God of Destruction

Chapter 4110: Knot space collapsed

Chapter 4118: Space Shattered

"Strangulation! Strangle me with two sources! Death, it seems that you are really prepared. I'm afraid you have noticed my calculations very early. It's just that you underestimated the power of my time and overestimated your own. Strength, no matter how hard you struggle, it’s useless to break me. The avenue of time and space is condensed. I am time and space. I control the origin of time and space. Time is still and space is frozen!" Facing the strangulation of death **** and demon, time **** and demon dare not take the slightest care. , Directly used his most powerful force, although this would cost him a heavy price, but compared to death, this price is still worth it, and as long as it can break through, the general trend is still in hand!

However, the time **** and demon still feel heartache for paying such a big price. If the city of time and space is in hand, he will not have such a difficulty. The city of time and space is the fusion of his own time origin and space origin. What a pity It was a failure now, which made the time **** and demon gritted his teeth and hated the death **** and demon, wishing to swallow this **** alive!

The Time God and Demon made a full counterattack. As soon as the Origin of Time and Space Avenue came out, the whole world was enveloped by the terrifying power of time and space. The Origin of the Demon Path mobilized by Death God and Demon, Death Origin was immediately suppressed, and Time and Space Avenue was the culmination. The power of the Great Dao, even if the Time God and Demon has lost the original treasure, but he can still rely on the power of the Time and Space Dao to fight the attack of the Death God and Demon, can block this terrible attack, can protect his own safety, even Fight back!

"Damn it, this is the Avenue of Time and Space. The **** of Time God and Demon really has mastered the Avenue of Time and Space. He really swallowed the power of Space God and Demon. It seems that I really underestimated this bastard. Fortunately, this bastard’s original treasure is evolving. In the destruction, otherwise he would have no room to fight back as soon as the treasure of the empty avenue came out!" Feeling the powerful time and space origin of the time **** and demon, the death **** and demon's mood is also very heavy, and his pressure instantly doubles.

Danger! In front of the Great Avenue of Time and Space, the Death God and Demon felt a strong aura of danger. If he could not strangle the Time and Space God and Demon, I was afraid that it would not take long for him to fall into a dangerous situation, because in this world there is not only The time gods and demons left their marks and left behind. Once other chaotic gods and demons awakened, the consequences would be disastrous!

"What to do? Now I am doing my best to pay, and I cannot continue the outbreak, unless I am willing to pay a heavier price, at the cost of damaging my own roots, or else it is impossible to reverse the situation, but doing so is a bit expensive for myself. , The damage to the root of the source will affect your future practice, but if you don’t do this, you will be in danger!" Embarrassed, at this time the death gods and demons are extremely embarrassed, do not know what decision should be made, how to make the final s Choice!

"Ants, maybe those ants can give me a little help!" In an instant, the death **** demon thought of the strong men in this world, but it is a pity that the war has reached this point and no one has taken action, even Xingtian has disappeared. Traces, pin their hopes on these people, it can only be said that the death gods think too much!

Fortunately, the Death God and Demon are not stupid, and they soon noticed the situation of many powerful people in this world. Without anyone taking action, the Death God and Demon had to give up this ridiculous idea. At this time, he also had some regrets in his heart. I knew that the situation would be so dangerous. I shouldn’t be so “careful”. I shouldn’t let the situation get out of hand and let myself fall into a situation of isolation and helplessness. If I could have Xing Tian and the help of these ants, maybe I could. Easily take down the time **** and demon, and even seize the origin of the time **** and demon, and make your own magic way stronger. Even if you have the origin of the time **** and demon, this world will not be too important to you. After all, Time Avenue is more powerful!

Xing Tian, ​​who was shocked by the battle between the death **** and the time **** and demon, was under endless heavy pressure at this time. The time and space city he obtained in the secret world came from the hands of the time **** and demon, and it was the opponent. To swallow the space with one's own source of treasure, the source of treasure evolved. Fortunately, I was careful enough to swallow this source of treasure and decompose it directly. Otherwise, he will become the object calculated by the time **** and demon. Pay a heavy price for this!

"What a time **** and demon, what a deep scheming. Before the endless years, he did such a terrible calculation and laid out such an overall situation. If it is not a coincidence, if it is not for the situation to change again and again, the road to itself is constantly changing, this Once I will fall into a crisis of death, and I will be calculated by the terrifying existence of the time **** and demon. I am afraid that there will be ten deaths and no life. No chaotic **** and demon can be underestimated. I must treat it with caution, and no chance. Take it lightly, or you will only fall into desperation. This time the gods and demons will be desperate. This confrontation will really detonate the final catastrophe of the world. Everything will be out of control, and the whole world will be completely desperate. During this period, my thoughts will also fall to nothing, and there is no time to contact those who have descended. The previous hope is completely shattered, and I need to make a new choice!"

At this moment, Xing Tian saw the destruction of the world and the coming of the end of the catastrophe. There is no room for recovery. The creatures of the whole world will be plunged into despair, the world will come to an end, and his so-called plans have become dreams. , Empty talk!

Everything was just as Xing Tian thought. The end of the world was finally about to erupt. In a moment, the death **** and demon came to a waking up from the fantasy. It is useless to think too much. The current situation is very unfavorable to him, so he sighed. , The death **** demon muttered to himself: "Forget it, this is God’s will. No road to practice can be smooth sailing. This may be the test of my demon path. After this catastrophe, my demon path can be perfected. Only when I am able to perfect my state of mind, I have to give up and have something to do, and blindly want to gain more benefits, only to plunge myself into a terrible crisis, just like the previous choice. With this lesson, I There should have been enlightenment long ago, but fortunately it’s not too late to understand now!"

Time is indeed not too late for the death gods and demons, but it is just the first opportunity, and the plan that was easier to succeed has collapsed, even if there is still room for recovery, the final gain has become smaller, it can be said Although the Death God and Demon didn't lose all this time, he also paid a heavy price, and this price was also a bit high for him!


"Break it for me, death exploded!" In an instant, the death **** and demon's expression condensed, and the power of death gaze exploded. The source of death exploded directly in front of the time **** and demon. Directly use the origin of Death Avenue, which is used as a killer, to detonate completely, leaving nothing behind, and directly bringing death to the time **** and demon!

If the death gaze before was strangling the soul of the time **** and demon, but now it is a terrible impact, like a huge wave, the terrible power of death instantly explodes in front of the time **** and demon, and the terrible impact is directly The soul of the Time God and Demon erupted, and in the face of this sudden attack, the time and space power of the Time God and Demon had undergone terrible changes. Time was still shattered, the space imprisonment was broken, his counterattack failed, the power of death Eroded my soul!

Of course, with such a crazy blow, the Death God and Demon were uncomfortable. The explosion of the origin of death also caused a terrible backlash to him, although the Death God and Demon had already abandoned the Avenue of Death and no longer regarded it as his origin. , But the origin of the avenue of death still has a huge connection with itself, and this comprehensive detonation has also caused terrible damage to the death gods!

In just an instant, the face of the death **** and demon became extremely pale, his expression became bleak, and his aura became weaker. This shows the impact of this blow on himself. How terrible, how terrible the price he paid.

"Death, you **** bastard, this time you succeeded in angering me, if you want to work hard, then I will give you death!" Death gods and demons can make such terrible decisions, make such terrible choices, time What is the reluctance of the gods and demons? At this point, the situation has seriously exceeded the original plan, and the plan of the time gods and demons has been completely shattered. If you hold on to the previous plan and do not let go, you will eventually pay even more, even It will directly ruin his life.

There is something to do with it. At this point, the time gods and demon still understand that although they are in a terrible crisis, or even in desperation, the time gods and demon are not panicked because of their environment. At this time, the more calm you have to be, the more you can't let yourself fall into an overwhelming situation on impulse, so that you never have the chance to stand up again!

"Space Avenue appears, space is shattered!" Hate, Death God and Demon hates themselves and can abandon Death Avenue, and Time God and Demon can also do the same. As his voice falls, the origin of Space Avenue instantly appears in this world. , The power of space was instantly detonated, causing the entire space to fall into disintegration. This is the most terrifying magical power of Space Avenue, and it is also the most terrifying magical power. When that terrible destructive power is released, the entire space is shattered and collapsed. All the origins in the space are directly destroyed, whether it is the magic way or the death avenue, they are all wiped out in the destruction of the space!

Crazy, the time **** and demon is crazy at this time, the death **** and devil directly gave up the death avenue, there is nothing, that is not the root of his avenue after all, but the space avenue is different from the time **** and demon, he has integrated the space avenue, this time The terrifying supernatural power of bursting space and destroying will cause devastating damage to oneself, and will damage one's own time and space avenue, but under the threat of death, the time **** demon has no choice but to do it. !

As soon as the space collapsed, the balance of the world was broken, and the world fell into a terrible disaster. The whole world was in turmoil, volcanic eruptions, roaring seas, earth dragons turning over, countless natural disasters appearing, Let the creatures who were in desperation go directly to destruction, and at this moment, Xing Tian also felt that the blockade of the heavens in this world was weakened, but at the same time that the blockade of the heavens was weakened, the barriers of the world had also undergone strange changes. , The terrible grievance melted into the barriers of the world!

"It's really two **** bastards. If you have to fight to the death, then go to the void to fight. Why should we be pulled in, why should this world be pulled in!" In the face of such a terrible outbreak, In the aftermath of that horror, many powerful people in this world could not help but swear, venting their anger and unwillingness!

At this time, no one is a fool, no one is so stupid that they can’t see the situation clearly. When the space bursts out, they all feel terrible disasters on themselves, feel the rapid disappearance of their own luck, and endless resentment. And karma fell on them, endless cause and effect turned into chains and entangled on their soul!

If these chains of cause and effect are only wrapped around the bodies of many powerful men, they will not be too scared, because they still have a chance to live, even if they cannot break free from the chains, they can give up their bodies at the final moment. Let the primordial spirit break free from the shackles of the world, but now the primordial spirit is bound, making them unable to resolve this terrible disaster!

At this time, the people of Taipingdao were happy. Whether they were the ancestors of Taipingdao or the disciples of Taipingdao, they did not suffer the terrible backlash of cause and effect, and were not restricted by the chains of cause and effect. Many disciples before them still resented themselves. The madness of the ancestors, now they no longer have such thoughts, they are very happy!

Of course, while being happy, many ancestors of Taipingdao also have a sense of urgency. Although they have broken free from the shackles of the world, it is not an easy thing to really want to retreat from this world. They can also Feeling the abnormal changes in the world barrier, they all understand that if they can’t escape before this world is shattered, they will still be unable to get rid of the threat of death. After all, the two lunatics, the time **** and the death god, are really terrible, they are right The destruction of this world is also too terrifying. When they get to the death battle, they are afraid that both lose and lose. At that time, it is difficult to say whether this world can be preserved. You must know that the big shots of these two **** have made the world root. I was seriously injured and plunged the entire world into endless natural disasters. If we continue, I am afraid that the world will not be able to withstand the terrible impact. It will be destroyed step by step, and will eventually collapse and disappear completely between the heaven and the earth. There is only one dead end for all creatures in the world, and there is no chance for everyone to stand up again!

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