God of Destruction

Chapter 4109: Death Gaze

Chapter 4117 Death Gaze

The crisis enveloped the entire world. All living creatures were caught by death, and sentient beings were not afraid. At this time, the ancestors of the civilizations of the major races were all anxious, and the situation changed so fast that they were almost caught off guard. I originally thought that I could sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight and reap the benefits of the fishermen, but now it seems that I am a big fool, step by step I am plunged into this terrible death desperate, so I can not see any vitality .

Suddenly, someone said: "Xing Tian, ​​we should talk to the lunatic Xing Tian, ​​maybe he can think of a way, after all, he is the descendant of the supreme chaotic world, and this lunatic has directly struggled to get rid of the shackles of the world. , To return directly to the highest chaotic world, if it were not for the calculation of the death gods and demons, I am afraid that Xing Tian has escaped now!"

When there was danger, I thought of Xing Tian, ​​wanting Xing Tian to bear the pressure with them, and wanting to find benefits from Xing Tian, ​​I have to say that the mood of these ancestors is really too bad, perhaps the endless years of tempering have made their hearts "Sex" has undergone an abnormal change, making them lose the courage to lay down their lives and the determination to swear to death. From this point of view, they are far from the ancestors of Taipingdao. Although Taipingdao is crazy, but They are determined to give it a go, but these people don't!

"Yes, we can find Xingtian, he has always been able to connect to the Supreme Chaos World, otherwise it is impossible to fight to get rid of the shackles of the world, if he takes action, we will have a ray of life!" At this time, these people seem to have forgotten themselves and There is still a great hatred between Xingtian and his enemies, which is really ridiculous!

Although some people think something is wrong, no one dares to stop it at this time, because the heartstrings of these ancestors are very tight now. If someone stands up to stop, even good intentions will turn into bad things and will be hostile by everyone. , It will even attract the crazy blows of these ancestors. After all, people can do everything when they are almost collapsed!

I thought that Xingtian was a good way, but soon everyone was faced with a new problem, how to collude with Xingtian, how to get Xingtian’s trust, you can’t let everyone yell and invite Xingtian directly. It's too childish, and it will even plunge everyone into a more terrifying desperate situation, and will directly call the death gods and time gods to kill!

At this time, neither the death gods nor the time gods pay attention to Xing Tian and the creatures in this world. They only watch each other. For them, they can only kill the enemy in front of them. Only when you can complete your plan, can you master this world, and refine this world, can you make yourself further!

Facing the pressure of the time **** and demon, the death **** and demon forcibly stabilized his mind and retorted: "Impossible, the time **** and demon also admits that you are very strong, but your power alone cannot kill the space **** and demon. If you understand the origin of the avenue of space, even if your opponent is not able to retreat, it is impossible for you to seize the origin of the space, you are lying!"

The time **** and devil laughed disdainfully and said: "Hahaha! Lies, the situation has reached this point, do you think I have to lie? Are you qualified to let me lay down my dignity and lie? You are not qualified, and everything I say It’s the truth! Yes, it is indeed impossible to kill the Space God Demon with my own power. It is impossible to seize his origin, but I am not alone. Do you understand?"

The Time God and Demon is indeed not a person. There are many Chaos God and Demon around him, but even so, the Death God and Demon still does not believe that Time God and Demon can do this, and sneered: "Impossible, even if you have such a bunch of **** around you. Now, you don’t have the ability, even if you have the heart to ambush the space gods and demons, it is impossible to kill them. The space avenue has super power. In the face of such law, the number cannot determine life and death!"

Hearing the words of the death **** and demon, the time **** and demon couldn't help but shook his head and said: "Death, you are too ignorant and too self-righteous. It seems that endless years have not made you smart. You are still as stupid as ever. I've said it all for this reason. You haven't noticed the crux of the problem. Did I rely on the power of the gods and demons around you? Didn't you think about the past and how much chaos there was? The gods and demons are gone!"

When he heard the reminding words of the time **** and demon, the expression of the instant death **** and demon changed drastically. He thought of the key to the problem, but it was a pity that everything was too late, which made his expression abnormal in an instant. It is ugly, and there is a hint of horror in the eyes!

Seeing the reaction of the Death God and Demon, the Time God and Demon smiled calmly and said: "It seems that you have already thought of the key to the problem. Yes, it is the cause and effect God and Demon. My helper is the cause and effect God and Demon. You now understand why everything I have never seen Destiny God and Demon before I started. He was not beheaded by the Dao, let alone killed by his own Dao. He was beheaded by me and the Karma God and Demon. We got a trace of causal power from him. , And then the Karma God and Demon cooperated with me to kill the Space God and Demon!"

The death **** demon sighed and said: "You are too crazy, too sinister and vicious. In order to achieve your goal, you are so unscrupulous. It is a pity that you still did not succeed in conspiracy and did not complete your plan. Karma and demon will cooperate with you. I want to touch on the Dao of Destiny, I want to integrate the power of the Dao of Destiny to fight against the origin of the Dao, and you are for the unity of time and space, but now none of you has succeeded, but I don’t know the inheritance of the Demon Dao. Where did you get it? Obviously, the power of this magic way is not something you and the causal gods and demons can have?"

auzw.com"The magic way, this is indeed not what we should have, but the gain we have paid a great price to enter the Chaos Sea, but the power of the magic way is too domineering and want to practice Someone needs to pay a heavy price, and you are the one chosen by me to sacrifice. It is because of your existence that I can see the forefront of the magic road and the success of the road!"

"Chaotic Sea? You entered the chaotic sea and found the inheritance of the magic way? How is this possible?" Faced with such an answer, the eyes of the death **** and demon revealed endless horror. This result was something he did not expect, and all this made him do it. Shocked!

The time **** and demon snorted disdainfully and said: "There is nothing impossible. In your heart, the Chaos Sea is a place of death and a dangerous place. But if we want to destroy the curse of the avenue, we must take risks, where we were born. For a moment, the mark of the avenue is deeply left on us. Death is our end. We must work hard if we want to protect ourselves. Death, don’t you even know this? You really have to make me too Disappointed, endless years, you have not improved at all!"

When I said this, the face of the time **** demon suddenly changed, and he smiled lightly and said: "Okay, don't cover up anymore. Your little tricks are not useful at all. If you want to delay time, this It’s useless at all. Your plan has been shattered. When I appeared in front of you, your destiny was already doomed. Death is your reorganization. Born to death, to death, this fits with your death **** The name of the devil, let me end your life and let your origin become my nourishment!"

When it comes to this, the time **** and demon waved his big hand, and a terrible time force tore the void and directly caught the death **** and demon. In the face of this terrible time force, all the power of the death **** and demon was torn apart It splits, as if his power is undefended against the time gods and demons, without any blocking ability, everything is so weird and terrible!

Just when the power of the time **** and demon was about to touch the body of the death **** and demon, just when the time **** and demon was pleased, suddenly a sneer flashed across the face of the death **** and demon, and seeing this sneer At that time, the heart of the time **** demon was suddenly throbbing, dangerous, this is a conspiracy, this is a trap, and he was calculated by the death **** and demon!

Just when the Time God and Demon was about to withdraw, he heard a cold voice in his ears: "Time God and Demon, you are too arrogant and too self-righteous. I admit that your calculations are very powerful, but you are also too small. Look at my wisdom and underestimate my abilities. Do you think I really know nothing about your calculations, do you really have no defense at all? You are too arrogant, you don’t even see through even the simplest problems. It is ridiculous to dare to teach me! Is it that Xing Tian's actions to stop you are not worth mentioning in your eyes? You never thought about why Xing Tian appeared in front of you, and didn't you take my dialogue with Xing Tian in your heart? , Arrogance and arrogance are your biggest shortcomings and your biggest mistakes, give me death, death stare!"

Death gaze, this is the ultimate killer of the death **** and demon, and it is also the aggregation of his death avenue. The death **** and demon did not turn his own death avenue origin into nourishment and transformed into the origin of the devil road as the time **** and demon thought. It was the ultimate killer that directly condensed the Avenue of Death, and he did this for this moment and for the final blow!

"Hey! What a sinister, so vicious death god, he still has such terrifying magical powers. Fortunately, this **** didn't attack me. Otherwise, facing this death gaze, I didn't even have the chance to resist, so I just got caught. The power of the Avenue of Death is over. It seems that the defensive heart of the Death God and the Time God and Demon is really terrifying to the extreme. No wonder his power is so weak. It turns out that he has not turned his own death road into the nourishment of the Demon Dao!" At this moment, Xing Tian finally understood why he had always felt that there was something wrong with the Death God and Demon. This was the reason. The Death God and Demon were so hidden!

As soon as the death gaze came out, the power of the Avenue of Death directly acted on the body of the time **** and demon. The power of the end of the death path made the time **** and demon feel the threat of death, making him feel that he was so close to death for the first time. I really have to let the power of the end of death rush into my soul, waiting for myself to be dead and soul disappeared, I am really too careless, and too underestimated the death **** and demon, being able to become the chaos **** and demon is definitely not without resistance. !

"Damn, you knew my calculations a long time ago, but this little power also wanted to kill me. It's so ridiculous, the city of time and space is back!" The time **** demon roared, emitting a faint time and space on his body. Li, he is summoning the city of time and space, summoning his assassin to stay in this world, and let himself come back in despair!

It’s a pity that the Time God and Demon quickly became dumbfounded. No matter how he confuses the origin of time and space, he just can’t feel the breath of the city of time, as if the city of time and space does not exist in this world, but he clearly controls the city of time and space. The original treasure stayed in this world, could it be said that this was the method of the death **** and demon, he noticed the existence of the time and space city and completely destroyed it?

"Damn, did you move my time city?" The time **** demon glared at the death **** and demon, and roared frantically. His roar was filled with endless anger and killing intent. There was also a hint of fear in him. At this moment, there was a hint of fear in his heart. He was worried about his life and death, and he was afraid that he would fall into the calculations of the death **** and demon.

"City of time and space? I don’t know what city of time and space is! Oh! I understand, that is your calculation to stay in this world, but unfortunately you failed. You took the power of the space **** and demon, and took the space. The original treasure of the gods and demons, and delusional to integrate it into my own original treasure, want to use the power of the world, want to use the endless years to perfect it, but it finally failed and disappeared into the world, I finally understand Why do you dare to appear in front of me so swaggering? This is your real killer, but you didn't expect that your plan would fail, hahaha! This is retribution, it’s your retribution for the space gods and demons, and now you are paying It's time for the price!" For an instant, the Death God and Demon was overjoyed. Originally, he was still worried about the counterattack of Time God and Demon, and there was still room, but now he can finally let go of the worry in his heart!

"The devil came to the world, swallowed all things, and killed me!" After the death gaze fixed the time **** and demon, when he saw that the time **** and demon had no ability to backhand, the death **** and demon finally took another step and took his own magic way. The force is also fully exploded, and there is a frame of strangling the time gods and demons with the power of the two roots of the death road and the magic road!

When the power of the magic way appeared, the whole world was trembling, and the power of heaven was also trembling, but this was not fear, but anger. The power of heaven was completely angered by the power of the death god, because at this time the death **** The demon is really desperate to explode all the power of the demon way!

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