God of Destruction

Chapter 4128: Festival intimidation

The fourth thousand one hundred and thirty-sixth chapter threat

After a while, the Time God and Demon sighed: "I hope this waiting is not destruction. After all, the initiative is not in our hands. We know nothing about the enemy. It is impossible to grasp it only by guessing. Regarding the situation, you have to think clearly about this. If we wait, we are likely to fall into a real desperate situation!"

When he said this, the Time God and Demon sighed again, his eyes fixed on the Death God and Demon, waiting for his reply. Don’t look at the words of the Death God and Demon that make sense, but they are still in the heart of Time God and Demon. I have some doubts whether the Death God and Demon knows something. After all, the Death God and Demon have been in this world for a long time. If he knows something, it would be normal. But if this is the case, he is in this change. Is in danger!

Seeing the reaction of the time **** and demon, the death **** and demon instantly understood the other party's intentions, and sneered disdainfully: "Time, don't play this ridiculous trick. I don't know more than you. You think you can hide so deeply. , Is it the power I can know, and do you think it is necessary for me to lie at this time, do I need to deceive you, what good is that for me, now we are in the same situation, you die, I can’t live either, You don’t know how much temptation is the origin of an innate chaotic **** and demon. You will not know, can anyone resist such temptation? Wait, we will wait, I want to know the enemy behind this Who is it, who is calculating all this, who is setting up such a game!"

To the words of the death **** and demon, the time **** and demon "showed" a horrified look on his face, and said in a low voice: "Death, you have to mean that this world is a game from the beginning, one for all People's game, whether it is you, me, or other people, are in the calculation of the other party? This is incredible. You know the formation of this world!"

The death **** demon nodded and said: "It is precisely because I know that I have such suspicions. If this is a normal world, will this happen? Will you two innate chaotic gods and demon be pitted? This is impossible, so this must be a game, a sinister game. If this world is a big trap, is it also a game in all areas of the battlefield world? If this speculation is true, then behind it The hidden power is terrible!"

After hearing these words, the time gods and demons could not help but shudder. This is indeed terrifying. If all this is true, the calculations of the enemy behind are too bad, but who can have such a method , The strength of that side can do this, can lay out such a big picture in silence, can master all the realm battlefield world!

Soon, the time **** demon shook his head and said disapprovingly: "No, this is impossible. No one, no force can do this. You should know how terrifying the number of battlefields in the entire realm is, no Any force can do this, maybe this world is just an exception, we can't use it as a reference!"

The death **** and demon snorted disdainfully and said: "Accident! This is an accident, it is ridiculous. Are there so many accidents in this world? For me, your appearance is also an accident. If it weren't for your appearance to destroy mine Plan, then this world is already in my grasp and has been completely refined by me. Is it an accident that you tell you now?"

The death **** and demon is right. For him, if the appearance of the time **** and demon is an accident, it is a big joke. The appearance of the time **** and demon is basically premeditated, and this unknown enemy is very likely to be early. Premeditated!

"Oh! I hope everything will not be as you said, otherwise this time the catastrophe will be too dangerous, and it is very likely that we will not be able to retreat completely, even if we have enough strength to tear the void, but There is such a dangerous enemy hiding in the dark, and it still poses a huge threat to us, and can threaten your life!"

The death **** demon nodded cautiously and said: "That's why I am so cautious and cautious, so I have to wait, unless the enemy has no calculations, otherwise he will inevitably show up, and with his previous methods, once he sees The body will not give up those ignorant ants, because they are the weakest existence. As long as it takes action, we can determine its true power and make corresponding countermeasures, even if the worst happens. We can at least have the ability to protect ourselves!"

'Ants'! In the eyes of the death gods, those ancestors still exist like ants. At this time, the time gods and the death gods do not choose to kill them and plunder their origins. They just want to leave them as substitutes for the dead, as a shield, and come. Test the unknown enemy to understand the enemy's true strength, or be able to prepare accordingly!

The time **** demon sighed: "I'm afraid that things will not be as simple as you think. These ignorant ants were affected by foreign affairs before, and you and I have also been affected by external forces. If this is what the unknown enemy did. Yes, its appearance is only afraid of a greater threat to us. These ants will most likely not become our helpers, on the contrary, they will continue to have an impact on us!"

The Death Demon nodded and said: "Yes, things are indeed possible, but we have no choice now. Whoever lets the situation develop to this point, we have no retreat, unless we run away now, otherwise we must face it. For this unknown enemy, even if it is dangerous, it is within our control, and even if these ants are controlled by others again, we have enough power to destroy it. Relatively speaking, waiting is the best choice!"

As for Xingtian, the death **** and demon did not mention it at all, nor did the time **** and demon. For them, the existence of Xingtian has been really ignored because they can’t see through Xingtian and don’t know how the lunatic Xingtian would react. What level of power is exploding again, so everyone has tacitly ignored it!

auzw.com What is Xing Tian doing at this moment? Naturally, he chases and kills those enemies frantically, doing his best to accumulate more origin, so that he can have more and more adequate preparations in the next war, so that he can persist to the end, although the origin of the world He hasn't appeared yet, but in Xing Tian's heart he already understands how dangerous his situation is. As long as the world origin shows up, he will not be able to escape this life and death battle. There will be a battle between himself and the world origin!

When Time God and Demon, Death God and Demon and Xing Tian were all on guard, the Origin of the World screamed for it, because the collapse of the world accelerated under Heaven and Earth, but as time God and Demon and Death God and Demon ended, The collapse of this world has slowed down again, which makes the world unacceptable. If the world does not go toward destruction, one cannot escape.

How to do? Continue to provoke war, continue to "confuse" those ants to start a life and death battle? The origin of the world is mumbling, but such an idea is difficult to realize, because such ants are already prepared, and it is not an easy task to affect each other silently. Be careful that you will fall into the enemy's calculations!

"Damn the gods and demons of time and death, how can you stop? Are you trying to'force' me to show up? If you don't continue to make a big move, if you don't make a move or destroy everything in this world, how can I show up? !" World Origin is screaming and venting. Time is also very precious to him. It also hopes that it can quickly break free from the shackles of the world!

"By the way, Xing Tian, ​​the'ant', is the rebellion of this'ant', that will damage my plan, and now I can only count on him to take action to accelerate the destruction of this world!" In an instant, the origin of the world thought of Xingtian. You must know that Xingtian is now chasing down the wounded city of origin. If Xingtian is stimulated a little bit, it may really make this war continue to erupt and become more violent, and accelerate the world's destruction!

Dealing with Xingtian can’t be as simple as dealing with ordinary people. The power of “confusion” is useless. After all, Xingtian’s will is too firm, so there is only one way in the world, and that is threat. Use the mother of Xingtian to threaten him. ! In an instant, World Origin contacted Xing Tian again, and shouted in a deep voice: "Xing Tian, ​​I will give you one last chance. This time if you still dare to resist and violate my orders, I may not be able to treat you, but you The mother of life will fall into desperation. I think you don’t want to see such a situation happen, and you don’t want to carry such evil results!"

"Damn, I know that the conspiracy behind all this is dominated by the origin of the world, and now it finally couldn't bear to jump out. Last time its conspiracy failed, now it uses my mother to "force" me, it seems It's really anxious!" Xing Tian had endless anger in his heart for the sudden appearance of the origin of the world, but he couldn't resist, because the opponent had the power to fear him, and he couldn't just watch his mother go toward destruction!

"Let's talk! What do you want me to do?" Under this situation, Xing Tian didn't need to entangle with the other party. He asked directly about the origin of the world, what would he do? After all, time is precious, and Xing Tian doesn't want to waste words and time!

"Okay, very good! What I want you to do is very simple. I will do my best to kill these **** who dare to betray me. I want them to die. No one can betray me without being punished!" In the middle, Xing Tian felt endless killing intent, not only targeting those major forces, but also killing Xing Tian himself!

When he heard these words, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed inwardly: "What a world origin, what a sinister strategy, it seems that my previous thoughts are correct, this **** is really trapped in this world, although it On the surface it is to retaliate, but there is only one real intention, and that is to destroy this world. At this time, this **** is still hiding his true intentions. This is really an old fox, he never forgets to hide himself. The true purpose of the game!"

Seeing that Xing Tian hadn’t answered for a long time, World Origin snorted, "Why are you unwilling or don’t want to do it? Don’t test my patience anymore, even if you have a trace of World Origin power in you, I won’t take it into consideration. , If you don’t know how to advance or retreat like this, you can blame me for being cruel, my patience is limited!"

When he said this, the tone of the origin of the world became eerie and terrifying, and his patience was really going to be polished. For him, he had clearly seen hope, but this hope was slipping in the direction of destruction. This is what he felt. Unacceptable and intolerable, so he directly used this terrible tone to continue to threaten Xingtian, "force" to persecute Xingtian.

It’s a pity that World Origin doesn’t know. The more impatient he behaves, the more he "exposed" his true purpose, and the more he aroused the endless killing intent in Xing Tian’s heart, making his situation more dangerous, unless Xing Tian really didn't have to resist, or if Xing Tian made a move, it would be when it perished, that is, when it died!

Xing Tian said in a deep voice: "Okay, I promise you, but I also have a condition. You have to release my mother. I want to see her. If I can't see her, I won't believe you, because I don't Know that she is still there!"

Xing Tian was unwilling to agree to the requirements of the world's origin when he had not determined the whereabouts of his mother, and he was unwilling to let this **** come out. You must know that if you procrastinate for a while, Xing Tian himself will have more accumulation, and he will have an extra point in the final battle. power! Launching a decisive battle at this time is very detrimental to Xing Tian, ​​so if he did not see his mother, Xing Tian would not agree to the request of the origin of the world, and would not let himself fall into this terrible crisis.

His mother is Xing Tian’s biggest weakness right now, and this weakness happened to be captured by the world origin. Before, the world origin had the major powers as backhands. Now the ancestors of these forces are sober, and this backhand has also lost its effect. Under the circumstances that cannot be used, the origin of the world can only threaten Xingtian with these three bad methods, "force" to persecute Xingtian, let Xingtian continue to promote the destruction of the world, and promote this dangerous and terrible catastrophe, let yourself The plan can continue, so that the world can accelerate its collapse, and he can escape from the shackles of the world earlier!

Perhaps this method is not on the stage, and it is very embarrassing, but for the origin of the world, there is no choice, unless it is willing to accept failure, otherwise it can only bite the bullet and continue. At this time, so soft-hearted, the origin of the world will fall into In the crisis, once the time gods and death gods see through everything, the situation is in trouble!

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