes! In the eyes of these ancestors, the death **** and demon easily blocked the terrible attack, which was beyond their imagination!

Is this really the case? Are death gods really as easy as those ancestors thought? I’m afraid it’s not necessarily, it’s just the self-righteous thoughts of the ancestors. They are not the death gods and demons, nor did they experience the terrible attack firsthand. Perhaps the suffering involved is only known by the death gods and demons, and how much he has paid. People can understand.

No matter how much the death **** and demon paid, one thing is certain, in the endless years, the death **** and demon really have done too much preparation, and it can even be said that it is perfect preparation, so it can be under such a terrible blow It is still intact, still able to ignore the challenge of the will of the world, and still able to sit still, just from the performance of the death **** and devil, it is enough to shock everyone, the death **** and devil is more terrifying than everyone thinks, and the world will also Not as scary as everyone thinks!

"Damn, what is going on, how can things be like this? Could it be that the will of the world is not equal to the death gods and demons, the real winner is the death gods and demons, if the death gods and demons win, there will be the existence of the demons, we Is it really possible to threaten his life and death? Is it really possible to take the opportunity to kill him?" At this moment, there are not many people who have lost the confidence of the past. After all, the impact of all this has been too great for everyone. They cannot accept it.

The situation did not develop as the ancestors thought. Such a situation made them more uneasy and more fearful. At this time, some people gradually realized their understanding. All this seems to be guided by the death gods and demons. At the beginning, this situation was under the control of the death gods, but no one had noticed before!

"What to do?" Those who have a sense of understanding are asking themselves. At this time, although they want to remind others that they want to reconsider countermeasures, when they think about the performance of everyone before, this idea is instantly dispelled, trusting this. Once things are shattered, it is very difficult to rebuild it again, especially in today's crisis-ridden situation, no one is willing to risk his life, no one is willing to trust his life in the hands of others.

No matter how you think about it, they can’t find a way to break the situation, and they can’t solve the immediate problem, because their strength is not enough to change the general situation, not enough to participate in this battle, even if they can see through the mind of the death god, they can Understand the other party's calculations, but still can only watch by the side without strong power. This is the result of insufficient power.

clown! At this time, the many ancestors who saw the essence of the matter couldn’t help but sigh in their hearts. All of their previous actions were like clowns. They originally thought they could control the general situation, but in fact they were wrong. In front of the devil and the will of the world, he is just a clown, unable to get on the stage at all!

"No, the will of the world cannot be defeated like this. No matter how strong the death **** and demon are, no matter how prepared, it is still impossible to succeed in the face of the power of heaven. I believe that the will of the world must have a way to reverse the situation!" Suddenly, there was a voice. It sounded in the ears of everyone, and finally someone came out of the shock, and was not affected by this external force, calming their minds!

No solution! No, this war has just begun, and the attack of the will of the world is just a temptation. It is still far from the end. It's just that no one thought that the death **** would be so powerful, so they couldn't be shocked for a while. When the voice sounded, some people finally came to their senses. A trace of horror and fear flashed in their eyes. Silently, their own will was affected. This is a catastrophe of heaven and earth. The influence on oneself, or the layout of the death gods and demon, is he silently affected by the death gods and the world will?

Unfortunately, no one can find out. Time does not allow them to do so. If they try to detect the truth at this time, they will only plunge themselves into this terrible war. No matter which ancestor, they have none. Absolute confidence can withstand the impact of this war, and no confidence can retreat.

"Yes, this battle is just the beginning. It's just a temptation of the world will on the death gods and demons. Although the sky is rolling and thunder is like a torrential rain, all this is just the beginning. If the world will can't even shake the death gods and demons, then Nor will he be in charge of the endless years of heaven, nor will he come directly to the door and make the final battle with the death gods and demons!"


At this moment, Xing Tian's gaze was staring at the Demon Kingdom, feeling the changes from the Demon Kingdom, feeling the changes in the void, and feeling the changes in the world. For many people, they only saw the billowing thunder, and what they saw It's just the surface, but Xing Tian is looking at the root of this situation, feeling the changes in the origin of the world, and feeling the changes in the general situation!

At this time, Xing Tian could clearly feel the terrifying demon energy that came from the depths of the earth. At this time, the demon energy was no longer the calm that Xing Tian felt when he entered the depths of the earth before, nor was it so stable, but became extremely violent. , What shocked Xing Tian most was that with the thunder rolling in and the attack of the will of the world, the devil energy was taking in the source of the tunnel, and the devil energy was devouring the source of the tunnel. The evolution of the death **** and the demon's will may be only the surface, he really The purpose is to replace the origin of the tunnel with the devil's energy, and let the devil's way swallow the tunnel. The devil's energy is the killer of the death **** and devil, and the greatest power of the death **** and devil!

Swallowing the tunnel with the magic way, replacing the tunnel origin with the magic way, and mastering the power of the earth. When he thought of this, Xing Tian couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath. He still underestimated the madness of the death **** and demon. Heaven is in the grasp of the will of the world. The death **** and demon seemed to replace humanity with the magic way, and created the magic country for this, but this time I am afraid it is only the surface. His real purpose is to be tunnel, but directly swallow the source of tunnel and humanity. The magic way has swallowed the tunnel and the human way. Even if the world will master the way of heaven, it is useless, and it is no longer the opponent of the death gods. At this time, Xing Tian finally understood what the death gods and demons were doing during the endless years. This is the hidden power and the true purpose of the death gods and demons!

When the war between the death **** and the will of the world broke out, Xing Tian gradually discovered that the death **** and monster was hiding so deeply. Perhaps this is the moment the death **** and monster has been waiting for. This is the moment he has been looking forward to, but this A moment later, Xing Tian also fell into a crisis, and was also calculated by the death gods. This battle was inevitable!

This is a battle of life and death. It is either life or death. There is no other result. How overbearing and crazy is the power of the magic way, Xing Tian can clearly perceive it in his own feelings, and this magic way is the death of the gods and demons. Will is all the hard work of the death **** and demon, and it is also the cohesion of his avenue. The longer the time is, the more advantageous it is for the death **** and demon, because now he has the general trend, he has mastered everything, and he is presiding over everything. , Is guiding everything!

"No matter what power the world will has, no matter what hidden means the world will has, I can't wait any longer at this time, and the consequences will be unimaginable after waiting. The death **** is really terrible!" For Xing Tian, Originally didn’t want to be so eager to do it, but the current situation “forces” Xingtian has to do it, and then waits for Xingtian to worry that the death **** and demon will really have complete control of the general situation. There is no possibility of the world will turning over. Once the world will is defeated, he He couldn't escape death. For the sake of his own life, Xing Tian had to take action, and had to express his stance, and had to draw a clear line with the death gods and demons!

"The Great Way of Ending, the Spear of Ending! Go to death for me, death god! This is the price you calculate for me. No one can calculate me without paying the price. Even if you pay your life today, you will never want to conspire to succeed. , Kill me!" With Xing Tian's deep cry, the King of End burst out with all his power. Under the blessing of the Great Way of End, the Spear of Ending, the Primordial Treasure, penetrated directly into the earth, and blasted directly at the underworld deep in the earth. Kill away!

"Damn Xingtian, are you going to abandon your vow? Do you know the consequences of doing so?" When Xingtian attacked, the death **** and demon was completely furious. In his eyes, Xingtian was betrayal, but he forgot I'm calculating the penalty days first!

"Oath! No, I did not abandon the oath. I have done what I can do. Now when I am asking you for cause and effect, you are too insidious and too vicious. Even your allies can calculate and do everything. Sacrifice, in your heart you do not regard me as an ally, in your heart you just want to swallow my origin, you never want me to leave this world, your real purpose is just to be able to maximize yourself The origin, all living beings are the targets of your devouring!" In the face of the death god's accusation, Xing Tian did not hesitate at all, and directly revealed the death **** and devil's conspiracy!

"Damn, how could Xingtian know my plan? It is impossible to do this with his strength. If he really has such ability, when I invite him into the Demon Kingdom, when he comes into contact with the Underworld, he should have something. It’s right to perceive. Could it be the will of the world? It is the will of the world that guides Xingtian. If so, everything can be explained clearly. Why the first target of the will of the world’s attack is not Xingtian, but is directed at me, the **** world Will, you are too insidious!" At this time, the death **** and demon pushed everything onto the world will, thinking that all this was the calculation of the world will.

In the eyes of the Death God, neither he nor the world will regard the creatures of this world as the same thing. All creatures are just nutrients. It is reasonable for Xing Tian to be targeted by the world will. After all, Xing Tian has great luck in his body, has the origin of the highest chaotic world, and can swallow Xing Tian, ​​which is of great benefit to himself!

Xing Tian didn’t care about the words of the death gods and devil, and didn’t care what the death gods and devil thoughts now. After taking the shot, Xing Tian would no longer hide. The power of the Great Way of Ending was all about attacking the death gods and devil, creating opportunities for the world will The chance to seriously hurt the death **** and devil, destroy the plan of the death **** and devil! Of course, Xing Tian also has his own ambitions in his heart. Xing Tian hopes to take this opportunity to truly understand the magic ways of the death gods and gods and truly feel the original changes in this world!

The World Road is not just a retreat and practice. If you can learn from the World Road of the Death God and Demon, it will be a great opportunity for Xing Tian, ​​but the current situation is too dangerous, and Xing Tian doesn’t know if he can think about it. Realization, after all, the death **** and devil hides too deeply, Xing Tian doesn't know whether his road to the end can touch the core power of the death **** and devil, whether it can penetrate into the core of the underworld, and whether it can shake the death **** and demon's defenses.

When Xing Tian made his move, when the roar of the death **** and demon sounded, those who watched the battle were once again dumbfounded. They did not expect that at this time, under this situation, Xing Tian was crazy against the water and suddenly attacked the death **** and demon. All this It was a little hard for them to accept. They were originally allies, but they became mortal enemies in an instant, and they made a big shot!

"Damn the situation, in what direction is this going, and what should we do? Why is there a war between Death God and Xingtian? Why are we excluded from this decisive battle? Could it be that we are all just Ants can't touch the secrets of this world at all, can they only be cannon fodder?"

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