God of Destruction

Chapter 4112: Blood Festival

Chapter 4120 Blood Sacrifice

People are not for themselves, and the earth will die! At this time, no one cares about the life and death of the ants. For those strong, the weak have no right to choose. Their life and death are not worth mentioning. If they can sacrifice these ants in exchange for their own survival, the strong of all forces will To do so, this is the human heart, this is the selfishness in human "sex"!

Using the imperial royal family as a shield and a replacement for the dead ghost is perfect for the major forces of the human race and the major sects, but before they can act, the imperial royal family will take the lead! In an instant, the great earthquake "swayed", the void "swayed", the human luck was "swayed", the empire's fortunes were collapsing, and the emperor took action and sacrificed to the world! A golden light rises, and a golden dragon rushes into the sky. That is the luck of the human emperor, that is the human emperor's body, the human emperor directly sacrificed his flesh in blood, in exchange for the last ray of life!

The fall of the Emperor Human was like a thunder that caused the whole world to "turbulent", which made people's luck directly collapsed, and it also made many ancestors with evil hearts dumbfounded! If the empire is still there, and the human emperor is still there, the human fortune can be united, but with the death of the human emperor, with the collapse of the empire, the human aura is like a piece of sand. This is the general trend, the general trend that cannot be reversed!

Now that the Terran Empire has collapsed, the entire world has also undergone earth-shattering changes. The luck of the entire Terran is crazily collapsed, and the empire is shattered! This is because after the human emperor forcibly oppressed the ancestors of the imperial family and agreed with his opinions, he did not take into account the crazy outbreak of this natural disaster, and directly injected all the imperial luck he could mobilize into the imperial capital, and directly allowed the entire imperial capital's guardian formation to operate at full capacity Get up, directly tore the connection between the imperial capital and the world, forcibly dragged the imperial capital, and dragged all the creatures in the imperial capital into the void, separated from the world, turning the imperial capital into a giant city floating in the void !

This is a unique city of origin, because this giant city has a tool spirit. When the emperor dies, his soul directly enters the entire imperial capital and controls the origin of the imperial capital. It is precisely because of this, The original imperial aura of the human emperor was completely integrated into this giant city, and it was in harmony with the origin of the giant city. Although all of this was in a hurry, the emperor’s gamble was successful this time, at the cost of his own death. , To wipe out its own hidden dangers, although the price is a bit high, but it is really worth it.

"Damn, what's going on? How dare the royal family do this, dare to directly raise the emperor's capital, and directly sacrifice the source city!" When seeing the rising of the emperor's capital, the ancestors of all races I felt the distress and anger in my heart. When this happened, their plan was shattered. The royal family also stepped on the path of peace, and got rid of the current crisis, and they knew how terrifying the emperor was. , To be able to rise the entire imperial capital, the potential of this giant city far exceeds the dojo of Taipingdao, because the imperial capital has been blessed by humanity and luck in the endless years, and obtained endless beliefs. It can be said that this is A city of faith, not to mention the terrible guardian formation in the Imperial Capital!

It is obviously impossible to use the royal family as a shield. This time the rise of the imperial capital has aggravated the changes in the world, and has also stimulated the major forces, many ethnic civilizations, and too many people have failed before. The forces inevitably have fears and worries in their hearts. They are afraid that they will follow in their own footsteps, but now it is different. The rise of the imperial capital allows them to see hope again, not the shackles of the world, and they will not be free from the shackles of the world. Opportunities for, but the previous forces were insufficiently prepared and lacking in strength, and now the rise of the imperial capital gave them a glimmer of hope!

"Blood Sacrifice! The Blood Sacrifice of Human Emperor has cut off all cause and effect by itself, and has taken on a sin karma. He is crazy, the Emperor is crazy, and he sacrificed himself for the ants of the imperial capital in exchange for vitality!" Soon all the ancestors who were above all saw it clearly. After understanding the real situation of the imperial capital, I understood why the imperial capital was able to accomplish all the feats in such a short time, but someone sacrificed and made a huge sacrifice!

"Yeah, it's crazy. Is it worth giving up your life for a group of ants?"

It’s really not worth it for these high-ranking ancestors, because they have never had kindness or kindness in their hearts. What they have is just the crazy spirit of seeking the truth, and they have the determination to sacrifice everything around them and let them sacrifice themselves. This is impossible, so they don't understand the feat of the Emperor, and they don't understand the thoughts of the Emperor!

"No, things are not as simple as you think. The Emperor did sacrifice himself in blood, but his soul escaped the catastrophe and merged into the imperial capital, the newly born city of origin, the city of faith. He is now The master of this city of origin!"

"Hey!" When they heard these words, many ancestors couldn't help but gasped. When they had this reminder, they once again looked at the capital city, the original city, all of them were shocked. , Everything in front of them makes it difficult for them to accept!

"Damn it, how could this happen? The Emperor is just a sacrifice to the flesh, how could he sacrifice and refine such a terrifying and weird Origin City? How did he do it? Could it be that the blood sacrifice itself would really have such a great harvest?"

At this moment, there are countless dragons guarding the imperial capital. This is not an ordinary phantom dragon, but a real dragon condensed by the emperor’s aura. It can be said that the luck of the entire empire is condensed by the emperor. The guardian real dragons, to break the defense of the imperial capital, must first face this group of terrifying real dragons, and these real dragons have no entities. They are all condensed by the origin of the imperial capital. Even if they are beheaded, they can still come back from They were bred out of the imperial capital. In a sense, they are immortal. It can be said that if the emperor is immortal, they are immortal, and the cost of destroying the imperial capital will be even more terrifying!


Guarding the true dragon is only a part of this city of origin. What frightens them the most is faith. The entire imperial capital seems to be sacrificed by faith. The endless power of faith is concentrated on the imperial capital. At this moment, the imperial capital seems to be the avenue of faith. Incarnation.

"What a human emperor, what a great calculation, such a crazy move in exchange for such a gain, with such a huge amount of faith plus body, even if he loses his body, he can completely master the original city of the imperial capital. Condensing the new true body with that continuous faith, he made such a big sacrifice, sheltering the entire imperial capital, and became the patron saint of all the imperial capital. As long as the imperial capital is immortal, he will have continuous faith. Power!"

Horrible, at this time all ancestors can feel the terrible power of faith from the imperial capital. The power of faith makes them feel the crisis. If they fall into the imperial capital, they will definitely die!

"Okay, ignore the **** of the royal family. Now they have broken free. Let's think about our own problems. Now that the success of the human emperor is not all bad for us, although no one does it for us. Resist the disaster, but the transformation of the imperial capital has also shown us a new world, and we can do the same!"

Yes, the Human Sovereign succeeded, and they can do it too. It’s not a sacrifice to the flesh. It’s no big deal. Once it succeeds, they can become the spirit of the city of Origin and have greater potential. Faced with such a situation, these ancestors no longer want to waste their time, do not want to discuss any countermeasures, time is not waiting for others, if they do not act quickly, when the time gods and death gods react, they are afraid It is difficult to have such an opportunity again!

Tacit understanding! In an instant, all the ancestors had a terrible tacit understanding, and they disappeared quickly. They were all determined to learn from the emperor, sacrifice themselves in blood, and sacrifice to the city of origin. They were afraid that they would come back too late. Good things were snatched by other ancestors, and I regretted it at that time, so for these ancestors they put everything down!

A loud bang! Outside the north, deep in the barbarian territory, a terrible thunder resounded through the world, and a terrifying giant appeared in the void. It was the king of barbarians, the most powerful existence of barbarians, and saw the emperor’s Success, seeing the rise of the imperial capital, the barbarian king couldn’t bear it, and made the same choice, also sacrificed himself in blood, and also transformed the barbarian king’s capital into the original city, and this time the barbarian’s The king is not only the blood sacrifice himself, but also many ordinary barbarians also sacrifice himself in blood, in order to succeed in one fell swoop, so that the fire of civilization of the barbarians will not be destroyed!

In an instant, the endless blood soared into the sky and turned into a terrifying blood dragon, roaring in the void. It was the supreme power condensed by the blood sacrifice of the barbarians. When the blood dragon appeared across the sky, thunder appeared in the road. , Blasted directly to the barbarian king’s capital, and at the same time, many barbarian powerhouses who had already prepared have cut off the connection between the king’s capital and the earth, let the barbarian king rise into the sky, and let the barbarian The king of man transforms into the city of the origin and breaks free from the shackles of the world!

After paying a huge price, the barbarians succeeded, and the king capital rose into the sky, but there was one thing they were wrong. Although the barbarians succeeded, they did not possess the terrible power of the imperial capital, not to mention the huge power of faith. , Even the guardian real dragon does not exist. This result makes the ancestors of the barbarians involuntarily angry. They don’t understand why the same behavior, the emperor can have such a powerful blessing, and what is their own king. nothing!

In fact, the reason is very simple. It is the root problem. The human emperor pays the body of the human emperor, and the emperor condenses the luck of the entire empire. The most important thing is that although the human luck is weak, the human is no matter what. Once the lord of humanity, it is not comparable to the civilization of a small race like the barbarians. Under these various reasons, it makes sense that the king of the barbarians did not get strong power. If there are not so many barbarians. Self-sacrifice, I'm afraid it is very difficult for them to complete this plan. After all, the power of the barbarians is too weak, and the barbarians have not been able to grasp the origin of the civilization of the entire race from beginning to end, so the sacrifice of the barbarian king is not as expected. Awesome.

When seeing a city of origin appeared above the barbarians outside the north, Xing Tian's eyes condensed. The appearance of the previous imperial capital has already made Xing Tian feel the crisis, and when the barbarian's capital also rises into the sky, Xing Tian is even more I feel that the qi in this world is undergoing a terrible transformation, and this transformation makes myself feel the endless threat!

"Trouble, these **** are already crazy. They are desperate for their own survival. They have even done blood sacrifices to sentient beings. It seems that these **** have not taken care of everything. The destruction of so many lives directly strengthened this world. The origin of heaven is increasing, and the power of authenticity is increasing, and the only weakening is humanity!" Yes, Xing Tian sees the core of the problem. Both the origin of heaven and the authenticity are increasing, while the origin of humanity is weakening. This is not a good thing. When the origin of humanity is weakened to a certain extent, no matter whether it is the way of heaven or the tunnel, it can swallow humanity. If humanity is swallowed, the whole world will face death, and the life and death of all living things is in the hands of others. Hands!

It’s impossible to stop it. Let’s not talk about Xing Tian’s strength. Even if he does, he doesn’t have the time, and no one will accept it. Now under the threat of terrible external forces, as long as the ancestors still have the idea of ​​greed, They will not give up the sacrifice of the city of origin, even if they pay more and regenerate, they will not hesitate, and no matter how many creatures die, it is nothing!

Yes, if the Human Emperor’s Blood Sacrifice opened a new door for everyone and allowed many ancestors to see the hope of survival, then the crazy blood sacrifice of the barbarians gave many small and medium-sized people the hope of success. Isn’t it a blood sacrifice to all living beings? , What’s the big deal? Although countless creatures have fallen under the natural disasters, there are still many creatures in this world. So the small and medium-sized forces all of a sudden hit their ideas on ordinary and ordinary creatures and use them. The blood sacrifice avenue, in exchange for the success of their own plan, in exchange for the protection of their own lives, to them no matter how many mortals die!

When those small and medium-sized forces went crazy, the whole world was trembling. Endless creatures were returned to heaven and earth by the blood sacrificial avenue. The whole world was shrouded in terrible blood in a short period of time. Endless resentment was condensed, and the world was different. The change becomes more crazy, the nature of the world is also changing, as if it is the death of endless creatures, and the grievances they generate are being united with the origin of this world, as if their grievances are going to be transformed into the nourishment of the world’s origin and need to be changed again. In the world, this change is very weird and terrifying. It gives people an inexplicable pressure, so that all creatures can feel the terrible power contained in that pressure!

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