God of Destruction

Chapter 4116: Death crisis

Chapter 4124 Death Crisis

The war has begun, and the war belonging to Xingtian has begun. He can't help but choose. Whoever lets the weak has no choice! This is the sorrow of the weak. When Xingtian deity headed towards Guan's mother, his every move fell in the eyes of all forces in the human race, and in the eyes of all major ethnic civilizations. When the situation has developed to this point At that time, in order to survive, everyone is desperately fighting for that gleam of life by all means, even if it is crazy things they do!

Yes, even blood sacrifices to sentient beings and killings of living creatures can be done, and there is nothing else that can’t be done. As for the so-called god’s punishment, the so-called cause and effect, no one cares about it at this moment. They do. If you only have your own life, if you can't even pass the hurdle in front of you, then any causal karma is unnecessary.

Killing people, killing people for treasure, killing people for the gleam of life, so when the Xingtian deity moves, it immediately attracts endless murderous intentions, whether humans, other races and civilizations, all have their eyes on Xingtian, because they are in Xingtian. Seeing a glimmer of life, they wanted to seize the origin of Xing Tian, ​​the origin of the supreme chaotic world, and the star map!

Compared with the siege of the time gods and demon and the death gods and demon to seize the first line of life, hunting Xingtian is easier. If one of the most enthusiastic forces is said to belong to the Taipingdao, because the Taipingdao's calculation is the deepest, in Xingtian When the mother’s breath appeared, they immediately noticed it and acted immediately. For them, there was never kindness and kindness in their hearts, let alone right and wrong. All they had was the selfish selfishness that came to them. Say yourself is more important than everything!

"Dear friends, this is our only opportunity. I believe you all sense the aura of the origin of the world and understand how threatening it is to us. At the beginning, everyone knows what we did. How can we not let this news "expose", we must take action, we must kill Xingtian, even if it is only to capture the star map, we must also do so!" Facing such a sudden change, Taiping Patriarch is Speak directly!

Yes, even if it is just to regain the star map, Taipingdao must also take action, and Xingtian must be killed, not to mention that they are still carrying that great cause and effect. If all this is exposed, the whole Taipingdao will face A terrible crisis will become the target of siege by all races. After all, no one can ignore the temptation of the origin of the world. Even once this news is vented, the gods and demons will turn around during the crazy battle. Come and take a big shot at them!

"Taiping, I am worried that this is a trap, a trap aimed at us. You should understand that at this time, under this situation, the world's origin aura suddenly appeared, and the mother of Xingtian suddenly had news. This is a coincidence. The most important thing is that Xing Tian suddenly dispersed his power at this time. I don't believe that he doesn't understand how much harm the dispersing power will do to him at this time. If there is no calculation, I don't believe it!"

Worry, this is not the worry of one person, but the worry of the ancestors of the Taipingdao. They are all afraid that this is a trap, a trap against the Taipingdao. If it is true, they will fall into the trap if they act boldly. In death crisis!

Hearing this, Taiping ancestors sighed softly: "Do we still have the right to choose? Is worry useful? This is what we must face. If we don't take action, we will still be unable to escape, or even die more. Hurry up, let’s take action. Whether this is a trap or not, we must take the initiative to attack, and we must take the initiative. Only in this way can we have a ray of life. If we continue to be passive, we will really be dead, even if all this is Trap, as long as we work together, we will be able to create a great road that belongs to the Taiping Road, and we will be able to create a vitality that belongs to us!"

The Taiping ancestors made it easy, but it was very difficult to do it. It was really difficult to break out of the many crises that belonged to the Taiping Dao, because they faced not only Xingtian, but The whole world.

Without waiting for other ancestors to answer, Taiping ancestor continued: “How important Xing Tian is to us, I don’t want to emphasize any more. I will just say one sentence. With Xing Tian’s source of the supreme chaotic world, with him We can connect the channel between the Supreme Chaos World and our world, so that the entire Taipingdao can directly tear the void, break free from the shackles of the world, and get out of this terrible world destruction. I don’t think everyone I am willing to face the catastrophe of the destruction of the world, so I hope that no matter what thoughts or opinions you have in your mind, you will let me go at this moment, and we will cooperate fully to break free from the shackles of the world!"

After hearing the words of the Taiping Patriarch, all the strong of Taipingdao were silent. They all understood that at this time they must work together, and they all understood that this is the best way out of Taipingdao. The most important thing is that they understand that not only It is only their Taipingdao’s idea to beat Xingtian, other forces will make the same choice. After all, Xingtian’s identity is very attractive. Xingtian has the origin of the supreme chaotic world and this world, and Xingtian is the best medium. , The medium that connects the two worlds!

"Kill! We have no choice. This time we are not only facing Xingtian, but also other forces, other ethnic civilizations. In this battle, no matter how many enemies there are, no matter how powerful the enemy is, we cannot Give up, this is our only chance of survival. People block killing, and Buddha block killing Buddha. No one can stop our actions!"

In an instant, all the powerhouses of Taipingdao made this crazy decision. Of course, it was not just Taipingdao. The entire force that had ambitions for Xingtian was like this. There was only one opportunity and only one Xingtian. No one wanted to Let go, and under this circumstance, they naturally have to plan for the worst and naturally confront other forces.

Xing Tian is very aware of his own crisis. After the deity took the initiative to attack, his mind has been warning, endless killing intent is rushing to the deity madly, Xing Tian can clearly feel the terrible murderous intent from all forces. To the danger from the void, this is the war Xingtian must face, the war that cannot be changed!


Yes, it is war! For Xing Tian, ​​this is a war, an endless war, as long as he does not fall, the enemy will not stop, because he has the power they need, and he is the only vitality in their eyes.

"Haha! Perhaps this is the calculation of the origin of the world. Using me as the bait, "force" me to take the initiative and become the hunting target of all forces, so that I will never die with them, no matter what the final result is, it is for the world. The greatest benefit, no matter who dies, will become the nourishment of the origin of the world, what a world origin, what a terrible calculation!" At this moment, Xing Tian locked the target of his doubts on the origin of the world, and determined that all this is the origin of the world. The game set!

Can you still break free from this terrible calculation at this time? Can you retreat from this calculation? No, Xing Tian understands that he can’t do it, if he doesn’t enter the game, how he can break out of the game. If he wants to get rid of his own crisis, he must face this life-and-death duel, and he must complete this world-destroying catastrophe. This is his own test.

The more he advances, the heavier Xing Tian's heart is, because even though he is advancing with all his strength, his mother's breath is still so vain and ethereal, so that he can't really lock his mother's position, and can't be sure whether his mother is alive or dead. , And the more so, the heavier Xing Tian's mood became, and the more he understood that this was a trap that led him into the game!

Before, the death gods used Xingtian to provoke the world catastrophe, and now the world origin is also using the same method to trigger this world extinction catastrophe, as if Xingtian entered this world, it has been in the hands of those careerists. A card, a bait.

anger? Yes, Xing Tian has endless anger in his heart, and he can't wait to take away the black hand behind him, but Xing Tian can't do it, at least not right now, and he has to be led by the nose by these **** and has to step in step by step. In the trap set by the other side, if you want to resist or fight for escape, you need war!

"Chaos", the world "chaos", when Xing Tian took the initiative to enter the game, the whole world once again "chaos", the time gods and death gods can not help but frowned, originally they thought they were the extinction The center of the Great Tribulation, but now they understand that they were wrong. Xing Tian is the center of the Great Tribulation of Extinguishing the World. After feeling the changes in the various forces, the Death God and the Time God and Demon breathed a sigh of relief, and they all let go. The tense heartstrings in my heart also have the determination to fight to the end against the enemy in front of me!

The external threat is gone. If you don’t hurry to kill the enemy in front of you and swallow the enemy’s power at this time, you will really miss the opportunity, and you will really fall into the desperate situation of ten deaths and no life. At this moment, they are all I think Xing Tian is a bit cute, and it is precisely because of the existence of this lunatic Xing Tian that he can have such a chance!

kill! There is not so much hesitation, and there is not so much consideration. The time gods and demons and death gods and demon burst out with all their strength, and no longer have the slightest reservation. Time waits for no one. They hope that they can complete their enemies before Xingtian's body dies. The lore.

A terrifying storm erupted in the world, terrible shock waves swept in all directions, the earth was trembling, volcanoes were erupting, under the confrontation between the time gods and the death gods, the whole world was collapsing, yes, it was a collapse, where Under the mighty power of the Chaos Gods and Demons, this world is collapsing and the world is breaking. Without consideration, the power of the two Chaos Gods and Demons is completely exploded. They have no time to wait, and time waits for no one. They must fight quickly. quick decision.

At this moment, the power of death enveloped the entire world, and the mighty power of time enveloped the entire world. Time gods and gods and death gods and gods are exploding with all their strength, and endless creatures die in front of this terrible power, whether it is the source of death. , Or the origin of time, are madly obliterating all vitality. Those creatures who don't have the power to protect are all dead, those weak forces are directly obliterated by this terrible force, and the whole world is heading for destruction!

Extinguish the world, at this moment the power of exterminating the world seems to be inspired and is covering the entire world, and Xing Tian also feels a great crisis, the crisis from the world, the murderous intent from the enemy, and the endless calamity is madly facing him It is coming, as if all negative forces are eroding their body and soul like crazy!

"Damn it, how could this terrible negative force suddenly flood into my body and erode my soul? Could it be said that this is the crisis brought by the authority to destroy the world? This is the calculation of the origin of the world. It wants me Being obliterated by negative forces and becoming a puppet that destroys the world?" Feeling the terrible crisis, Xing Tian’s heart was filled with a shadow. Things were more terrifying and more dangerous than he thought. The enemy was even more cunning than he thought. Be sinister and vicious!

Puppet, is this the true intention of the origin of the world? Xing Tian was suspicious, but it was not the time to fight back, nor the time to break out. After all, the enemy was still hidden in the dark, and even though Xing Tian faced such a crisis, Xing Tian had full confidence in his own will and his Dadao also has full confidence. No matter how strong this negative force is, it will not affect your mind, will not erode your soul, let alone replace your own wisdom. For Xing Tian, ​​no amount of negative force will affect your own mind. It will only become the nourishment for one's own practice, and one's own great path can wipe out everything!

This is not how arrogant Xing Tian is, but Xing Tian has full certainty. Whether it is his own deity or clone, he can guarantee that he will not be corroded by external forces. The power of the king of the end of clones is sufficient to end everything, no matter what power. , Is not able to withstand a single blow in the face of the power of the King of End, and will be terminated, and the deity said that his avenue is even more irresistible. The world opened up by the flesh is enough to digest all powers and to wipe out everything, not to mention Xing Tian. There is a chaotic clone. With the power of the chaotic world, any external invasion will be decomposed into chaotic auras and turned into nutrients!

However, in order to be able to find the enemy hidden in the dark and allow himself more preparation time, Xing Tian did not rush to respond, did not rush to swallow all the negative forces, but allowed the negative forces to form an impact on him. In order to eliminate the enemy's vigilance, so that you can have a chance to kill with one blow, so that you can destroy the opponent, or you must not make a move, you must end everything about the enemy, completely destroy it, and leave yourself no trouble!

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