God of Destruction

Chapter 4106: Chaos

Chapter 4114 "Chaos"

This is the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, nothing is impossible, everything is possible in the Great Tribulation! Xing Tian’s action has pushed the situation forward a lot, making the whole world different. The power of Ending Dao directly threatens the origin of the death **** and demon. Although Xing Tian’s Ending Dao is still very weak, no matter how weak it is, it is With incomparable lethality, it is worthy of the death **** and devil to treat it with caution. The death **** and devil dare not let Xingtian’s end spear penetrate into his underworld, and he dared not let the end spear touch his source, which would be a serious threat To your own safety!

"The **** Xing Tian turned back at this time. This **** seemed to have really grasped my weakness and really understood my layout. I knew that this **** had such a vision. I shouldn't let him go. Kill him before you even start, even if you pay a little price, you will never hesitate!" At this time, there was a trace of regret in the heart of the death **** and demon, but it was a pity that everything was too late, and things had already happened. , He can only face all this.

If there is no threat of the will of the world, the death **** and demon can completely free up his hand to bombard Xingtian’s king of the end clone in one fell swoop, and can destroy the threat of Xingtian, but now under the oppression of the world’s will, the death **** and demon cannot get out of it at all. No more power can be distinguished. Don’t look at the current world will as if there is no threat. The billowing thunder did not cause a fatal blow to the devil country, but this is just a test. The death **** and devil understand deeply that at this time If you are distracted to deal with Xingtian, you will plunge yourself into a crisis of death, giving the world will the opportunity to hit yourself hard!

Allies, at this time, the death gods and demons once again sighed, and once again realized the important "sex" of allies. It is a pity that there was an ally that he could rely on but was given up by the death gods. Only when you fall into this terrible situation will you fall into the crisis of being attacked by the will of the world and Xing Tian.

"It can't be procrastinated. If you procrastinate in this way, I am afraid that the powerful people of many racial civilizations in this world will not be able to bear it, and will jump out and attack themselves one by one. The longer the delay, the more disadvantaged it will be !" After a light sigh, the death **** demon shook his head slightly, he could no longer have any reservations, or the situation would be even more out of control, one step wrong would lead to a wrong step, and he miscalculated in Xing Tian's calculations, and even the situation It's out of control, now I can't go wrong anymore!

"The magic way comes, the magic dyes the world, the magic controls the universe!" With a deep cry, the death gods and demons broke out, and the terrible magic energy rushed out from the depths of the earth. This terrible magic energy directly infects the entire world. , The power of the Demon Kingdom broke out in an instant, and it instantly enveloped most of the world, causing most of the world to fall into the world of the Demon Kingdom. This is the power of the Demon Dao, this is the power of the Demon to master the universe, it is a pity that the time of the death **** It is too short. If you can wait for a while to make your avenue more complete, it will not cover most of the world, but the whole world, and the whole world will be in your own demon country!

"Surrender, or death!" For an instant, all living beings shrouded in the devil country had such a voice. This is the voice of the death **** and the demon. At this moment, the death **** and devil has no time to waste. After negotiating with the many ethnic civilizations, he used the most direct and violent means to solve the problem, and directly made such a voice!

"Asshole! How dare the Death Demon be so rampant? What he wants to do, what he thinks he is, dare to directly threaten us and let us surrender to him!" In an instant, this overbearing command of the Death Demon caused dissatisfaction among all creatures. , Aroused the fire of anger in their hearts, and made those strong men a murderous heart.

"Surrender, let us surrender, does he have that qualification? Now he is attacked by the world will and the lunatic Xingtian. Under such circumstances, he dares to threaten us. I am really ignorant, arrogant, and knowing whether to live or die!" No one regards the threat of death as the same thing. In those people's hearts, they don't think that the death gods have the ability to threaten everyone's safety.

"The **** ant actually ignored my good intentions. Since you are so unaware of advancing or retreating, then destroy them all, turn them into the nutrients of my magic way, and destroy me!" The death **** and demon screamed, the source of that terrible magic way. It falls directly on all living beings. For those weak creatures, before they have time to react, they die directly, and their essence is swallowed by the magic way, becoming the nourishment of the death **** and devil, and nourishing the death **** and devil. origin.

"Damn, the **** of the death **** dare to attack me!" When the origin of the magic way attacked itself, the powerful beings were all angry at them. This is what they thought of, they couldn't believe the death **** Under such circumstances, they attacked them, but this is the truth, and all of this has already happened. Without preparation, everyone was caught off guard, and suddenly plunged into passiveness!

This is the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth. Nothing in the Great Tribulation is impossible. In order to survive, the Death God and Demon cannot be too crazy, and for the Death God and Demon, this is just a plan ahead of time, no big deal. Yes, the death of the gods and demons with this shot, the creatures in most of the world are dead and souls, return to the embrace of the earth, and turn into the nutrients of the magic way, so that the source of the death gods and the magic way has been strengthened, and his magic way has evolved again. One point, the mastery of the tunnel is strengthened!

"Ignorance, these ignorant **** really deserve to die. They dare to be so careless in the catastrophe. Isn't this a gift to the death **** and devil? It doesn't matter if you want to die, but don't hurt others. Your ignorance and stupidity hurt others. People!" At the moment when the death gods and demons broke out, Xing Tian couldn't help but become very annoyed. He was very angry at the ignorant bastards. The war had already begun, but these people had no preparation. This is really outrageous and too much. It's unacceptable! The ignorance of these people has doubled the pressure on Xing Tian. Although the death **** and devil devotes most of their energy to the will of the world, Xing Tian also bears a small part of the power. For a existence like the death **** and demon, every point With the growth of the origin, the combat power will be doubled!

auzw.com"The origin of the world is being controlled by the death gods and demons, and the power of the magic way is eroding the tunnel and the humanity. If it weren't for this big battle to break out too early, I'm afraid that the death gods and demons would take action. And humanity is completely swallowed up, and the world will that only masters the heavens can really resist the erosion of the death gods and demons, and can it protect the origin of this world?" At this time, Xing Tian's heart was vaguely worried, a trace of the world The distrust of the will, after all, the death of the **** demon was too terrible this time, and his calculations were too terrifying, so Xing Tian felt the strong malice and the terrible murderous intent!

Although there are many worries in his heart, Xing Tian has no choice now. The Death God and Demon also knocked out the last hope in Xing Tian's heart this time. He and the Death God and Demon are endless, and he must win this battle no matter what. , Must destroy the death gods and demons, or waiting for oneself must be death, but Xing Tian can't be like those ignorant people, not prepared at all, being beaten by surprise, Xing Tian must also take precautions against the will of the world.

Be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years, the more at this time, the more under such circumstances, you must be cautious, don’t look at the current world will as if it is not against the death gods, but who can know if this is a conspiracy, Is it the calculation of the will of the world, if you are not prepared at all, when the will of the world strangles the death **** and demon, will it directly kill yourself?

"You can’t be careless. It’s indispensable to be caught between the will of the world and the **** of death, no matter how much you prepare, whether it’s the will of the world or the **** of death, they are all sinister and vicious bastards, and they cannot be taken lightly. Otherwise, it will only be me who will suffer in the end, and it will only be me who will die. Compared with them, my background is still far behind!" After a light sigh in his heart, Xing Tian was also extremely worried about the current situation. Being caught in such a crisis is an opportunity and a crisis for oneself. Life and death may only be between one's own thoughts, only in that moment!

Yes! In this environment, life and death are only between Xingtian’s thoughts. Once his calculation fails, the consequences will be devastating. It is precisely with this understanding that Xingtian’s end king clone will be desperate. Launching the strongest attack, the Spear of End continues to pierce the depths of the earth, constantly obliterating the origin of the death gods and demons, even if they suffer heavy losses!

You know, the price Xing Tian pays for urging the Spear of End to fight against the Demon Dao is unimaginable. Every minute and every second, the origin of the King of Xingtian End will have a huge consumption, and such consumption will seriously affect him. Xing Tian still did so, and the harmony was so clean and neat, without any hesitation!

With the passage of time, the pressure on Xing Tian's body is increasing, because even if he shot himself, even if the death gods and demons broke out, but the will of the world still did not react excessively, and remained as usual. Such a situation made Xing Tian wrinkle involuntarily. He raised his eyebrows and felt endless dissatisfaction with the will of the world. Xing Tian was not a fool. He naturally understood what the will of the world was. The other party made it clear that he wanted to use himself to destroy the power of the death gods and demons and use himself as cannon fodder!

Also, when the situation has reached this point, the strong men of many ethnic civilizations still haven’t counterattacked, even if they suffered heavy casualties, but still no one has come forward to take a big shot against the death gods, as if in the hearts of these bastards, there is no death gods. Threat, these **** are obviously thinking the same as the will of the world, wanting to reap the benefits of the fisherman!

"It's really a bunch of **** bastards. There are still so many calculations at this time. The will of the world is really able to fight for you for everyone, and it will fight the death gods to the end. Since you are unkind, you should not blame me for being unrighteous. You are too sinister. , Too vicious, and delusional to use me as cannon fodder, no wonder I left!" When there was no hope in sight, Xing Tian's heart was also born with retreat. With this blow, Xing Tian believed that death gods and demons would also be heartbroken. With consideration, even if you want to shoot yourself, you will put yourself last!

People are not for themselves, and the earth will die! Since the will of the world doesn’t care, Xing Tian has nothing to care about, even if the death **** and demon really can win, he may not be lifeless. After all, the world will extinguish, the void blockade will inevitably be broken, as long as he can seize the opportunity , And leave before the death gods re-block the world, there will be no life-threatening!

Regarding the will of the world and the many ancestors of this world, Xing Tian really couldn’t figure out what they were thinking, what they were trying to do, the situation had reached such an obvious point, and they still had such great selfishness. , There are so many calculations, which makes Xing Tian unable to understand and accept. Perhaps this is the human heart, this is the great disaster of heaven and earth.

"Death God and Demon, the cause and effect of you and me are already there!" With a heart move, Xingtian's King of Ending clone retracted the Spear of End, and then he did not wait for the will of the world or the Death God and Demon to respond, and directly tore the void. Go, leave the north directly, leave this terrible battlefield, walk so cleanly, walk so happy!

"Huh! How did Xingtian, the lunatic, withdraw, and retreat? Could it be that he had just made his move just for cause and effect? ​​This is really incredible, I really don’t know what this lunatic was thinking!" At this moment, the death **** was also caught by Xingtian’s actions. I was shocked, and didn't expect Xing Tian to be so anticlimactic, withdrawing before the end of the war! No, to be more precise, it was just a temptation to withdraw and leave, which made the death gods and monsters confused!

Although surprised, for the death **** and demon, Xing Tian’s departure is a great good thing. Xing Tian’s withdrawal, his own pressure is much less, and he has more power to devour the roots of the tunnel and devour the humanity. Strength, perfect your own magic way! The existence of the Spear of End is a great threat to the Death God and Demon. As long as the Lord of End is there, the Death God and Demon dare not let go of their hands and feet. They must retain their strength to guard against the attacks of the End King and prevent the death of the Lord. The kill of the spear!

The death **** is happy, the world will is dumbfounded, and the situation is changing too quickly. It is completely different from what I imagined. How can Xingtian, a lunatic, leave everything and just run away like this? Isn't this **** teasing himself? Before, there was still an endless stance with the death gods and demons, but in a flash, the cause and effect ended, and you escaped. This change is not to be too fast and crazy!

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