God of Destruction

Chapter 4132: Destiny

Chapter 4140

Responsibility, in Xingtian’s eyes, the responsibility borne by his mother is ridiculous. This is a burden imposed on her, but it is very difficult to change everything, because now his mother is trapped in the core of the earth. He has already begun to bear the erosion of karma over there. As time goes by, his mother's body and soul will be swallowed by karma, and they will be transformed into nothingness, and the real body will die away, leaving no existence in this world.

"The origin of the world, is there really no way to resolve it? As the master of this world, there should be a way to save it, right?" At this time, Xing Tian once again asked the origin of the world. For Xing Tian, ​​this The result was too heavy and made him unacceptable. As long as there is still a glimmer of hope, Xing Tian will fight for it.

At this time, World Origin sighed and said: "Oh! If there is a way, I will not be subject to the constraints of the world. If there is a way, I will break away from everything and no longer be trapped in the world, even me. It’s hard to protect myself. Do you think I have any way to resolve this crisis? My situation is not much better than that of your mother, but I still have a little ability. It will be even worse if I will end up with Yu. Now the only way Just in your body, if you can break everything in the world and cut off all the cause and effect before the world is destroyed, you may be able to save a trace of your mother's soul!"

When talking about this, World Origin sighed again, shook her head and continued: "Speaking of it, your mother's origin is missing. Otherwise, things won't be so dangerous and she won't bear such terrible responsibility, so your only The solution is to try to keep a trace of her soul, so that she can come back in the future, after all, she has a deep connection with this world!"

Yes, now the mother of Xing Tian is too closely connected with this world, and the cause and effect are too heavy. It is too difficult and unrealistic to break free from the shackles of the world, and to get rid of the terrible shackles and responsibilities on the body. The choice is what the world origin said, do your best to preserve a trace of soul origin, so that you can come back in the future!

"What should I do to preserve a trace of the soul of my mother?" At this time, Xing Tian did not hesitate. Time waits for no one. The longer he delays, the more dangerous it is for his mother, so he straightforwardly pointed out. The origin of the world asks and wants to hear the explanation of the origin of the world. After all, the other party understands the world better than oneself.

Regarding Xing Tian’s question, World Origin didn’t make any embarrassment, and directly nodded and said: "Xing Tian, ​​you have practiced the World Dao. The World Dao is the best vehicle to preserve a trace of your mother’s soul, but the previous question is that you can convince her to divide Soul, pin a trace of soul in your world, only in this way, when the entire world is destroyed, she can have a ray of life, can preserve that trace of soul, and will not be backlashed by the destruction of this world. Only the world is the way. Only then can the backlash of the world be shielded. This is why you were paid attention to by me when you were reincarnated in this world!"

World Dao, when he heard that his own World Dao could shelter a trace of his mother’s soul, Xing Tian’s heart was excited. Xing Tian did not doubt whether this was a conspiracy by the origin of the world. He was deliberately testing his practice on the World Dao. However, Xingtian quickly gave up such doubts. At this time, World Origin did not need to tell such lies to himself, nor did he need to use this to test himself. It would not do him any good, and if it was really alienated, eventually It is not necessarily Xingtian who suffers. After all, Xingtian's world avenue is not trivial, but the real chaotic world!

The world avenue is easy to solve, and the avatar of Chaos can do it completely, but it is not an easy task to persuade his mother to divide a trace of soul. After all, the calamity of my mother is too heavy and has been eroded by the catastrophe. Mind has been affected by the robbery, to persuade her to split the soul is difficult to rebirth!

There is a silver lining if you do it, and you die if you don't do it! This is the true situation of Xing Tian's mother today. Xing Tian is also very clear about this point, and it is precisely because of such serious consequences that the origin of the world will repeatedly shirk!

Seeing the solemn expression on Xing Tian’s face, World Origin sighed again: “Get started as soon as possible. There is not much time left for you. Even if you don’t want to do this, don’t watch to destroy the world, but this The world will be ruined. This is the general trend. No one can stop it, and neither can you. Don’t look at the time now, the gods and demons will stop and watch the changes, but that’s just the appearance. Once something abnormal occurs, they will be first. Time takes action to destroy those'ants' and swallow their origins. If all these'ants' really die, the world will also enter death. No one can stop it, because their destruction means the destruction of humanity!"

Xing Tian naturally knows how important humanity is to a world. Especially for this perfect world, the power of humanity is even more important. If humanity is destroyed, the world will be hit hard, and today's battlefield world has already been hit hard. Heaven and tunnels have been destroyed, and only the power of humanity maintains the world. If humanity is destroyed, the world will be destroyed!

Xing Tian asked suspiciously: "The origin of the world, since you know that the destruction of the world must be the general trend, why are you so eager to let me take action and let me help you destroy the world? Can't you just watch the changes and wait for that? The moment comes?"


The Origin of the World sighed softly: "I also want to watch the changes, but I can't do it, because I have too much involvement with this world. If I really have to wait for the world to destroy itself, I must die forever, just like Like your mother, you will be destroyed by that huge karma, and if someone forcibly destroys this world, I will be able to pay a certain price and break free from the shackles of the world. This is true not only for me, but also for your mother. It’s just that your mother’s origin is damaged and cannot support it for too long!"

"But I don’t want to do this, because I don’t want to bear the terrible impact. It’s easy to destroy one world, but bear the consequences of the destruction of that other world. That terrible karma is a huge burden for anyone. , I am the same, you let me destroy this world, and the pressure I have endured is amazing!" Although Xing Tian agrees with what the world says, Xing Tian is not willing to give the initiative to its hands. Let yourself be passive!

"The destruction of the world does have karma, but this is only under normal circumstances. The situation is different now. This is the ultimate catastrophe. Even if the world is destroyed, there will be no cause and effect. This is the disaster of the world. There is no way to avoid it. Even if you make a move, you don’t have to worry about the so-called karma, because your entanglement with this world is not great, and your own origin does not come from this world, not to mention you still have a world path. In the body, how could it be impacted by karma!" When he said this, World Origin sighed softly, and continued: "Xing Tian, ​​we don’t need to play tricks now, because we don’t have much time, we need to open up. Mind, talk about it seriously, no one should play with scheming, only in this way, we can reach a consensus, and can do our best to protect ourselves and everything in this catastrophe!"

Xing Tian said indifferently: "Yes, we should really talk about it like this, but now you know everything about me, and even I have a clear grasp of the world road, but I don't know anything about your origins, so Unfair conversation, do you think I will agree? At least you should tell me your origins and let me know the secrets of this world. Otherwise, you alone will benefit, and I will pay the greatest price. No benefit, is it fair?"

fair! In fact, there is no fairness in this world. The so-called fairness is nothing more than a lie. Strength is the root of everything. Now the origin of the world can take the initiative because it has more secrets and knows a lot. The secret that Xing Tian didn't know was that it was only qualified to have a positive conversation with Xing Tian!

The Origin of the World sighed softly and said: "What do you want to know? As long as I know, you can ask, I will never hide anything! As for my origin, even if I say it, I'm afraid you will not Believe, I will only think that I am lying!"

Hearing this, Xing Tian smiled indifferently and said: "Oh, I don’t know how you came from to think so. I think I have some understanding of the world. You can just say it. Believe it or not is my own business, and if I don’t even know your origin. How can I cooperate with you? Only by understanding each other can there be a basis for cooperation!"

"Well, since you want to know, then I'll just say it, believe it or not, it’s up to you to judge for yourself! I am actually the same as the time gods and the death gods and gods, are innate chaos gods and gods, and they are in the same era. The innate chaos gods and demons are just that I am in charge of fate for destiny. When I was conspired by the time gods and demon **** and causal gods and demons, when I was finally about to be destroyed, I was attracted by the origin of this world and became this A part of the origin of the world has been nourished by the origin of this world throughout the endless years, constantly repairing its damaged soul!"

"What, you are the destiny **** and demon, the innate chaos **** and demon strangled by the time **** and demon! This is really surprising news. It seems that you are in the same situation as the death **** and demon. If the death **** and demon knows about you Exist, I’m afraid he won’t make such crazy decisions! No wonder you were able to affect those many creatures silently before. This is not the power of the origin of the world, but the power of your own destiny. It seems that you have Restored the authority of the avenue of destiny, and mastered the power of destiny in this world!" Xing Tian was indeed a little surprised at such an identity. The existence of the destiny **** and demon, which has been perished in the hearts of time **** and demon, turned out to be this. It is a big joke that part of the origin of the Fang world has mastered the fate of the world.

The time gods and demon are in charge of the origin of the heavenly path, and as the existence of the heavenly path, they don’t even know that the power of the world’s destiny is actually in the hands of their enemies. The world, because in this world there are destiny gods and monsters who are familiar with them, and there are destiny gods and monsters in this world, how can they refine this world!

However, Xing Tian still had some doubts in his heart about the words of the Destiny God and Demon, and he asked: "Since you have restored your soul and regained control of the power of Destiny Avenue, why don't you continue to influence those'ants'? , To use their hands to destroy the world instead of looking for my help. Isn't this finding yourself uncomfortable?"

The destiny sighed softly: "I want to do the same, but unfortunately I can’t do this. Although the power of destiny is strong, I have had contact with both the time gods and the death gods, especially the time gods, if I overdo When he uses the power of destiny, he will inevitably be aware of it. Once he knows the existence of the power of destiny, I am afraid that the first thing he thinks of is me, who is already dead. At that time, you should understand how serious the consequences are. But when my identity was exposed, I would naturally face the threat of death, but I was unable to resist because I was restricted by the world. The origin of the world once sheltered me and nourished my soul, but now it has become Fetter my existence, restrict my freedom, and prevent me from breaking free from the constraints of the world!"

Xing Tian said in a deep voice: "Destiny is first, you have the power of destiny. Why didn't you prevent all of this from happening before? Even if the world is bound by the world, you can affect this world and stop that one. Crisis, but why do you let all this happen, let yourself fall into such a crisis, don’t say that you want to use this external force to destroy this world, this statement is unacceptable to me, you can’t fail to see it like this result!"

"Yeah! It's impossible for me to fail to see such a result. It is precisely because I know that there will be such a result, that's why I will do it, because I don't want to die, and I don't want to accompany the world to destruction. I once died. Experience, I don’t want to face it again. If the world stays the same and develops completely according to the original trajectory, the world has not yet reached the time to destroy it, but if it is so, I will inevitably accompany the world to destroy it, and I don’t want to die, only Let the world change, not only your appearance, but also those who descended from the supreme chaotic world, and even the various forces in this world. They are all under my influence and constantly stimulate this world. Constantly changing the original trajectory, letting the world slide into the unknown, making the world full of abnormal changes, and only in this way can I seize the last ray of life and give myself a chance to break free!"

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