God of Destruction

Chapter 4130: Concession

The fourth thousand one hundred and thirty-eight chapters give way

Weird! All this is too weird, this is the feelings of the time gods and the death gods and gods. Faced with such a weird situation, their hearts are naturally extremely heavy, and they are really unable to advance or retreat! If they can't find the key to the problem, it will be difficult for them to escape from this catastrophe. They have to endure terrible pressure and face the danger of terror.

At this time, there was a trace of regret in the death **** and demon's heart. I knew that the situation would develop to such an uncontrollable level. Maybe I shouldn't have turned against the lunatic Xingtian, shouldn't be an enemy with him, but now It's too late to regret, everything has happened, even now he has the intention to ease the contradiction with Xingtian, he can't do it, after all, the situation is settled, and the death **** and devil cannot make changes, and the price of the change is also he will bear. Great.

"Oh! Sometimes I really feel that we are a little old, and we can't see the reality. This is really terrible!" Faced with such a crisis, the time **** and demon couldn't help but sighed. This is his true voice. In this world, the impact he received was so great that it made him somewhat doubt his original decision and whether his original contribution was right!

"Haha! What's the use of saying these now? When I have time to sigh, it’s better to think about how to get out of trouble. If we continue like this, I’m afraid we will be "driven" crazy by ourselves. The pressure is getting greater and greater, even if No matter how firm your will is, under such terrible pressure, it will be wiped out bit by bit. At that time, you and my fate will be conceivable. Use your imagination and do everything possible to find the hidden The enemy in the dark, understand it, and solve it!" At this point, the breath of the death **** and demon's body became a bit rush, and the killing intent on his body was also a little heavier. After all, time waits for no one, and there is no time left for him. too much!

"Why don't I want to do all of this, but I don't have the ability, and I can't do all of this. Actually, I have an idea in my heart. We might as well just wait and see how Xingtian and these ants can What kind of way to end this battle, perhaps this is the key to breaking the game. The unchanging should be changed. Without a clear view of the development of the situation, we can only watch the changes. Although this is a bit passive, this is also the safest. s Choice!"

Unable to find a direction, the Time God and Demon once again mentioned waiting for this decision, but this time he wanted to wait for the outcome of the battle between Xing Tian and the various forces. He wanted to know if the unknown force would let it go. As the situation develops, will they let these two innate chaos gods and demons just sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, waiting for the final outcome!

When he heard the words of the Time God and Demon, the Death God and Demon was startled first, and then his expression changed drastically. His eyes were shining, and he muttered to himself: "This may also be a solution. Before, we all just wanted to take the initiative to find each other. In fact, if we calm down, we can sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight and wait for the end of this battle. We don’t have much time, and the unknown enemy may not have enough. Sufficient time can be wasted. Instead of hitting the head and breaking the blood, it is better to wait and see the changes, a good idea!"

With the wisdom of death gods and demons, I instantly understood the intention of time gods and demons to retreat. This is the true idea of ​​time gods and demons, and this idea is indeed feasible. Their time is running out, and they are hidden in the dark. Will the enemy have enough time? As long as the opponent doesn't have enough time, this matter will be much easier. If you keep waiting, the enemy will finally be tempted to jump out!

The idea is good, but the reality is cruel. The origin of the world does not have enough time and cannot stand it any longer, but he will not be stupid enough to take the initiative to jump out at this time, because he still has a'helper', as long as he can convince Xingtian, all crises and all troubles will be resolved, and you will not be affected too much!

Of course, the premise of everything is that it can persuade Xing Tian, ​​make Xing Tian accept his crazy orders, let Xing Tian act as a substitute for the dead, a shield to destroy these **** ants in front of him, break everything in this world, and accelerate the world. destroy!

Xing Tian insisted on seeing his mother. Only in this way could it be possible to negotiate. Xing Tian would not negotiate with the source of the world before the source of the world did this. This made the source of the world unacceptable and the situation fell into opposition. In China, neither of the two sides is willing to back down, letting things fall directly into this terrible crisis.

Yes, it is a crisis, at least for the origin of the world, and of course it is also true for Xing Tian. The origin of the world is afraid that the situation will be out of control, afraid that this terrible situation will change again, and Xing Tian is his own The mother was worried because he didn't know what his mother was and whether he was really safe now. If something happened to his mother, it would inevitably affect Xing Tian's mind, and it would inevitably affect Xing Tian's beliefs and Xing Tian's practice!

Time is passing by in a little place, Xing Tian is insisting, and the origin of the world is also insisting. In their hearts, they believe that they cannot give up. Once they give up, they will give the other party a chance, and they will fall into passiveness. In the catastrophe, once you fall into such a passivity, it means that your life will be threatened. This is the result that no one wants to accept!

After a long time, World Origin finally couldn't hold on, and said in a deep voice, "Xingtian, does it make sense for you to persist like this? Is it worthwhile for you to waste this time? I know what you are worried about, and I can use my own The soul swears to Dadao that your mother is in no danger. As long as you can complete the task I confessed, I will let her go. You should accept it now!"


Hearing this, Xing Tian smiled indifferently and said: “Accept, it’s impossible. I don’t believe your vows. For an existence like you, there are too many ways to avoid the constraints of the vows. I only believe in my own. Eyes, I don’t even believe a word of your words. Either let me see my mother with my own eyes, or we just hold on to it. I don’t have anything to do. It’s a big deal to give up this opportunity. It doesn’t matter to me whether there is such a chance. Not much, but can you give up all this?"

Xing Tian said rightly, can the world origin give up all this? No, it can’t do it. If he gives up, it’s equal to giving up his life and self-destruction. This is the biggest difference between Xingtian and Xingtian. This is also Xingtian’s biggest attack method to grasp the enemy’s weakness. Under the circumstances, Xing Tian's loss is much less than that of World Origin. Xing Tian can continue to persist and can persist to the end, while World Origin cannot do this.

For a moment, Xing Tian took a sigh of relief, and then said: "Actually, you can also do it yourself. The **** of time has mastered the origin of heaven, and the **** of death has mastered the origin of tunnels. I don't believe that you have a grasp of the world at all. No, as long as you make a move, I think no one is your opponent in this world. You have always been reluctant to make a move. You have always wanted to use the hands of others to achieve your own goals. This has to make you doubt your truth. With your heart, I wonder if this is a conspiracy and trick you designed, because you don't have the demeanor that a strong man should have. This has to make people cautious and plan for the worst!"

"Damn Xingtian, it seems that he has really noticed something, otherwise he won't be so arrogant. If he really knows my current situation, I'm afraid this time the confrontation will end in failure, as the **** said. That way, he can continue to persevere, but I can’t. I can’t just watch the opportunity disappear from my eyes, but I really agree with this bastard’s suggestion. Once an accident happens, the consequences will be even more disastrous, and even more so. Out of control!"

Embarrassed! The world is incomparably embarrassed at its origin. Facing such a situation, it is really worried and scared. The situation will be out of control, and everything will fall in the direction that it fears the most, making the situation completely out of control, and letting the whole world go there The danger of the unknown, at this time, the origin of the world is a bit regretful. He knew that Xing Tian was so crazy, so he shouldn't have such a game, so that he was also haunted by the original plan and plunged himself into such a terrible crisis!

Xing Tian seemed to be troubled by the origin of the world, and said: "At this point in the matter, I think we should be able to talk about it thoroughly. What are your worries, you have never dared to let me see my mother, what happened to my mother? Something makes you so embarrassed. If you don’t even have this sincerity, how can you make me believe you!"

"Worry! There is naturally. To be honest, what I worry about the most is not your threat, but the accidental appearance. You should understand that this is the catastrophe of the world, accidents are everywhere, and what worries me the most is yours. Mother’s reaction, as a human race, no matter what you get in the process of practicing, as long as your mind has not changed, you should understand the importance of a child’s "sex" for a mother. If you see your mother , I don’t know what extreme actions she will make under maternal love. Once there is an accident, I think this is the result that you and I don’t want to see, and once it happens, there will be another There is no room for conversion. Can you understand my worries? Can you understand?" At this time, there is nothing to hide from the origin of the world. It should be no longer necessary. If you keep concealing it like this, it will only become more to yourself. The worse!

Taking a deep breath, Xing Tian sighed: "I can understand that everything you consider makes sense, but this is not a reason I can accept. Understanding is one thing, but it is another time to do it. I have to see my mother. This is a congenital condition and an unchangeable condition. No matter how difficult you are, this is not a reason to reject me, because it is not me, but you, that caused all this, so you You have to take responsibility for your actions, not let me share the responsibility!"

Hearing Xing Tian’s answer, World Origin sighed: “If this is the case, then we have no reason to continue talking. I can’t take such a risk. This is too stressful for me, although it is my responsibility. , But it does not mean that I have to pay a heavy price for this. You have reasons for rejection, and I also have reasons for rejection. If you insist on doing this, then I can only say that our judgment has failed. You can follow your own Act with my mind, and I will act according to my plan!"

Seeing Xing Tian's unwillingness to give up, the patience in the heart of World Origin has also been polished. Although in this confrontation, he has been in a passive state, but being passive does not mean that he has to be suppressed by Xing Tian. , Has always been under the influence of Xing Tian, ​​he has the ability to refuse, and has the ability to give up this ridiculous negotiation.

"Haha! If you insist on doing this, then I have nothing to say, I can guarantee that your information will not be known by the time gods and the death gods, and they will not be aware of your existence, but what you previously controlled Those people are afraid that they can’t do it. If I’m not mistaken, these two innate chaos gods and demons have already doubted. You are already in danger of exposing. I don’t know what you are calculating. I don’t know how powerful you are, but I believe you don’t want to be known by these two innate chaos gods and demons, so you can do it for yourself and hope that the worst will not happen!"

Pressure, for an instant, the origin of the world feels endless pressure coming. What is the use of Xingtian’s guarantee? As he said, the “ants” that he controlled before will “expose” their existence and will let time. Gods and demons and death Gods and demons know their existence, and time is all, these two innate chaos Gods and demons must be able to perceive their existence. At that time, they are really dangerous, and the world bound by the world must face the threat of death.

"Damn Xingtian, this is not reminding me at all, but warning me, threatening me!" World Origin's heart is swearing at Xingtian's shamelessness, but it has no way to get rid of this threat. Who made the situation so dangerous? !

Of course, the origin of the world still has a choice, and that is to threaten Xingtian with Xingtian’s mother’s life and death, and "force" Xingtian to do it, but if you do this, the consequences will be even more uncontrollable, the last point between yourself and Xingtian The affection will also be obliterated. At that time, he and Xing Tian were really immortal, and there was no possibility of turning back at all. This harmony is the result that the origin of the world does not want to see, because it has more calculations in Xing Tian. !

"Well, I take a step back. I let you feel your mother's existence, but you can't have any communication with it. I worry that she will choose a dead end because of maternal love. I think this is not the result you want to see!" Under the tremendous pressure, the origin of the world still shrank, and had to compromise with Xing Tian, ​​and had to give in. After all, it was stronger than humans!

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