God of Destruction

Chapter 4138: Son of the World

Chapter 4146: Son of the World

Judging from the current situation, things are not as good as the Destiny God and Demon thought. At least the Destiny God and Demon has not seen the conflict between the original creatures of the world and the splitting situation. Next, they still have the ability to fulfill the expectations of the destiny gods and demons, can they still threaten the lives of Xingtian and the death gods and demons, and the time gods and demons?

Impossible, unable to work together, unable to ignore life and death, and unable to end the lives of the three enemies of Xingtian, Death God and Demon, and Time God and Demon, and the inability to end the lives of the enemies means that their attacks will They will be caught in a more terrible crisis and will endure the endless anger of the three major enemies.

Xing Tian was devouring frantically, plundering the origin of extinction, constantly accumulating his own strength, and constantly enhancing his own heritage. Although the great mill of extinction is terrifying and terrifying, the danger is also an opportunity. If it can completely swallow the extinction in front of him The phantom of the Great Mill can get a complete source of destruction by itself, can go a step further above the Great Way of World Destruction, and make its Great Way of Ending stronger, so no matter how terrifying the danger right now, no matter what your actions are. No matter how crazy he is, no matter how much pressure he is under, Xing Tian insists on it. As long as he has a little ability, Xing Tian will not give up.

"Damn it, how is this possible? Xingtian, a lunatic, actually blocked the attack of the Demon Demon. As I said, you can’t act in a hurry, but you just don’t listen. See it now. Because of your stupidity, we are not just wasting. With energy and time, you have also plunged yourself into a greater crisis. Since you are unwilling to live and die with us, and you are unwilling to fight to the death, then there is no need for us to join forces because of your ignorance. Stupid **** are always holding everyone back, so we can get together and get separated, and we will all go to our lives and die!" At this time, those strong men who were already prepared finally made their own voices, and finally said it. The words of the break, and their break directly made those people before them dumbfounded. Such a result was something they did not expect, and it was difficult for them to accept.

"Assholes, you can't do this, and you don't have the right to do it. At the beginning, you proposed to start the World Annihilation Array, but now you want to give up. Are you teasing us? Or are you using us as the dead ghost!" Those people reacted and yelled frantically. They were really scared, scared, and they understood what would happen to them once the break began!

It is a pity that no one pays attention to them at this moment. The origin cities that are gathering their power crazily regained their power in an instant, and then the entire World Destruction Array collapses directly, and a small part of the origin cities are gathering quickly, and they soon converge. Together, and then once again condensed a new world destruction formation, but this time they did not go to war, but chose to protect themselves!

For those abandoned city of origin, this sudden change caught them by surprise. They didn’t know what to do for a while, but at this moment, Xing Tian lost the support of external force because of the Great Mill, and finally he The world-destroying grind in front of them swallowed, and the time gods and gods and death gods and gods also slowed down, staring at these abandoned original cities with that vicious eyes, and their eyes were full of endless killing. meaning.

"Quickly, we reorganize the World Destruction Array!" Soon someone reacted, shouting frantically, and then quickly gathered strength, hoping to complete the reorganization of the World Destruction Array before the three major enemies attacked, and deter the enemy. , To be able to escape the terrible life and death crisis in front of him, to be able to get rid of this killing.

"Assholes, they are all insidious assholes. They are using us as substitutes for the dead. These **** are not worth trusting at all!" The roar of "chaos" continued to sound. At this time, some people could not bear the pressure. , Has become weird, and their minds can no longer bear too much impact. It is precisely because of the presence of such people that the so-called reorganization and destruction of the world has become an empty talk, making this "chaos" booming. The situation cannot end quickly.

"Withdraw!" When seeing that the goal could not be achieved, the strong man who originally wanted to reorganize everything once again issued a cold drink, and then pushed his original city to swept back wildly, trying to get rid of the dangerous situation in front of him. If you want to get out of the battlefield, since you can't reorganize the World Destruction Array, get out quickly and find another way after getting rid of the crisis!

"Ignorance, these ignorant and stupid **** are finally paying the price for their stupidity. Unfortunately, this opportunity is missed. No matter how difficult it is for us to come back, we will no longer have the capital to fight these three enemies. , We have all been calculated, and we are just a pawn!" When this was said, someone could not help but sighed slightly. After these reorganization and destruction of the world, these strong formations also experienced this failure. I saw the black hand hiding behind everything!

"This is our destiny. Whoever makes us weak is a sin. If we are strong enough, how could there be such a crisis as we are now? After all, we are not strong enough and not united!"

"Yeah! This is destiny. Who made us the original creatures of this world? Who made us bear the terrible pressure? Who made us all subject to the power of the world? Now that the situation has reached this point, everything can no longer be controlled. We have done our best, and we have fulfilled our responsibilities, and now everything should be handled by the world itself, and it is up to it to determine the life and death of the world and the destiny of all!"

To shirk responsibility and transfer all pressure to the world? No, this is not to shirk responsibility, but a fact. When they wake up and see everything through, they have indeed broken free from the oppression of the world on them. They can watch the changes, because they have experienced the crazy war before. Although they didn't do their best, they also paid a heavy price and eliminated most of the cause and effect between themselves and the world, so now they can watch the changes and see how the origin of the world has dealt with this disaster!

auzw.com At this time, the destiny **** and demon was dumbfounded. The moment before he was still laughing wildly, still happy that everything is under his control and everything is in the direction he desires. Development, but everything changed in a blink of an eye. The original creatures in this world who were supposed to fight Xingtian, the death **** and demon still have time to fight to the death, the **** and demon actually gave up the decisive battle and split. This is not what he wanted. The result is not what he wants to see, but now the Destiny God and Demon cannot stop all of this!

"Asshole, what is going on? Is this God's will, this is destiny, even if I have come over again, and still can't control my own destiny, what is the meaning of my existence as a destiny god!" The mind of the Destiny God and Demon has cracked. This shock was too terrible for him. It really affected his belief. For a Chaos God and Demon like him, once his belief has problems, his practice will also It will definitely be affected!

"No, there must be a chance to resolve it, and it must be possible to stop all of this, I can't give up!" Although the situation is fickle, and once again let me lose control of the general situation, the destiny **** and demon still does not want to give up, but continue to insist , But now he has no ability to persist, because everything is beyond his grasp.

This is the Innate Chaos God and Demon. Even if the mind is severely impacted for a while, he will soon be able to wake up from that impact, be able to immediately restore his mind, and be able to stabilize his mind once again, so that he will not be affected by it! It's just that the current situation is very unfavorable for the destiny **** and devil, who made him fail now, everything is not as expected!

Affect Xingtian, let Xingtian fight for himself? This is impossible, the Destiny God and Demon can't do it, and now he believes that Xing Tian has also seen his calculations, and will not do what he wants! It is even more impossible to continue to influence the divided creatures in this world, because they also have vigilance "sex." After vigilance, these people are no longer easily controlled by the power of destiny. The most important thing is that they are not careful. Will be aware of their existence by the time gods and demons, and everything about themselves will be "exposed" in front of these two chaotic gods and demons, and their own crisis will erupt completely, or even fall directly.

"Damn it, does the path I chose really doesn't work? Does this world really have to become my bondage, and I will be destroyed with this world? If it is this way, then why did the world save me in the first place?" Fate At this moment, the heart of the gods and demons could not help but become heavy, and after this time the situation has changed, it is almost impossible for him to change again!

When the destiny gods and demons were worried, more terrible things happened. Time gods and demons did not fight to destroy the divided enemies, did not rush to plunder their origins, but said to Xing Tian in a deep voice: "Xingtian, today's The situation is very unfavorable for us. We need to cooperate. We want to know who is behind "fucking" all this. I think you should understand it!"

To understanding! Xing Tian naturally understands that what Xing Tian didn’t expect was that the time **** and demon would ask him in such a disregarded face, and he had to cooperate. This made Xing Tian a little surprised. After all, the time **** and demon were superior before, and even calculated himself secretly. To bow his head to himself, Xing Tian couldn't help but sigh for a while.

Life is more important than everything. In order to be able to get out of this world-destroying catastrophe, the Time God and Demon did not care about his face, such a heart, and such a decision made Xing Tian amazed, but Xing Tian also hesitated in his heart. This is not his own business, this matter is also related to his mother's life and death, so Xing Tian could not answer immediately!

Seeing Xingtian's hesitation, the death **** and demon couldn't help but say: "Friend Xingtian, things have reached this point, no matter what deal you have with the secret enemy, but you should understand that the other party is always calculating you. , You are just a **** in the opponent’s hand, and this **** obviously wants to kill us all at once, and wants to destroy us. In this case, what else can you take into consideration? What consideration can be better than your own **** "Life is still important!"

When he said this, the heart of the death **** and demon suddenly moved. Thinking of the key to the problem, his expression changed drastically, and he said in a deep voice, "Daoist Xingtian is worried about his mother's safety? To threaten you?"

Although Xing Tian did not speak to answer, from the look on Xing Tian's face, the death **** and demon immediately understood that his guess was correct, so he said in a deep voice, "Friend Xingtian, you are afraid that you will be deceived by the other party. Not everyone can deal with her mother, she is the son of the world, she is protected by this world, no matter that person has great abilities and can't take action against your mother, you don’t have to worry about her safety, and the son of the world It is not really connected to the world, nor will it be destroyed because of the world. As the world that bred the children of the world, how could it let your children be destroyed with yourself? You are fooled!"

When the words of the death **** and demon fell, Xing Tian was shocked and couldn't help but sighed secretly: "Yes, I really have to be tricked by the destiny **** and demon. Then there is a mother who doesn't care about her child, I My mother can sacrifice for me. As the mother of the son of the world, how can I be bound by this world? What I have seen in the core of the place where I was before was deliberately arranged by the **** of destiny, if it is bound by power My mother, it will not be this world, but the destiny!"

In an instant, Xing Tian figured out the crux of the problem, but Xing Tian still didn't understand what the destiny **** and demon wanted to do, did he use such a large handwriting just to destroy the world, just to break free from the world's shackles? He really has no other conspiracy!

When seeing the death gods and the time gods stand up to persuade Xing Tian and say what he fears most, the destiny gods became angry and roared in the core of the earth: "Damn death gods , How dare you **** tell Xing Tian the secret of the lunatic son of the world, you are trying to "force" me on the road to the end, you are trying to "force" me to bring you to death!"

At this moment, the Destiny God and Demon was terrified and frightened. He was worried that Xing Tian would say everything about him, worried that he would be strangled by Xing Tian, ​​Time God and Demon and Death God and Demon. If he had known such an accident before, he would have Shouldn't play with so many scheming, shouldn't count the penalty days again and again, let yourself fall into such a terrible crisis, but unfortunately everything has happened now, even if the destiny gods and demons no longer regret With this, he can't stop all this from happening, and he can't stop Xing Tian's next counterattack, let alone change his own crisis!

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