God of Destruction

Chapter 4120: Looting

Chapter 4128

It is luck, origin, and power! When Xing Tian destroyed the Taiping Dao and destroyed the original city of Taiping Dao, the huge original power poured into him, and the powerful Qi luck fell on him. In the great calamity, it is not only the cause and effect, but also the end. Enmity and grudges are more of a plundering of resources and air luck. After this huge source and air luck bless him, Xing Tian can clearly feel his own transformation, the growth of his own power, and his own The removal of cause and effect.

Of course, these are not the most important ones. What shocked Xing Tian the most was the origin of the world. He robbed a trace of the origin of the world, a trace of the origin that could strengthen his chaotic world, and a trace of even more terrifying power to destroy the world. It does not come from the blessing of the origin of the world and the power of the world-destroying authority that you have, but the power of world-destroying that truly comes from the origin of the world.

For Xing Tian, ​​whether it is the huge source of energy and luck, or the powerful power of destroying the world and the source of the world, they are both indispensable nutrients for him, and they are all nutrients for his own cultivation. You must know that Xingtian’s chaotic clone is not available today. After completing his own transformation, he did not evolve to the extent of being as powerful as the clone of the King of End. At this moment, he can suddenly get the world origin of the clone of chaos. How can he not let Xing Tian get excited, how can he not make Xing Tian happy!

kill! Under such a huge temptation, Xing Tian has nothing to take care of, and there is no need to take care of so many. The best enemy is the dead, and only the dead are the best. Now Taiping Dao is gone and belongs to All the resources of Taiping Dao are turned into their own nutrients. Although Xing Tian is not sure whether he can kill the creatures of other sect forces and destroy their origin city to get the origin of the world, Xing Tian has no choice. The catastrophe of extermination is one. This is a cruel and **** killing. If you don't kill, people will kill you. This is a rule that no one can change. Since it can't be changed, then try to adapt to it all!

Originally, for Xing Tian, ​​the most eager to destroy was naturally the imperial clan who had a serious relationship with him. Unfortunately, the other party reacted too quickly and fled before he could react. Therefore, Xing Tian can only target other sources. In the city, no matter whether the city of origin is weak or not, it is nothing to Xing Tian. No matter how small the city of origin, there are endless temptations for him. They are all nutrients that he cannot refuse. The object you must loot!

"Cover the sky with one hand, pick the stars and take the moon, come back to me!" Xing Tian shouted again, and the Avenue of Stars broke out in an all-round way. With the origin of the dreaded Avenue of Power, he directly grabbed a city of origin that was about to flee. It is a city of origin from the middle sect. There is endless blood entwined in this city of origin. That is the mark left by the blood sacrifice of the common people! Although Xing Tian is not a kind person, but for such a crazy blood sacrifice to the common people, Xing Tian does not have any good feelings in his heart. Naturally, he will not be merciful, will not let go of these **** bastards, and will not let him escape from the destruction of the world. Pressure!

"Damn Xingtian, you are bullying and fearing hard work. If you have the ability, you can go to the top sects and the troubles of foreign races. What do you do to catch us little people?" When Xingtian stayed, when Xingtian was caught in his hands, those middle-class The sects of the forces were terrified and timid, and couldn't help but yell at Xing Tian one by one, wishing to let Xing Tian let them go with such ridiculous words!

Hearing this ridiculous remark, Xing Tian sneered and said with disdain: "Huh! Even if you say that the smallpox is "chaotic", it is useless. If you dare to be an enemy of Xingtian, then you will have to pay the price. There is a dead end, I will bully the soft and be afraid of the hard. How can you stand me! Destroy me, the avenue of strength crushes the void, break! Break! Break!"

Xing Tian was right. In the midst of the catastrophe, even if they were the city of the source of the cost, they were a dead end. If they were patient and could live a little longer, they might still have a chance to live. Confused by the interests, at this moment one by one jumped out to be enemies with Xingtian, and they didn't die who died.

As Xing Tian’s voice fell, the Great Avenue of Power blasted the city of origin frantically. There was not enough defense and no strong origin. With a few punches, the city of origin suffered a devastating blow. Xingtian was destroyed under the violent power of the city. Before the last blood rain was over, another rain of blood fell, and a new strong man fell. The destruction of this city of origin once again gave Xingtian a huge There is also a trace of the origin of the world's dying of the world.

"Yes, what I thought before is not wrong. As long as I destroy these original cities, I can plunder everything from them and quickly grow myself. No wonder the death gods and time gods will hold back the hatred in their hearts and set their goals. Among the many forces in this world, they all want to plunder the origin of the world and plunder the world’s luck!” In an instant, Xing Tian’s heart became heavy again. Time waits for no one, and he wants to seize it in this catastrophe. Sufficient origin and luck, it is necessary to compete with the time gods and demons, and even with many big forces. After all, they cannot always be unaware of this huge gain, as long as these forces know the secret of plunder , They can't bear to jump out again!

"Damn, the lunatic Xingtian has noticed the secret of the catastrophe. This is a big trouble. If this lunatic is fully involved in this struggle, I am afraid it will have a huge impact on my plan, and even make my plan comprehensive. Collapse!" At this moment, the death **** and demon's eyes flashed with a horrible killing intent, which was killing Xingtian. At this moment, he was really intolerable.

"Kill! Now only by killing Xingtian can we avoid this situation from worsening, and avoid the full disclosure of the secrets of the Great Tribulation. Xingtian, blame yourself for being too shrewd. If you don't participate in this battle, , You still have a ray of life, but unfortunately now you have lost this ray of life!" For insidious people such as the death **** and devil, in such a situation, he never hesitated, since he has the intent to kill in his heart. , Then you won’t think too much!

When the death **** and demon's killing intent came out, Xing Tian felt immediately, and the deity involuntarily shuddered, and a terrible coldness poured out from the depths of his soul. Such a shock made Xing Tian immediately alert!


Xing Tian sighed secretly in his heart: "No, this is killing intent, which can cause changes in my soul. It seems that the death gods and the time gods, and even the origin of the world, have murdered me. My actions finally touched theirs. Bottom line, there is not much time left for me. If I don't speed up, I'm afraid I will never have the opportunity to swallow and plunder the luck and origin of this world!"

For Xing Tian, ​​what he desires most is to destroy the original city of the imperial capital and swallow everything in the imperial capital. You must know that in the entire world, there are too many original cities, but for Xing Tian, ​​the most useful The imperial capital, because the imperial capital has the power of faith that Xing Tian needs most, and the humanity origin that Xing Tian needs most, it is a pity that Xing Tian has to give up now.

Instead of wasting time and energy chasing and killing the origin city of the imperial capital, it is better to focus all your energy on these trapped origin cities. No matter how good the emperor is, it takes time and energy to hunt down, and these ordinary origins The city is very close to him, and he knows how to choose Xingtian and understand the priorities.

"Kill!" With another deep cry, Xing Tian acted again, launching a fatal blow to these trapped origin cities. Time waits for no one. Xing Tian doesn't want to be stopped by the death gods and time gods and the world origin. For his own plunder, Xing Tian did not only have the power of his own deity this time, but continued to borrow the Ending Spear of the King of Ending clone, using this original treasure to madly plunder and kill all enemies, destroying one after another. City, plunder its origin!

"Crazy, the **** Xingtian is really crazy, and he is killing him desperately. Now he really has no care. For him, all the creatures in this world are just the objects of his looting and the enemies he killed! "Seeing Xingtian's crazy killing, many ancestors of the human race sighed for it, this time the failure made them feel chilled and feared again!

The Taiping Dao was destroyed, and the blood cause and effect on Xing Tian completely dissipated. Although Xing Tian still has a mother, there is no blood cause and effect in Xing Tian now. The ancestors of the royal family can clearly feel this. They all Understand that there is no blood entanglement at all, Xing Tian is really unrestrained, and really broke away from all the shackles!

"Everyone, this time we may be really wrong. Our actions not only failed to achieve the goal, but also gave Xingtian the opportunity to end cause and effect, so that the peace road was completely destroyed. Although the small and medium forces are not worth mentioning to us, they He is still a member of the Human Race. If Xingtian, a lunatic, cleans them out, all of us will be affected. The Human Race really has no chance of comeback, and everyone really has no retreat!"

Retreat? At this time, I was still talking about retreat. It can only be said that these human race ancestors have not yet woken up, and have not understood that this is the great tribulation of the world, what retreat is there in this great tribulation! Xing Tian has no retreat, time gods and demon have no retreat, death gods and demon have no retreat, and even the origin of the world has no retreat. How can their native existences have a retreat. For the creatures of the entire world, they have only one way to go, and that is to march forward courageously, to smash a **** path in this world-destroying catastrophe, to smash a path of their own vitality, and only then can they Break free from all constraints!

Time waits for no one, and the great tribulation of the world can no longer be held together. If these ancestors can make up their minds at this time, can let go of all considerations in their hearts, and can plunder other forces or the luck of other ethnic civilizations, then They still have the day to break free, and there is still a glimmer of life, but if they still don't dare to fight with all their strength, there is only a dead end waiting for them, just like those who have lost their protection in the Supreme Chaos World, they are dead and souls!

Yes, at this moment, those who descended from the supreme chaotic world have been strangled by the time gods and demons with all their strength. It seems that the previous two chaotic gods and demons are aimed at the forces in this world, but they are not really hitting It is these forces, but the descendants of the supreme chaotic world. They are plundering the origin of these descendants, seizing the mark of the supreme chaos world, and gathering more power for themselves, so that they have more origin and this. Boundary battlefield world origin confrontation!

Being strangled silently and silently in this territorial battlefield world, no one can escape this killing. I have to say that this time the major sects of the Supreme Chaos World have suffered heavy losses, and so many disciples and elders have died and died. , Will bring a huge impact to the entire sect, but unfortunately everything has happened now, and they have no room for recovery.

This time, the time gods and the death gods and gods cooperate seamlessly. Even Xing Tian, ​​who is also the descendant of the supreme chaotic world, did not realize their intentions, and did not realize that all the descendants had been strangled. The entire battlefield Only his own creature in the supreme chaotic world is left in the world. If Xing Tian can't break free from the shackles of this world, and cannot retreat from this world-destroying catastrophe, then this catastrophe will Let the whole army of descendants of the highest chaos world be destroyed.

If Xing Tian, ​​the last descendant of the supreme chaotic world, dies, what changes will happen to the battlefield world of this realm, and will it cause the transformation of the battlefield world of this realm? Will it make the entire realm battlefield world change? Perhaps all this is only clear to the origin of the realm battlefield world, even if it is the time gods and demons and death gods and devils, they are not native creatures in this world, and there is also a gap between them and the realm battlefield world. .

"Can't wait any longer, otherwise Xing Tian, ​​the madman, will gather more powerful strength, and let me die, the devil kingdom will come, and the devil will destroy the world!" Seeing Xing Tian's body aura continues to strengthen, the death **** and demon finally couldn't bear it. , Made a big shot on Xing Tian, ​​but this time the death **** demon has laid his blood, and directly exploded his strongest power, and will kill Xing Tian with one blow!

"Damn it, I know that the **** of the Death God and Demon can't believe it. He is going to swallow the origin of the lunatic Xingtian, and I can't give him this opportunity!" When the Death God and Demon took action, the time God and Demon felt great. Wrath, the death **** and devil did this to violate the tacit understanding between them, which is intolerable by the time **** and demon, and once let the death **** and demon succeed, the consequences will be unimaginable. The death **** and devil will have power beyond himself. It will break the balance between them and plunge themselves into crisis.

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