God of Destruction

Chapter 4126: Cracked

Chapter 4134

"Unknown power, how is this possible? I have been in this world for endless years and experienced several times of world extinction, but I have never noticed the emergence of unknown power. Xing Tian is just a junior. How could I perceive the unknown? Power?" Although there was vague anxiety and worry in my heart, the death **** still retorted unwillingly to admit it!

The time **** demon shouted angrily: "Stupidity, ignorance, this is synonymous with you, you can't notice it, it is because you are stupid and ignorant, it does not mean that the unknown power does not exist, and you can really control this world for yourself. Everything? No, you can’t do it. No matter how long you’ve been in this world, you can’t control this world, just like you don’t even master the humanity. If you don’t really fully control this world, you don’t know the hidden world. With how many enemies, put away your ridiculous and stupid self-confidence, this is a catastrophe, a small mistake will kill you, if you don’t want to die, then be vigilant and cooperate with me. Together Launch an attack to "force" out the unknown power. Only in this way can our safety be guaranteed!"

silence! For a moment, the death **** and demon fell into silence. It was not that he could not listen to other people's opinions. It was only his own enemy who said this in front of him. He could have made the death **** and demon reject the other party's suggestion, but the current situation is indeed very Not normal, although Xing Tian is crazy, he is not crazy enough to make fun of his own life. Xing Tian is not such a stupid person. If he was so stupid, he would not survive now. He had died in the siege of all human forces as early as he was!

For a moment, the death **** and demon sighed and said, "Well, I agree with your suggestion, but I hope you are telling the truth. There are unknown enemies hidden in the dark, and unknown forces appear in this world. Among them!"

This is a big catastrophe. The Time God and Demon will not make jokes at this time, not to mention that since they perceive the unknown power, the Time God and Demon feel the panic deep in his heart, as if there is an invisible force being affected. With your own mind, it is difficult to calm yourself down and look at the problem with the eyes of a normal person.

Whether this is the power of the Great Tribulation, or the power of the unknown existence hidden in the dark, the time **** and demon are unclear, but when the situation is at this point, he can only let go, and join the death **** and demon to let go frantically and use his own best The power of "forces" that unknown power from the secret, and this power is naturally the power of authority in his grasp, the power of authority in the world!

"The origin of the heaven is present, the heaven is collapsed!" Time waits for no one. After making a decision, the time **** and demon did not hesitate, and directly activated the power of the origin, the origin of the heaven, and the most powerful magical power of the heaven. Power, even if the source of Heaven’s Dao was very expensive before, but the time gods and demons still did this. Compared with their own "life", the power of authority is not worth mentioning.

What magical power is Tian Beng? This is the ultimate magical powers of the Tao of Heaven, the true self-destructive magical powers. Once the sky collapses, the heavens of the entire world will collapse, leaving this world without the power of the heavens. It takes endless years to regain its warmth and collapse on the same day. The emergence of such magical powers means that the time gods and demons have really given up all the benefits of this world!

Although it is said that the Dao of Heaven will be restored, it’s just now in the Great Tribulation, the Great Tribulation of World Destruction, and there is no time to restore the origin of the Heaven’s Dao in this realm battlefield world. The action of the Time God and Demon means that this world will appear Incompleteness means that this is no longer a complete world, and refining it will not bring too much benefit to itself, after all, time does not allow!

For innate chaotic gods and gods like time gods and gods, time is precious. He doesn't have so much time wasted here, wasted in this world, so if you want to end all of this quickly, only from the most fundamental The only way to start is to directly destroy the origin of the heavens in this world, and use such a brutal and domineering means to "force" the secret enemy!

As soon as the Time God and Demon shot, the Death God and Demon did not hesitate, and also let out a deep cry: "The ground is cracked!"

With a loud crack, the origin of the tunnel erupted, and the magical powers of the earth appeared in this world. Just like the collapse of the sky, the earth split was also the ultimate magical power. When the earth splits the magical power, the earth's authority and origin of the whole world began to collapse, and all creatures in the world could feel it. Get the cry from the earth and feel the screams of all things. Unlike the heavens, the destruction of the heavens has an impact on the creatures of the entire world, but it is not too serious, but the tunnel is different. The destruction of the tunnels will affect the survival of the creatures in the entire world, because The earth carries everything, and the destruction of tunnels means that the origin of the earth is incomplete, which means that many creatures cannot absorb enough nutrients from the earth to nourish themselves, which means that their Dao practice will be completely shattered!

"Damn time gods and gods and death gods, how dare you destroy the origin of the world, dare to detonate the ultimate magical powers of heaven and earth, do you want to destroy the world?" At this moment, the local creatures are angry because they are all from the world. The source knows what it means for the two great supernatural powers to break out of the sky and the earth. Such a situation makes them feel endless resentment!

The time **** and demon coldly snorted: "Destroying the world? This was originally the world-destroying catastrophe. Don't say you don't know it. Since this is an inevitable catastrophe, let us guide it to explode, at least this initiative. In our hands, don't talk so much nonsense, you can't stop all this from happening, because you are just a bunch of ignorant'ants'!"

'Ants', the time **** and demon are right. These people are just ignorant ants. They don't know how sinister the situation is, and they don't know that the current environment is no longer the world they are familiar with. Everything has changed. , If they still look at the problem with their original eyes, they can only say that they are too stupid and ignorant!


"Sure enough, the time gods and the death gods really saw the danger of the situation, saw the hidden crisis, and even the origins of the heavens and the tunnels were directly destroyed. This is to cut off all contact with this world, without the power of this origin. , They can no longer refine this world. Even if they forcibly refine this world, they will only get a broken world, which is far from the price paid!” When the Death God and the Time God and Demon took action, Xing Tian couldn’t help but The ground sighed secretly.

"Time, there is not much time left for myself. Now the time gods and gods and death gods have already reacted. I am afraid that it will not take long before the world origin will take the initiative to show up, and the many ancestors affected by the world origin will also Sober up, the real decisive battle is about to begin, I have to accumulate a little more source, to capture more nutrients before everything ends!" At this time, not only the clone of the King of End was shocked, but Xingtian's deity was also affected by this terrible impact. It was horrified, the sky broke and the earth broke, and the whole world would no longer survive. The world was really going to be destroyed. Perhaps all of this was in the calculations of the origin of the world.

For Xing Tian, ​​although he is very worried about the world's origin being out of trouble, worrying about the existence of this world is actually the power that imprisons the world's origin, but at this time it is impossible for Xing Tian to take action to stop it, because he can't do it, and doesn't want to do it, and is faint in Xingtian's heart. There is a glimmer of expectation, and I really want to know the result of this matter, and know what the world's origin is calculating.

"Come out, don't hide anymore, and don't try to use these ants to consume our origin. It is impossible for your conspiracy to succeed, and you can't hide from our search. Under the sky and the earth, you have the ability to reach the sky. It’s hard to escape the destruction of the world, let alone take advantage of the fisherman’s profit, let us and these ants lose both, the whole world will collapse, will be completely destroyed, what we can’t get, no one can get it. , Let this world be destroyed! Hahaha!" The time **** demon roared frantically, provoking the hidden enemy, wanting to force the opponent to show up.

"Damn it, what does the time **** and demon mean? Could it be that there are hidden enemies behind all this, we are all used by others!" When the time **** and demon laughed wildly, some determined ancestors instantly became sober After coming over, I felt the abnormality of the matter and the danger of the situation. Doubts and anxiety were inevitably aroused in each and every heart!

Retreat? No, these ancestors can’t do it, and don’t dare to do it, because they are already trapped. It’s unrealistic to stop and retreat at this time. Having to do this will only make you die faster, and will only hide that. The enemy in the dark has a killer on himself. If he wants to survive, he can only continue to hide in the crowd, relying on the power of the people to hide himself. As for the charge, the ancestors who wake up at this time no longer have such thoughts. They are not willing to fight to death with the time gods and demons!

"Damn the **** of time, it seems that he really has to be aware of my existence, but he is too arrogant and too arrogant, do you really think all this is under his control, dream, since you want to If you want the world to be destroyed, then destroy it!" To the provocation of the Time God and Demon, the World Origin sneered in secret in disdain, and did not make a counterattack.

"How could this happen? The enemy didn't react at all. He really didn't care about the destruction of this world anymore. He really didn't care about the life and death of these'ants' at all. Or I think too much. There is no hidden behind all this. Power?" Soon the **** and demon shook his head again, and whispered confidently: "No, it's impossible. The lunatic Xingtian has definitely noticed something, and my feelings can't be wrong. It seems that the enemy really doesn't care about this world. Destroy, don't care about the life and death of these ants!"

While the Time God and Demon were pondering, the Death God and Demon said in a deep voice: "Time, we have no time to waste. Once the magical powers are released, the entire world will collapse. We must quickly cut off all cause and effect, and cut off everything related to this world. Contact, otherwise when the world collapses, you and I will all bear the backlash of the world. After all, we all have a trace of the origin of the world!"

Time waits for no one. There is not so much time for the time gods and demons to quietly think about countermeasures and think about the ideas of the hidden enemies. If you can't cut all cause and effect before the world is broken, you will have to endure a terrible backlash. Who allowed himself to take the initiative to destroy the origin of this world and drag the world into destruction!

"Cut me, time is coming, time and space are obliterated!" The time **** and demon woke up at the death god's reminder, and the time avenue descended directly, and time and space force blessed itself and wiped out all its own external forces, which do not belong to its own original force. Being obliterated under the mighty power of time and space, whether it is cause and effect, or other things are obliterated by the power of time and space!

As soon as the Time God and Demon shot, the Death God and Demon did not hesitate, the origin of the Demon Dao descended into the real body, the aura of the Demon Dao was devouring everything frantically, no matter what the power of the origin was swallowed by the Demon Dao, the aura of the Demon Dao also crazily from here Clouds are pouring from all sides of the world, and the Death God and Demon is taking back the origin of all the magic ways and completely abandoning the refinement of this world!

"Good decisive thoughts, it's a pity that you all underestimated the origin of the world. You are destroying this world right in the other's calculations. The cause and effect of this world's destruction will be borne by you. If everything is really the other party's conspiracy, I'm afraid you His madness will bring himself a more terrifying enemy, come on, let this storm come more violently, let me see what kind of existence this world is, and what is this realm battlefield world!" Xing Tian Mumbling to himself, Xing Tian no longer hides anything under the madness of the time gods and the death gods, whether he is the deity or the King of Ending clone, attacking with all his strength, desperately killing all enemies in front of him, I don't care if I will be exposed.

"Damn it, Xingtian is a lunatic, he actually slaughtered our companions behind us!" When Xingtian let go of everything, his crazy behavior was finally discovered by the enemy, and the ancestors who had awakened immediately noticed what was behind him. Crisis, saw Xing Tian frantically looting and killing the maimed City of Origin.

"Asshole, I know this **** is insidious and cunning. This time, even if we pay a high price, we must destroy him. Fellow Daoists, what else do you have to hesitate? Xingtian, a lunatic, has already killed you. Zhixin, what can you do not give up? Even if you die, you still have to drag this **** to death. You can't let this **** swallow your origin, strengthen his own power, and cause harm to more of us!"

"Yes, fellow daoists, you have all been hit hard and cannot escape from this catastrophe. It is better to sacrifice yourself to reserve more hope for our human race, keep more seeds, and make our human race less civilized It will be completely destroyed in this world-destroying catastrophe. After all, we are all human races, and we cannot cut off the civilization of the race because of our temporary selfishness!"

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