God of Destruction

Chapter 4133: Festival crazy

Chapter 4141: Crazy

No one wants to face death. The origin of the world is like this, so is the creatures of the entire world, and so is this world. It can be said that now that the origin of the world is trapped, it should not be said that it is this world that is the destiny **** and demon, and it is also this world. Xingtian’s mother is bound, and all this is just for survival. This is a world’s desire for survival and the pursuit of survival!

To change the original trajectory, this is the way the Destiny God and Demon managed to break free from the world, but now it seems that his plan is still different. If Xing Tian cannot be persuaded, he cannot let Xing Tian take action. What is waiting for him is death. There is still Xingtian’s mother today. As long as Xingtian still has that affection and human heart in his heart, everything can be restored, everything can develop in the direction he expects, and he can break free. Chance to fate!

It’s ridiculous to say that, as the Destiny God and Demon in charge of the Destiny Avenue, he is bound by the Destiny Avenue. The first death is a trick of fate, and this time it is the same. Perhaps this is the biggest weakness of the Destiny God and Demon. Destiny, in charge of destiny, but you have to be bound by destiny. Only by breaking free from destiny can you be truly detached. Whether it is the detachment of oneself, the detachment of the soul, or even the detachment of the great road, this may also be the biggest test of the destiny. !

"Even if I act, I may not be able to break the shackles of the world, nor may I be able to destroy this world. After all, no one knows what changes the world will have. When danger comes, the world's instinctive resistance is the most terrifying, who I don’t know what crazy actions it will make in the next moment, because this is a counterattack from a world, and no one can ignore it!” When he said this, Xing Tian couldn’t help but sighed. This is not a scene, it is. His voice is also the most difficult part of Xing Tian!

"Yeah! No one knows what will happen in the next moment. Even me, the innate chaos **** and demon who is in charge of the road of fate, can't control his own destiny. Who can know what the future will look like? I know your embarrassment, but you I have no choice. This world-destroying catastrophe is a disaster and an opportunity. If you can break away from everything and cut everything off, you will be able to seize the opportunity and fly into the sky. In contrast, you are better than me. The gods and demons trapped in this world are even more beneficial, because you are the true body of the Chaos Gods and Demons condensed by the day after tomorrow. Even if you have mastered the origin of the Great Dao, this time the catastrophe is the greatest opportunity for you. And you are condensing the real body of the Chaos God and Demon in this world. In essence, if you can destroy this world, you may plunder the origin of this world, and even embark on a more terrifying and terrifying destruction. Dadao, in charge of the power of destroying the world, I believe you should be very clear about the power of destroying the world and understand the terrible power of this power!"

When talking about this, the Destiny God and Demon sighed lightly, feeling a little excited, as if his heart was suffering a huge impact! After a while, he continued: "Actually, it is not the best choice for you to transcend the world at this time. Although your road of ending is powerful, you should know how difficult it is. If you can destroy the world The avenue is also integrated into the avenue of the end. Maybe you will go further, and even for you, it’s really an extinction success. Whether you can plunder the origin of this world or not, your perception of the world avenue will go further, because the world The avenue also contains the avenue of destruction of the world, and the avenue of destruction of the world is also part of the avenue of the world. A complete avenue of the world must not only have vitality and life, but also have the origin of the destruction of the world. This time is the best opportunity for you to perfect your own avenue !"

Xing Tian sneered disdainfully at these words of the Destiny God and Demon. The Way of Destiny is indeed helpful to the World Way, but it is not as important as the Destiny God and Demon, at least for Xingtian, because of Xingtian’s world. The avenue is different. Xingtian’s world avenue is a real chaotic world avenue, which can contain everything, and the avenue of destruction has already been integrated into it! For others, it is impossible to master the complete Three Thousand Dao at all. The World Dao they practiced must be flawed, but Xing Tian is different. The chaotic world of Xing Tian really has the origin of the Three Thousand Dao, because it has a world tree as a nutrient. , As a foundation.

Unfortunately, the Destiny God and Demon didn’t know this. For Destiny God and Demon, he always thought that Xingtian’s World Dao was just a general World Dao practice. Otherwise, Xing Tian could not have displayed the World Dao in the battle of life and death. In his opinion, this is an imperfect performance of Xingtian World Dao. He has never thought that all this is just a cover-up of Xingtian's own strength. He is consciously preserving his strength and preventing the enemy from knowing how powerful his true strength is. !

"Haha! Opportunity does exist, but it is also accompanied by terrible dangers, like death. A little carelessness means death without life. Without absolute certainty, I dare not act rashly, and you should also understand that time Gods and demons and death are not kind people, they are also huge hidden dangers. With them, no one dares to fight with all their strength, because no one knows what these two **** will do at a critical time. Their actions, once they attacked, the consequences would be unimaginable!"

When he said this, Xing Tian's voice paused slightly, and then he said: "If you can make a move, you can drag the time **** and demon and the death **** and demon, I may be able to let go and strangle those ants with all my strength. Let this world go to destruction!"

Let the Destiny God and Demon take control of the Time God and Demon and the Death God and Demon, I can only say that Xing Tian thinks too much, but the Destiny God and Demon would not do this, because he dare not risk his life, because he already has fear in his heart. That unrelenting spirit!

"Xing Tian, ​​you are embarrassing me. I can't do it, and I can't do it. You don't know how sensitive my identity is. If I act, I will only fall into a real desperate situation. If I can act, I I won’t put so much energy into asking you to help. You can only rely on you for all this. I have no choice in this matter!"

Without the slightest hesitation, the Destiny God and Demon directly rejected Xingtian's suggestion. For the Destiny God and Demon, his life is more important than everything. He cannot risk his life because he cannot bear the terrible consequences.

Hearing this, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed secretly in his heart. At the same time, he despised the destiny **** and demon, and sneered secretly: "Stupid, ignorant! At this time, I don't even have the courage to fight to the death. It's ridiculous. , Perhaps the same lore of the year, really made the destiny **** and demon lose courage and lost the fighting will of an innate chaos **** and demon. Now his soul is preserved, but he is no longer the powerful one back then. Innate Chaos God and Demon, without the intent to fight, he is just an ant, even if he can escape this world-destroying catastrophe, it is blamed for surviving in the final catastrophe!"

In an instant, Xing Tian understood the state of mind of the destiny **** and demon. The innate chaos **** and demon who had lost their intent to fight were no longer worthy of Xing Tian’s attention. Even if the opponent was threatening him, it was not worth mentioning to Xing Tian. Weak enemies are not worthy of Xing Tian's attention. In the Great Tribulation, we don't even have the courage to fight to the death, so how can we be fed back by the Great Tribulation.

auzw.com to reap the benefits of fishermen? No, there is no such saying in the catastrophe. No matter how big your calculations are, you still have to rely on your strength to determine your life and death. If you just rely on conspiracy and tricks, no matter how good your calculations are. In the end, it is difficult to escape defeat. This is the general trend of the world, and this is the essence of the Great Tribulation.

"The destiny, do you really have any idea of ​​taking action? Do you think it’s okay to do this? Put all the responsibilities and all the pressure on me, yes, I will definitely fight for my mother, but this is not The reason you squeezed me is not the reason for you to threaten me. I hope you can face it all. My patience is limited!” When he said this, Xing Tian exuded a faint murderous intent, which was an expression. Dissatisfaction and anger towards the destiny **** and devil.

"Child, give up, don't make a sacrifice of inaction, it's not worth it, no matter how hard you try, you can't change the trend!" Suddenly, Xing Tian's mother persuaded her that she really didn't want to see Xing Tian as herself. Go desperately!

"Mother, I can't watch you go to ruin. You have your responsibility, and I also have my responsibility. If you really want to help me, then divide a soul, let me use my own world to nourish and let me There is a chance to save you!" At this time, Xing Tian directly put forward his request. For him, this is the best opportunity to persuade his mother!

What does it mean to divide the soul? This is not only to protect oneself, but also to weaken one's own strength, and dividing the soul at this time will affect oneself against the world's karma. Now the mother of Xingtian has only compassion in her heart. It is difficult to accept this request, because she has been affected by the world in her heart!

The mother of Xing Tian sighed softly: "Child, this is impossible. If I do this, it will be irresponsible to the life of this world. I cannot let the last rays of life of the whole world be wiped out because of my selfishness. Go, I can't do this!"

When hearing these words, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed secretly. Everything was just as he had guessed. His mother was really affected by the world, and she really had to disregard the safety of her life. This result made Xing Tian unable to help. Frowning, if I can't convince my mother, it means I have to watch my mother die!

"Fate, is there any other way? You have seen it. I can't convince my mother to agree to divide the soul. Her mind has been affected by the world?" When he said this, Xing Tian sighed involuntarily, and he felt like Very depressed!

"No way, I can't do anything about it. If there is a way, I will not be trapped here, nor will I fall into such a desperate situation. I need to use threats to make myself fight for that ray of life. Now All you can rely on is to try to persuade her to agree to divide the soul, and beyond that, there is nothing I can do!” At this time, the destiny **** and demon's mood is extremely depressed. If the mother of Xingtian does not agree to divide the soul, I am afraid It is even harder for Xing Tian to persuade Xing Tian to agree with his proposal.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Xing Tian's eyes. With a thought, his mind was directly connected to the soul of the destiny **** and demon, and he said in a deep voice: "Destiny **** and demon, can you imprison my mother? In the case of hurting her life, forcibly dividing her soul, if you can do this, I agree with your suggestion and I am willing to help you destroy this world!"

Crazy! For an instant, Xing Tian thought of such a crazy idea, and when Xing Tian’s words fell, the destiny gods and demons were shocked, and they were all shocked by Xing Tian’s madness. This is really crazy. Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, really does not hesitate to use all means to achieve his goal, he can even come up with such crazy ideas!

However, the destiny **** and demon also have to admit that this is indeed the best choice to solve the problem. If you can do this, then your own difficulties will be solved, and you will be able to break free from the shackles of the world, despite this method Some are not on the table, some are not visible, but this is indeed feasible and it is indeed worth a try.

Of course, the Destiny God and Demon also knows the difficulties involved. If it were not for worry, Xing Tian would not be so careful, using such a means to contact him, he was worried about his mother’s resistance and the world’s counterattack, so There is only one chance. Once it is shot, it must be successful, or the outcome will be disastrous.

The destiny **** also understands that this matter can only be done by himself. Xingtian cannot help, because Xingtian cannot deal with his mother. Such causality is beyond Xingtian's ability, so all of this is done by himself. For the destiny **** and demon, there is also huge pressure, and it will also bear the counterattack of the world.

"Why, you are unwilling, or dare not to do this. In the current situation, you can only cooperate with me so that we can have the opportunity to achieve each other's wishes successfully. If you don't want to, then I can't help you break free. The **** of the world, after all, I can’t help you unconditionally. You have to be worthwhile!” When he said this, Xing Tian couldn’t help but feel a faint anger in his heart, and he became more timid about the destiny gods and demons. dissatisfied! If the destiny **** and demon really dare not even bear this point, even if he doesn't have this courage, Xing Tian really doesn't want to continue talking with him, because it's not worth it!



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