God of Destruction

Chapter 4117: Knot strangulation

Chapter 4125 Strangulation

A trace of negative power is constantly shining on Xing Tian. Whether it is the King of End clone or the deity, they are all entangled by that negative power, as if Xing Tian is already in the midst of a catastrophe. , There is no longer any possibility of breaking free, and when such a situation occurs, all those who attacked Xingtian’s idea are shocked, making them even more crazy. Time is not waiting for anyone. If Xingtian is killed by this qi, they Is there any chance to compete for Xingtian's luck, that supreme source of chaos, everything will turn into the nourishment of this world, this is a result that they cannot accept and cannot tolerate!

"Damn, we have forgotten the most important thing. Xingtian is the one who should be robbed. If Xingtian left this world without being stopped by the death gods and demons before, he would not be affected by the world, and he would not be affected by the robbery. Body calamity, but now with the world extinction catastrophe, he, the person who should be catastrophic, will face true death. If we can’t kill Xingtian quickly and forcibly take away his origin, it won’t take long. When the smoke disappears, our plan will be shattered!"

"How could this happen? How could the origin of the world suddenly exert such a force on Xing Tian, ​​even if Xing Tian is a person who should be robbed, the speed of this tribulation is too fast. Could it be that the origin of the world has also been awakened by instinct? , When the great catastrophe of the world is coming, can it instinctively save itself and let it control Xingtian at all costs?" Soon everyone set the goal on the origin of the world, and only the origin of the world has this ability. Only then can Xingtian be affected silently, without being noticed by Xingtian, let Xingtian continue to be destroyed step by step, so that Xingtian really has no chance to stand up!

Terrible, the origin of the world is so terrible, even Xing Tian is silently affected, and Xing Tian is still the descendant of the supreme chaos world, and he has the luck of the supreme chaos origin, but such existence is still affected by the world origin , How can this prevent those ancestors from being wary of this, how can they prevent them from being horrified, if they don’t act again, if they don’t break out of the situation, then they are really dead and no life, none of them have the confidence to be able to Facing the erosion of the origin of the world!

"Fight, we have no choice. Whether this is a conspiracy or not, we all have to fight!" Yes, as long as they still have greed in their hearts, as long as they still want to seize Xing Tian's origin, there is only war, and it must be stopped. To start a war, you can’t wait for Xingtian to be eroded by the tribulation and become a puppet of the tribulation, then it will be too late!

"Kill!" With a deep drink, a stream of light pierced the void, and the powerful star power directly locked Xing Tian's deity, directly blasting and killing Xing Tian. This was an attack on Taiping Dao. Taiping Dao finally took action, and this A meteor is nothing else, it is the original city of Taiping Dao, and all the sentient beings of Taiping Dao work together to urge this city of origin, directly giving Xing Tian a fatal blow!

"The power of the stars, **** this is the Taipingdao lunatic, they have taken action!" When the Taipingdao shot, the forces that were also ready to move immediately noticed, and they gritted their teeth with hatred, and they were all worried about the Taipingdao meeting. One hit! Although Xing Tian's power is very powerful, no one thinks that Xing Tian can fight against a sect and can withstand the crushing of a city of origin. Once Xing Tian loses his hand, only death is waiting for him!

"Haha! You finally can't stand it anymore, come well, I'm about to settle the cause and effect with you, the huge cause and effect between us should also be over, open it to me, the force of power will crush the void and annihilate! "With the roar of Xing Tian, ​​the Great Dao of Power exploded on Xing Tian's body. The endless power rushed to Xing Tian's fist, and he greeted the original city of Taiping Dao with unparalleled attacks. Xing Tian wanted to use the Great Dao to destroy his eyes. The city of origin, a sneak attack to destroy Taipingdao!

"The Great Way of Power Shatters the Void! The madman, Futian Tian, ​​really realized the Great Way of Power. How could this be possible? Could it be that what he asked before was the result of his own practice? He really mastered the Great Way of Power. How could this be possible? It is impossible for the ant to realize the great avenue of power and the power to smash the void!” The death **** was shocked by Xingtian’s attack at this moment, even if he was in a life-and-death confrontation with the time **** and demon, but he felt Xingtian’s At the terrible blow, he was still frightened and lost in his heart, because it was so terrible and unbelievable!

Not only was the death **** and demon lost at this moment, but also the time **** and demon who was in the middle of the war. He was also shocked by the great power of Xing Tian, ​​which shattered the void, which really came to the hands of Xing Tian. , Xing Tian is so real that it can tear the void and smash the void. These innate chaotic gods and demons still have not grasped this power, but they have appeared in a'ant' that they look down on. How can this be accepted by them, how can this be allowed to them Not chilling!

"No, I can't let this ant continue to grow, otherwise he will really threaten my life, and the avenue of power will shatter the void, regardless of whether his power comes from his own perception or the blessing of the world's origin, in short, he must die. He is immortal, and I feel uneasy. Such power should not appear in the world!"

At this moment, the Time God and Demon were muttering to Xing Tian’s outbreak, he had endless killing intent in his heart. Xing Tian threatened him too much, not even weaker than the Death God and Demon in front of him. Xing Tian’s current strength is still insufficient, but no one knows what will happen over time. After all, Xing Tian has the aura of the origin of the world and the aura of extinction, which makes the time **** and demon have to treat it with caution. Carelessly!

"Death, we can't continue the war, otherwise we will only be calculated by the world origin, maybe we have always been in the calculation of the world origin, if this'ant' continues to develop, he has enough power to threaten our Life and death, the avenue of power smashes the void, this is enough to bring us death, and he still has the terrible power of destroying the world!" Facing the sudden outbreak of Xing Tian, ​​the time **** and demon finally expressed his worries. The death gods and demons have a truce for now!


"Yeah, you can't let this'ant' continue. It has the blessing of the origin of the world, the power of the great way to destroy the world, and even masters the authority of the world. All the power blessed on this'ant' is enough to threaten us. We can’t let this madman develop further, or else the power of exterminating the world will fall on our heads. Kill, let’s kill this'ant' first, and clear the field first. As for us, we will wait for the end of the clearing before dividing life and death. Decide who can go to the end!" For the death **** and demon, without hesitation, he directly agreed to the time **** and demon's suggestion, and directly made a ruinous choice to Xingtian!

"Okay, it's a deal. Let's clear the field first, destroy these ants first, and don't give the world origin any chance to fight back. If it wants to destroy the world, then we clear the field first, and destroy its help first, so that it is powerless to threaten the world. Our life and death!" In an instant, the Time God and Demon reached an agreement. When this agreement was reached, the two Chaos God and Demon immediately separated.

"Time stops, space is imprisoned, time and space are still!" Without hesitation, the time **** demon directly activated his own powerful time and space power, directly letting the origin of time and space envelop the whole world, and the whole world was given by the power of time and space.

When the time **** and demon must live in the entire world, the death **** and demon did not hesitate and shouted in a deep voice: "The way of the devil descends, the devil will destroy the common people, and die! Annihilate! Annihilate!" The devilish energy enveloped the entire world, and all the creatures felt the destruction from the demon way. They all wanted to struggle and wanted to resist the destruction from the demon way, but they couldn’t do it. They were fixed by the magical power of the time **** and demon. They can only watch that terrifying magical origin destroy everything, destroy everything around them, and even destroy themselves.

"Damn, we are in the game, the time gods and the death gods are working together to strangle us!" When the terrible space-time power and the power of the magic way surged wildly, the ancestors who stood at the top of this world were furious. , Yelled frantically and warned others, but unfortunately it was too late. All this had already broken out and could not be stopped!

The terrifying magic power swept the entire world, directly destroying a group of creatures. Under repeated and repeated crazily destruction, most of the creatures in the entire world have been killed or injured. It can be said that those who have no strength and no chance are directly After being destroyed, only the strong and powerful forces are left in this world!

"Damn, how dare they do this? Why didn't World Origin stop it? Isn't the lunatic Xingtian the person who should be robbed? Why didn't he stand up to stop it? Why did he watch this happen!" When such a terrifying force of destruction appeared At that time, those ancestors were yelling one by one, they were afraid, they were afraid.

Yes, at this moment, Xingtian’s end king clone did nothing. He watched all these outbreaks and allowed time and death to launch this devastating attack on the whole world, watching those Living beings are destroyed by birth! selfish? Who is to blame? I can only blame these ancestors for being too greedy. I blamed them for attacking Xingtian first, and now I want to let the king of the end of Xingtian stand against disasters for them. I can only say that they are too self-righteous, and Xingtian didn't. This responsibility, Xingtian is indeed the one who should be robbed, and indeed has the power of the world, but Xingtian’s mission is to destroy the world, not to save the world. From Xingtian’s point of view, he can destroy the world by himself, with the help of the time gods and the death gods. It is also possible to destroy the world by hand, as long as the world goes to destruction, you will complete your task and complete the task imposed on you by the origin of the world!

"Hmph, this time I think of Xingtian, didn't you all have to kill me all the time? Haven't the **** of Taipingdao already made a big shot? This time it depends on how you choose and what you use to resist the time gods and deaths. The gods and demons are strangling together, I hope you **** can withstand this force of strangulation!" Xing Tian sneered disdainfully, and did not put those ancestors in his eyes, although the deity is indeed in crisis now, but the situation Generally speaking, it is very beneficial to him. This is also the result Xing Tian is willing to see. He is not afraid of the death **** and demon and the time **** and demon teaming up, just afraid that they will do nothing!

"Xing Tian, ​​stop, now is not the time for our duel!" At this time, the **** of Taiping Dao finally couldn't hold on. They were counterattacked by Xing Tianli's Dao, and then strangled by the time gods and death gods. The Peace Road, who was trying to get ahead, fell into a crisis all at once, under great pressure and shock.

"Haha! You want me to stop at this time. Why didn't you think about letting me go before? Since you have already made a move, you have to bear my anger. As a person who should be robbed, my responsibility is to destroy the world. With the help of the power of time gods and death gods and gods to accomplish all of this, now take the knife from you bastards, destroy me, the great way to destroy the world will appear, the origin of the world will bless me, and the power of destruction will break through!" Xing Tian Roaring, the powerful aura erupted frantically from the deity's body. The endless negative power instantly acted as the power to destroy the world. It was combined with Xingtian's Dao of Power, and launched a terrible attack on the city of Taiping Dao's origin. The avenue directly tore open the defenses of the city of origin, and the power of destroying the world poured into it like "tide" water!

"Damn it, I'm blocking it. I can't let the power of annihilation erode the city of origin, otherwise we only have a dead end!" Taiping Patriarch was yelling frantically! Yes, if the power of destroying the world is allowed to erode the city of origin, the people of Taiping Road will have only one dead end. The force of destroying the world will attract the negative forces of the entire world, allowing them to directly bear the power of destroying the world.

"It's over, the **** of Taipingdao are finished. This time they finally paid the price for their behavior and made them want to eat alone. This time they finally got retribution!" Watching the defense of the city of Taipingdao was torn apart , Those ancestors all understand that Taipingdao is dead, and they will be destroyed by the power of Xingtian and the gods and demons of death!

"Damn, this is a conspiracy, a conspiracy of the origin of the world, we have all been calculated, these three **** are clearing the scene, they want to clean us out!" Soon many ancestors have seen through the time gods and gods. Of course, in their minds, Xing Tian also has this terrible intention, and is also using this battle to cleanse their enemies! But now they have the heart to resist, but they don't have the power to resist. Whoever makes the whole world be imprisoned by the mighty power of time and space, as long as they can't break the mighty force of time and space, they can't resist, they can only watch their own death!

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