God of Destruction

Chapter 4136: Festival of the World

Chapter 4144

The time **** and demon are so confident, and he makes the death **** and demon on the same line so confident. Before, I didn't see where the unknown power came from, but with the changes of those'ants', I would cooperate with myself in the endless years. Understanding of this world, the death **** demon has a vague guess in his heart. He also believes that as soon as this enemy shows up, he can precede the time **** demon, destroy it, swallow the other’s source, and make up for himself. For all the previous losses, I may not be able to refine this world anymore, but if my guess is true, seizing the origin of the enemy can also make one's own world avenue further and make one further on the road of practice, so at this moment The death **** is also confident.

Weakness is sin, and death gods and demons have the same idea. Facing a weak enemy, there is nothing to worry about. If you have to say that you are worried, it is just a lunatic Xingtian, worried that this lunatic cannot be influenced by the other party. Zhong wakes up, worried that this lunatic will make even more incredible actions, and there is nothing to worry about the others!

Compared with the time gods, the death gods are still vigilant and guard against Xingtian. After all, Xingtian is too crazy, and this lunatic can do everything. If this madness is under the influence of that mysterious enemy, come one Ruthless, self-destructive clone, perhaps this situation will have more astonishing changes, after all, the lunatic Xing Tian is also very terrifying once he becomes crazy!

Self-destructive clone? This is impossible. Xing Tian will not give up his clone of the King of the End. He has finally cultivated the Great Way of the End to the present level, sacrificing and refining such a powerful source and treasure as the Spear of the End. How could Xing Tian give up this clone, and In the eyes of the time gods and the death gods, Xing Tian is now doing his best to fight, but in fact Xing Tian still has more power, and the chaotic clone has not taken action, although this chaotic clone cannot be as powerful as the king of the end clone , Can directly descend into this world, but the source of the chaotic world can bless Xingtian’s huge power, making Xingtian’s path of power stronger and more terrifying, even if the chaotic clone helps at all costs, the deity will Going further on top of practice, such a powerful clone, who would easily abandon or give up easily!

"Wake up, Xing Tian, ​​you are seeking your own death. Don't let your mind be affected by external forces!" Under the impact of death, seeing the city of origin one after another being exploded by Xing Tian volley, some people still couldn't bear it. Staying with the fear in my heart, I persuaded Xing Tian to awaken Xing Tian from that madness and to resolve this crisis!

"Enough, when is this, you still have such illusions, if you can't make up your mind and can't give up the ridiculous fear in your heart, then you will stop yourself, you can die if you want, don't give us all I am involved!" For the first time, someone stood up and ranted. In the eyes of many people, such a move was shaking people's hearts and was unforgivable!

"War! The origin descends, the world destroys the world, gathers the supreme magical powers, the world destroys the world!" Time waits for no one, although some people hesitate ignorantly, but this cannot make those who really want to fight for their lives to shrink back. , Because they all knew in their hearts that they had no retreat, only a **** battle to the end, and only a final fight to the death!

As this crazy voice fell, the powerful origin powers madly rushed into the sky, and the origin cities erupted frantically. In an instant, the remaining origin cities were all energizing the avenue to descend. They are all colluding with the power of the world, taking in the power of destroying the world, a series of terrible beams of light rise through the sky, directly penetrating the power of Xingtian’s ending avenue, directly penetrating the power of ending the avenue, and turning it into a more terrifying one. The death barrier covers the entire world, this is the power of destruction!

"Damn, this is the power of exterminating the world. These ants are actually motivating the power of exterminating the world, and they are gathering the world to destroy the world. They are going to fight to the death, not only to destroy the lunatic Xingtian, but also to attack us. !" In the first time, the Time God and Demon felt the threat, and he issued a warning to the Death God and Demon, so that he was ready to fight back!

Yes! The enemy is indeed not only against Xingtian, they are also on the list of these people's lore, just a Xingtian is not worthy of them being so crazy, so at all costs to erupt the ultimate power, do this unsuccessful death battle!

In fact, without the reminder of the time gods and demons, the death gods and demons have already seen everything that is happening in front of them. When the terrible power of exterminating the world surges, the death gods and demons have already understood the thoughts of these "ants" and understood these. 'The ants' have to make the final struggle, but the death gods and demons can't think of a way to solve them, facing the cooperating enemies, even if they are just a group of'ants', the death gods and demons cannot shake this power, and cannot tear them.' Ant's formation.

When the number of "ants" reaches a certain level, neither the death gods nor the time gods will be able to fight against them. Just like everything that happened in front of us, when these origin cities are connected together, the power of one or two people It can’t be shaken, just as this terrifying force directly tears Xingtian’s power to end the avenue, even if the power that ends the avenue has the ability to end all things, it is still vulnerable to this absolute power and is still directly affected. Tear!

auzw.com"The power of destroying the world, this is the power of the origin of destroying the world. These **** have the authority to destroy the world. They are afraid that they also got it from the **** **** of Destiny, Destiny. What on earth does this **** want to teach even such a terrifying formation to these people, he really wants to destroy this world at all costs, even the core power is willing to teach!" When his road to the end was torn At the moment of the split, Xing Tian understood where the terrible world-destroying formation came from. Such power will never be the inheritance of the world. Only the destiny **** and demon who wants to break free from the world will do so. , Will teach this terrifying and terrifying world extinction formation to these people in front of you!

"What a destiny **** and demon, it's really an incredible calculation. It can see through the hearts of the people, and once the world is destroyed, this is an endless game. No matter who wins or loses in the end, this world will inevitably be hit hard. Even destruction, and this is the result he wholeheartedly wants. It can be said that no matter what the result is, he is the biggest winner!" When he thought of this, Xing Tian couldn't help but shook his head. At the same time, Xing Tian couldn't help but become vigilant in his heart. He shouldn't be the slightest caretaker to a **** like the destiny **** and demon, or he would also go to death. For the destiny **** and demon, he only wants the destruction of the world. The knowledge of other people has nothing to do with him, and he will not care!

Without the envelope of the Great Way of Ending, Xing Tian had to stop and retreat. Although the Great Way of Power was powerful, confronting these lunatics would be self-defeating. Xing Tian was not arrogant enough to think that he could resist it. All the impact of the city of origin can face the power of the mysterious and unknown world-destroying formation, and more importantly, Xing Tian heard the word'destroy the world' in that roar. It is obvious that this is the origin of the era-destroying road. The treasure, once the reality of the treasure, if you are still resisting, there is only a dead end, no matter how strong the Spear of End is, it will not be able to fight against so many cities of origin!

With a thought, the clone of Xingtian’s End King merged with the deity, and no longer went to kill those enemies. This is not only under the blessing of this World Destruction Array, but the original cities have become extremely powerful and more important. The thing is that Xing Tian felt a threat in the city of origin, a threat of death, if he continues, there is only one dead end!

When Xingtian retreated, the Spear of End also returned from the void to the hand of the King of Ending. Without the power of the Spear of End, the entire world was shrouded by the terrifying power of destruction, and everyone could clearly understand Feel the impact from the destruction of the world!

"Hmph, Xingtian, the lunatic actually backed down. Could it be that this lunatic is not what I guessed, he is not affected by the unknown power, he still maintains a calm mind, but this is possible, if he is really determined and able to Ensuring that he is not affected by external forces, why was there such an amazing mutation before, and what is going on! But he was a bit too stupid to do so, putting himself in a more terrible crisis!" In his heart, he was screaming frantically. He couldn't accept all this in front of him. This result made him a bit "confused" and "confused"!

With Xing Tian’s retreat, the pressure on the original cities will naturally decrease in an instant. Each strong person can have enough time to explode his own potential. Under the full push of the original cities, The phantom has descended from the void. This is the form of a great mill, and this is the great mill that the people called before, the supreme treasure that can truly destroy the world. Although this treasure is only a phantom, it is only It's just the power radiating from the phantom, which shocked Xing Tian!

"The Great Mill, this is the phantom of the Great Mill, the supreme power of the Great Way of Extinguishing the World. It seems that these'ants' are really going to exterminate the world. I'm afraid that no one will be able to fight against it anymore. Under the impact of the Great Moment, no matter how strong it is, it will be wiped out. No matter what it is, it will not be able to withstand a single blow in front of it!" Time God and Demon muttered to himself So, thinking about the countermeasures, but under such a shock, he did not have enough time to complete everything!

Compared with the shock and worries of the Time God and Demon, Xing Tian did not have too many worries and fears in his heart. For Xing Tian, ​​the outbreak of these people was also a good thing. At least with the emergence of this World Destruction Array, the pressure on his body was reduced. A lot, maybe they don’t need to destroy the world by themselves, these people will help themselves destroy this world and fulfill the requirements of the destiny gods and demons, and the terrible backlash will be borne by these people, as to whether new ones will appear Xingtian didn't know about the accident, because everything nowadays is incredible, no one thought that such a situation would happen, perhaps only the destiny **** and demon knew it!

Regardless of whether this is the calculation of the destiny gods and demons, Xing Tian will not prevent all of this from happening, and will not confront the immediate destruction of the world at this time, as for the destruction of the world will all the power to himself , Xing Tian is not worried. Even if such a situation does happen, Xing Tian has the ability to protect himself. The big deal is that he will lead this world-destroying power to the core of the earth, to the destiny, no matter how the destiny conceals it. , Xing Tian believes that the core of the earth is his greatest weakness!

If his mother was not in the core of the earth, Xing Tian had already deliberately tried to test the fate of the gods and demons, but with his mother, Xing Tian did not dare to act rashly, and Xing Tian would not take such a risk if it was not a last resort!

The gods of death and the gods of time are staring at the phantom of the "destroyed world" in front of them, wanting to take the opportunity to see through this world-destroying formation, see the power behind this world-destroying formation, and see who is crazy. To design such a crazy array, if you can find the enemy hidden behind it and understand the reality of the opponent, this will be more beneficial to the next decisive battle. As for the power of this destruction, it will not Will come towards themselves, the time gods and the death gods did not worry about this. In their view, even if this power is about to break out, they will attack the weakest Xingtian first. Weakness is sin, not to mention Xingtian. It also completely angered these **** in front of them, and they didn’t have so many worries. In their view, Xing Tian’s retreat was just self-defeating, giving the enemy a chance to breathe and giving the enemy plenty of time to gather the strongest. power!

It is precisely because the time gods and the death gods have such thoughts, they did not take action to stop all of this at the first time, and this situation also excited the many forces that are erupting wildly. They were originally worried about it. The thing is that when the World Destruction Array is launched, they will suffer a devastating blow, but now it seems that they think too much, and the situation is not as dangerous as imagined! Opportunity, this is an opportunity, a great opportunity for counterattack. If the plan is successful, the World Destruction Array can be fully activated, and the power of the entire world can be aroused, then all the so-called dangers will completely leave oneself. Will win!

The idea is good, but the reality is not satisfactory, this is difficult to say. Although the current situation is very beneficial to these many coalition forces, they can have sufficient time to start the world destruction array, but in the end Will the power of destroying the world really be what they want? It can really achieve what they require. It can strangle the time gods, death gods and Xingtian in one fell swoop, and even be able to fight against the destiny gods and monsters hidden in the dark. It's hard!

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