God of Destruction

Chapter 4108: Festival time

Chapter 4116, Time God and Demon Appear

Although the death **** demon thought of the true intention of the world will, it was too late for him to stop this, because all this was not controlled by the world will, but was "fucked" by the power of the chaos **** and demon. , If the death **** and demon didn’t have so many calculations, they attacked with all their strength in the first time, and the will to kill the world was caught off guard, then he was able to grasp the general situation, but he did not do so. On the contrary, the will of the world appeared because of this change of world accident!

Yes, this is an accident. It is a will that the world will did not expect. When the world will calculates all beings, it unknowingly falls into the calculations of the time gods and demons, and falls into the layout of the opponent. , When the sentient beings of the whole world have lost the idea of ​​giving up their lives, when no one stands up in the battle between the world will and the death gods and gods, the brand of the time gods and gods in the heavens will be activated, and this brand is The power to destroy the world!

"Damn bastard, don't you ants take action yet, wait for the world will to destroy the world, you all have a dead end!" When the conspiracy was detected, the death **** did not think about resisting all the dangers. , But to bring sentient beings to fight together, and precisely because of his selfishness, he lost the opportunity to seize the first opportunity.

Just as the words of the death **** and demon just fell, the power of the Eye of Heaven erupted, and the powerful force directly ripped apart the power of the demon kingdom, directly penetrated the earth, and blasted directly to the underworld in the depths of the earth. A trace of destructive power also directly hit the underworld, directly inflicting a fatal blow on the death **** and demon, and under one blow, it directly destroyed the evolution of the underworld!

"Ah! Damn you!" When the death **** and demon were hit by this, the whole person's mood collapsed. Although the power of destruction was not much, it directly hit the underworld and directly cut off the death **** and demon's opposition to the magic way. Perfection directly broke the death **** and devil's will to stay in the underworld. It can be said that this blow directly cut off the death **** and devil's opportunity to seize the power of the tunnel!

"It’s not me that damn, but you, the death god, don’t think that no one can see through your conspiracy. You want to replace the world with the magic way and demonize the whole world. Although you are not destroying the world directly, you are destroying it indirectly. The creatures of the whole world, your behavior has been backlashed by the Great Dao, this is the end you deserve!" Facing the madness of the death **** and demon, the world will sneer disdainfully, on his face of the law body " Lu showed a cruel smile!

If the death gods and demons dismantled the terrible power of the world will before, it scared all beings in the world, but now the world will in turn dismantled the death gods and demons’ conspiracy, it would be even more difficult for everyone to accept, for them No matter which of these two lunatics succeeds, everyone has only one dead end. Although some powerful people have already understood in their hearts, most people still don’t know about the sentient beings in this world. They brought endless fear and anxiety!

The weak have no right to choose and no right to survive, at least in the spiritual world, in this cruel and ruthless catastrophe, if everyone knows nothing, then they will be the aftermath of a battle between the world will and the death gods. Given destruction, they still die safely and don’t have to bear so much fear, but now they are suffering endless hardships in their hearts, and they are all overwhelmed by the threat of death, and endless resentment lies in their hearts. Condensed in my heart!

It’s said that everything has a ray of life, but everyone’s life is there. Those people can’t see or think of it. All they can see is death. A desperate mood flooded their hearts, under the influence of this great disaster. Below, the evil thoughts in their hearts are growing, and the whole world seems to be different with the changes of sentient beings. The endless resentment is spurring the dark power of the world, causing the world to appear strange, and the world is turning into a terrible shadow!

When a change in the origin of the world occurs, both the death gods and the world will feel the change in the first place, because they all have the authority of the world, and this change makes their hearts cannot help. Startled, and then they became heavy, such a change will greatly affect their plans.

"Damn it, how could this happen, how could there be such a change in the origin of the world, what's the matter?" World Will cried out, angry at this change, this sudden change will greatly affect Own plan!

How could this be? In fact, it is very simple. The human heart is the heart of heaven and earth. When the creatures of the whole world resent the will of the world and the death gods and demons, when they all resent the master who holds the power of the three origins of heaven, earth and man, the world will naturally change. , This is the instinct of the world, unless someone can completely refine this world, otherwise no one can prevent this from happening!

Rejection, as time goes by, although it is only a short period of time, the world will and the death gods and demons have felt the rejection from the world. If they have not both mastered the power of world authority, I am afraid that it will be the first time They will be rejected by this world and abandoned by the world directly. Such drastic changes make them fearful!

auzw.com "Hey! This is the fluctuation of the origin of the world. What the will of the world and the death gods want to make such a weird change in the origin of the world, can it be said that they are all rejected by the world? But how is this possible, they all have the power of the world, and it is impossible for the world to react so instinctively because of a duel?" When Xing Tian felt the changes in the world, he couldn't help but have doubts, even though Xing Tian He has good attainments on the World Avenue, but he is also confused about the reality of such a change, and I don't know why this happened in a flash! However, instinctively made Xing Tian feel the danger, making Xing Tian feel uneasy. If he can't leave quickly, I'm afraid he will be in desperation, but the blockade of the world is still there, so Xing Tian can't collude with the source of the highest chaos world.

"Damn the will of the world, you have nothing to do to block, if you have enemies with the death **** and demon, then do a life and death duel with him, what do I do to embarrass me, and what to do to cut the connection between this world and the supreme chaotic world?" At this moment, Xing Tian couldn't help complaining about the will of the world in his heart, thinking that the reason why he had fallen into such a crisis was the will of the world!

Just when Xing Tian complained, just when Xing Tian was unwilling, suddenly, the death **** demon let out an angry roar: "Damn, you are not the will of the world, you are the time **** and demon, it is you **** who is mastering the origin of heaven and the way. Power, you have seized the power of heaven and the power of the will of the world, you are "fuck" all this!"

When the origin of the world rejected the will of the world, the death **** and demon finally noticed the improperness of the world will, and felt the aura of the chaotic **** and devil in the world will, and he immediately thought of the time **** and demon he had been worried about!

"Humph! I didn't expect your **** to react so quickly, but even this little mistake made you see my identity. Yes, I am not the will of the world, I am the time **** and demon, but what if you see it through, still can't change Your destiny is useless no matter how you struggle. This great catastrophe is when you end and when you return to the world!" After being seen through by the Death God, the Time God and Demon did not hide it, and directly admitted himself. identity of.

"What! Time God and Demon, how come time God and Demon appeared again? Could it be said that the destruction of the secret realm caused all the chaotic Gods and demons who fell in this world to return?" For the first time, those who had entered the secret realm world Those who were shocked and frightened for it, if things were really like this, their situation would be even more dangerous. One death **** and demon would be enough for everyone to fight against. Now there is one more time **** and demon, and a few more chaotic gods and demon, No one can survive!

When the Time God and Demon confessed his identity, the expression of the Death God and Demon changed drastically, and he roared angrily: "Damn bastard, all of this is your conspiracy. You set up a trap from the beginning. , Let me step in by myself, I was calculated by you from the beginning, the magic way I got is also part of your plan?"

Facing the question of the death **** and demon, the time **** and devil sneered disdainfully: "Yes, all of this is my plan. Why do you think you can survive that catastrophe, so many chaotic gods and demon bodies? The dead soul disappears back to the main road, but you can survive and get a big chance, haven't you thought about it carefully? If you want to blame it, blame yourself for being too stupid. You are looking for it yourself, and you can blame me. If you can If you see through my plan, you won’t be fooled, but unfortunately you didn’t see it through!"

At this moment, Xing Tian was stunned. The information came too violently and violently. Like everyone else, Xing Tian was also worried about his own safety at this moment, and even in Xing Tian’s heart, he was more fearful and uneasy than others, because Xing Tian found out some of the secrets of chaotic gods and gods from death gods and gods. The appearance of time gods and gods meant that the most terrible crisis had arrived!

"Are you wondering why I have gained the power of the magic way but did not practice by myself. It is actually very simple to transfer it to your hands, because I also want to seize the origin of this world, and I also want to possess The most perfect foundation, this is a perfect world. After taking this world, I will be able to complete my avenue. When the catastrophe came, I killed the space **** and demon and took away his origin, but I did not complete it. The integration of time and space avenues, my time avenue cannot truly integrate the origin of space avenue, and cannot grasp the power of time and space. However, the emergence of magic road has given me a glimmer of hope. A perfect world must have a complete world origin and completeness. The world’s will, and the truly perfect world cannot be captured and refined, but fortunately, I have mastered the time avenue. Through the power of the time avenue, I have seen a corner of the future, and I have this plan. To contain the origin of the world, the origin of this world is bound to be perfect and unshakable, but now with the dedication of your death god, everything will work!"

Sinister and vicious! This is Xing Tian’s first impression of the Time God and Demon. He was able to set up such a big situation at the beginning of the birth of this world. With endless years as a plan, I have to say that the Time God and Demon is too terrible. The method made Xing Tian shocked, feared, and able to use Epoch as the bearing of his plan, which is not something anyone can do.

"These **** chaotic gods and demons are really terrifying. I can't stay in this world anymore. I must find a way to leave quickly, and I can't pin all hopes on death gods and demons. Look now The Death God and Demon are part of the Time God and Demon’s plan, and I am hopeful that he will let him die without life!” At this moment, Xing Tian no longer holds any hope for the Death God and Demon in his heart, no matter how much death God and Demon still has. Assassin, it is very difficult for him to make a comeback, unless the death **** and demon are fully prepared and fearless of time **** and demon's calculations, but the possibility is very small!

After thinking for a moment, Xing Tian sighed lightly and muttered to himself: "It seems that I have to gather all the descendants of the Supreme Chaos World again and listen to what they can do. At this time, if only With my own strength, I am afraid that it is difficult to break free from the shackles of the world, and only the power of everyone can have that ray of life!"

At this time, not only Xing Tian had such a wish, but all sentient beings in the whole world have such thoughts, facing such terrible two chaotic gods and demons, and even more chaotic gods and demons will continue to flow out, everyone. I have to let go of all the grievances and hatreds in my heart, and must not work together to fight for the last chance for myself! At this time, under this situation, personal power has no effect at all, and personal power can no longer affect the development of the situation. Only time gods and death gods dominate the general situation, and they are the cause of this catastrophe. Where the focus is, they are the root of the Great Tribulation.

It’s just that under such a situation, it’s not easy for many powerful people to unite. At least they don’t have the confidence to withstand the killings from the time gods and demons. They dare not act rashly for fear that one will not Being careful will attract the attention of these two chaotic gods and demons, and they will face their terrible attacks. At that time, they died before they waited to fight. This is not the result that the ancestors are willing to accept, and they cannot afford it. result! There is only one chance. Once they fail, only death is waiting for everyone. Therefore, no one dares to risk their own life. No one dares to act rashly at this time. They must wait for the opportunity. Time is the biggest problem for them. , And the biggest crisis!

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