God of Destruction

Chapter 4119: Festival kill

The fourth thousand one hundred and twenty-seventh chapter kill

Waiting is the most painful, especially in the current situation. Every second is a long time for Xingtian, just like a year. The longer the time, the greater the pressure on Xingtian. Under such terrifying pressure, every second of persistence is a test of one's own will, and a test of one's own beliefs.

The battle is like fire, and it will not be affected by Xingtian’s waiting. It will not be changed because Xingtian, the King of Ending clone, has not been shot. At this moment, although some people have seen the waiting of Xingtian King of Ending clone, there is no People care, because what they see is only benefits. They are all affected by the catastrophe. They have been deeply involved in this terrible killing and can no longer extricate themselves. For them, life and death are no longer theirs. Under control!

Sneak attack, when Taipingdao and the imperial family took action, the whole world was "stunned", and all forces were crazy about it. As long as there were people who were not targeted by the time gods and death gods, their first goal was Xing Tian, ​​because in their eyes, only Xing Tian is the weakest among the three, and Xing Tian’s interests are also huge. Under this circumstance, what reason do they have to let Xing Tian go? Why not take this opportunity to attack Xingtian, kill Xingtian in one fell swoop!

In a moment, the deity Xingtian fell into a crisis, and was targeted by the forces. The cities of origin that had just been condensed all rushed towards Xingtian frantically, causing Xingtian to fall into a terrible siege. Killing.

Clearance! Now Xingtian has not eliminated those enemies, but has been besieged and killed by these many enemies. At this time, both the time **** and the death **** and devil have ignored the death crisis that Xingtian himself has fallen into, and has no intention to help them. As far as people are concerned, although they have put down their hatred for the time being, they are still enemies, and they are also enemies of the endless avenue. The time gods and death gods did not make a sneak attack on Xingtian. It is already very good to clear Xingtian at the first time. It is unrealistic and impossible for them to help each other because they are not stupid. Moreover, Xing Tian still has a clone of the King of Ending, and this clone has never been used. Obviously, this clone is used Guard against them.

Yes, Xingtian’s clone of the King of End is used to target death gods and gods of time, even if the deity is now caught in a crisis of death, besieged by many forces, but the clone of King of the end still does not move. Still staying vigilant, this is the vigilance of the time gods and the death gods and gods. Although tacit understanding exists for them, no one will be merciful when there is a chance, and everyone will clean up the other party in the first time. , This is the cruelty of the Great Tribulation!

"It can't go on like this anymore. If these **** are allowed to besieged, it won't be long before I can't hold on. Even with the support of the Chaos clone, I don't have the huge source that can be consumed indefinitely, let alone let The origin of the world, there are time gods and demons, and death gods and demons to see through their hole cards. No matter when, the avatar of Chaos cannot be "exposed". This is the bottom line!" At this time, Xing Tian's heart no longer wants to go on like this. The many forces that besieged themselves had a lore!

Although the avenue of power crushes the void is incomparably powerful, but facing the impact of the city of origin, the attack of the avenue of power is still insufficient, unable to destroy the city of origin in the first time, and the outbreak of the road of power, Each blow is a great pressure for Xing Tian. He cannot explode indefinitely. The same is true for the Origin of Extinguishing the World. It is just that under the full outbreak, Xing Tian feels how terrible the consumption of his origin is and consumes himself in this way. You can't hold on for long, and as long as you "show" your weakness, you will definitely fall into a desperate situation and be killed by these damned major forces.

conspiracy! At this moment, Xing Tian can be sure that he has been calculated and calculated by the origin of the world. The outburst of the world-destroying power should not consume its own power. After all, the world-destroying power comes from the world origin, but now its own power is It consumes quickly, which makes Xing Tian have to doubt the intentions of the origin of the world, and has to be vigilant!

"Huh! The origin of the world thought that this would put me to death. It's ridiculous. You too underestimated my Xingtian. The stars of Zhou Tian appeared. The Avenue of Stars blessed me. The world of stars bursts out for me. With Xing Tian’s roar, the power of the Avenue of Stars blessed itself, the power of the Avenue of Stars merged into itself, into the Avenue of Power, after receiving the blessing of the Avenue of Stars, Xing Tian’s power reached its extreme, and he threw a punch. The city of origin, on which the Taipingdao people, who desperately resisted the power of destroying the world, was directly blown up. With a punch, the defense of the city of origin was directly torn apart!

When Xing Tian ripped open the defenses of the city of origin, the power of time and space in the void and the aura of the magic way rushed into the city of origin frantically, attacking the people of Taipingdao frantically, just for a moment, those The disciples of Taipingdao were mostly killed and injured, and the core of the city of origin was eroded by external forces, and the city of origin was in danger of collapse!

"Give me to die, smash the void with the force of strength, and explode me!" Nothing, no rest, when he saw the city of the origin of the Taiping Dao burst, Xing Tian broke out again, and the road of strength crazily shattered the origin of the origin. Everything in the city, this time there is no power to withstand Xingtian’s avenue of power. Under the destructive destruction of the avenue of power, the city of the source has suffered a terrible impact, and the defense of the city of the source is complete. Collapse, completely shattered by the Great Avenue!

"Damn it, how could this happen? How could Xingtian smash the defenses of the Origin City? What are the **** doing in Taipingdao? How could Xingtian succeed so easily!" When Xingtian blasted the city of origin, he besieged and killed. Xingtian’s many forces were shocked in their hearts one by one. They were all worried that Xingtian would target himself in the next moment and would focus on his original city. If the original city was also destroyed by Xingtian, then all his calculations All will fall to nothing, not only that, but also the lives of oneself and the entire sect, such terrible consequences are unbearable!

"It's the power of the Avenue of Stars. Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic man, has colluded with the power of the stars. He passed through the blockade of the world and aroused the power of the heavens and stars. This madman has the ability to break through the barriers of the world, that is, as long as he is willing to pay a certain amount At the price, you can get rid of the shackles of the world and return to the highest chaotic world. Now we are in big trouble!" Soon someone saw the true situation of Xing Tian, ​​saw the shining light of stars on Xing Tian, ​​and saw The horror of Xingtian under the blessing of Avenue of Stars!


Under Xingtian’s frantic attack, many ancestors of Taiping Dao were no longer in the mood to fight Xingtian to death. When the city of origin was torn apart, they were all in fear and restlessness, fearing that the city of origin would be completely destroyed by Xingtian. , If you really lose the city of origin, Taiping Road will definitely come to an end, and the entire sect will inevitably disappear in this catastrophe!

"Quickly, withdraw and retreat, don't be locked in by the lunatic Xingtian!" At this time, Taiping Patriarch no longer had his previous dominance, and shouted in panic, directing the surviving disciple of Taipingdao to speed up, "Fuck. The city of origin broke free from Xingtian's attack, got rid of the crazy pursuit of Xingtian, a lunatic, and escaped from this desperate situation!

The idea is good, but the reality is cruel. If Xing Tian didn’t break through the defenses of the Origin City before that, and didn’t seriously damage the core of the Origin City, then many forces would not be afraid, let alone stop, but now he sees peace. When Dao's tragic situation occurred, some sects with insufficient strength immediately stopped, and immediately drove the city of Origin to escape, for fear that he would be caught by Xing Tian in the next moment!

For Xing Tian, ​​the only thing to do is to do it thoroughly. Since the power of the Taipingdao has been severely injured, then do it to the end, and use the blood of the whole Taipingdao to warn all enemies, make those enemies fear, and make them afraid Keep fighting!

"Kill! Move flowers and trees, end the road, end the spear, end all things, and die for me!" After another serious injury to the city of the origin of the Taiping Road, Xing Tian's heart moved to mobilize the power of the King of Ending clone and borrowed it. The original treasure of the King of Ender, the spear of the end, pierced out, and the power of the end avenue madly impacted the original city of Taipingdao. In front of the powerful original treasure of the end of the spear, the original city of the Taipingdao was instantly Torn, the power to end the avenue instantly enveloped the entire city of origin of the Taiping Dao, and the power of termination was ending everything, whether it was the creatures or the matter of the city of origin, it was ending!

"Damn, how can Xingtian borrow the power of the deity to mobilize the ultimate treasure of the Spear of End? What is going on!" In the eyes of those ancestors, the King of End is the deity of Xingtian, and now the Spear of End The power of the appeared in front of them, how can they not be frightened, how can they not be afraid.

what happened? Quite simply, Xingtian’s Avenue of Stars can be used not only for attacks, but also for space conversion. As long as you pay a little price, you can borrow the Spear of Ending, which was originally in the hands of the King of End, to use it. , Taipingdao finally suffered terrible retribution, the power of ending and the power of destruction, as well as the terrifying power of Xingtian, the power of the three erupted completely in the city of the origin of Taipingdao, the terrible power destroyed everything, End everything!

In just a few breaths, the original city of Taipingdao was completely destroyed. Many disciples of Taipingdao were all dead, and those ancestors of Taipingdao did not escape the strangulation of the power of ending and the power of destruction. , In that terrifying power, they all stepped into death, and they were all directly strangled in the city of origin of their own sect and destroyed together with the city of origin!

Why did these ancestors die so miserably? There was no chance to resist? If there was no city of origin, no matter how Xing Tian broke out, relying only on their own strength, these ancestors could also fight against Xing Tian, ​​even if they were defeated. Withdrawal and retreat, can save their own "life", but now they are dead in this confrontation!

Speaking of this, the ancestors of Taipingdao themselves are too greedy and crazy. They all blessed their origin in the city of origin, and combined their original treasure with the city of origin. They wanted to use With the power of the city of origin, using their own origin as the driving force, they directly crushed Xingtian, but they failed. They were seriously injured by the power of the Great Dao of Destruction, and were severely injured by the Dao of Strength, and then they were directly terminated by the Spear of Ending. , The origin is shattered, these ancestors themselves are dead!

It can only be said that all this came too fast, the outbreak was too sudden, and there was no time for the ancestors of Taipingdao to react, so that they did not have the opportunity to extract their original treasure from this original city, and it was precisely because all of this came too much. Quickly, too suddenly, so these peaceful ancestors fell directly into death and were directly obliterated by the Spear of End!

When the original city of Taipingdao was shattered, a rumbling sound resounded through the world, and a rain of blood fell crazily from the void. This is the world's sorrow for the deaths of these many ancestors. The big battle just started so short. In a little time, the entire Taiping Dao was directly destroyed, the entire sect did not even escape from a single person, and even the high-ranking ancestors died and disappeared. As a result, the whole world was shocked and all the forces were terrified.

"Damn it, retreat, don't fight against Xingtian this lunatic!" When the Taipingdao was destroyed, no other force dared to continue the war against Xingtian. They were all afraid of stepping in the footsteps of the Taipingdao, afraid of being Xingtian this lunatic. Give destruction!

At this time, it reflects the strength of the city of origin. Those powerful cities of origin directly tore the void and flee directly, and the fastest of these naturally belongs to the imperial capital because of the sacrifice of the emperor and the soul of the emperor. Incorporating into the city of origin, becoming the spirit of the imperial capital, so the imperial capital instantly broke through the sky under the "hand" of the spirit of the human emperor, so that Xing Tian didn't even have the opportunity to stop him, and fled directly from Xing Tian's eyes. Disappear without a trace!

"If you want to escape, dream, and leave it to me!" After one blow destroyed the Taiping Dao, Xing Tian's eyes were murderous, and even the powerful starlight on his body couldn't hide the terrible murderous aura! Why suddenly Xing Tian changed his mind. Originally, he just wanted to "force" back the enemy, but he didn't want to fight them to the death. But now Xing Tian is not willing to let these **** escape? Could it be said that just now, when the Taiping Road collapsed, what happened that made Xing Tian change his original thoughts and plans to leave these enemies behind? To destroy them all in this battle!

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