God of Destruction

Chapter 4124: Festival kill

The fourth thousand one hundred and thirty-two chapter assault

Xing Tian murmured to himself: "Wait a minute, when these **** lose both sides, it is when I take the shot, no matter whether the world origin will attack or not, I can't wait forever, otherwise I won't win in the end. , But the origin of the world, this war may be able to collapse the entire world, but will the origin of the world really be completely destroyed?"

Yes, at this moment Xing Tian is skeptical, not to blame Xing Tian for being so careful, but for everything in front of him to make Xing Tian doubt the origin of the world. If the world collapses and the origin of the world disappears, it cannot be so patient and impossible. Watching the whole world collapse step by step and ignore it. As for the major forces like ants, Xing Tian didn’t care about their existence, because they did not grasp the general trend from beginning to end, and they were just calculated by people from beginning to end. It is a bit ridiculous to stop the time gods and gods from the death gods by such "ants", and it is also too abnormal!

Abnormality is a demon! At this time and under such circumstances, the World Origin is so abnormal. How can we prevent Xing Tian from doubting, how can we prevent Xing Tian from responding cautiously? If his guess is true, the World Origin can be destroyed in this world. Surviving, does that mean that the origin of the world has found a way to break free from the shackles of the world? Perhaps this world is the real shackles for him. If the world is shattered, it will also get out of trouble and be reborn!

"Hey!" When he thought of this, Xing Tian couldn't help but gasped. This is really terrifying. If this is the case, then this battle and even this great catastrophe are in the calculations of the origin of the world. All the creatures in the entire world are pawns in its hands, even if they are the pawns in its hands, the gods of time, the gods of death and the gods of death!

"The trouble is big. If things really go in this worst direction, the world is really weird and terrifying. This territorial battlefield world is really terrifying. Who set up such a big picture before endless years, when I entered this world? The sentiment at that time, and even the evolution of the World Avenue, I am afraid it was the other party’s calculations. Fortunately, I did not choose this path, otherwise I am afraid that it has become the root of the world now!" The more terrible I feel, the more I feel that the origin of the world is more terrifying than I thought before. If such a terrifying existence is only the origin of the world, it is difficult for Xing Tian to believe it!

"Perhaps this world has evolved from the original body of the world's origin, or this world has the soul of an ancient **** and demon. If so, everything can make sense. The endless years of layout are just to break free, just to recover. , It wants to destroy the world, I am afraid it wants to swallow the vitality of all the creatures in the whole world to complete its own transformation, and the existence of this world is its shackles, so it has to use the time gods and demons and death gods and demons. A decisive battle to destroy this world!"

In an instant, Xing Tian's brain opened up, thinking about everything in the worst direction, thinking about the origin of the world as the greatest enemy, the most vicious enemy, and treating the whole world as one game, one for all The end of life!

Endure till the end, when everyone is severely injured and plunged into a crisis of death, this is the time when the origin of the world escapes and it swallows everything, but after the collapse of the world, how does the origin of the world sustain Vitality, could it be said that there are secrets in this world that you don't know, and secrets that the gods of time and death don't know?

Although there are many thoughts in his mind, Xing Tian does not have so much time to think, let alone to test. Now that the war has begun, even if Xing Tian stepped up to explain the situation at this time, he could not prevent everything from happening. Time gods and death gods He wouldn't agree to stop, let alone those major forces that are affected by external forces. At this time, if you stand up to stop it, you will only make yourself die faster, and will only let everyone join forces to kill yourself!

When he thought of this, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed, and muttered to himself: "It's a sinister and vicious calculation. If you can see through the layout of all this, you can't change the general trend. This is the most terrifying part of it. This is the most dangerous place!"

Is the origin of the world as terrible as Xingtian thought? No one knows that everything needs time to prove, but time is the most unreliable, because at that moment, all creatures will die, and Xingtian is no exception. In this case, Xingtian can’t afford to gamble, think To resolve your own crisis, you can only take the initiative to attack and create your own blood path!

No matter how powerful the enemy's calculations are, he is vulnerable to absolute power. What's more, now that Xing Tian has once again contacted the Supreme Chaos World and felt the power of the Chaos Sea, it can almost be said that Xing Tian has a way to retreat. Under this circumstance, Xing Tian didn't dare to let go and fight with the enemy. That would be too sorry for himself and for the environment. There must be chance in the great calamity, and chance and danger are directly proportional. There is just as great a chance as there is.

auzw.com fight! In the next moment, Xing Tian’s warfare will bloom in his heart, he will no longer be affected by the external environment, and ignore the origin of the world that has been hiding in the dark. No matter what kind of existence the other party is, he has only one thing to do, and that is to make all preparations. , No matter how strong the enemy is, no matter how sinister and vicious the enemy's calculations are, as long as you are prepared, you can make a way out!

No matter how much you think about it, it is just an illusion. It is power that determines destiny. Power is the root of everything. It is Xing Tian’s heaviest support. Power determines life and death. Now it is a great opportunity for Xing Tian to plunder. Watching the battle and reaping the benefits of the fisherman seems to be a wonderful choice, but this choice will not bring you any gains. Killing is the root of Xingtian. Only by plundering the origin of the major forces can you quickly grow yourself. Allow yourself to have the capital to fight against the origin of the world!

kill! When the decision was made, Xing Tian's mind moved, and the Avenue of Stars on his body was activated. The next moment Xing Tian appeared before the many forces that had been hit hard by the time gods and death gods before, and appeared in front of the cracked origin city. , There is no earth-shattering slogan, nor the terrifying murderous aura, there is just a simple power, the avenue of power smashes the void, this is not random talk, and the avenue of power originates from itself, and it is not earth-shaking when activated The vision is the best way to sneak attack and kill the enemy, and also the best way to hide yourself!

Under Xing Tian’s mental arithmetic and unintentional, under Xing Tian’s almost crazy attack and killing, the city of origin that fell in the last was instantly destroyed by Xing Tian, ​​silently disappearing into this world, in this crazy There was no splash in the battle, and no one noticed that Xing Tian had looted and killed a city of origin in such a short time!

"Okay, very good, it seems that my choice is right. Killing these'ants' is my best choice. To nourish and strengthen myself with their essence is the best way for me. Cultivation! Kill!" After breathing a little, Xing Tian made another move after recovering the previous consumption. Although he did not fully refine the origin of this city of origin, this did not affect Xing Tian's actions. There was a world of chaos. With the clone, you can completely store the power of the original city, wait until everything is over, and then slowly digest it, and continue to plunder is the best choice. After all, there is no opportunity to lose, and there is only one great opportunity like this. If you give up because of temporary caution, it would be too stupid, too stupid!

How long such a sneak attack can last, how long it can be hidden, Xing Tian himself has no idea about this, after all, this is not an ordinary battle, this is a real avenue of killing, the world is destroyed, the end of the battle, even if it is to participate. The creatures in this battle have been affected by external forces, but over time, it is impossible for them to cover up all the information. Once one's own looting is "exposed", it will inevitably arouse the anger of everyone. Intriguing crazy pursuits, and even the most dangerous possibility, will cause everyone in the battlefield to attack themselves together, and work together to smash their own eater!

Time waits for no one, wasting time is wasting one's own life, is wasting this great opportunity, and soon Xing Tian is eyeing a city of origin. In this battle of life and death, between the gods of time and the gods of death Under the crazy attack of the demon, although many of the original cities were destroyed, more of the original cities were severely damaged and were thrown to the back of the army, and these people naturally became the targets of Xingtian’s looting and the easiest The target of the looting was another shot, without any accidents, and without disturbing anyone. Xing Tian ended a city of origin, and successfully swallowed a city of origin.

Another city of origin was suppressed by the Chaos clone and turned into its own storage power. Although the time is short, there is a certain amount of pressure on the Chaos clone, but the pressure is the driving force, under the lure of such a huge source. Either Xingtian's deity, or chaos clone, they all have endless beliefs and endless killing intent.

Under the full suppression of the chaotic clone and the special power of the chaotic clone, the two suppressed origin cities will still be digested by the chaotic origin of the chaotic clone over time, although this process It’s a long time, but the power of Chaos is enough to obliterate all origins. It seems that this kind of pressure has a great impact on the Chaos clone, but in fact, after the city of origin is suppressed, the power of the Chaos clone is not consumed, on the contrary it is constantly increasing. , This is the most powerful part of the Chaos Clone, and the most terrifying place of the Chaos Clone, the power of Chaos can kill everything!

Once succeeded, succeeded twice, and soon there will be the third and fourth times. For the entire world, the destruction of several original cities is nothing at all, although the entire world has countless forces before it. It was destroyed during the disaster, but there were still countless forces. The loss at this point was not worth mentioning, and no one cared!

It is precisely because of this that Xing Tian seized the time and frantically attacked and killed the original city after another, constantly plundering and killing the original city that had been hit hard and was thrown to the back. Before the enemy found it, he was silent. Looting one after another city of origin without interest, with Xing Tian’s continuous looting, his own accumulation of origin is also rapidly increasing, whether the deity or clone has been rapidly strengthened, the deity’s power road, " The Aperture World is rapidly increasing, not to mention the chaotic clones. The accumulation of the original city makes the chaotic world stronger. If it is not the essence of the chaotic clones, I am afraid that such crazy plunder has already been done. Xingtian can’t hold on anymore. It is precisely because of the uniqueness of the chaotic clone that no amount of the source city has an impact on Xingtian. Unknowingly, the Xingtian deity and the end clone have completed the displacement, and the king of the end clone replaced the deity to attract Looking at other people's eyes, let the deity have enough time to kill all enemies!

Time is passing bit by bit, more and more the city of Origin is destroyed, the impact on the world is getting weaker and weaker, but the speed of the world’s collapse is accelerating, and the whole world is under the crazy war of all people. It was quickly destroyed, the breath of the world was crazily weakened, and the barriers of the world were constantly being weakened. Although Xingtian’s deity was indulged in looting and did not pay attention to the changes in the world, the King of End clone was able to understand. To feel the situation of the world barriers today, this is weakened by a third less than before the war, although it is only a third, but it is a huge embarrassment for the whole world.

Losing one-third of the world’s barriers is a natural disaster for the entire world. The world will be impacted by more external forces, and it will even cause more terrible mutations. But this is the situation, which has been hidden in the dark. The origin of the world still hasn't appeared, and there is still no movement at all. This makes the King of End clone feel great threat and pressure!

This is not a good thing. The more forbearing the world origin is, the more it proves that its guess is true. The world origin really has a great conspiracy. Now the other party has not made a move, but when the other party makes a move, it will inevitably fall apart. It is a terrible crisis. It is difficult to say what changes will occur at that time, and it is also difficult to say whether the deity can retreat completely! The unknown is the most dangerous thing. The more you can bear it, the more it proves the terrible origin of the world. The more you make Xingtian’s clone of the King of Ending dare not act rashly, because the clone of King of the End also has great worries and too much consideration. , Who made this a catastrophe!

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