God of Destruction

Chapter 4131: Mother's Day

Chapter 4139: Mother's Love

When hearing the words of World Origin, Xing Tian also secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Although he did not achieve his goal, he could finally confirm the news of his mother. This is very important to Xing Tian. After all, he has been worried about his mother’s safety. It greatly affects Xingtian's practice. You must know that there is always this unforgettable thing in your heart, which will inevitably affect your mood.

"Okay, I agree, but you have to make an oath. When I complete your task, you will let go of the restrictions on my mother and let her leave with me!" For the mother of this life, Xing Tian is very difficult to let go , So this request was directly made. From Xingtian's point of view, as long as the World Origin agrees, everything is no longer a constraint.

When he heard these words, World Origin was silent. This request made it embarrassed and unacceptable. It was not the conspiracy or insidious calculations of World Origin, but it couldn’t do it now, it couldn’t solve it. The shackles on Xingtian's mother.

When he didn’t get a reply from the Origin of the World for a long time, Xing Tian’s heart heaved involuntarily, and said in a condensed voice, “Why, you don’t want to, you still want to use my mother to threaten me, and to use my mother to control me all the time. , You are too arrogant, can you really not have the ability to resist for my Xingtian, can you really be able to fight you for a life and death duel for me?"

At this moment, the endless anger in Xing Tian's heart was roaring, and endless killing intent was born in his heart. No one wants to be threatened by the enemy all the time. Xing Tian is no exception. If the origin of the world cannot give himself a satisfactory explanation, then it is inevitable to wait for it. It was a life and death duel, even if it was to break all balances, Xing Tian would also drag the origin of the world out of the dark.

When feeling the terrible anger of Xingtian, the world could not help but sigh: "No, it's not that I don't want to accept this condition, but that I can't do it. I can't fulfill your request. Your request is beyond me. My mastery!"

"What? How is this possible, are you kidding me? As the origin of the world, you are in control of everything in the world, how can you not even do this little thing, you can really be a fool for me, you will believe you this is ridiculous Yan!" At this time, Xing Tian was even more angry, thinking that the origin of the world was an excuse, and he did not believe this ridiculous explanation at all!

"Oh! No, you overestimate my power. If the two lunatics of time and death do not have the authority to detonate the world madly, then I still have this ability, and I can barely achieve this. But now I can’t do it, the power of the world is no longer under my control, otherwise you think why those **** ants would break free from my bondage, break free from my control over them, and suddenly wake up one by one, this It’s because I am out of control of the power of the world.” Although I don’t want to admit my failure, when the situation has reached this point, the origin of the world has to confess to Xing Tian, ​​because it is worried that if the sky misunderstands it, it will ruin its own major events and let itself. Really go to destruction, to death.

At this time, Xing Tian’s heart was also extremely heavy. Such a result was unexpected. After all, all this was crazy. It was impossible for Xing Tian to accept it like this. After all, Xing Tian could not leave it to himself. Terrible hidden danger!

"Is there no other way? As the origin of the world, even if there is an accident in this world, you have the ability to reverse everything. After all, you have the world's most powerful force!" Xing Tian said unwillingly at this time. His heart is extremely tense, for fear of getting results he doesn't want to hear from the origin of the world.

It is a pity that this world is cruel and merciless. Although Xing Tian does not want to hear the results that make him unacceptable to Honduras, the facts cannot be changed! Just listen, World Origin sighed: "I can't do it. If it is possible, I will not give up. In fact, I am powerless now. With the dissipation of the authority of the heavenly and the tunnels, the authority of the whole world is already incomplete. Incomplete, unless someone can forcibly condense a complete world authority, otherwise no one has the ability to release the original **** of all creatures in this world. This is the mark of the world, and only complete world authority can do it. Of course, if you have great power, you can also break free, but your mother does not have such power and can't do this!"

If you can break free from the shackles of the world with your own power, you can detach yourself from this world without any external force. If your mother has such power, Xing Tian won't have so much worry, and he won't have to spend so much energy. Come to do these many calculations, and this result has too much impact on Xing Tian.

Speaking of it, the origin of the world did not want to tell Xingtian about this matter, but the sinister situation made it have to say, and after all this was said, it was another big test for the origin of the world, because it did not know that Xingtian knew this. What will happen after everything, I don’t know if Xing Tian is still willing to reach an agreement with him, everything is unknown!

"Xing Tian, ​​originally I could not tell you, I could conceal all this, but I think the situation is so dangerous today, there is no conflict of interest between you and me, so I will tell you all this, how to choose is up to you Call the shots, I have said everything that should be said, now is the time for you to make a decision, I am waiting for your answer!" When this was said, the origin of the world could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, and said all this. The pressure in my heart is also much less, and my mood is relieved!

"Well, I understand what you mean. Don't worry, I am not the kind of unreasonable person. Since you have said everything for this purpose, I will not know how to advance and retreat, and will not push all the responsibility on you. This matter is over here. You let me get in touch with my mother. I need to have a good talk with her. I hope you don’t deceive me. That’s not a good thing for you or me!” When he said this, Xingtian There was a touch of loss and a touch of sadness.

Cheating Xingtian? No, the origin of the world is not crazy to such a degree, it will not be at this time, under such circumstances, to make such an unwise move, it is really necessary to do so, the origin of the world is a fool, it is a stupid bastard!


With a heartbeat, the origin of the world drove Xing Tian’s power into the depths of the world. In a moment, Xing Tian’s spirit felt his mother’s location. That was the depths of the earth, that was the center of the earth’s core. Appearing in the center of the earth's core shocked Xing Tian, ​​and it also made Xing Tian somewhat unacceptable. How could his mother appear in the earth's core silently? Could it be said that all this is the origin of the world? Madness killed my mother!

For an instant, Xing Tian had many thoughts in his heart, but before he knew everything, Xing Tian didn't dare to act rashly and suppressed the terrible killing intent in his heart. After all, he had to wait for himself to talk to his mother before making a decision. !

Before Xingtian could speak, the mother of Xingtian, who was in the center of the earth's core, said first: "My child, are you here? I feel your breath. How did you come here? This is not where you should be. !"

Care, Xing Tian felt the endless maternal love in these words! Xing Tian whispered: "My mother is me. I came to see you. I want to see you! I want to know why you are trapped here and what is going on?"

The origin of the world that has been following Xing Tian didn't get angry because of Xing Tian's words. Although it knew the meaning of Xing Tian's words, it didn't care because it was not what it did, but the instinct of this world!

"Child, I know your worries, but this is my responsibility. From the day I was born, I have to bear the responsibility. Originally, I didn't know what my responsibility was. When I came, I finally knew my responsibility. I was the last support of the world, and I was the hope of many creatures!"

Hope, the hope of all beings in the world! This topic is really heavy. Anyone who bears the hope of a world’s creatures is a heavy responsibility. Why does this responsibility fall on his mother? This makes Xing Tian feel puzzled. Is it just Because of the origin of the world in her mother, most of that origin has been plundered by Taiping Dao. Even if it is responsible, it should be borne by Taiping Dao, and how could my mother appear silently in this core center!

Feeling the deep doubts and "confusion" in Xing Tian's heart, Xing Tian's mother continued to speak: "Child, leave, this world is not where you should stay for a long time, your future is in the highest chaos world, and your origin is also the highest chaos. The power of the world, staying in this world will only plunge you into a greater crisis. You should have all the opportunities you deserve, and you have endured all the tribulations. It’s time to leave this world. Only if you leave, you will have an infinite future. Don't worry about me. This is my destiny and my responsibility. I need to contribute my strength to this world!"

contribution! When hearing this word, Xing Tian frowned involuntarily. Xing Tian is not one of those ignorant people. He naturally understands what his mother’s so-called contribution is under this situation, that is, he is burning everything for himself. The ignorant ants are fighting for the first line of life. It can be said that his mother is giving her life and making wedding dresses for others. This is unacceptable for Xingtian. In any case, Xingtian cannot watch his mother go toward destruction and death!

"No, this can't work. You can't do this. You sacrifice your life for those ignorant ants. Is it worth it? They don't know your existence, don't know how to be grateful, and there is no benefit to sacrifice for them!" At that time, Xing Tian became a little agitated, and the aura above his soul was also changing crazily, and the aura was constantly increasing!

When Xingtian changes in this way, the world that has been following it feels a threat. It can clearly feel the terrible breath hidden in that soul from Xingtian's changes, which shows that Xingtian has the ability to severely damage Oneself, even destroy oneself, this is a situation that the origin of the world has never thought of!

"Damn, what secret is hidden in the lunatic Xingtian? There will be such a terrible aura gushing from the depths of the soul. If this lunatic continues to do this, I am afraid that it will expose the core of the earth without the enemy searching. The secret, even to "expose" my existence, I have to stop this bastard, and can't let him go on like this!" When thinking about this, World Origin cried out in a deep voice: "Xingtian wakes up, you can't be so excited, to Otherwise you will hurt your mother!"

When he heard the voice of World Origin, Xing Tian's soul was awake, and from that excitement, Xing Tian shuddered involuntarily. Fortunately, World Origin stopped him in time, or else If it is really unimaginable, once the murderous intent in one's soul is fully exploded, the entire core of the earth will be penetrated by his own murderous, and his mother will inevitably face a devastating blow, even directly destroyed by his own murderous. !

"The origin of the world, what is going on, I need you to give me a satisfactory answer, otherwise we have nothing to say, don't tell me, you don't know what happened here!" When complaining, Xing Tian vented his anger on the origin of the world, and directly pointed the finger at the origin of the world.

"Damn, I knew it would be like this. As long as this lunatic knows what's going on here, it will definitely be dangerous. The explanation I made before this lunatic didn't take it seriously, or even didn't approve it at all. Below, let me explain, how can I explain all this!" At this moment, the heart of the world origin is regretting!

"Well, my child, don’t embarrass others. This is not its fault, but the instinct of the world. Because I am a child of the world, my existence is a manifestation of the world’s self-help, so everything here is not the work of external forces. , But the instinct of the world. This is my responsibility. I cannot refuse. Don’t blame others for all mistakes!” Without waiting for the origin of the world to answer, Jair’s mother took the initiative to explain all this and take all responsibilities. Take it all.

After hearing the words of Xing Tian’s mother, the world could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately,'she' stood up, or it was really unthinkable. You must know that Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, does everything under his anger. It came out, and it really made the lunatic Xing Tian break out, the situation here is out of control! The entire world will be plunged into terrible disasters because of Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, and his own existence as the origin of the world will inevitably die!

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