God of Destruction

Chapter 4107: Ending the World

Chapter four hundred and fifteenth chapter extinction

"I just said that Xingtian, the bastard, is simply unreliable. It is impossible to expect him to fight the death **** and devil. This **** has always been bullying and fearful of hardship. Facing the power of the death **** and demon, he will only shrink back. There shouldn’t be any hope!” Anger makes many people lose their minds and makes them shirk responsibility, as if everything is Xingtian’s fault. They are not at all wrong. If they are not wrong, if they all fight to the death. The courage, why are they still standing here and saying these cold words, why do they dare not rush into the battlefield and have a life and death duel with the death gods and demons!

Anyone can speak big words, but really let these **** stand up to face the death gods and demons, when they are in a life and death duel, they are unreliable. At most they just talk about it, really expecting them to take action is obviously unrealistic. For the reaction of these bastards, the world will completely give up, and no longer hold any hope, because these **** are too selfish and always want to take the greatest benefit at the least cost. They forget what death is and what is great. Robbery!

As an outsider, as a descendant of the supreme chaotic world, Xing Tian stood up to fight, but these powerhouses in the realm battlefield world were afraid to fight. What qualifications do they have to mock Xingtian and what qualifications do they have to say this? After that, their reluctance to fight will not only bring them no benefit, but will make them lose their luck and make the world angry! If at this time, those ancestors stare at themselves, they will find that their luck is quickly draining. This is the disappointment of the world to them. Unfortunately, these ancestors have not noticed their own changes at all, and they have all put their energy on the Devil Kingdom. In the war.

Xing Tian pulled away and left. The World Will lost its helper. Without help from outside, the World Will felt tremendous pressure and felt that the terrifying power under the Demon Kingdom was rapidly growing. It was obvious that the Death God and Demon could no longer bear it. To counterattack in an all-round way, perhaps this is the reaction brought about by Xing Tian's sudden move, which made the death **** and demon feel threatened, so he had to fight back with all his strength to prevent another accident from happening, in case his plan was shattered by external forces!

After devouring many creatures and the origin of the world, the breath of the death gods and demons naturally skyrocketed a lot, and the world's will also became remorseful under the circumstances. I still valued my own influence and underestimated the world's creatures. Indifferent, but it’s too late to regret. The Death God and Demon has launched a counterattack. Although Death God and Demon are not eager to expand their domains, and are not eager to envelop the whole world in their own magical ways, they have mastered most of them. In the world, the power of the death gods and demons has increased a lot, so that the death gods and demons have a lot of control over this world.

"Can't wait any longer, otherwise, once the **** of the death **** and demon completely masters the world, and the magic way covers the whole world, even if it is blindly "touched" by the heavens, the power will not be able to come back and fight!" In an instant, the world will also do it After making a choice, his body instantly burst into a powerful fighting intent. At this moment, he has no choice. No matter how the situation changes, as the will of the world, he must face the impact of the death **** and demon, and he must face this terrible Of the war.

However, it is impossible for the world will in charge of the heavens to bear all the pressure by himself. For those **** racial civilizations, he can no longer bear it at this time! I saw, the World Will snorted coldly: "Ignorant ants, how long do you have to wait until you are really able to think carefully about your little bit. Can I not see through? I think I can sit back without fighting like this. Is it the fisherman’s profit? You are looking for death. You are trying to exterminate yourself from the world. If you wait like this again, without the death gods and demons, you should exterminate yourself from the world and be abandoned by the world. Look at your own Good luck!"

When the words of the will of the world fell, the expressions of the strong men of many racial civilizations changed drastically. When the mind and spirit withdrew, they all noticed that their luck was weakened, and they all vaguely felt the anger of the world. ! For a moment, they were a little dumbfounded. This was something they had never thought of before. They didn't understand why they just wanted to reap the benefits of the fisherman. They would be targeted by the origin of the world, and would be rejected by the world. Xing Tian didn't give such consideration!

"Damn, how could this happen, how could we be disgusted by the origin of the world, if our own luck continues to weaken, everything will really be as the will of the world says, we will be extinct from the world, and then we will really never again There is no chance to turn over. The origin of the world is going to "force" us to fight against the death gods and demons. No wonder the world will be so unbearable. It is precisely because he has seen through this that he wants to use us as cannon fodder!" Soon, These many ancestors were angry at it. They all understood the sinister intentions of the will of the world, and understood how dangerous and terrifying their situation was!

"No, we can't be threatened by the will of the world, we can't be led by the nose, otherwise we will really die, the death **** is terrible, and the will of the world is more sinister, he wants to use us as cannon fodder. Possibly, we are not fools and will not make him happy. I already understand the intention of the **** Xingtian. He jumped out to fight the death gods and demons before. Others were not his intentions. He was just dealing with the origin of the world. You can do this!"

Work without effort! This is the idea of ​​many ancestors, this is their plan, their coping method, but they did not say it, this is just their tacit understanding, but it is difficult to say whether their plan will succeed, Xing Tian It is an outsider, a descendant of the supreme chaotic world. It has little connection with this world. The most important thing is that because of the selfishness of these human race ancestors, they cut off the cause and effect of Xingtian bit by bit, let Xingtian They don’t have so many worries, but they are different. They are too deeply entangled with this world. They want to use this method to deal with the origin of the world. It is very difficult to have any effect. After all, they are not Xing Tian, ​​and the cause and effect in them is too great. Big!

"No, we can't do this. The world is not a fool. It is impossible for us to use such methods to'confuse' and'confuse' the other party. Don't forget our origin. We are fundamentally different from Xingtian. If Xingtian doesn't Expose his origin, then he will be affected by the origin of the world, but now he has exposed his origin, this is making a choice, especially the moment he pulls away, his own cause and effect has been completely eliminated , And we can’t do it. If we use this ridiculous method to deal with things, we’re afraid that the last of our luck will dissipate. If we pay, we will gain. We owe the world too much. Now It’s when we have to pay the price!” Among these ancestors, there are still people who can see the situation clearly and understand the general trend, but it’s hard to say how many people he can persuade. After all, many people have already Affected by the catastrophe, they have lost their reason and normal thinking, and they have been caught in the catastrophe!

auzw.com It’s hard to persuade the damned person. For those who are already in the midst of a catastrophe, even if you tell him everything, it’s useless. Because he can no longer use normal thinking to think about the problem, he has fallen into the influence of the catastrophe, and can no longer escape from the catastrophe, waiting for them is death!

Of course, not everyone is like this. In such a terrible situation, Taipingdao is relatively easy, because their previous madness has brought them huge benefits. They can watch with cold eyes and ignore the will of the world. Threat, who let them cut off the cause and effect with this world, cut off many connections.

"Damn the peace, such **** are such a great calculation. No wonder they were willing to pay such a big price before. I am afraid that these **** are planning the worst. Now let them bet right. These **** can sit on the sidelines, and we have to To endure the oppression of the origin of the world, I have to stop the crazy moves of the death gods!"

Taipingdao, at this moment, the Taipingdao was pulled out again. Who made them perform so wonderfully in this catastrophe? Who made them the only existence in the entire world who can escape the crisis, although they have paid a lot before However, it seems that this price is not a big deal now, so the Taipingdao suddenly attracted too much anger, and the whole human race was annoyed. If it is possible, they all want to replace the Taipingdao. It must be the same as Taiping Road.

"What's the use of saying so much, everything has already happened, if you are too selfish and unwilling to give up your little interest, will we have the crisis like today? If you are willing to listen to me , Willing to let go of the little calculations in our minds, we can also break free from the shackles of the world like the Taipingdao. Now we can only ask for our own blessings and can only face this terrible threat. The ugly words are in front. All this is no small thing. If there are people who want to play some tricks or scheming, don’t blame me for being cruel, and I don’t want to be dragged by you. I don’t know or don’t want to know what you think. I will do my best and repay the cause and effect. This is my decision. , An unchangeable decision!"

"Asshole, this lunatic is blaming himself again. He is really amazing for himself. I really think that he has seen through the world. Let him go. I want to see if he can have the last laugh. I hope this **** will not die too much. fast!"

"Yeah, there are always such ignorant bastards, arrogant bastards, thinking that we are in control of the truth, and we are all fools. If he is really capable, what did he do before? If they really master the truth, They will not be trapped in this crisis like us, they have already broken free from the shackles of the world, and have already transcended everything!"

I have to say that the human heart is really amazing, even if the situation is at such a critical moment, some people in the human race still disagree, or some people laugh at others with selfish ideas and do not take this danger seriously. , They Yan is not caught in the catastrophe, but their heart is like this!

The will of the world does not care about the reaction of the various races and civilizations in the battlefield and the world. Although his heart desires these'ants' to be his own cannon fodder, with the experience of Xingtian before, the will of the world will not place all hopes on these. On the body of the ants, they will not make fun of their own lives. The death gods and demons need to face them by themselves. At most, those ants are just a little bit of strength to contain the other party and reduce their own pressure. They are the root of the decisive battle!

Relying on people is better than relying on yourself. The will of the world will not pin its life and death on a group of ants. Even if these ants have some power, in the endless years, the will of the world will also understand these ants and count on a group of selfishness. It’s impossible for the ants to lay down their lives for a battle, even if they are facing a desperate situation, these ants still don’t know what unity is and will still be selfish, so in the eyes of the will of the world, they are just ants, just cannon fodder!

"Eyes of the Heavenly Dao, the origin of thunder is punished, and the Heavenly Dao will exterminate the devil!" Without expecting any external force, the world will naturally have to attack with all its strength. As his voice fell, the endless heavenly origin in the void filled the void, a round of purple thunder. The eye appeared above the void, it was the Eye of Heaven, it was the eye of Heaven that was fused with the original Thunder Punishment. At this moment, the will of the world was really not reserved, and the endless aura of destruction condensed on the Eye of Heaven, as if he was going to destroy the whole world.

Destroy the world! At this time, the will of the world does have a thought of destroying the world. It is precisely because he has such an idea in his heart that there is this terrible aura of destruction, but the destruction of the will of the world is not to destroy the world, but to those creatures. , For those ignorant and stupid ants, after all, these creatures are also part of the origin of the world!

"Destroy the world! Is the will of the world crazy? There is the heart of destroying the world, and he "shows" his thoughts so early. What on earth is he going to do? Is this a conspiracy?" The death **** and demon felt the terrifying aura of destruction in the eyes of the gods and the terrible aura of destruction for the first time. For the death **** and demon, the first thing he thought of was conspiracy. After all, the destruction of the world at this time will arouse the entire world. The resistance of the creatures, even the way of heaven could not bear the terrible backlash.

"No, that's not right, this **** is not going to destroy the world. His goal is not the origin of the world. If it is the destruction of the world, the origin of the world will be destroyed in the first place. Now it seems that this **** is targeting me. If I don't resist at all, The consequences will be unthinkable. I will be calculated by this **** and dragged into a terrible crisis by this lunatic. This lunatic wants to activate the back-hands of the time gods and demons, and it is in great trouble!"

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