God of Destruction

Chapter 4118: Festival clearance

Chapter 4126 Clearance

For the powerhouses in this world, they understand that it is too late. The clearing of the field has already begun, and whether it is Xingtian, the death gods and the time gods, they have maintained a tacit understanding. For them, the powerhouses of this world It is a threat, they must die, because no one can guarantee that these powerful men have the calculations of the origin of the world.

For Xing Tian, ​​the first thing to be destroyed is Taiping Dao. This is not only the hatred and cause and effect in his own heart, but also a temptation to the origin of the world. In Xingtian’s heart, there is always a suspicion that he has suffered. Behind everything there is the shadow of the origin of the world, maybe from the beginning, he was targeted by the origin of the world, and he became the object of the other party's calculation!

No matter whether his thoughts are correct or not, Xing Tian must be cautious and not careless. After all, this is the catastrophe of the world. Anyone who carelessly waits for him is death or destruction. This battle has not allowed him to have Too much room for maneuver.

"It's ridiculous to want to break my power of destroying the world. This is the power bestowed by the origin of the world. You want to dissolve it with your existence like ants. It's ridiculous, come on, destroy it in this power of destroying the world. Your city of origin should not exist originally, calculate the origin of the world and seize the power of the origin of the world. You must pay for this cause and effect today! Death to death!" Xing Tian sneered, and the power of destroying the world surged crazily. , Madly bombarding the origin city of Taiping Road!

"Crazy, the **** Xingtian is really crazy, he wants to live with us endlessly, and how can this **** know our secrets, what is going on, who betrayed the secrets of the sect?" Taiping Patriarch Roaring frantically, he never thought that things would have such an amazing change, which would make the situation out of control!

"Betrayal? No, no one would betray the secret of the sect. We all underestimated Xingtian's ability. The world extinction has not begun. Before the origin of the world has given this lunatic the power to exterminate the world, we can still hide this secret. , When this lunatic is empowered by the origin of the world, our secret is no longer a secret. We must face this cause and effect. This is inevitable! Fight, fight with all your strength, there will be no more Keep it, otherwise, there is only a dead end waiting for us. Take out all the background and make the final fight with Xingtian. Either he will die or we will die!"

There are still people who can see the situation clearly, understand why such a situation occurs, and understand that for them, they can only fight with all their strength. In this fight, they have no choice, even if it is impossible to escape, they have been locked. If you want to break the game, you can only fight with all your strength, and only take out the background of the entire sect, the power that everyone has saved!

"The power of destroying the world, Xingtian, a lunatic, is going to destroy the world. Are we facing the clone or his deity? This powerful power of destroying the world is really terrifying. Does a clone really possess such power?" Some people can’t help but doubt the identity of Qi Xingtian. It’s a pity that time waits for no one. No matter how much doubt he has in his heart, many ancestors of Taiping Road have no time to think, let alone explore. For them, time It was life, they couldn't risk their own "life" to explore the secret of Xingtian's identity, which would not do them much good.

"Let’s do it, let everyone see the ultimate power of my Taipingdao, and let them know that I’m not easy to provoke. These three **** can clear the field, but don’t fight our idea, or they can’t afford it. Consequences, the stars are coming!"

With a deep sigh from the Taiping ancestor after waking up, the entire Taiping Dao broke out with all its strength, and the sect's foundation was completely begun. All the strong have taken out their own housekeeping skills, and the light of stars rose into the sky. It directly hits the blockade of the mighty space-time force, and directly tears the blockade of the time **** and demon, and escapes from this terrible confinement!

When Taiping Dao made this crazy move, other sect forces couldn’t bear it, especially the imperial capital representing the human race. The entire emperor was running frantically, and countless emperors’ dragon spirits surged madly, and the emperors exuded. Terrible power of belief, terrible imperial power, and then the emperor took such a terrible impact directly to Xing Tian, ​​ramming in the direction of Taiping Dao!

"Hmph, the imperial capital, the original city of the imperial imperial family. It seems that they can't bear it anymore. The Taipingdao represents the patrilineal bloodline, while the imperial imperial family represents the matrilineal bloodline. It seems that they are all in that matter. They play a disgraceful role, so they can’t allow me to survive, but if you want to fight, I will accompany you to fight. I want to see what power you use to fight me and what power Can destroy me Xingtian, come on, let this war come more violently!" In an instant, Xing Tian's heart once again rose up with endless fighting intent, the invincible hegemonic fighting intent of fighting the sky and the battlefield!

The mighty power of time and space, the origin of the magical path of the death gods and demons, and Xingtian’s fighting will to the sky. It seems that their tripartite cooperation is very tacit and powerful, but they are still enemies between them. Xingtian, as a person to be robbed, is the public enemy of all living creatures. Not to mention the time gods and the death gods, they are also immortal enemies. When this situation arises, they really have no choice but to let go and one to give up their lives. In addition, They did not resist at all!

"Damn it, can I say that I really have to think too much, the origin of the world is not behind the scenes, no one is really calculating me behind all this? No, this is impossible, my feeling can't be wrong, there must be some problem What I didn’t find, or the origin of the world was hidden too deeply, it didn’t want to "expose" it out!" Xing Tian muttered to himself, but Xing Tian understood that it would be useless to think too much. To resolve the crisis, the only thing that can be relied on in the end is power. Power is supreme. This is the real rule of the world. Without strong power, it is the trivial ant. The ant has no right to survive in the catastrophe!


"Hmph, you want to break free from the shackles of time and space, you are too naive, too self-righteous, will the time gods and demons be so easy to deal with, let me die! The great catastrophe comes, the origin is destroyed, the common people are destroyed, death! Death! Death!" Xing Tian roared again, and the endless source of extinction rushed frantically, rushing into the city of the origin of Taiping Road, frantically facing the imperial capital that hit him. At this moment, Xing Tian had no reservations, and he really made an effort to mobilize the world-destroying origin he could mobilize, and he wanted to give a fatal blow to the two enemies in front of him!

"Come on, let me see if there is any calculation behind your world origin, let me see if this world-destroying power can really destroy everything, the world origin hopes you don't let me down!" At this time, Xing Tian muttered to himself in his heart, waiting, waiting for the response of Taipingdao and the imperial family, and waiting for the response of the origin of the world.

Under Xingtian’s crazy "operations", the Origin of Extinguishing the World is frantically exploding, frantically destroying the power of the two cities of origin, as if there are really no enemies behind all this, but it is between the two origins. When the power of the city was about to be wiped out, when the origin of the world was about to touch the core of the two great origin cities, an accident occurred. Xing Tian felt that the power of the world in his grasp was abnormal, and he began to be affected by his own. Influence, start to break away from your own control!

"Haha! It seems that I didn't really think about it. Behind all this is the shadow of the origin of your world, who should be robbed, and the catastrophe of the world, everything is just your tool, but you too underestimate my Xingtian. Since you are unwilling to let me destroy these two origin cities, please explode. I won't accept the power beyond my control! Let people explode!" Xing Tian shouted, the origin of the world extinction in his hands was crazy At this moment, Xing Tian had paid a considerable price for the earth to leave the body and directly cut the world-destroying origin that eroded himself, and directly drove it into the city of two major origins.

Just after Xing Tian’s cut origins fell into the cities of the two origins, with Xing Tian’s deep cry, the power of this origin exploded directly, forming a terrible storm of extinction in the cities of these two origins. The mighty power of the world rages frantically on the two cities of origin, and is directly obliterating the power of the two cities of origin, to destroy them!

"Well, the lunatic Xing Tian is crazy enough, even this junior has let go, time **** and demon, what are you waiting for, let's take it, let's wipe out the origin of the world first. With its existence, we have no chance to get involved. Fang World, it will not give us a chance to succeed!" After seeing Xing Tian's crazy move, the death **** and demon screamed at the time **** and demon frantically!

In the eyes of the death gods and demons, the origin of the world is the biggest threat to itself. As long as the origin of the world is still there, one cannot achieve his wish and cannot completely refine the world. Now is the opportunity to destroy the origin of the world, even if so. If you do yourself, you will be empty-handed, and you will not get the origin of the world, but this is better than threatening your own "life".

When he heard the roar of the death **** and demon, the eyes of the time **** and demon flashed with cold rays. He understood what the death **** and demon wanted to do. This was to "force" himself to fight against the origin of the world. There is an endless duel between oneself and the origin of the world. Once oneself is entangled by the origin of the world, the death **** and demon break free from all constraints.

"Damn, so sinister calculation, so malicious mind, but you too underestimate my time **** and demon, you think I don't know what you are thinking, want to make me and the world's origin immortal, want me to do It’s impossible for you to guard against the disaster!” The Time God and Demon were muttering to himself, not caring about the roar of death, as if the whole person was immersed in a **** battle, unable to take care of changes in the outside world. Throw into the blockade of this world!

"Asshole, this **** asshole, how dare he ignore my opinion like this? Could it be that this **** has seen through my plan?" When the Time God and Demon didn't react at all, the Death God and Demon's eyes showed a lightness. Uneasy, there is a touch of loss in his heart, and a trace of terrible threat, the situation is beyond his imagination!

"Oh! These two **** are really unbelievable. At this time, these two **** are still calculating each other, still wanting to kill each other in this battle. There is no unity in their hearts, let alone. The thought of working together to overcome difficulties, for them, what they see in their eyes is only benefit!" When thinking about this, Xing Tian sighed involuntarily, and understood, but he really didn’t have the ability to change, so he could only remember. Accept it all!

Unity? For time gods and gods and death gods, they have never had this mind. Their eyes are only killing, only destruction, and what is unity. If the two of them can unite, it would be a big joke.

Do death gods and time gods really just want to kill each other? No, they not only want to kill each other, they also want to kill Xingtian, they want to sweep away all the strong men in this world, and even want to "force" the origin of the world to them. It is said that as long as the origin of the world is still there, it is a great threat to oneself. There is nothing wrong with clearing the field, but this time the clearing is not just to cleanse the strong people of this world, the many forces, they deliberately want to wipe out all the power. Wanting to succeed in a battle, destroy all the forces that threaten you in one fell swoop, so that you can swallow all the benefits!

"Can you make a move? Can you kill these two **** with one blow?" Xingtian's King of Ending clone muttered to himself. Although there is endless murder in his heart, the clone of King of Ending dare not act rashly, because there is only one chance. , Once you fail, the consequences are unimaginable. The most terrifying thing is that if you fail, you have to face not only the anger from the time gods and demons, but also the seizures from the origin of the world and let yourself A terrible shock!

"Wait, I can't rush to shoot. I still have time. Although the deity is caught in terrible danger, the situation is not so dangerous on the surface. The origin of the world is still waiting and watching. I am worried. I am afraid that the origin of the world is also worried. This war is not trivial. No matter how much preparation the world origin has, no matter how insidious calculations, it will not show up until the final moment. After all, once it shows up, it will fall into a real crisis. In the middle, face death and face destruction!" Xing Tian shook his head gently, and gave up the crazy idea before. Without complete preparation, without the prerequisite of one hit, he decided I can't act rashly, even if the deity is severely injured, I can't act rashly, but I have been stared at by the origin of the world, and I can't be careless!

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