God of Destruction

Chapter 4134: Festival shot

The fourth thousand one hundred and forty-two chapter shot

In the face of Xing Tian’s questioning and anger, the Destiny God and Demon did not get angry, but said flatly: “Crazy, too crazy, you should know the serious consequences of doing this, and how tragic the result of failure will be. To be honest, I do have concerns in my heart. If one step is wrong, it is also a dead end. You may not know what kind of existence it is to be a child of the world, but I am very clear. Let me target the child of the world and force it. Dividing the soul of the other party is not much different from gambling life, it's just that the target is different!"

Xing Tian said disapprovingly: "This is a game of gambling! At the beginning of this catastrophe, it is the beginning of gambling. If you don't even have this courage, then you can avoid what is in front of you. Murderous, but will inevitably fall into this catastrophe. Fear cannot solve the problem. Without a heart to move forward, it is impossible to survive this catastrophe! Now is the time for you to make a decision. You can’t let me bear all the pressure, you have to do something!"

Yes, Xing Tian is right. It is impossible for the Destiny God to stay out of the matter, let him take the initiative to attack, drag the time God and the Death God, the Destiny God dare not do it, dare not bear the terrible pressure and danger, and now If he is still like this, then he has no ability to bear things at all, and he is not worthy to cooperate with Xingtian. No one can get benefits without paying the price. If he pays, he will gain. If he doesn't want to pay at all, he will only have nothing!

Faced with Xing Tian’s “force” step by step, the Destiny God and Demon couldn’t help but sighed and said: “Well, since you have said it to this point, since the situation has reached this point, I really have no choice. Okay, I agree. , It’s just that the madness this time is not trivial. If you fail, you can’t vent your anger on me, you have to bear the consequences!"

To make things easier, for the Destiny God and Demon, he is very worried that Xing Tian will fight against his mother because of the life and death of his mother when he is defeated. The consequences will be unthinkable, and the Destiny Demon will be ten. Dead and no life.

"Haha! Destiny, you are really too careful. This is a good thing and a bad thing in the catastrophe. I am not as unreasonable as you think. As long as you try your best, even if it fails, I will not I will blame God and worry about others, I will not put the blame on others, I can still bear such a result, don't worry, as long as you are willing to do your best, I will definitely not blame you, act, I don’t have much time left. Now, you don’t want to get yourself into a desperate situation because of time. Whether it’s the ants, the time gods and the death gods, they can't be unaware of anything!"

If you are angered by people, such a thing will not happen to Xingtian, and this matter was proposed by Xingtian on his own initiative. As long as the destiny **** and demon do their best, Xingtian will not have any excessive reactions. After all, for Xingtian I also understand how crazy, how terrifying, and how dangerous this crazy idea is. If it were not a last resort, Xing Tian would not make the worst decision!

The destiny nodded and said: "Okay, we are determined, I will do my best to complete this action, but for the sake of safety, in order to be successful in one fell swoop, I need your help and you To attract her attention, distract her, so that I can succeed in a sneak attack and finish everything before the world can react!"

This request is not excessive, Xing Tian has no reason to refuse, and in Xing Tian’s view, this is also a perfect solution. He asks the destiny **** and demon to do his best, and he also has to do his best and do his best. After all, there is only one opportunity, even if it is to pay. Xingtian is also willing to accept a little price, because Xingtian does not want to see the result of failure!

"Okay, I agree, I will attract mother's attention, and you are observing in secret, and you will act as soon as the time comes. There is only one chance. You have to do it with all your strength!" Compared with the hesitation of the destiny **** and demon, Xing Tian is not so so. The worry is not that he is hard-hearted, but that he has no choice, but Xing Tian would not be so crazy if he had a little other way.

I don’t know if the world sensed the threat or other reasons. Just when Xingtian and Destiny God and Demon had just reached an agreement, Xingtian’s mother suddenly said: "Child, leave, don’t worry about me, don’t worry about me, this is My destiny is also my responsibility, leave, don’t stay in this world, it’s not good for you!"

When I said this, the mother of Xingtian paused, sighed lightly, and continued: "My son, this is my perception of the Great Dao and my perception of the world. It will definitely help you in your practice. You accept it!"

With that said, Xingtian’s mother moved her heart, and a trace of the power of the source came to Xingtian with her own insight. As soon as this insight started, Xing Tian whispered to the destiny **** and demon: "When will you not be ready! "

Opportunity, although only a trace of the separation of origin, but this moment is a great opportunity for the destiny **** and demon to take action, and it is also the best time. Whether all this is the mother of Xingtian willingly, or there is a world influence behind it, this will make Xingtian The mother's mind was distracted, and this was a big opportunity for the destiny **** and demon to take action.

When Xingtian’s voice fell, the destiny **** and demon did not hesitate at all. The powerful source of destiny descended directly and directly enveloped the mother of Xingtian. The avenue of destiny was turned into a sharp blade and directly slashed on the soul of the mother of Xingtian. The power cut down a trace of soul, and forcibly divided a trace of soul of Xingtian's mother!

Although this trace of soul is also a big temptation for the destiny **** and demon, if you can control this soul, it will inevitably threaten Xingtian and make Xingtian have to listen to his orders, but the destiny **** and demon did not do so. A stupid choice, but instantly wrapped the power of his own destiny into this soul and directly fell into Xing Tian's hands.

auzw.com Although the destiny gods and demons have the ability to preserve this trace of soul, this will inevitably arouse the anger of the world, and if Xingtian handles everything, it is not a problem, because Xingtian has its own world, the world The power of is enough to shield everything, enough to conceal the breath of this soul, and prevent it from leaking, naturally it can shield the world's recourse!

Got it! When this trace of soul fell into his hands, Xing Tian did not hesitate, and immediately opened his own inner world, immediately aroused the power of his own chaotic clone, and incorporated this trace of soul power into his own chaotic world, using his own chaos Dadao origin comes to warm it, and then uses the power of the chaotic world to shield all the breath!

With a loud noise of "Boom!", just as Xing Tian received the trace of soul, a terrible breath emanated from the core of the earth, and a thunder blasted in his ears. This is the power of the world, and the world is angry. Now, although the Destiny God and Demon only divides a trace of the soul of Xingtian’s mother, the lack of this trace of soul makes its soul appear mutilated, which directly affects the plan of the world and the general trend of the world. This trace of lack, Accelerated the destruction of the world, so that the endless karma could not be resolved, and the pressure on the mother of Xing Tian was also increasing crazily.

"Go away, don't stay here anymore!" When the thunder rang out, the Destiny God and Demon immediately warned Xing Tian in a deep voice and let him leave quickly to prevent being enraged by the world. If the world is really angry, Destiny Demon is willing To bear this pressure by himself, and he is unwilling to let Xingtian be involved, which means that all previous calculations will be frustrated. Xingtian will be unable to help him accelerate the destruction of the world, and the entire plan will collapse. This is not a destiny. The desired result!

Before Xingtian could answer, at this moment, Xingtian’s mother said: "My child, leave. This is not a place where you can stay for a long time. I will send you away. Don’t come to see me again in the future. Your future is supreme. Chaos world, not in this world that is about to collapse, go, forget everything here, and start your own new life!"

Without waiting for Xing Tian’s response, a powerful force suddenly fell on Xing Tian’s body, directly expelling Xing Tian’s soul from the core of the earth, and in an instant, Xing Tian’s soul returned to his body. , And when Xing Tian's soul returned, Xing Tian was shocked as a result, and even a trace of his mother's giving was hidden in his soul.

power? No, this is not power, but real world authority. The most important power of authority in this world. With this authority of power, Xing Tian can smoothly leave this world without being bound by the world. The shackles of world barriers, this is Xing Tian’s mother left to Xing Tian’s last heart, and her last trace of maternal love!

"Damn it, how could this happen, how could my mother do this!" Xing Tian was not happy when he received this power of authority, on the contrary Xing Tian was extremely angry, because giving up this power of authority would do more harm to his mother. , Will make the time that his mother can hold on to be shorter, and give himself a shorter time to destroy this world! But this is the greatness of maternal love. For her children, Xingtian's mother is willing to give everything, even her own life!

No matter how angry he is, Xing Tian has no way to stop it, because all this has happened, Xing Tian can only speed up, in order to destroy this world before his mother is destroyed, and return the whole world to chaos!

"Time, there is not much time left for me. I hope that the destiny **** will not let me down. It can limit the power of the world and give me enough time to complete the next thing!" When he thought of this, Xing Tian couldn't help but Di lightly sighed, and a terrifying murderous intent was "shot" in his eyes. At this moment, he was really right to kill, and he was killing the world!

There is nothing terrible about destroying the world. It’s not the first time that I have experienced such a thing. It’s just that this time I have to take action to destroy this world and bury all the creatures in this world. Although this is crazy, but In order for his mother to escape the catastrophe, Xing Tian would not have any consideration, let alone hesitate.

When the murderous intent on Xing Tian's body was "exposed", the time that had been watching the changes, the gods and gods and the death gods and gods immediately felt, and the two of them involuntarily looked at each other and saw the trace in each other's eyes. Surprised look.

"Death, things may change. Xingtian, a lunatic, really can afford to kill intent. That is the ultimate in killing intent on the avenue of killing. There is no unkillable intent in the world. It seems that these'ants' really made him feel troubled. He wants to destroy it!"

When he heard the words of the Time God and Demon, the Death God and Demon nodded lightly, then shook his head and said: "Xingtian is indeed annoying now, but it is hard to tell if it is not because of these'ants'. After all, we have not figured out what is in front of us. The situation, I don’t know what the hidden enemy is doing. If all this is related to the hidden enemy, it’s not a trivial matter!"

Little thing! In the eyes of the death gods and demons, it is only a trivial matter to obliterate the existence of these major forces. In his heart, only the enemy hidden in the dark, and the time before the gods and demons can be regarded as a major event. Of course, Xingtian barely had that. The qualifications of Xing Tian were not strong enough, and the death **** demon didn't pay much attention to it.

Hearing this, the Time God and Demon was startled first, then frowned, and said in a low voice, "You are worried that the mysterious enemy is behind all this. Is this a bit too careful? How could Xingtian be too careful? Connected with that unknown enemy!"

The death **** and demon sighed and said, "It's not that I'm careful, but I have to guard against it. You must know that this is a catastrophe, a catastrophe, any small mistake will ruin your "life", Xing Tian this You know very little about how crazy a lunatic is. Once this lunatic really gets crazy, the consequences are really disastrous. If he intends to join forces with the unknown enemy, I don’t feel any surprise. There is nothing for him. I dare not do it!"

Yes, in the eyes of the death gods and demons, Xing Tian is a crazy bastard. There is nothing he dare not do. The vigilance towards Xing Tian is also because of this madness. If it were not for Xing Tian’s strength, it would not be enough. Powerful, I'm afraid that the first thing the death **** and devil will destroy is not the time **** and demon but the lunatic Xingtian. After all, lunatics are unreasonable. Once mad, they are out of control, and the situation will completely fall into the abyss. ! For an existence like the Death God, especially in the current environment, what he is most worried about is the unknown, and what he fears most is the chaos of the situation, and Qiaqia Xingtian is capable of doing this. People, in this case, can't help but be cautious!

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