God of Destruction

Chapter 4129: Festival confrontation

The fourth thousand one hundred and thirty-seventh chapter confrontation

"The avenue of power smashes the void and takes out all your power. You have no choice!" World Origin ignored Xingtian's request, but continued to threaten itself, as if it didn't care about Xingtian's resistance. Don't worry that Xingtian will do something unfavorable to him in a rage, or he can be sure that Xingtian will eventually succumb!

When seeing the reaction of the origin of the world and hearing this continuing threat, Xing Tian snorted disdainfully and said: "Enough, put away your ridiculous tricks, I am not those ignorant'ants'. , I won’t be intimidated by your ridiculous threat. If you can’t prove that you can’t let me see my mother’s existence, you don’t want me to compromise. I won’t be threatened by a word, I Xingtian I have not been so stupid yet, either let me see my mother or get out!"

At this point, Xing Tian exudes a strong killing intent. This is a manifestation of his hatred for the origin of the world. If possible, Xing Tian really wants to kill the origin of the world in one fell swoop, but Xing Tian understands that he does not have such strength, at least for now. He couldn't do it himself, so no matter how much he hated the other party in his heart, Xing Tian had to endure it.

"Damn ants, dare to talk to me like this, if it weren't bound by the world, this **** would have been killed by me!" To Xingtian, the origin of the world also hates to the extreme, if it weren't for Xingtian, if it wasn't for Xingtian This lunatic broke all his good things, how could the situation be discovered to such a point, and how could he lose control!

The Origin of the World said in a deep voice: "Xing Tian, ​​I will say it again, don’t challenge my bottom line. You have no choice but to follow my orders. You can see your mother, but you must complete my orders. If you can’t, Then you don't need to see your mother again, she will die of your incompetence and disappear directly between the world!"

Xing Tian sneered disdainfully and said: "Huh! Do you think I will believe you? Do you think I will compromise just by saying that I don’t know the truth or not? Stop dreaming, I don’t even see anyone, how can I be sure what you are saying? Really, how do you know that my mother really has to be caught by you? If you dare not even prove it, I will naturally not listen to your ridiculous order. Xingtian has never been intimidated by anyone, and so are you. I can’t frighten me either. I either agree with my opinion or get out. I don’t have so much time wasting on this ridiculous argument with you. My time is precious!"

For Xingtian’s inexhaustible appearance, the origin of the world is also a headache. It is not that it does not want to release Xingtian’s mother, but that it is afraid to do so, because it does not know what the result will be after seeing Xingtian, because that is not there. In its grasp, the world's origin dare not be careless about hidden dangers that cannot be grasped.

The power of maternal love is incalculable. For Xing Tian to see his mother, this is unacceptable to the origin of the world, because it is not controlled by it, and it dare not gamble. Once there is a problem, the consequences will be disastrous. , So for the origin of the world, he would rather threaten Xingtian so crazily than accept Xingtian's conditions.

"Huh! If you are willing to accept her destruction, then you insist. I believe you should have your own judgment. You should understand where the trace of the world in your body comes from. If you don't even know this, you won't As I live now, I don’t accept any of your conditions. For you, I only accept my orders unconditionally. Otherwise, what is waiting for you is the threat of death!"

Strong, the resistance to Xing Tian, ​​the origin of the world is still extremely strong, there is no retreat at all, because he dare not retreat, who makes this situation so dangerous, who makes the situation more and more beyond it Master, if you can't hold Xing Tian at this moment, then you will never have a chance to complete your plan, and there will be no chance to break free from the shackles of this world!

For Xingtian and others, the world’s **** is a great threat, endangering their own lives, and this is also true for the origin of the world, so it has to order Xingtian to destroy the world at all costs, only Only in this way can I break free from the shackles of the world and get rid of my own difficulties and crises.

crisis! Yes, for the origin of the world, there are many crises in the current situation. If you can’t break free from the world’s shackles, you can’t get rid of the trapped situation, and when everything is exposed, it will be destroyed. The Origin of the World does not think that someone can ignore the huge temptation of himself, the Origin of the World has an irresistible temptation for any creature!

Why didn't Xing Tian have the idea of ​​hitting the origin of the world? Is Xing Tian able to resist the temptation of the world? No, it is not the case, because Xingtian cannot swallow and plunder the origin of the world. Xingtian does not have that powerful power. If it is replaced by the gods of time and the gods of death, giving the world a hundred courage, it will not dare to do Such a crazy move, dare not let him know his existence!

"Haha! Threats. I have no other means besides threatening you. I haven't even seen anyone. How can I know if what you said is true or false, and you are sure to threaten me like this, although I don't know what you want to do, what conspiracy you have? Trick, but I understand that you are afraid, you are afraid, you dare not let the death gods and time gods know your existence, otherwise you won't stay hidden, if you have the courage to try, See if I can tell your existence!"

Faced with the threat of the origin of the world, Xing Tian finally came up with his own assassin, counter-threatening with the time gods and the death gods, although this is a little helpless, but this is Xingtian’s only choice. After all, the longer things drag on, The more disadvantaged you are, you don’t have too much time to waste on the origin of the world. If you don’t know how long time is, Xing Tian doesn’t know what dangerous situations will happen. After all, this is a catastrophe of heaven and earth, this is the great destruction of the world. Jie, can't be careless!


When seeing the world’s origin still not responding, Xing Tian snorted disdainfully and continued: "My situation is indeed dangerous. Time is precious to me, but it is also true to you. I can accept the worst. The result of this will only make me sad, but can you accept the worst result? Once your existence is "exposed", you still have some vitality!"

At this time, the positions of Xing Tian and the origin of the world have changed. Now, Xing Tian begins to threaten the origin of the world, and Xing Tian begins to take the initiative, instead of allowing the origin of the world to dominate all of this. When the positions of the two people are exchanged, The situation of the origin of the world became very dangerous, and for a while it did not know how to answer Xing Tian's question!

In the eyes of the source of the world, Xing Tian can indeed bear the worst result, because the life and death that does not threaten Xing Tian will only make Xing Tian a little bit heartbroken. After all, for any practitioner, he does not care about family affection. For practitioners, they will kill all the cause and effect in the end. Family affection is optional for them, but the origin of the world does not dare to let Xing Tian vent his existence, and dare not let the death **** And time gods and demons know their existence!

"Time waits for no one. I don't have so much time to waste. If I can't confirm everything quickly, I don't know what I will do. After all, you should know my current situation and understand my current choices. For me, cutting off all cause and effect is the most important thing. If it takes a long time and what accidents happen, it will be hard to say!" Feeling the struggle of the world's origin hidden in the dark, Xing Tian continued to exert pressure , Continue to threaten each other.

When Xing Tian confronted the origin of the world, the time gods and the death gods became a little intolerable. They gradually realized that even though Xing Tian did not stop the killing, he was still chasing and killing those ignorant enemies. There will be some stupid **** who will "expose" the problem. You have to know that World Origin has contacted all the local forces before. After all, some people have said the existence of World Origin under the threat of death, even though it was the moment they spoke. , Was strangled by the origin, but the emergence of this situation has awakened the two innate chaos gods and gods of time and death!

"Damn, time, this situation is a bit abnormal. Those dead **** understand that they have been mutilated. The moment they spoke, they were backlashed by the source, which directly ended their lives. It is not possible to do so. Ordinary power, this may be the key to unlocking our secrets. These **** and stupid bastards, they have all come into contact with the hidden enemy!" Faced with such a situation, the death demon frowned, and all this was to him The impact is too great, and an enemy who can achieve this level is absolutely not under his own strength, or even surpassed!

"Yeah, the situation is indeed not right. The enemy is more insidious and vicious than we thought. He has such a powerful force, but he has been hiding in the dark, hiding in the dark to calculate us, let these **** ants be cannon fodder, with They come to consume our strength. If it weren’t for this shocking change caused by Xingtian, I’m afraid we don’t have any clues yet. We just want to find each other from this clue. This is impossible, the other party. We have already prepared for the worst, and will not let us find a trace of information from these ants!"

When talking about this, the time **** and demon couldn't help but sighed. Facing such a terrible enemy, such a cunning enemy, his heart also doubled in pressure. The opponent was an unknown force before, and he was under great pressure, but he was understanding the other side. After a little bit of information, the pressure is even greater, because the more you understand, the less confident you are in your heart.

"We can't wait any longer. If we wait like this, there will be no results. We must take action. Otherwise, we must wait for the enemy to make all preparations. Then it will be too late. Now the other party is speeding up!" I don't want to admit his failure, but at this moment, the death **** has no other way, because he really can't afford it.

The time **** demon nodded gently and said: "Yes, we still underestimate the enemy's cunning and can do all this silently. This has touched the origin, touched the power of the rules, and can do this. There is not much existence, maybe he existed earlier than you, even this **** and this world were born together, otherwise I really can’t think of anyone who can do this, external force is impossible No one can invade this world silently without being noticed by you and me. The only possibility is from inside this world!"

When he heard the words of the time **** and demon, the expression of the death **** and demon moved, and said in a deep voice: "Do you think time may be the origin of this world, if it is the origin of this world in the dark? Calculate us, it can indeed do all this!"

The time **** demon gently shook his head and said: "I don't know, but I think it may not be "sex". It is difficult for a world to do this because it needs to maintain the fairness of the world and the rules of the world. In doing so, it breaks the rules of the world, which is not good for it. It will only destroy the world first. After the world is destroyed, is it still possible to exist?"

The time gods and demons are really telling the truth, but there are exceptions to everything. The world they are facing now is the original situation, and the time gods and demons are also very confident. No power can hide their feelings, and they are in charge of heaven. Essence, if it is the Essence of the World that secretly lays out all this, it is impossible for oneself to be aware of it at all!

Hearing the words of the time **** and demon, the death **** and demon also sighed softly: "Yes, this is indeed impossible. No creature is stupid enough to put oneself in desperation and push oneself to destruction, even if it is the origin of the world. I don’t know how to do such a stupid move. I’m still worried, but I really don’t understand where this unknown power comes from and why it was born!"

I don’t understand, not only the death gods and gods don’t understand, but also the time gods and gods. If someone understands, then only the world origin itself, even Xing Tian, ​​who has contact with the world origin, doesn’t understand its origin. I don’t know this. What is going on in Fang World, I don't understand how the origin of the world can be so crazy!

It is difficult to understand all of this, especially under the current circumstances, which is even more difficult. If the origin of the world does not stand up and explain everything by itself, I am afraid that no one has such time and energy to search. Everything, to make it all clear, because there is no need, if the existence of the origin of the world is really confirmed, the first solution that everyone thinks of is to destroy it, rather than to understand everything about the other party. This is The best choice under the interests.

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