God of Destruction

Chapter 4127: Festival waiting

Chapter 4135 Waiting

Not only are some of the ancestors of the human race crying, they are asking for those who have been seriously injured, the ancestors of other civilizations are also doing this, they don't want to die, they are not willing to pay a heavy price to fight Xingtian in life and death, all hope Those severely injured companions stepped forward to accomplish this goal, hoping that these people could sacrifice themselves to torture and die together!

It's ridiculous, it's really ridiculous. At this time, under this situation, there are still ancestors playing tricks, wanting to use the power of others to hang Xing Tian, ​​without paying a price, if these ancestors are still influenced by the origin of the world , Without waking up, he still has the possibility of success, but now he has no chance of success. The ants are still surviving, not to mention people, these powerful ancestors, how can they sacrifice themselves and die with Xingtian!

It can only be said that these self-thinking wise ancestors are too stupid. Faced with Xingtian’s attack and killing, for the victim, what they immediately think of is not to die with Xingtian, but to escape. No one wants to face death. No one is willing to sacrifice themselves to make wedding dresses for them. It is impossible to expect someone to stand up and sacrifice themselves. Today's world has changed. What kind of racial civilization is not as important as your own life, whether it is human or other This is also true of racial civilization, because in the previous series of major changes, the human heart has already changed, and no one will have the spirit of sacrifice!

"Damn, these **** don't understand. They have no way to survive. If there is no way to survive, why don't they sacrifice themselves and contribute to everyone? If they can die with Xingtian, more people will survive!" Seeing no one When he stood up and pulled Xingtian at the same time, when he saw that the first reaction of the many forces was to escape, someone couldn't help but yell!

Sacrificing others is easy to say. If he really has such kindness, why didn't he stand up to stop Xing Tian and sacrifice himself to save the "life" of others. I can only say that these people are too selfish. Only oneself and others are just their pawns and cannon fodder, but unfortunately they are no longer able to master the overall situation!

When hearing those old ancestors yelling at them, many ancestors who were already angry shouted angrily: "Humph, you bastards, it's easy to say, why don't you stand up and stop Xingtian this lunatic? You are the most selfish. Bastard, wanting to make us sacrifice, why vie for that gleam of life, is really a pipe dream!"

I don’t know if it’s the change of heaven and earth, or the origin of the world has given up on these ancestors. In an instant, the ancestors who had been affected by their minds woke up, and they were angry at those selfishness. The **** yelled at him, why did they suffer so badly? They are not brave enough to fight, but these **** now speak such bad words!

When two ideas appear among these groups of people, splits naturally appear. In order to protect themselves, those hard-hit forces unite. They are not only resisting attacks from Xingtian, but also guarding against other people. At this time , The influence of racial civilization on them has completely faded, and they have only one goal in their hearts: survival! ’

Yes, survival. For these severely injured forces, survival is the first thing before them. If they can’t even survive, what ideals, development, detachment, and so-called racial responsibility , At this time, no one is in mind, any ethnic civilization is not worth mentioning, because this is the catastrophe of the world, and the ethnic civilization in the catastrophe is not worth mentioning, although there is no strong ethnic civilization destroyed yet, However, some small ethnic civilizations have already been destroyed in the previous panic, so no one cares about the responsibility of ethnic civilization.

"Chaos"! At this moment, when people’s hearts change, the whole world is "chaotic." If you want to use the banner of ethnic civilization to win over people, it is impossible for people to take the initiative to take responsibility. What ethnic civilization is for these ancestors Void, only one's own life is real, no one is willing to sacrifice themselves for the illusory existence of ethnic civilization.

Xing Tian shook his head lightly and sighed, "Hehe! This is the human heart, this is the human "nature". Before the crisis of ultimate destruction, these people split directly. It's really ridiculous. What kind of racial civilization and what kind of luck are there. It's just imaginary. Your own strength is the most real. Without sufficient strength, no matter how good your conspiracy is, you can't succeed. Strength determines everything!"

Yes, strength determines everything, enough power can determine everything, and now Xing Tian does not have such power, he can only follow the current, even if his behavior has been completely exposed in front of everyone. , But Xing Tian still didn't think about compromise, didn't think about joining hands with the enemy, because in the disaster, no one is trustworthy!

When the injured forces are united, it is not easy for Xing Tian to attack and kill them. If he is not careful, he will fall into heavy siege, even if these forces have been severely injured, but once they are killed Together, they can still bring death threat to Xing Tian, ​​and can still threaten Xing Tian's life, which makes Xing Tian have to be careful.

When these many forces that were still fighting to the death split, the two supernatural powers of the sky and the earth have exerted their ultimate power. The entire world trembled under these two forces, and the sky and the earth were ruining the origin of this world. Little by little, the power hidden in the dark was "forced" out. Just in case, the time gods and the death gods were really crazy.

With a loud "boom", a terrible crack was opened in the whole world. This is a sign of the world's destruction. This is the beginning of the destruction of the world after the origin of heaven. There is no strong enough force to suppress the world. , This world will completely lose its protection, and the whole world will go to destruction and collapse!

auzw.com"Damn it, why is it like this? Why doesn't the origin of the world fight back? Why let time gods and gods and death gods and gods be so arrogant? Could it be that we are really just chess pieces in its hands, and cannon fodder? Chess pieces?" At this time, those ancestors who had hoped for the origin of the world finally shaken their beliefs and doubted this world!

"It's over, everything is over. The origin of the world has left us, and the whole world has been abandoned. It wants to destroy the world. It must be destroyed with the help of time gods and demons. We are all abandoned children, and we are all deceived. !"

In an instant, some of the ancestors’ minds began to collapse. Originally, they all placed their hopes on the origin of the world. They believed that the origin of the world would stand up to save this world and be able to save them from fire and water. But now they are desperate and let They lost the last glimmer of hope, and this result made them unacceptable.

Faced with such a change, Xing Tian sighed softly in his heart: "Sure enough, the origin of the world hasn't appeared yet under the rupture of the heavens and the earth. It seems that everything is really as I expected. This thing is really going to the worst. Directional development, this world may be the existence that imprisons the origin of the world. Only when the world is destroyed can it appear. Now it is leading the world to collapse step by step and let everything disappear! I don’t know when the time gods and gods are aware of death. It's not there yet, but even if they notice it now, it's too late. Everything can't be stopped. This is a foregone conclusion!"

At this time, the time gods and the death gods naturally noticed the anomaly, and understood that they had fallen into the other’s calculations, but it was too late now, even if they wanted to stop, they couldn’t do it. It's just that the shot is out of control and can't be controlled by them. Now they can only passively wait for the result, waiting for the emergence of the world's origin!

"The time gods, what should we do now, we have all used the assassin of Heaven and Earth, and we still can’t'force' the other party to show up. We may be caught in the other party’s calculations. Perhaps in the beginning, we are the hidden enemy. Chess pieces, everything we do is in its calculations. If this continues, I am afraid that we will not escape the impact of this world extinction, the fatal blow!" At this time, the death **** His mood was greatly impacted. If it weren't for a terrible enemy hidden in secret, he would have the heart to directly retreat and give up everything in this world.

There is a terrible enemy hiding in the dark. If you retreat recklessly at this time, you will not only be unable to retreat, but will also suffer a devastating blow from the enemy. After all, this is not your home court. Any small mistake will Let yourself fall into a desperate situation, let yourself die, and dare not underestimate the power of the world!

The time gods and gods condensed, and said in a deep voice, "What should I do? What else can I do, continue to wait, I would like to see what it is calculating secretly, even ignoring the collapse of the world, it seems our previous guess It's wrong. The other party doesn't care about the destruction of this world. Perhaps the destruction of the world is what it expects most, and we are all pawns to break this world!"

As an innate Chaos God and Demon, he was calculated by an unknown enemy and became a chess piece in the opponent's hand. This is a result that any Chaos God and Demon cannot accept, but now Time God and Demon can't accept it, and can only be silent. Waiting.

The death **** demon sighed lightly: "Waiting, I'm afraid that what we are waiting for is not hope, but destruction! Time, if it doesn't work, the two of us can only unite, work together to tear the void and break free from the shackles of this world. Now that there is no heaven and earth origin, without the power of heaven and earth authority, we can completely tear the void away with our strength!"

The time **** demon nodded and said: "Okay! At this moment, we have nothing more than that. No matter how powerful this unknown enemy is, it will not be possible to stop the two of you from leaving together unless it really masters the entire world, and This is impossible. The power of heaven and earth has been destroyed. No one can control this world anymore. As long as we work together, we will be able to retreat!"

The death **** demon sighed: "Oh! This world is really weird and terrifying. Not to mention the appearance of the lunatic Xingtian, now there is such an unknown enemy, maybe we are really too arrogant, the layout of the self-righteous back then was just one A joke, we don’t understand the operation of the world at all, we don’t understand the rules of the world, and we can’t forcibly refine a complete world with our strength. No matter how the layout is, it’s impossible to succeed. The complete world may be a taboo!"

When the words of the death **** and demon fell, the expression of the time **** and demon changed drastically, as if these words touched a trace of sentiment in his heart! For a moment, the **** of time nodded solemnly and said: "Perhaps you are right. The complete world is a taboo. No creatures are allowed to touch the bottom line. We were all too arrogant and too self-righteous before!"

"Forget it, it's useless to think so much. Now let's wait for a while and see what unknown power will eventually show up and what its calculations are. Even if the world is destroyed, it will not cost us much. We have already lost the ability to refine this world, and I also want to know how the lunatic Xingtian coped with this panic, as if this lunatic understands this unknown power better than we do, perhaps he had long ago Have been in contact with this unknown power!" The death **** demon still knows Xing Tian well, so when he let go of his greed, the first thing he thought of was Xing Tian.

The Time God and Demon sneered disdainfully and said: "It's nothing more than an ant, even if it has some chance and strength, but this strength is not worth mentioning in this final catastrophe. He can't even enter the Chaos Sea, and it will be difficult in the end. To escape to death, we don’t need to focus our energy on this ant, it will only waste our time!"

The Death Demon shook his head gently and said, "No, I'm afraid it's not that simple. Xing Tian is not an'ant'. If he is an'ant', we wouldn't be better off there. This **** can be in such a short time. , To cultivate to this realm, it is impossible to say that there is no air transport to add the body. Is a person with air transport to be an "ant"? I don’t think so. If he is all an "ant", we naturally It is also a'ant', a person with great fortune, will not die in this catastrophe, we need to pay attention to it!"

For the words of the Death God and Demon, the Time God and Demon frowned slightly. The other party really made sense. How could a person with great fortune and body die in this world? If Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, really could To survive this world-destroying catastrophe, there will inevitably be greater aura, and even the origin of this world will be completely condensed on him!

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