God of Destruction

Chapter 4125: Awakening

Chapter 4, 133, Awakening

"I made my own move to draw out the origin of the world?" For an instant, this thought came into the mind of the King of End clone, but soon this idea was abandoned. Now his deity has not been exposed, and it continues Looting and killing enemies, and constantly accumulating power. At this time, taking action to draw out the origin of the world will only ruin the deity’s good deeds, ruin the deity’s plans, and also affect the deity’s overall plan, so the king of the end The clone can only give up. This is the result of insufficient strength. If Xing Tian has enough power, he doesn't need to have so many worries at all, he can completely crush the opponent!

The danger is constantly increasing, at least in Xingtian’s heart. The more the world’s origin cannot bear it, the more dangerous this world is, because Xingtian doesn’t know what will happen next moment, or when the world’s origin will act. Who shot, or hurt everyone, after all, it is an unknown existence, the unknown is the most terrifying!

Is Xing Tian only aware of this? Is Xing Tian the only person in the entire world who feels threatened? No, many people are aware of the existence of danger, but they don't know where the danger comes from, because their mood is affected by external forces, they cannot feel the terrible threat of the origin of the world, and cannot know the calculations of the origin of the world!

Regardless of whether his ideas are correct or not, Xing Tian has only one choice, and that is to increase his combat power and make himself stronger. Only if he is stronger can he face the dangers and kill these stupid enemies in front of him. It's your best way to kill! There is no choice but to accumulate the greatest strength before the enemy notices it!

For a while, Xingtian’s avatar of the King of End had the idea of ​​rushing into the battlefield to kill the Quartet. After all, the pressure this world brought to him was too great. The origin of the world, which had never been moving, gave Xingtian too much. The feelings of Xing Tian are too threatening. If Xing Tian’s will is not firm, I am afraid that the impact has already affected his mind, and he is also affected by external forces like those enemies. The demon and the death **** demon attacked.

Just as the King of End clone had just suppressed this crazy thought in my heart, suddenly an inexplicable feeling came to my heart: "No, this is my illusion, this is an external force affecting my judgment. , If I don’t take action for a long time and keep waiting outside, I’m afraid those enemies will take action against me soon. No matter how stupid they are, it’s impossible for an enemy like me to keep hiding outside to reap the benefits. Maybe It is the "fascination" and "confusion" of the origin of the world to me, to lead me into desperation!"

This is the Great Tribulation, this is the Great Tribulation of the World’s Destruction. No one knows whose hands are in the hands of this world, and no one knows what will happen in the next moment. Faced with such a crisis, Xing Tian had to deal with it carefully. When this thought came to mind, the clone of the king of the end frowned and was thinking about the countermeasures, because even now, the clone of the king of the end could not tell whether his feeling was right or wrong. Between one's own thoughts, life and death are only between one's own thoughts, if you make a wrong judgment, it will be a heavy blow to yourself, and you will be plunged into desperation.

Any small mistake in the catastrophe will cause destructive damage to oneself, not to mention such a major choice. Once a mistake, the result is self-evident, but the time left for oneself is running out, the end The avatar of the king doesn't know what direction the situation will go, and what crisis he will face, so there is not much time for him to quietly think about the gains and losses!

"Kill! Now I have no choice. Since I am walking the road to the end and the road to killing, no matter whether the induction this time is right or wrong, I must deal with it head-on. Maybe this will be a conspiracy or a trap. However, it is not necessarily a good thing for myself to avoid the fight. After all, this is a waste of my time. As long as there is enough power, even if the front is a trap or a crisis, I can also rely on a powerful force. There is no absolute crisis, there is no absolute danger, there is only one's own state of mind! Kill!"

Another low voice fell from the mouth of the King of Ending clone, like lightning, the clone of the King of Ending rushed into the battlefield with the spirit of swearing to death, the clone of the King of Ending did not choose the death gods and the time gods. As one's own opponent, but to make a big shot against the forces of all parties, after all, the persimmons have to be soft, who makes these people weaker!

"Damn, the lunatic Xingtian has also entered the game, and this **** has also shot at us. We didn't bother with him, but this **** took the initiative to look for us. Everyone joined hands to kill the **** and clear him out!" A voice in between rang from those many forces, and some people were intent on killing Xing Tian, ​​and wanted to hang Xing Tian directly with the power of everyone.

Give Xingtian a hand to help Xingtian share the pressure? No, time gods and gods and death gods and gods do not have such kindness in their hearts. Even if Xingtian's appearance helped them relieve their pressure, but for these two chaotic gods and gods, they would not do such a good thing. They did not attack. Killing Xingtian is already a great thing, after all, Xingtian is also a mortal enemy to them.

"Damn, I knew it would happen. It seems that World Origin really has to focus on me. When I entered the game, it immediately attracted the joint strangulation of many forces. It seems that my refusal really affected World Origin's plan. Let it I can’t wait to crush me here, the origin of the world really has a conspiracy, and there is a big conspiracy!” Feeling the attack and pressure from various forces, the King of End clone could not help but sigh in secret. In a sigh of relief, the situation is more dangerous than I thought.

auzw.com Trust! No longer exists in this world, and there is no one in this world. Any creature is worth relying on. During the catastrophe, all these creatures have changed and they have gone to terrible destruction. They are full of destruction. His breath was full of the breath of the Great Tribulation, and no one could escape the influence of the breath of the Great Tribulation, even Xing Tian couldn't do it today.

Yes, now Xing Tian has also felt his own changes, and he has felt the influence of the robbery from the outside world on himself. Xing Tian also wants to change, but there is not so much time for Xing Tian to do this job. Now Xing Tian has only one choice. That is war, killing, plundering, do your best to accumulate as many sources as possible before everything is destroyed, strengthen your own strength, make yourself stronger, and face the terrible danger.

"Come on, let me take a look at the world's origins and what else can be done, and see what kind of crazy moves these forces can make under the guidance of the world's origins, and see what your ultimate goal is. "At this time, the clone of the King of End will no longer make any reservations. When the situation has reached this point, doing this ridiculous move is self-defeating, because now the clone of the King of End is not facing an enemy, and It is not a single enemy, but all enemies, whether it is the local forces or the time gods and demons, the death gods and demons are the enemies of Xingtian, even the source of the hidden world.

In Xing Tian's view, if given the opportunity, World Origin would not sneak attack to kill himself, because his own existence is a big threat to World Origin. Although Xing Tian still doesn't know where this threat comes from, he is instinctive. Let Xing Tian understand that he is immortal with the origin of the world, and there is no room for return.

"Kill! The Great Way of Ending comes, the end of the origin is condensed, the end of all souls, and the world is destroyed!" With a deep cry from the King of End, the battle started, and the power of the Great Way of Ending madly swept in all directions. Xing Tian did not control this power, but allowed the power of the Great Road of End to disperse and sweep everything, whether it is the major forces that are rushing towards him, or the gods and demons of time and death. Facing the impact of ending the power of the avenue.

are you crazy? The King of End was so madly pulling everyone into the war. Is he crazy? Can he withstand the counter-kill of all forces with his own power? No, the king of the end is not crazy, he is the most correct choice to do this, because only in this way can he really see where his enemy is, can test the bottom line of all parties, and be able to "force" the origin of the world. , The road of ending comes, all living beings will be ended, even the origin of the world is no exception.

This is not a casual talk. Although Xingtian's realm is still very weak, when the ending road comes to this world, all power will be affected by the ending road. If the world's origin does not resist, it will inevitably be Being obliterated by the power of the Great Way of Ending, it will even be destroyed bit by bit. As long as the world's origin does not want to die, then it must resist, and if he resists, it will completely expose his own existence. Let Xingtian know his secret.

"Damn Xingtian, what he wants to do is to shroud the entire world under the power of the Great Way of Ending. Is he really crazy enough to destroy the world? He can really control the world for himself as a person to be robbed. The general situation is not going to happen?" When he saw Xing Tian's crazy behavior, the death **** and demon couldn't help being angry with his heart.

Xing Tian was not as stupid as he thought, and he was not so arrogant. He controlled the general situation of the world, let alone the person who should be robbed, even the Lord of the world could not do it, let alone the identity of the person who should be robbed. Then it is even more ridiculous. The identity of the person who should be robbed is derived from the giving of the world origin, and now the world origin has already focused on Xing Tian, ​​and no longer wants to let Xing Tian live. Under such circumstances, Xing Tian, ​​the so-called man who should be robbed, is just a joke.

"Damn it, what the lunatic Xingtian is doing, what is he trying to do?" In contrast, as the power in charge of the heavens, the time **** and demon vaguely perceives Xingtian's intentions, and he is wary of Xingtian's madness. The next thing is to test something, and the goal of this temptation is not my own chaos **** and demon, nor death **** and demon, let alone those ignorant and stupid "ants", but what power in this world is worth Xing Tian? With such a temptation, could it be said that other chaotic gods and demons also descended in this world and left behind the means, but Qiaqia himself and the death gods and demons did not find it?

Doubt, at this moment, the time **** demon has endless doubts in his heart, but at this moment, the time **** demon cannot ask Xing Tian, ​​and even if he speaks himself, he may not be able to let Xing Tian answer. The most important The time **** and demon understand that Xing Tian must be aware of doing this. It must be that this power can threaten Xing Tian’s life and death, and it also means that it can threaten himself, which makes the time **** and demon somewhat unacceptable. .

For a moment, the time **** and demon made a crazy decision. With a thought, he turned his attention to the death **** and demon. The sound transmission said: "Death, the situation today is too weird. We need to work together. I don't know Xing Tian What this lunatic wants to do, but one thing I can be sure of is that he must have discovered something, and it is something that can threaten our life and death. We need to unite. Only in this way can we survive in this strange environment!"

"What? Do you know what you are talking about? Time **** and demon, don't be kidding, what power can threaten the life and death of this lunatic Xingtian, and it is still something you and I don't know. What do you want to do, treat me like a monkey? Is it?" Hearing the words of the Time God and Demon, the first reaction of the Death God and Demon was not to believe it, it was to doubt the other party's true intentions!

The time **** demon shouted angrily: "Damn, death you are really stupid to the extreme, can your brain be any more stupid? Do you think Xing Nao is so crazy that you can fight the world alone and destroy everything? He did this to test. And the object of temptation is not you and me, but other powers. If we don’t cooperate, do you think we still have life? From the beginning to the end, we are afraid that we are all used'ants' in the eyes of the other party. It does not matter if you want to die. I don't want to die!"

"Hey!" When he heard the words of the Time God and Demon, the Death God and Demon couldn't help but gasp, thinking carefully that this is indeed the case. He has indeed fallen into an unimaginable crisis. Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, is really not there. Aiming at himself, aiming at all the creatures in the whole world, he was tempting the enemy, and when he understood this, his mind was instantly cleared, and all the things that he didn’t care about came to his mind. There was a faint anxiety in his heart, which made him feel the threat from an unknown force, and made him understand that his situation is not as good as he imagined!

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