God of Destruction

Chapter 4135: Weakness is sin

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Chapter 4143: Weakness is Sin

"Destroy the world! This madman is really going to destroy the world. The ultimate killing heart is moving, that is, everything in heaven and earth cannot be killed. Once all these'ants' die, the humanity of this world will be shattered. All three ways of human beings are shattered, and the world is bound to collapse! Hiss! This is crazy, can he withstand the backlash from the world? Doesn’t he know the crisis behind this?” When he said this, the time gods couldn’t help. After a breath of air-conditioning, the three realms of heaven, earth and man disappeared, and there was no need for the world to exist anymore, and no matter how large the source was, it could not withstand such an impact!

The Death Demon nodded and said: "Yes, it's crazy, maybe this is the result that Xing Tian this lunatic wants. If the Great Way of Ending can swallow and integrate the power of extinction, it will have a qualitative leap. It will be even more terrifying and terrifying on the Avenue of Ending! At that time, neither of you nor I were his opponents. The power of the Avenue of Ending was enough to threaten you and my life and death, enough to make you and me afraid, perhaps the Avenue of Ending at that time It really can scare the world!"

Uneasy, at this time the death **** and demon also has strong uneasiness in his heart, but he doesn't know what to do in this situation, whether to take action to prevent Xingtian from destroying the world, or to push behind to accelerate the destruction of this world Of course, you can also watch the changes, but it won’t be any good since then, and it will not help your own practice at all!

When the time **** and demon were in a dilemma, Xing Tian finally made a move. This time, Xing Tian did not reserve. The deity and the clone made full use of their efforts. The Great Dao of Power and the Great Dao of Ending erupted with all their strength, covering the entire battlefield in an instant. Time Not waiting for anyone, Xing Tian is not willing to waste his time anymore, lest the situation slide in the direction he does not want to see!

"Kill, slaughter will come, end the common people, all things will be destroyed!" With the roar of the King of Ending clone, the Road of Ending descended into the world, the Spear of Ending turned into a stream of light into the Road of Ending, and the power of Ending flooded the world. When the power of the Ending Avenue broke out, the whole world was once again shrouded in a terrifying aura, and the remaining creatures felt the crisis from the soul. This was the impact that the Ending Avenue had on them.

"The starry sky is infinite, the origin of the stars blessed my body, the avenue of power shattered the void, kill! Kill! Kill!" As the roar of the King of Ending clone fell, the deity also erupted with a terrible roar, and the power of the Avenue of Stars filled Xing Tian's body. At the same time, the power of the avenue of power swept across all directions frantically, and grasping these enemies in front of them was a frantic bombardment.

"Crazy! The lunatic Xingtian is really mad, he wants to be an enemy to all of us, to be immortal with us!" Facing such a crazy attack from Xingtian, no one had any illusions at this moment. Understand Xing Tian’s intentions at this time and understand the terrible crisis he is about to face. If only Xing Tian goes mad, they still have a chance to survive. After all, Xing Tian’s power is strong, it is impossible to destroy all of them. There are two **** chaotic gods and monsters, Time God and Demon and Death God and Demon, with them, this life and death duel is even more dangerous.

"This **** madness, doesn't he understand, what terrible consequences will be in doing this? Doesn't he know that once we both lose, it will only benefit the time gods and death gods, he thought It doesn’t matter if you die, but don’t involve us, we don’t have that much hatred with this lunatic!” Someone couldn’t help but roared, feeling dissatisfied with Xingtian’s crazy behavior, and also uneasy, because all this is so abnormal. , They don’t believe that Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, will not see this, they don’t know why Xing Tian is so crazy!

"There is no way. This madman is desperate now. Even if we persuade us, there will be no results. He is determined to fight us. Let's fight. We have no choice. Now we have nothing but Xingtian. Only when one party is completely destroyed can we end this war. This is not for us, perhaps Xingtian, think about our previous situation, and then look at the current situation of Xingtian, it is obvious that the **** **** has taken action, Xingtian is already I can’t help it!” I have to say that among these major forces, there are still people who can see the situation behind all this and understand why Xing Tian’s change occurred!

"Damn it, how dare it do this? Doesn't it know what it means? What good is it for us to die? We represent the power of humanity. Does it want to destroy the world this way, to destroy everything and start again? "Someone yelled angrily, venting the dissatisfaction and fear in their hearts. This result made them lose their minds and made them fear and restless!

"No one knows what it is thinking, and no one understands the benefits of destroying the world, because we don’t practice the World Dao, and we don’t understand the nature of the World Dao. Now we all have to fight passively. Maybe we should fight with God of Time. The demon and the death **** and devil cooperate. If Xing Tian, ​​a madman, is really involuntarily involuntarily, these two chaotic gods and demon may be our chance, and the opportunity for us to break free from the **** of the world!" The body of the death god.

"Asshole, do you know what you are talking about? Can these two **** believe it? By comparison, Xingtian can believe that these two **** cannot believe it at all. They are even more dangerous than Xingtian, a lunatic, if we tell them All this, the first thing these two lunatics thought of was not joining us to end the **** Xingtian, and the power hidden in the dark, but first destroying us, taking the luck from us, and then hanging Xingtian and That power in the dark! Now the reason these two **** dare not act rashly is because they still don’t know all this, and don’t know what the power hidden in the dark is!"

"Doing nothing, it is impossible for us to sit and wait for death, even if there is a glimmer of hope, we can't give up, maybe the two **** won't act on us first, after all, our strength is the weakest, and our threat is also the least. !"

"Huh! You know that we are the weakest party. Then you should understand that the weak is a sin. Once the two **** have to act, naturally we have to pick the weakest to start. And we are naturally the first to bear the brunt. You think Xingtian is the one Why do lunatics use us for surgery, why they attacked us in secret before, precisely because we are the weakest!"

auzw.com Yes, weak is sin. In this world, the weak will face the impact of death, and the weak will be bullied. If you want to get rid of all this, you can only get stronger, but Now for these major forces, there is no such opportunity unless they can work together, but this is obviously impossible, even if the situation today is extremely critical, but for these major forces They still have selfish intentions, and no one wants to be the vanguard, because they all understand that whoever jumps out first will die first. There is no doubtful result.

"You guys, maybe we can try the ultimate power. We must know that we have been given the authority to destroy the world before, and we have all been exposed to this terrible power. I think everyone knows the great power of the world destruction array. If we work together , Maybe it can kill Xingtian, or even kill the time gods and demons, and kill them all at once. The **** bastard's reason to confuse the lunatic Xingtian is only to force us to perform the ultimate killing and complete the final destruction. world!"

Silence, for a moment, these people were silent, although they are now in crisis, facing the crazy strangulation of Xingtian, but they are all meditating because of this sentence! Perhaps this is really the last place for one's life and the only chance for oneself to come back. But since then, everyone is desperately fighting with their lives. If they fail to succeed, they will become benevolence. The World Destruction Array cannot be started at will. But if they fail, they will die forever!

"Yes, I agree with this suggestion. Now we really have no retreat. If all this is really the **** **** forcing us to do this final fight, we have no choice but to challenge! Of course, if you There are other methods that can also be proposed. We are running out of time. We must make a decision as soon as possible!"

For these people, every minute and every second is suffering, and some people will fall. If they can’t make a decision quickly, I’m afraid they will be defeated by Xing Tian, ​​and they will also die without life. Under the threat of death, they now have no retreat, too many people have died, and they don’t have enough strength to resist!

Other methods, this is just a joke, who can find a solution to the problem in such a short time, if they really have such wisdom, they will not fall into such a desperate situation, now they have only this way to go!

"Fight, this is our only choice! Don’t think that there are other solutions. We really have nowhere to go. That **** **** is going to force us to do this final fight, and don’t want us to have any A way out!"

"Yeah, we only have this fight to the death. No matter how dangerous the World Destruction Array is, we have only this way to go. If we do it, we still have a silver lining. If we don't do it, we will die without life. Under the circumstances, do we still have a choice!"

Soon these people reached an agreement. Although they are reluctant to many people, this is their only life. And the longer the time is, the more disadvantaged they are. If they don’t have enough power, even if they have mastered it. The World Destruction Array is also useless, and in the end it is still inevitable to die, so under this terrible threat, they can only bite the bullet and fight to the death!

ridiculous! It was only under the persecution of the enemy that I had to fight to the death. This is really a big joke, and this also shows that the human heart is terrible. When there is still a trace of reliance, no one is willing to work hard and practice. The longer the time, the more afraid of death, these people are like this, the fate gods are like this, the time gods and the death gods are like this!

"It has changed. This situation has changed. Those'ants' exude the courage and determination to fight to the death. It seems that the sudden abnormal behavior of Xingtian, a lunatic, is really different, and those damn'ants' know this very well. , Maybe only you and me are ignorant of this unknown power, and we are the people who are trapped in the valley!" When seeing the change in the situation, the death **** sighed softly, like this As a result, although he had some guesses in his heart, he was still unwilling to face it!

"Yes! It seems that we are the most stupid, the fools who have been deceived in everything. Our ridiculous behavior before is really stupid, but I don’t know that with the determination to fight to the death, these'ants' can do it. To what extent, I don’t know what the **** enemy wants to do?” At this time, the time **** demon was also irritated by everything in front of him. This result made him unacceptable. He originally thought he had the general trend, but in fact he was The fool who was led by the nose!

"Destroy the world! The unknown enemy has only one ultimate goal, and that is to destroy the world. Everything it does is based on this premise. It seems that Xingtian’s madness does not originate from his heart, but is controlled by others. The same goes for the madness of the'ant', and it is the unknown enemy that causes all this, and it is secretly guiding everything! Prepare to fight, we have no choice now, maybe this is our chance to break the game!" At this time, the death **** and demon exuded a terrifying and crazy fighting spirit. At this moment, he knew very well that this battle was a battle that determined the fate of life and death!

Hearing the words of Death God and Demon, Time God and Demon nodded and said, "Yes, it is time for the final battle, and it is time for the final conclusion, no matter how deep the **** enemy is hidden, under this decisive battle , He must show up, unless he really only wants to destroy the world and does not want to take a little benefit from the world, which is impossible!"

If there is interest, he will inevitably show up. This is the idea of ​​the time **** and demon. As long as the opponent shows up, the time **** and demon will have the confidence to fight against one and win the final victory, because in his opinion, the enemy is like this Be cautious, it must be insufficient strength, otherwise there is no need to do these many concealments. With sufficient strength and mastery of the world, it can be upright and bright, sweeping everything and crushing everything with absolute power. ]

Weakness is a sin. In the face of absolute strength, no amount of conspiracy and trickery can withstand a single blow, no amount of calculations will be swept away by a powerful force. Time gods believe that they have such strength and have such opportunities! As long as the enemy shows up, he can definitely succeed in the shortest time before the death gods and demons, behead the opponent, and seize all opportunities!


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