God of Destruction

Chapter 4121: Fight for life

Chapter 4129

Once the balance is broken, it is destruction for the time gods and gods and death gods and gods, so neither of them wants to see each other’s power increase, and everyone wants to grow in their own power. Xing Tian is their goal, but this goal was originally Put it at the end, and now the death **** and demon are the first to start, which makes the time **** and demon feel the endless threat and makes the time **** and demon angry!

Once the war has started, there is no way to turn back. When the Death God and Demon takes action, Time God and Demon must make a choice, whether to strike Xingtian with the Death God and Demon, or to stop the Death God and Demon and help Xingtian escape from this situation. Terrible death! Of course, there is another option for the Time God and Demon, which is to kill the Death God and Demon together with Xing Tian. It is just that once he misses his hand and cannot directly kill the Death God and Demon, then the life and death battle between them It will continue, and there is no possibility of stopping again, unless one person truly falls down, completely dead, and becomes the other's nourishment!

kill! The Time God and Demon did not think too much, and time did not allow him to do so. In any case, there was a life and death duel between himself and the Death God and Demon. Under such circumstances, the Time God and Demon naturally chose the last path. Choosing to fight the death **** and demon with Xingtian and behead them in this duel, even if you risk restarting the war!

Just after the death **** and demon attacked Xingtian, only a few breaths of time, the time **** and demon also started, there was no drunk, and no violent roar, the time **** and demon silently attacked the death **** and demon, and the power of time surged instantly. Going straight to the Death God and Demon, as for the other sects in this world, they have already been abandoned by the Time God and Demon. In contrast, the benefits of the Death God and Demon are the greatest, and in this situation, The time **** demon believes that Xing Tian will fight back, and it will definitely teach the death **** and demon a profound lesson. After all, the king of the end of Xing Tian is still there waiting quietly.

For Xingtian’s clone of the King of End, Time God and Demon dare not toss the slightest. Although the power of the King of End clone is borrowed by Xingtian’s deity, even the original treasure of the Spear of End is not in the hands of the clone, but Time God and Demon I believe that the attack of the Death God will definitely not cause a destructive blow to Xingtian. It is impossible to kill Xingtian in a single blow. Even a sneak attack on the Death God cannot do this. As long as Xingtian reacts, it will be the Death God. The death of the devil.

"Finally I did it, but it was a bit surprising to me. It was not the time **** and demon who first shot me, but the death **** and demon. It seems that the death **** and demon hates me even more!" When he saw the death **** and demon sneak attacking the deity, it ended. The King of Clone couldn't help but sighed. Originally, in the heart of the King of End, time gods and demons were his biggest threat, but now it seems that he is wrong.

Of course, there is still a big threat hidden in the dark, and that is the origin of the world. Even after the decisive battle has been going on for so long, Xing Tian still dare not take it lightly, and dare not despise the origin of the world, even if the opponent has always been hidden in the dark. Show up!

"Transformation and shadow change, the Great Road of Ending comes, and everything ends!" With a deep cry from the clone of the King of Ending, the clone of the King of Ending appeared not far from the deity, directly blocking the deadly sneak attack of the Death God and Demon, and ending the way. The power of Devil directly destroyed the power of the Demon Kingdom, directly destroyed the ambition of the Death God and Demon, and bankrupted the death Demon's plan!

"Damn, how is this possible? This is the power of time and space. The power of time and space actually appeared on Xing Tian's body. Didn't he practice the Way of Ending? Where does the power of time and space come from?" It was deadly blocked by the King of End clone. When attacking, the death **** and demon was angry at it, and this result was something he didn't expect, and he didn't want to see it.

"There is nothing impossible, death **** and demon, do you think you have hidden strength, die for me, spear of the end, end all things, kill!" The king of the end clone shouted again, originally by the deity The spear of the ultimate treasure that he held in his hand returned to his hand, and a spear pierced directly at the death **** and devil, to share life and death with the death **** and devil!

Facing the attack of the King of Ending clone, although the Death God and Demon had the intention to dodge, unfortunately he could not do it, because at this moment the attack of the Time God and Demon had already arrived, and the power of time and space erupted directly from behind him. The avatar of the King completed a complete flanking attack, which directly plunged the death **** and demon into a huge crisis. If the death **** and demon had no successor, then this time he was really dead, regardless of the destructive power of the end spear, The time and space power of the Time God Demon was enough to hurt him seriously.

"Asshole, these two **** **** have joined forces. I was too careless. I underestimated Xing Tian's preparations and also underestimated the reaction of Time God and Demon!" At this time, the death God and Demon couldn't help but feel a trace of it. Regret, if time can come back, he will never make such a mistake again, he will not easily make this risky move, give Xingtian, there is still time for the gods and demons to have a chance to pinch himself, let himself fall into this close In the crisis of death!

"It seems that the final hole card cannot be retained. I really didn't expect that this hole card was not used on the time **** and demon, but on the ant, Xing Tian. This is really a big joke!" At this moment, the death **** and demon's There is endless resentment in his heart, too much unwillingness, but he has no choice, he only has to use his final hole card if he doesn't want to die!

"The origin of the earth appears, the authority of the earth comes out, the tunnel descends, and all souls are suppressed!" With a deep cry of the death god, the endless earth origin madly gushes out from under his feet, and the earth authority instantly condenses and appears in the death **** In the hands of the demon, the authentic power fell on his body in an instant. A huge force radiated from the death **** and demon, carrying out a terrible and crazy suppression of everything around, whether it was time or space. It's all suppressed by this powerful force!

auzw.com This is the killer of the death **** and demon. This is the trump card prepared by the death **** and demon to deal with the time **** and demon. Unfortunately, it is now used on Xingtian, without giving the time the most. After this blow, the Time God and Demon will also be prepared, and it is impossible to use this hole card to calculate the Time God and Demon!

"What a death god, so insidious and vicious calculation. The power of this great power is prepared for me. And this **** couldn't bear to attack Xingtian first, so he lost his first opportunity and had to use this ultimate If he really makes him burst out suddenly, the consequences will be unimaginable!" I have to admit that this time the heart of the time **** and devil was really shocked by this terrible power, and the power of this earth's authority can really limit what he has. The power of time and space!

"It can't be dragged on any longer. If you don't kill the damned **** of Death God and Demon, the situation will change again and again. No one knows if this is his final trump card, and no one knows that this **** is endless How much preparation has been made during the years, killing, time and space originate, time and space strangling, time and space shattered!" In the face of such a terrible threat, the time **** and demon dare not retain any hole shape, for fear that there will be something new in the next moment. Change, directly used one's own greatest strength, the power of time and space exploded in an all-round way, to give a fatal blow to the death **** and demon, and not to give the other party the slightest possibility of turning over!

In an instant, I emptied my greatest power. I have to say that the time gods and demons are really crazy. Dare to make such crazy decisions at this time and under such circumstances. This is really not what ordinary people can do. You must know This is a life-and-death duel, a catastrophe of exterminating the world. If you are not careful, the time **** and demon will fall into the crisis of death, but he still did it!

Desperately, at this moment, the Time God and Demon are desperately strangling the Death God and Demon at all costs, because the Death God and Demon knows so much and knows too much about their own power, so that Time God and Demon dare not let the other side develop. Going down, I dare not give the death **** and devil a chance to turn around, even if he pays a high price, he must kill the death **** and devil!

"Asshole, how dare the time gods do this!" Feeling the terrifying power of time and space behind them, and feeling the changes in the whole time and space, the death gods and demon's heart was cast a shadow, although Xing Tian's attack was powerful, Although the Spear of End is powerful, Xingtian’s realm is too low to cause a devastating blow to himself, but the time **** and demon can do it. If you let the power of time and space fall on yourself, you really want to be physically strong. It's really dead and dead!

"No, I have to resist, not only you can work hard, I can also, the earth authority explodes to me, the origin of the tunnel is exploded!" Under the threat of death, the death **** demon broke out in an all-round way, and the earth authority just condensed in his hand instantly It exploded and directly met Xingtian’s spear of ending, directly blocking Xingtian’s terrible blow, and the origin of the tunnel exploded likewise, impacting the terrifying power of time and space of the time **** and demon, crushing it with the origin of the tunnel. The power of time and space!

Crazy! At this moment, all the creatures who watched this battle were shocked. They were all shocked by the madness of the Death God and the Time God and Demon, especially the crazy outbreak of the Death God and Demon, which made people feel even more endless. The impact, this is really desperate, and even the power of the earth and the origin of the tunnels condensed by endless years have detonated, which shows how much pressure the death gods and demons are under!

With a loud bang, the avatar of Xingtian’s End King was instantly blown away by the terrifying power of the earth’s authority, and his body was thrown up like rags, and a **** arrow spurted out of his mouth, the spear of the end. The original treasure was also hit hard in an instant, split directly in the void, exploded by that terrible power, and returned to the soul consciousness sea of ​​the King of End clone with a single blow, the Spear of End The loss was really heavy.

Compared with Xingtian’s fiasco, the Time God and Demon are much better. Although the tunnel origin is strong, and although it has a strong suppression on the Time and Space Avenue, the Time God and Demon are innate Chaos God and Demon after all, and they have a lot of combat experience. When the tunnel origin explodes , First laid a heavy space-time barrier around him, blocking most of this terrible impact, but even so, there was still a small amount of power that impacted the time **** and demon, causing him huge damage!

With a muffled hum, the face of the Time God and Demon instantly turned pale, the terrifying authentic origin directly rushed into the body of the Time God and Demon, directly eroding its own origin, even in the authentic origin. There is also a trace of terrible magic power eroding his soul, causing huge trauma to the time **** and demon.

I miscalculated, the time **** and devil still underestimated the madness of the death **** and devil, and underestimated the death **** and devil's counterattack in desperate situation. Not only did he not unite with Xingtian to kill the death **** and devil, on the contrary, he was madly counterattacked by the death **** and devil. He was seriously injured, not only himself, but also Xing Tian. The death **** and demon under his desperation was really terrifying to the extreme. This **** really prepared too many backhands in the endless years. Under this desperate battle, he actually let himself In a crisis!

"Time God and Demon, you go to death for me!" When he saw that he had severely wounded Time God and Demon in one blow, Death God and Demon's eyes were so fierce that he immediately gave up chasing Xingtian and pointed the finger at Time God. The demon, although Xing Tian suffered the most damage in this counterattack, but the death **** and demon turned his eyes on the time **** and demon, because the time **** and demon is his greatest enemy, and the power of the time **** and demon It's also too scary. If you can't seize this opportunity and can't give the Time God and Demon a fatal blow, it won't take a moment or three for the Time God and Demon to forcefully recover from the injury using its magical powers!

The Time God and Demon who masters the power of time and space is really terrible, terrible, as long as there is a little breathing time, he can pay a little price to recover from his serious injuries, after all, the power of time can make time flow back and time back.

"Damn death god, he really has to fight me hard, he wants to strangle me at all costs! This world is not only you who can fight hard, and it is not only you who have the power of the world's authority, the power of heaven is now, and the punishment is coming. , Destroy the common people!” The time gods and demon are also anxious, and desperately burst out the power of the heavens they hold. Compared with the power of the earth, the power of the heavens is more restricted, because the power of the heavens has been restricted by the origin of the world since the beginning. It can be said that the time gods and demons have never really mastered it completely, but the death gods and demons are different. The death gods and demons truly control the power of the earth and master the origin of the tunnel.

Fortunately, this is just desperate, and there is no need for meticulous control at all. The Time God and Demon only need to detonate this power, and only need to give the Death God and Demon a fatal blow, so that the Death God and Demon cannot continue to attack themselves, so that they can have a trace. Respite time, so you can have time to recover from your injury!

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