God of Destruction

Chapter 4111: Festival crazy

Chapter 4,119: Crazy

Time is tight, so the ancestors of Taipingdao have to make a decision quickly. Otherwise, even if they are not backed by this causal karma and the impact of the world, they will eventually be trapped in this world. The barriers of the world are their biggest problem. At this time, many Taipingdao ancestors are resenting Xingtian, and they are all scolding Xingtian. If it weren’t for the appearance of Xingtian, a lunatic, they would have broken their plans and damaged their plans. There will be no crisis like this at all. They will have enough time and strength to break free from the blockade of world barriers and complete their plans!

"Everyone, we can't wait any longer. Time is involuntary. The current situation is very unfavorable to us. I advise everyone not to be "fascinated" by the terrible joy. We are indeed one step ahead of our common fellows, but this step It’s not safe. We are still in crisis, so we must plan for the worst, and we must act!” Facing heavy pressure, Taiping ancestors spoke to the ancestors of peace. Speaking of the thoughts in my heart!

"Oh! We also understand the danger of the current situation, but in such a situation, what can we do? The time gods and the death gods are already crazy and desperate. The whole world is heading towards death, but this world The barriers have also changed, and our idea of ​​breaking the void and breaking free from the world's shackles has also failed. Now I really can't think of a solution!"

Taiping ancestor shook his head and said: "The solution? No, we don't need to think of any solution to the problem. Under such crises, all solutions are empty talk and cannot stand the practice. There is only one thing we can do. , That is to fight to the death, gather the power of the entire sect, gather the most powerful force of the sect, no matter who is in the sect, you must contribute your greatest strength, and then when the opportunity arises, we explode This ultimate power directly impacts the barriers of the world. Life and death are in this struggle. If we can break free from the shackles of the world, we will naturally have vitality, and failure will undoubtedly die!"

"Hey! This is too crazy, this is gambling with everyone's lives, life and death are not our responsibility?" All the ancestors of the peace road were frightened in an instant, this view is really crazy. It's terrible, no one wants to accept it!

Seeing everyone’s reaction, the Taiping ancestor snorted disdainfully, and said disapprovingly: "Crazy? What's crazy about this? Under such circumstances, do you still have a choice. If you don't gamble with your life, you will be old. If you can’t wait for death honestly, do you think you can use the power of other people? If you have such a thought, I can only say that you are too naive. Now we still have not escaped the threat of death, we are still in the desperate situation of death Among them, they are not much better than other fellows. If you object, then I can only say that you are killing yourself!"

Time waits for no one. Taiping ancestors didn’t have too much time to waste discussing with many Taipingdao ancestors. If he wasted his precious time at this time, he would be irresponsible for his life, so he did not With a little consideration, I directly expressed my own thoughts, directly pointed to the weakness of everyone, and directly laughed at these people!

Angry? No, for these Taipingdao ancestors, they are not angry at all, because they are very clear in their hearts that this is the truth, the situation is very unfavorable to them, all of them are still in danger, and if they want to survive, they may only have to let go One fight, only to condense all the power of the entire sect, do that hard fight!

Seeing that everyone hadn’t answered and made no choice, the Taiping ancestor said with a cold snort: "Enough, we don’t have time to waste. I don’t agree with you. You can give an answer. You can ignore your own life or death, but You can't let everyone ruin this only vitality because of your stupidity, I hope you make a decision quickly!"

Taiping ancestors all said the words to this point. What else can everyone say, they can only nod their heads to agree, they all know that if there is a discussion, it will definitely waste too much time, and under the current situation, Time is life, no one wants to waste his life, no one wants to make fun of his life.

"Okay, let's just say it. Now we will immediately gather all the disciples of the sect, let them get to their positions quickly, gather all the strength, master the power of the entire sect, and make the power of the entire city in the strongest state. In the meantime, no one can be negligent, or else it will only ruin everyone’s lives. This warns all the disciples of the sect and lets them understand that this battle is not for us, they are for themselves. Fight for life and death!"

Yes, the Taiping ancestors are right. Everyone is not fighting for others, but for their own lives. Only when everyone works together can the power of the entire city be maximized and this city can be made. Maintain the strongest state, stand by at any time, wait for the time to come, and wait for the final fight of life and death. Both life and death are in their own hands!

Time waits for no one. No matter what thoughts these ancestors of Taipingdao have in their hearts, they did not hesitate at this moment. They all acted immediately. The entire Taipingdao is preparing everything at an astonishing speed, and soon all the ancestors of the Taipingdao The disciples of the sect are all in their positions, so that this city belonging to the Taiping Dao is in the most powerful state.

auzw.com When the Taiping Road moved, other sect forces and other ethnic civilizations were aware of it. After all, after such a earth-shattering change, they all turned their attention to After the Taipingdao, who made the decision before the Taipingdao so wise and magical? When the crisis of death comes, they naturally think of the Taipingdao at the first time, and naturally want to know what the Taipingdao will do in this terrible situation The reaction, is it a full fight, or patience to wait for the arrival of time!

"Taipingdao has started to act, and we can't hesitate anymore. Tell those ancestors that it is useless for anyone to oppose this time. Unless they are willing to leave the imperial capital, otherwise anyone who opposes will be protected by the imperial capital. I don’t have the time or mind to discuss with them anymore. The imperial capital must be completely separated from the world, and the imperial’s luck must be completely condensed in the imperial capital. This is an iron law, no one can refuse, who You can’t object!” The Taiping Dao moved completely irritated the emperor, and made the emperor directly make this crazy decision to directly condense the luck of the entire empire on the imperial capital, so that the imperial capital can also break free from the shackles of the world. The imperial capital is as unaffected by the world as the Taipingdao!

Of course, what a terrible backlash would be incurred in doing so, the emperor knew in his heart what a heavy price the entire royal family would pay, and he also understood that even a quarter of the masters of the entire royal family would be lost. Under the dynamism of the empire’s luck, but for the survival of the entire royal family, this is a price that must be paid, and this is cause and effect, there is a cause, there is an effect, who let these people swallow too much in the endless years Many imperial luck, once the imperial family and the empire are completely divided, once the entire empire's luck is concentrated on the imperial capital, the empire will inevitably collapse, and everyone will inevitably be impacted!

What will happen to the Emperor? Death is inevitable, and even whether the soul can be preserved is hard to say. After all, it is different now. The best time has passed. If you want to break free from the shackles of the world, the price you pay will be even more terrible. Preparing for the worst, he did this not only for the royal family, but more importantly, to protect his descendants!

The emperor has never thought about his own fate? No, the emperor thought about it. He made a decision that no one thought of, and a decision no one dared to think about. The emperor must sacrifice the world with his body and unite the capital with his own soul. If he succeeds, he will break free from the shackles of the world. At the time, that is, when the emperor became the spirit of the giant city, he will continue to control everything in the imperial capital. Even the ancestors of the royal family dare not act rashly, even the life and death of these ancestors are in the hands of the emperor. under!

If there is something to do with something, there is nothing to pay, the harvest will come! The emperor understands this, so he made such a crazy decision to take his own life and death to fight to the death. If he fails, he will destroy the gods and disappear completely between the heaven and the earth. Success is survived in an alternative way, and As long as you can break free from the shackles of the world, as long as you can break out of this world and enter the highest chaotic world, there is no possibility of recovery. After all, everything is possible in this world, but the price is different!

Is it just peace, is it just the empire making a decision? No, all the forces in the entire world are acting frantically and are trying to protect themselves at all costs. At this time, the empire has already been messed up, and all the major forces have begun to plan for the worst and are fighting for the worst. With all the resources, I want to accomplish a feat like Taipingdao in the shortest time!

The idea is good, but the reality is cruel. Not all forces have such abilities, not all forces have such opportunities, those who do not know their own sects, regardless of the forces, take action without even being cut. When the connection with the world was broken, he immediately suffered a backlash from the source, and he died and died, and the entire sect and the entire force were destroyed by a terrible natural disaster!

Yes, it is a natural disaster! When the world is so "turbulent", any excessive actions will cause natural disasters to come, and if you can't withstand the impact of natural disasters, you will naturally die and disappear completely between the heavens and the earth, turning into the nutrients of this world, and renew Nourish this world, this is the fate of the losers, the fate that no one can change!

If the previous natural disasters have dealt a great blow to the world’s creatures, this time the natural disasters caused by many forces are more powerful and terrifying to the world’s creatures, because no creatures can survive this time, and no one can survive. Can withstand the double strangulation of natural disasters and causal karmic backlash, the result of failure is total destruction!

With the destruction of small forces, the whole world has become more "turbulent" and ups and downs, and everyone’s heart is heavily crushed by a boulder, and everyone can clearly feel the pressure of the world change. How scary!

"Damn, how dare these **** be so crazy, they don't have the strength at all, they can't resist the world's backlash at all. Taking action at this time will only make themselves die faster. They don't want to live, and don't hurt us!" For those big powers and powerful sects, when they saw such astonishing drastic changes, they were all angry at it. This is cutting everyone’s way of life. If these small and medium-sized forces are allowed to continue to be so crazy, it won’t be necessary. How long does it take for the whole world to fall into dead silence, and countless creatures will die and become the nutrients of the world, and the backlash faced by these people will be even more terrifying!

"This can't go on anymore, we must stop the madness of these bastards, or we will all have a dead end!" Faced with such a terrible threat, someone couldn't help but say what he wanted, but who could stop it Everything, how to stop it, if they are the big powers, it will only cause the small and medium-sized forces to become more crazy. They will worry that the big powers will "force" them above the dead end, that is, they will "force". They destroy themselves!

"The imperial family, at this time should be the time for them to stand up for the entire human race and sacrifice for the entire world. They cannot enjoy the benefits of endless years without paying any price, and only they can do this at this time. After all, righteousness is still in their hands, and we are bound to make them agree!” Obviously, these forces, the ancestors of these sects want to force the imperial family to bear this terrible disaster. It’s just that their thoughts are a bit too self-righteous. Now they are no longer the original time and space. They are not able to dominate everything. The royal family will not listen to their ridiculous pressure. At this time, they have no pressure at all. Only that can really threaten everyone. The time gods and demons who are fighting frantically, the other forces are just a joke.

At this time, the civilizations of other races are also moving frantically, quickly gathering their own strength. In order to gather the greatest strength at the fastest speed, they have abandoned those weak and weak tribes and will only truly have great strength. , The powerhouses of great supernatural powers gather. After all, time waits for no one. No one knows what kind of natural and man-made disasters will happen in the next moment, and how long the whole world can last. Under such circumstances, they naturally have to choose, even though this is the case. Doing it will cause endless scolding, but compared with your own "life", this point of cause and effect is not worth mentioning, it's not a big deal!

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