God of Destruction

Chapter 4115: The man

Chapter 4,123

People who should be robbed! This was Xing Tian’s first thought. At this moment, he really became the person who should be robbed. Perhaps this was the calculation of the origin of the world. Perhaps at the beginning, he really was the person who should be recognized by the origin of the world. From this moment, Xing Tian There is a deep fear of the origin of the world. No matter how weak the world is, it has powers that make people fearful. Whether it is time gods or gods, death gods and gods, although they are unparalleled in their calculations, have they really succeeded in the end?

No, Xing Tian doesn't think they can succeed, nor can they succeed. The backlash of the origin of the world cannot be resisted by ordinary forces, nor can ordinary people refuse. Xing Tian knows that he can neither refuse nor refuse the request of destroying the world, because Being in this world, I naturally have to be bound by the origin of the world.

With a light sigh, Xing Tian could only silently take over this heavy burden and take on this terrible task. Of course, it was not so much a task as it was a transaction. It was just that Xing Tian was passive and did not resist. The abilities of being forced into the hands by the origin of the world is the heavy task of being forcibly squeezed into the hands of the world. This is the sorrow of the weak. The weak have no right to choose. In front of the origin of the world, Xing Tian is the weak and has no choice, unless Xing Tian is willing to accept death and willing to live. Dead soul disappeared.

No wise creature will accept death, and Xingtian is no exception, so Xingtian can only accept it! And just as Xing Tian took this heavy burden in his heart, a more powerful force poured into his body, and a world mark appeared on Xing Tian’s heart. This is the power that the world’s origin gave Xing Tian, ​​and it is also The authority of the world.

Yes, it is authority, the authority of the world! It is the world authority that the gods and demons of time and death have always longed for, and at this moment the power of this authority fell into the hands of Xingtian. After accepting the power of this authority, Xingtian could clearly feel everything in the world. Mobilize the origin of the world, as if you are the master of the world!

When the power of authority came to his mind, Xing Tian took a deep breath again, terrifying, the power of the world was really terrifying, originally he didn’t take this world of battlefields into consideration, but now Xing Tian understands I am really too ignorant. If I can master this world and refine it into my original world, maybe I will really reach the sky one step at a time, achieve supreme magical powers one step at a time, and be able to stand on top of the world!

Of course, Xingtian is just thinking about all these things, but there is no such plan, and he will not act for it. The failure of the time gods and death gods makes Xingtian understand how difficult and terrible it is to seize the origin of the world. Things, if you really have such an idea, I'm afraid it won't be long before I will follow the footsteps of these two chaotic gods and demons!

No matter how big the temptation is, it is not worth mentioning compared to his own life. Xing Tian was not “lost” by this sudden added power, and did not fall into the temptation of power. No matter how good the external power is, it’s all external power. It doesn’t belong to him. Xing Tian doesn’t care about power that does not belong to him, because this power will leave him one day. Lost reason by such external force, only the strength gained through self-cultivation is the strength that truly belongs to oneself, and it is the long-term strength. After all, external force is unreliable.

Why does the power of destroying the world fall into his own hands? Xing Tian also thought about it carefully, and finally came to the conclusion that he has mastered the way of ending, and only the power of the way of ending can perfectly destroy the world and clean the world. Of course, Xing Tian is not without worries in his heart. Xing Tian is also afraid of the origin of the world. He is guarded. It is not only the power of intelligent creatures, but also for the origin of the world. There is nothing in the face of interests. Impossible, even if it is just instinct, the world's origin will make dangerous moves.

"Destroying the world, what a power to destroy the world, what the authority of a world, with this power blessing, not only can I mobilize the power of the whole world, I can monitor the whole world, but also can feel the way of destroying the world, so that I can end. Going farther along the road of the Great Way, if the Great Way of Ending is able to integrate the power of destruction, it will be stronger! Of course, this may also be a trap, a trap aimed at me, if I integrate the Great Way of Destruction When he ends his great way, he will give the world origin a chance to calculate himself. After all, he is facing a world!" When he thought of this, Xing Tian sighed lightly. Crisis and opportunity coexist. This is a catastrophe. Everything is possible in the disaster.

Do you have a choice? No, there is no choice. The opportunity is right in front of you. Even if there are risks and even traps in this way of extinction, you have no choice but to bite the bullet. Next, no matter how terrible the other party has calculations, you must Faced with it, Taoist practice cannot tolerate retreat, let alone fear in my heart. Once I have lost the courage to move forward, my path of practice has come to an end, and there is no more hope.

Suddenly, Xing Tian had a more terrifying thought in his mind. Perhaps his mother was the calculation of the origin of the world, or everything that his mother experienced was in the calculation of the origin of the world. To obtain it is today, and to obtain it is to make a fool of himself. To live on oneself, in order to let oneself fall into this terrible entanglement, unable to extricate oneself, can only take over this heavy burden.

Although this is only Xing Tian's own guess, Xing Tian feels that this guess is very likely to be a fact. For the origin of the world, in order to be able to get rid of its own crisis, in order to be able to get rid of destruction, nothing is impossible, and people do nothing for themselves. , Tianzhudi die! The origin of the world is no exception. In the face of survival, everything is possible.

auzw.com The more you think about it, the heavier Xing Tian's mood will become, and the more dignified and terrifying his expression will be. Is the will of the world harmless to him? No, Xing Tian doesn't think so. Perhaps when he completes the destruction of the world, it is when he destroys himself, that is, when the origin of the world swallows him. Of course, this may also be his own opportunity, a chance to destroy this world by himself.

mother! At this time, Xing Tian once again worried about his mother. This is his greatest weakness, his greatest weakness. If he wants to break free from everything and the threat, he must first solve the mother’s safety issue, and first of all he must be in a position where he is not threatened by the enemy. In the same state, otherwise, no matter how hard I work, I will only waste my energy to make wedding dresses for others!

Where is mother? This is what Xing Tian wanted to determine for the first time, but in this situation, how could Xing Tian determine the exact location? In Xing Tian’s view, the mother’s breath he sensed might be fake, and it might be a trap. For Xing Tian, ​​whether it is the time **** or demon, or the death **** or devil, or the origin of the world, he can't trust him, he can only believe in himself, and believing in others will only plunge himself into a terrible crisis!

How to do? After thinking about going to Xingtian, I couldn’t find a solution. If I had to say that there was a solution, only the clone would take action, but when the clone was separated from the deity, its strength would be greatly weakened, which would bring more to oneself. danger!

"Haha! Maybe this is the other party's calculation. Whether behind the calculation is the human forces or the origin of the world, he has no choice!" After a while, Xing Tian smiled bitterly, this is the threat, this is his biggest weakness. For Xing Tian, ​​there is no doubt that this is a trap laid by the time gods and the death gods, because they are not so necessary. If someone calculates, then only the human race, only the origin of the world, and only they will spend such effort.

"Destroy the world!" When Xingtian hesitated and didn't know what choice he should make, a powerful will appeared in his mind again. This is the origin of the world putting pressure on himself and "forcing" himself to be quick A single point of action can erode one's soul and sea of ​​consciousness silently, and the power of the world origin makes Xing Tian more shocked, and makes Xing Tian more vigilant!

"Damn it, what magical powers does the origin of the world have? Why can my soul-knowledge sea that has been eroded silently and directly exert pressure on me? Is there any hidden danger in my body that was caught by the other party, or is this the origin of the world? The true power?" If it is said that he has hidden dangers, Xing Tian doesn’t really believe it. You must know that Xing Tian has successfully survived the heart catastrophe and completed the transformation of the Innate Chaos God and Demon. For the Innate Chaos God and Demon, he cannot There are hidden dangers!

I took a deep breath and tried to calm my mind. If all this is the true power of the world origin, then the world origin will put the burden of destroying the world on itself. This is just a calculation in itself. It is malicious to oneself, otherwise the origin of the world doesn’t need to be used to destroy the world at all, it can easily destroy all living beings in this world, whether it is the time gods or the death gods and monsters. Easy to crush!

I have to say that Xingtian thinks too much, and the world is not as simple as he thought. If the origin of the world really has such a powerful force, can it still be used to count Xingtian's ‘ants’? With absolute strength, no one is stupid enough to act with conspiracy and tricks. The origin of the world can completely crush everything upright. Xing Tian has this idea in his heart at this time. He can only say that he thinks too much, and can only say that he has been affected. After the influence of the catastrophe, a little problem appeared in itself!

Yes, now Xing Tian has gone through the Heart Tribulation, and has completed the transformation of the Innate Chaos Gods and Demons, but Xing Tian’s transformation was carried out during the Great Tribulation, and since Xing Tian’s physical transformation, he has always been there. In this world, all were eroded by the aura of the Great Tribulation of the World, but all this was done imperceptibly, so Xing Tian didn't even notice it!

What is the ultimate catastrophe of the world is that all creatures in the world will face it. Even if Xingtian has broken free from the shackles of the world, as long as he is in this world, he will still be affected by the catastrophe of the world. The impact on the ultimate catastrophe, and now Xing Tian is in such a danger, even the identity of the person who should be robbed cannot resolve this crisis.

"Forget it, there is not so much time to consider. Since the situation has reached this point, I should follow the other party's calculations. Since you want to disperse my strength, then I will sonata to your intentions. In the eyes of many people, My real path is the Dao of Ending, and the clone of the King of End is the deity. In that case, I will use the deity to find the whereabouts of my mother, and let the clone of the King of Ending preside over the Great Tribulation of World Destruction. I would like to see all this. What is hidden behind?" When he said this, Xing Tian exudes endless killing intent. No matter who is calculating himself, no matter what is hidden behind this, Xing Tian no longer has any good feelings, there is just that endless killing. If you want to destroy the world, then I will destroy the world for you. This is Xingtian's idea!

When Xing Tian made such a decision, the avatar of the King of Ending Mind was stayed, staying in place to monitor the battle between the Death God and the Time God and Demon, while his deity turned into a stream of light and appeared to his mother. Xingtian didn’t do anything to cover up all these things, and there was no need to do so. Since he was going to enter the game, he proceeded upright, letting the other party see clearly and letting the other party know his every move. Only in this way Being able to fully draw out the opponent's true intentions and see the opponent's intentions clearly, and only in this way can you determine the enemy.

The origin of the world is "forcing" Xingtian to destroy the world, but Xingtian will use the King of End clone to monitor the death and time gods, will this cause dissatisfaction with the world origin, will it lead to another pressure? No, such a situation would never happen. From Xingtian's point of view, as long as the origin of the world still needs to stand up and preside over the great tribulation of the world, he will no longer easily "force" himself. After all, even if he has the authority of the world, If you want to destroy the world, you must first face the threats of time gods and gods and death gods and gods. As long as these two chaotic gods and gods have not been born and die, it is very difficult for you to make a move. After all, Xing Tian does not want to die with the enemy and does not want to let himself Also fell into the desperate situation of death, I want to preside over the catastrophe of the world, but not to destroy myself!

After taking a deep breath, Xing Tian sighed softly: "I only have a chance to strike, whether it's time gods or gods or death gods, they can't be unguarded against me, even if they are against me.' The ants have no defense, and they must also be prepared for the origin of the world. You must know that the aura of extinction has been emitted. The creatures in the whole world can feel this aura of extinction. They can't be defenseless at all, unless they really don't want to live. , And they are not such a person!"

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