God of Destruction

Chapter 4123: Fight to the End

The fourth thousand one hundred and thirty-first chapter dead battle

Xing Tian only knew its name before the Chaos Sea. Now Xing Tian finally touched on its existence. Even if it was only a short moment, the impact on Xing Tian was profound. This short contact also made Xing Tian understand that his Dao practice is just At the beginning, if you want to truly understand the Chaos Sea and explore the Chaos Sea, you need more powerful power and a powerful real body of the Chaos God and Demon as a support. The requirements of the Chaos Sea on the physical body are unimaginable.

Taking a deep breath, Xing Tian’s eyes flashed with endless fighting intent. This is not the intent to fight against this world, but the infinite intent to fight in his future practice. There is a direction for hope. Now Xing Tian has found his way. , I also saw hope, so I naturally had to fight for it with all my strength. As for these people in front of Xing Tian's eyes were nothing!

'Ants', the death gods and time gods regard the creatures of the entire world as ants. This is true. In their eyes, the creatures of this world are just ants. Only when they really come into contact with the Chaos Sea will they know their own Only if you are small can you know your own shortcomings. With this contact, Xing Tian's horizons have been greatly broadened!

kill! Time waits for no one. Xing Tian doesn’t have much time to immerse himself in this fantasy, no time to waste in this world, and no time to waste on these “ants” in front of him. After a deep drink, Xing Tian’s power Sweep in all directions, encircle all enemies trapped by him, and give them no hope of escape!

Yes, this time Xing Tian will kill all the trapped enemies in one fell swoop, swallowing their origins, even if they pay a little price, they will not hesitate, because time does not wait for others, and there is really not much time left for him. After coming into contact with the Chaos Sea, Xing Tian felt the urgency of time even more, and felt the difficulties on his path of practice!

With Xing Tian’s full attack, with Xing Tian’s contact and perception of the Chaos Sea at that moment, this full blow directly caused Xing Tian to cause a devastating blow to these enemies in front of him, and many avenues merged to form the destruction of everything. The power of, the power to end everything, both the human being and the city of origin were destroyed under the crazy blow of Xing Tian.

Of course, this blow also took time out of Xing Tian’s own origin, his own strength, Xing Tian felt endless weakness after the first blow, and at the next moment, the huge origin power rushed into him frantically. Xing Xing Tian wiped out all the enemies in front of him, swallowed all their origins, directly restored their own consumption, and rapidly strengthened their own origins.

Strong, for an instant, Xing Tian felt a powerful force. With the influx of so many sources, Xing Tian’s chaotic **** and demon body was strengthening, Xing Tian’s original source was strengthening, Xing Tian’s chaotic clone was growing rapidly, and the King of End clone The growth is also accelerating. The injury of the clone of the King of Ender recovered in an instant. The huge negative force brought huge benefits to the clone of the King of Ender. This is the opportunity, this is the most tempting opportunity in the Great Annihilation. !

One blow completely wiped out the enemy, which shocked Xingtian not only, but also shocked others. How strong Xingtian’s power is, it’s not a big secret for those ancestors, but for the gods of death and time. It’s also not a secret for the demon. No matter how hidden Xing Tian is, his realm is there, but now Xing Tian has destroyed so many enemies with one blow. Although these people are not powerful, their numbers are there, and these People still have the city of origin to help, but just like that, they were completely wiped out by Xingtian. This result was unacceptable for everyone and shocked them!

In fact, the reason for this result is that on the one hand Xing Tian’s full attack, on the other hand, Xing Tian’s contact with Chaos Sea is more caused by the enemies themselves, because they believe too much in the power of Origin City. It is because they are too closely connected with the Origin City. If they did not integrate themselves with the Origin City closely, then they would not be easily killed by Xing Tian in this battle, and there would be no such amazing record.

It’s a pity that outsiders don’t know the real situation and think that all this is Xingtian’s attack, so from this moment on, whether it is the ancestors of the various forces, the time gods and the death gods all have something to do with Xingtian. Be vigilant and be vigilant about "sex" to prevent Xingtian's sneak attack. After all, the fighting power that broke out in Xingtian's battle was too terrifying, and also too shocking!

Fortunately, Xing Tian soon lost the strong aura he had before, and the breath of the whole person fell back in an instant, as if Xing Tian had paid a heavy price in this battle, but everyone thought about it and secretly breathed a sigh of relief, so crazy. No one would believe that if there was no cost for the outbreak of Xingtian, they all felt that Xingtian’s attack was a heavy price, and there was no threat to them in a short period of time, at least Xingtian It takes time to recuperate!

Wrong, these people are grossly wrong to think so. The fall of Xingtian’s breath is due to Xingtian’s intentional control. For Xingtian, this battle not only didn’t cost himself, but on the contrary, he gained huge benefits. It has raised his own combat power to another level. Unfortunately, Xing Tian has too little time to fully digest the harvest this time. A large amount of origin is accumulated in himself and has not really transformed into his own strength. All these powers are turned into their own origin, then Xing Tian will definitely make a qualitative breakthrough at this moment, and will bring himself to a higher level!

auzw.com"Hey, I can’t wait any longer. Xingtian, a lunatic, broke out like this. If it continues, I’m afraid it will make this lunatic recover his own consumption, or even go further. After all, this battle It is impossible for him not to get any benefits. Once he is allowed to digest these benefits, the consequences will be unimaginable!" For an instant, the ancestors of the many forces were secretly vigilant in their hearts, but it is a pity that they cannot stop and attack Xingtian. , First put out the threat of Xingtian, because now they have been locked by the time gods and the death gods, they will all have a life and death duel with these two gods and gods!

Not only these people have such thoughts, but also the death gods and time gods. They dare not let Xingtian continue to develop. The impact on them is so great that they dare not all of them. No matter what the slightest care, or the consequences are unimaginable, a Xing Tian who has broken free of shackles is a great threat to everyone.

kill! Under such pressure, the gods of time and the gods of death are desperate, and the many ancestors are also desperate. From this moment on, they no longer have the ridiculous fantasy they had before, wanting to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. The idea of ​​reaping the benefits of the fishermen is nothing but desperate killing and desperate plundering. Only in this way can they break a blood path from this many crises. Of course, behind all this, they are still vigilant. A more terrifying behemoth is the origin of the world.

destroy! In the hearts of the gods of death and the gods of time, they both have a crazier idea, that is, with the help of this life-and-death duel, the whole world will be directly destroyed, directly collapsed, and the power of the world's origin will be completely weakened. Let him have no power to threaten his life, and let him have the ability to retreat after the war! As for the so-called interests, the so-called refining of this world, whether the death gods or the time gods or demons, no longer hold this hope, because the development of this situation has completely cut off this path and completely cut off their thoughts. .

The reality is so cruel and ruthless. No matter how much preparation you have made before, as long as you can’t grasp the general trend, everything may change. If all this is in front of you, the death **** has operated in this world for endless years, even After countless preparations, even the worst preparations have been done a lot, but the current situation is still beyond his imagination, and he is still unable to grasp it. He has to go to the worst side and has to work hard. This is reality. , This is the catastrophe!

In a moment, the surviving forces of the whole world are gathering here. After the previous series of life and death duel, the whole world has already been created by thousands of holes and has already reached the edge of destruction. Living beings suffered heavy deaths and injuries. All things are small. It can be seen how terrible the impact of this catastrophe on the world, let alone the death gods and time gods, even if the origin of the world has not grasped the general trend. Let the situation exceed their control!

Although the origin of the world is trying to save everything, the situation is no longer possible under this situation, because it can't grasp the hearts of the people, the enemy's ideas, and the enemy's power. It can only be a joke to save the situation!

The battle of life and death is on the verge, time and space are trembling, the major forces that are rushing in madness are going mad, the cities of origin are madly gathering their strength, waiting for the time to erupt the most powerful attack, but it is a pity that these people can't help it, time Gods and demons and death Gods and demons don't sit and wait for death, no one is a fool, it is impossible to wait for these **** to gather their strength.

In the end, it was Time God and Demon who took the initiative to attack. The power of time and space, and the power of Demon Dao broke out again at this moment. Although it is no longer the strongest time before, but desperately, Death God and Time The gods and demons have played for a long time, are squeezing their greatest potential, and erupting the most powerful attack, because this is a life and death duel, they can't help but save their strength. If they save their strength at this time, it is self-destruction and self-destruction!

The war has begun, the time and space of the entire world is collapsing, the earth is breaking, the power of time and space and the aura of the magic way are madly sweeping everything. In an instant, the whole world is plunged into terrible natural disasters and man-made disasters. After the gods and demons once again maintained their tacit understanding, the whole world was ruined again, the world continued to collapse, and the origin was leaking out crazily. I have to say that the origin of the world is still underestimating the madness of the time gods and the death gods and gods. They all have a kind of me. Don’t get the things you can’t get. I can’t control this world, so let this world be destroyed, and no one will have a better life!

The sky and the earth are shattered, time and space are shattered, endless attacks swept the entire world, time gods and death gods and gods are fighting each other in a life and death duel. At this moment, they are all plunged into madness, and they are all affected by the atmosphere of the catastrophe. Forgetting life and death, I went to this death duel without life and death. It was just a contact. The city of origin that rushed in the front was hit hard by the powerful force, and one by one was thrown up by the terrible force. The city of origin is full of cracks!

Although there was no one blow to completely destroy these origin cities, the origin city that rushed forward was severely injured and the origin was damaged. It is impossible to exert its full strength because the core of the origin city has been damaged. It takes a long time to recover, but that's it, these people are still not awakened, they are still immersed in the war, they still have not given up fighting, one by one quickly stabilized the damaged city of origin, and then Charge to the two chaotic gods and demons at once!

Crazy, these forces, these old ancestors are crazy, maybe this is not their original intention, maybe this is not under their control, but at this moment they are all deeply involved in this crazy battle, to them It is said that there is no end to death. It is not that the time gods and the death gods fall, or they are completely dead in this battle, otherwise the war will not end, this is the great catastrophe, this is the destruction of the world The most terrifying and terrifying side of the robbery!

Looking at such a crazy situation, looking at the many sect forces that were no longer controlled by his own will, Xing Tian couldn't help but shook his head. This is the horror of the World Annihilation, this is the horror of the origin of the world, if you say these major sects The ancestors of the door forces are not affected by the origin of the world. Xing Tian would never believe that no matter how terrifying the atmosphere of the catastrophe, no matter how crazy the decisive battle, it is impossible for all the ancestors and all the forces to fight so desperately. The only explanation is that the origin of the world agitates everything secretly, controls everything, and "fuck" those ancestors frantically launching an endless battle against the gods of time and the gods of death!

Now these people are targeting the two innate chaos gods and demons. If the time gods and demons fall down, then who is the next target for these people? Will they fight internally and compete for benefits? No, Xing Tian didn’t think that would be the case. These **** would point the finger at him, regardless of whether they were affected by external forces, they would do so, because no one would like to see himself taking advantage of the profit, no one would like to see himself gathering all the benefits. , Took all the interests in this battle as his own, and became the ultimate winner of this life and death duel, so Xing Tian could not escape this battle, this life and death battle!

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