God of Destruction

Chapter 4114: Cost

Chapter 4122 Cost

Originally Xing Tian thought that he had completely cut off all cause and effect, and he had no worries about him, but at this moment Xing Tian realized that he was still wrong. No matter how angry he was, the affection was constant, and this was what he had to face. The right test is also the biggest test for oneself to enter this world, the test of human "nature", the test of instinct, the test of the great road, everything is in this heart palpitations, in this world extinction !

When the family relationship was awakened, Xing Tian felt his Dao Xin trembling, it was not fear, let alone fear, but excitement, it was joy. Hong Chen refining the heart is not just talking, but it does exist, and I feel it again. Although the mother's breath is only of this reincarnation body, it makes no difference to Xing Tian.

Before, Xing Tian did not want to "intervene" in this battle, nor did he want to overly interfere with the reactions of many sect forces in this world, but now Xing Tian has to take action and has to participate, because during the induction, Xing Tian can clearly Feeling a trace of world origin entangled in the breath of my mother, this is the power derived from mother origin.

At this moment, Xing Tian finally had a hint of understanding, why he could feel the origin of the world in his practice, have a chance to grasp the origin of the world, and even the opportunity to refine the world, that’s because Because of my own origin, because I have the breath of a mother, I have that opportunity in enlightenment, but I am cautious and worried about danger and traps, so I gave up this opportunity. When thinking about this, Xing Tian couldn't help but sigh. Take a breath.

Opportunity is not to be missed. Lost will not come again. If you give up, you will give up. It is impossible to get it back. Even if you pay a high price, it is impossible. Perhaps this is why I can cut off large numbers so easily. The cause and effect of being able to cut off the connection with this world, his own origin occupies a large part, after all, there is no mother who does not care about her children.

Xing Tian frowned and thought carefully about why there was the origin of the world in his mother. With Xing Tian’s many experiences, he quickly found the answer to the question. There is only one reason for being able to have the origin of the world, and that is his mother. With the luck of the world, he is the child of the world. Perhaps when the death **** and the time **** and demon secretly calculated this world, the origin of this world has already been sensed, but the origin of the world cannot resist, only when the final catastrophe arrives. The origin of the world will find a way to solve it, and will give birth to the son of the world, but the luck of his mother has obviously been plundered.

It's Peace Road! It was Taipingdao who robbed his mother’s luck, and only this one explanation could explain why Taipingdao could easily cut off the whole sect and the cause and effect of this world, because they robbed the mother’s luck, looting The mother’s world origin, so they can achieve their goals so easily.

"Damn Taipingdao, so insidious, and so vicious. They didn't regard themselves as primitive creatures in this world from beginning to end. Those **** Taipingdao ancestors have always wanted to break free from the **** of the world. No wonder they are so vicious. All things have been done. It’s no wonder that I have never felt the power of my father’s bloodline, because he has died and died, and used one person to make sacrifices to achieve his goals. These peaceful ancestors have really lost people. "Sex" is not worthy of being a person at all, and even one's own descendants can sacrifice, this vicious heart is really disgusting!"

Yes, if you want to eliminate the cause and effect, and want to seize the origin of the world without being backlashed by the origin of the world, only the descendants who sacrifice their direct bloodlines, and only in this way, can truly eliminate calamities and prevent catastrophes, and this is too inhumane and also Too vicious, but the ancestor of Taipingdao did it, and at this moment Xing Tian also understood that after his father was the ancestor of Taipingdao, Taiping ancestor, this is the blood source of his reincarnated body.

"What a peaceful ancestor, what a peaceful way, vicious enough, insidious enough, crazy enough, if I leave before, then the cause and effect between us will be canceled, but unfortunately I have not left this world. Karma: We are bound to settle in this world-destroying catastrophe. It is your viciousness that put my biological mother into a crisis. This is endless cause and effect!"

Before he perceives all of this, the cause and effect between Xing Tian and Taiping Dao can be regarded as completely eliminated, but now the world is about to be destroyed, and all the causes and effects are stimulated, which makes Xing Tian have to fight Taiping Dao. In order to settle the cause and effect of both sides, but the cause and effect of both sides are too big, so big that Xing Tian has to have an endless battle with them.

Calculation, this is also the calculation of the origin of the world, it is also Xingtian’s Dao calamity. Whether it is a calculation or Dao calamity, Xing Tian must face even if Xing Tian knows the origin of the world, Xing Tian has no choice. This is endless death. As long as one party does not completely fall down, the cause and effect will not dissipate, and the grievances between oneself and the world will not end!

"Come on, let this storm come more violently, and let all the cause and effect be revealed. I want to see how much cause and effect there is in my body. I want to know that there is something behind all this. How many people are calculating me, as soon as the cause and effect appear, no force can stop me from ending it, no one can stop me from killing it!"

auzw.com At this moment, Xing Tian exudes a terrible killing intent. No matter how big the calculations are, no matter how strong the enemy is, no one can stop him from saving his mother, and whoever blocks will die. , This is Xingtian's determination, unchangeable determination! Of course, Taiping Road has completely become the target of Xingtian's eyes this time. From this moment on, Xingtian no longer cares, killing the heavens, killing the heavens, killing the common people, the heavens and all things, and the true meaning of the indispensable killing avenue flows again. With this in mind, Xing Tian’s perception of the Slaughter Avenue has gone a step further. For practicing the Slaughter Avenue, is there any way to come faster than in the Great Tribulation, not just Slaughter Avenue, Devouring Avenue, Death Avenue, and three more The road to the end of the unity has received huge benefits, and all this comes from the catastrophe!

When Xingtian’s killing intent came together, an inexplicable force surged into his heart. This force passed through all of Xingtian’s defenses and fell directly on Xingtian’s heart. This is the power of the world, and this is the world’s origin feeling. The endless killing intent in Xing Tian's heart gave Xing Tian help. When the world's origin was about to die, all the creatures in this world had become abandoned sons. When Xing Tian condensed this endless killing intent, he naturally attracted Here comes the attention of World Origin, not to mention Xing Tian still has a trace of blood originating from the World Origin, so all these together allow World Origin to directly give Xing Tian great benefits!

Feeling! For an instant, Xing Tian felt the killing intent from the origin of the world, and felt the pure and terrifying meaning of extinction from the origin of the world. This is the power that originated from the world itself, and it is also the true source of the Great Dao. Perhaps it is because I feel Xingtian’s identity, and the origin of the world has also given Xingtian a greater benefit. That is the perception of the world, and it is also the greatest law force that this world has always cultivated. When this perception falls into Xingtian’s In his mind, Xing Tian clearly felt that his own avenue was changing, and this power, this perception was nourishing the growth of his own avenue.

"Hey! This is the origin of the world, and this is the powerful power of the complete world!" At this moment, Xing Tian truly understood why the time gods and the death gods would seize this world at all costs and refine it. The square world, the benefits of a complete world are really too powerful. I only have gained an insight from this side world, and I have raised so many great insights. If I really refine the whole world and seize the whole world The origin of the world, how much benefit it will have, just imagining it makes people go crazy and make it hard to be self-sustaining!

However, although this temptation was amazing, Xingtian soon woke up. He was not "distracted" and "lost" by the temptation. He was not affected by this temptation. It was just that when Xingtian was sober, God "Lust" couldn't help but have a touch of solemnity and a touch of shock!

Fortunately, my own will is firm. If I really have to be controlled by the temptation, I'm afraid I will sink completely, and I will never have the chance to turn over again. This temptation is a major test of my Dao practice. If I can't pass it, I will Will completely sink into the killing and plunder, this is the hidden danger brought by the killing road, this is the danger of ending the road.

Whether it is the avenue of killing or the avenue of ending, when you practice to a certain level, you will face such a test of life and death. This is not an ordinary test, but a test from the soul. If you fail to save it, you will be controlled by the dao. Being a Daoist puppet, there is no chance to turn over again, and if he passes this level, Xing Tian can truly be considered to have crossed the level of the Innate Chaos God and Demon, and he is truly recognized by the Dao, and truly can be regarded as Innate Chaos. A member of the gods and demons!

After understanding the terrible danger he experienced, Xing Tian couldn't help muttering to himself: "The **** test, why is there such a terrible test? Could it be said that this is the test of the Dao for practitioners? Is it the transformation of the innate? The catastrophe of the Chaos Gods and Demons, such a terrible test, how many people can survive!"

In fact, Xing Tian was wrong. This is not so much catastrophe as destruction. Today’s world is no longer the time when the world just opened, and the born creatures want to reverse the fortunes and transform into the innate chaos gods and demons. How could there be no test? How could it be recognized by the world, Dadao, Dadao will naturally do everything possible to obliterate him.

This may be said to be the heart catastrophe, and it is also the most terrible catastrophe. Everything comes from oneself, from the heart, and external forces cannot help each other. Everything can only be dealt with by his own will. Fortunately, Xingtian's will is firm enough. Xing Tian didn’t have so much greed. Fortunately, Xing Tian was very resolute in his Dao practice. Even if he had no amount of temptation, he never thought of giving up. That’s why Xing Tian was able to survive this terrible catastrophe. , This terrible heartbeat, complete this final transformation of oneself!

Yes, this is the final metamorphosis. From this moment on, Xing Tian is a true innate chaos **** and demon, the same innate chaos **** and demon as time **** and demon, death **** and demon, an innate chaos **** and demon who is in charge of the road of ending. End, from this moment on, the name of the clone of Xingtian End King is truly complete and truly recognized by the Dao.

It is a pity that Xing Tian is now in the boundary battlefield world, and he is trapped in the catastrophe of the world. Otherwise, Xing Tian’s transformation will be rewarded by the Dao, and every innate Chaos God and Demon will have the mark of the Dao, and this opportunity It was only once, but Xing Tian didn't get it. This is also pros and cons for Xing Tian! The advantage is that there is no mark of the Dao. Xingtian’s ending Dao has endless possibilities and greater potential. The downside is that there is no mark of the Dao. Xingtian can only rely on his own strength to go further on cultivation, and cannot rely on the Dao. Branding and comprehending the law of Dao, the biggest loss is the original treasure. If there is the Dao brand, Xingtian’s original treasure will be directly completed, but without the Dao brand, Xingtian has to sacrifice everything by himself and perfect it bit by bit. , So it is hard to say whether such a result is good or bad for Xing Tian!

If you say that you are ordinary people, they will be very angry when they know all this, but for Xingtian, they don’t care too much. Although Xingtian doesn’t believe in the many words of death gods and monsters, there is one thing Xingtian believes. All the innate chaotic gods and demons will be strangled by the avenue, and if they have not accepted the avenue branding, they may be able to avoid the calculation of the avenue.

Although he has all kinds of thoughts in his mind, Xing Tian does not have so much time to think carefully. Time does not wait for others. When he completes the transformation of his mind and completes the final transformation, Xing Tian also truly feels the terrifying world of this world, and truly To understand the real situation of this realm battlefield world at this moment, understand what is the situation of the blockade outside the void, understand the terrible consequences caused by the endless resentment, for Xing Tian, ​​although he does not have the same source of heaven as the time **** and demon, He did not master the origin of the earth like the death gods, nor did he master the origin of humanity, or even a little world authority. However, Xing Tian was recognized by the origin of the world, gained the insight of this world, and understood the situation of the world. How dangerous.

There can be no benefit and no cost in everything. Xing Tian has received such a great benefit. It is naturally impossible for Xing Tian to pay no price. The only requirement of the world origin on him is to destroy the world. Xing Tian must help the world to cleanse this side. The world, destroy all living beings, destroy all forces that can threaten the world, and complete the rebirth of the world!

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