God of Destruction

Chapter 4137: Fear

Chapter 4145: Fear

The reality is indeed cruel. Soon these powerful people in the city of origin felt the pressure. As they continued to gather the power to destroy the world and master the power of the world, the power of the world was constantly increasing, and they The pressure they endure is also increasing. How powerful is the power to destroy the world, how much impact they have to bear, the authority to destroy the world is not so easy to grasp, although the power of the world destruction array can be combined with the power of everyone. It leads to annihilation of the origin of the world, but everyone is not a body after all. They cannot truly bear the power of the complete world-destroying authority, and they cannot fully grasp the power of this world-destroying power!

"Damn, this world-destroying power is too powerful for us to complete our grasp of it. If we continue to make it stronger like this endlessly, it won’t be long before we will be burst by this world-destroying power, we It is necessary to take the first shot and consume part of the power of destroying the world!" Soon someone couldn't help the fear in their hearts to stand up and put forward such insights, but just take the initiative first, and the power of the world destroying array could not be the strongest. A big attack cannot reveal the complete avenue of destruction, and such power can really destroy the three enemies in front of you. Is it really possible to achieve everyone's wish?

The strength of each city of origin is different, and the pressure it bears is also different. Although the World Destruction Array gathers their strength together, the pressure is not distributed according to strength, so soon some people cannot bear this. Under the impact of pressure, you want to attack in advance and vent the pressure you are under. Even if it is impossible to achieve the goal, it is impossible to destroy all the three enemies in one fell swoop, but at least doing so can save your life and let yourself Surviving, as for other things that are not in their consideration, if they insist on forcibly, they may eventually be able to destroy the three enemies, but they will also step into death. At this moment, selfishness is amplified again, which was originally a mess of sand. The forces immediately changed again!

"Damn, I knew that these **** couldn't believe it, even if they knew that they would fail to achieve their goal, even after this blow, if they couldn't succeed, they would surely provoke terrible revenge. It’s a little bit of pressure to give up. It's really a group of ignorant bastards. If you give up at this time, all the costs you have paid before will be turned into nothingness!" Those who are determined to solve everything with a single blow can not help but roar in their hearts, It's just that the situation cannot help them. This World Destruction Array is made up of everyone, all the city of origin. Once someone gives up, the World Destruction Array will also collapse.

"Oh! Fight, since these **** are so innocent, since they think there is a chance for doing so, then as they want, but these people who give up, we don’t need to pay attention to them again. After this blow, we Abandon them completely and reorganize the World Destruction Array with us people, and even if it is an incomplete World Destruction Array, we will have the power to protect ourselves!"

People are not for themselves, and the earth will die! After such an anomaly, all those who offered to start a war were abandoned. The truly strong, the powerful city of origin, secretly reunited, waiting for this attack, and once again reorganized the World Destroyer Array, but this time they are not for destruction, but for self-protection.

It’s a pity that those people who spoke before didn’t know that in this short moment, the alliance they were in had undergone such a change. They were abandoned by those crazy strong men, and they became abandoned. It is an early attack, and it is difficult for them to have a chance to survive, because their strength is too weak, being weak is a sin, and being weak will be given up!

For the weak, when this world-destroying catastrophe arrives, they have no way to survive. Whether they are fighting forever or avoiding, there is only a dead end. They will not retreat, they will become cannon fodder. If you are a wedding dress, you will be given up by your companions, and you will be abandoned. After all, for the three enemies in front of you, as long as they fail in one blow and cannot kill each other, it will inevitably lead to crazy Counterattack, and these abandoned people will naturally become the target of the other party's immediate bombardment, and will become the target of these three people to vent their anger.

It’s a pity that this is in the midst of the Great Tribulation. These people did not see through the nature of the Great Tribulation or their own situation. If they can see all of this clearly, they can also be grouped together, and they can hardly help and cooperate. Condensed into their own team to seize the gleam of life in this terrible catastrophe, but they did not see through, but cooperated with those powerful companions, which made them directly fall into the inevitable In the killing game!

"Kill, the Great World Extinguishing Array starts, the Great World Extinguishing Mill, the extinguishing of all souls, and the destruction! Annihilation! Annihilation!" With the roar of everyone, the power of the World Extinguishing Mill exploded frantically, urging the World Extinguishing Array Under the movement, Mieshi Damo frantically attacked Xingtian, the time **** and the death **** and demon, as if to directly use the most overbearing power to obliterate them!

For an instant, Xing Tian felt the breath of death, and felt the lock from the Great Moment of Destruction. When he was locked in, Xing Tian felt a terrible sense of crisis in his mind, and this crisis made Xing Tian understand that even if he escaped. It's no use, because the world's power is held on top of the world's destruction. This is the power of one world who wants to wipe out itself.

"Damn, this is the power of the world, this is the power of the origin of the battlefield world of this realm. As long as you are in this world, as long as your breath is locked, you must fight it head-on, life and death are here. During the First World War!" Xing Tian soon understood his situation and understood what the crisis he was facing. This battle was unavoidable!

At this time, Xing Tian couldn't help but sigh again. He really underestimated the destiny **** and demon, and underestimated the counterattack of the world. Perhaps this is the real calculation of the destiny **** and demon. He has never put all hopes. In his own body, this **** made the worst plan from the beginning, and no matter how he chooses, he is still in the calculation of the other party!

auzw.com hate it? No, Xingtian does not hate the destiny gods and demon. This is the reality. The reality is so cruel and ruthless. The destiny gods and devil are calculating Xingtian, and Xingtian has never really believed in each other. They are only cooperative. When the grinding started, Xing Tian and the King of End were connected in mind and body, and the power of the Great Dao of Power and the Great Way of Ending once again merged. A huge battle intent radiated from him, and the clones of Xing Tian and the King of End were going to fight and destroy the world. This blow of Da Mo!

Crazy! In the eyes of many people, Xing Tian’s choice is crazy. He doesn’t do anything to dodge, and he directly confronts him. In their opinion, this is stupid. Moreover, Xing Tian’s actions will inevitably be impacted by the world and will inevitably suffer destruction. 』The blow.

Xing Tian did this, how would the Time God and Death God choose? Like Xing Tian, ​​they did not back down, and they chose to face the blow of the Great Moment of Destruction. No matter how strong the power of the Great Moment of Destruction, they must do this, because they also feel that they are coming from the world. The **** of force, feel the strong malice of the world!

Yes, at this moment the world’s malice has fully erupted. In the eyes of the world, Xingtian, Time God and Demon are their own enemies. For enemies, the world will naturally destroy them and destroy the world. The power of grinding is the vehicle for the world to launch an attack, the world's most terrible blow to them, and the final verdict!

"Haha! The final decisive battle has finally come. This time I want to know how the time **** and devil, the bastard, faced all of this, and how the lunatic Xingtian faced the impact of death. If you want to fight with me, you still have to Far away, maybe I am trapped in the shackles of this world, but my destiny **** will not sit still, let alone be calculated by you." At this time, the destiny **** and demon who has been hiding in the core of the earth Mumbling to himself, Xing Tian is indeed just a **** that he can use. Everything he did before was only for this moment, just for Xing Tian to initiate this final battle!

In the heart of the destiny **** and demon, he does not believe that Xingtian can withstand the killing from the world. He believes that Xingtian will be destroyed by the power of the world in the first place. As long as Xingtian dies, everything will return to himself. In the grasp of, I will usher in a new life, will completely get rid of the immediate crisis, and will return to the world!

I have to say that the Destiny God and Demon are happy too early. Xing Tian is not as weak as he thought. Weakness is sin. After countless preparations, Xing Tian has no plans for the worst, how could he not have the Destiny God and Demon. Be guarded.

There were no earth-shattering roars, and no slogans resounding throughout the world. With the cooperation of the deity and the King of Ending clone, the Spear of Ending exploded with terrible penetrating power, which directly tore through the phantom defense of Destroyer. , Went directly into the interior of the Great Mill, the power that swallowed the avenue frantically began to plunder this world-destroying origin, frantically absorbing this world-destroying origin.

Crazy, Xing Tian made an even crazier choice, not only to confront the strangulation of the Great Mill, Xing Tian wanted to swallow the origin of the Great Mill. If the Great Mill was only aimed at Xingtian, it would definitely be. Bringing death to Xingtian will surely make Xingtian into a desperate situation, but these enemies’ hearts are too big, and they made a crazy choice at first, wanting to kill Xingtian still has time to kill the gods and demons at once. Xingtian has such an opportunity.

Of course, making such a choice is also a big risk for Xing Tian, ​​taking his own life at risk, because penetrating the Great Mill of Destruction with the power of the Great Dao of Power will inevitably make the deity suffer a huge backlash, and then devour it. The power of the avenue to swallow and plunder the origin of the world will also bring pressure to the King of End clone and plunge it into a terrible disaster. After all, the power of the world has the ability to destroy everything. Can the power of the end It's hard to say that it's obliterated, but Xing Tian did it!

"Lunatic, Xing Tian, ​​this lunatic is really crazy. Looking at his own "life", it seems that he is really desperate to perfect his own way of ending. He is really going to fight to the death. He still fell into mine. In the calculations, I was "lost" by that powerful force and lost my mind and "nature", forgetting how terrifying the danger of doing this is, and this is the result I want!" At this point, the fate of the demon's eyes "Shooting" a crazy light, making him really look very sinister and vicious!

No one knows what the destiny **** and demon is making, maybe only he knows, but his ambition is only astonishingly big, and now he is extremely excited, because everything is developing in the direction he needs, Xing Tian Step by step towards destruction, in the eyes of the destiny god, Xing Tian cannot withstand the backlash of the world, and it is impossible to swallow that powerful source of destruction. Even if Xing Tian has its own inner world, it has its own world road. Can't bear the power of destroying the world!

The power to destroy the world is the power that can destroy the world, and the destiny **** demon wants to use the greed in Xing Tian’s heart to lead Xing Tian onto this road, and let Xing Tian’s world road be destroyed by the power of destroying the world. Once Xingtian's world is destroyed, Xingtian will inevitably die. At that time, it will be the opportunity for the destiny **** and demon to take action.

"Come on, let this storm come more violently, come on, make the madman Xingtian crazier, let the time gods and gods and death gods become crazy too, if you don’t become mad, you can’t become evil, as long as the greed in your hearts is stimulated , As long as you fall into this war, what is waiting for you is death, all cause and effect, all grievances and hatreds will end in this war, and I will step on your bones, return to the world, and devour Your origin, perfect my own way!" As he said, the destiny gods and demons couldn't help but get excited, and the whole person became crazy. It seems that in the endless years of depression, his mind is still happening. After the change, he still had defects, but unfortunately he didn’t realize it himself. He was still immersed in the excitement, still inspired by his own fantasy, forgetting that he was also in the catastrophe, and there was death. danger!

This is the human heart, this is the great catastrophe. No one can escape the influence of the great catastrophe. The same is true of the destiny **** and demon. He is calculating everyone, and he is also in the calculation of the world and the calculation of the great road. In the end, whether he can achieve his wish, whether he can break through his own shackles, everything depends on the result of this battle, it depends on the reaction of Xingtian, the gods of time, the gods of death, and the original creatures in this world. How powerful is the power of, depends on whether they can really attract the power of the world, destroy these three enemies with the power of annihilating the world, and drive them into the land of immortality.

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