God of Destruction

Chapter 4139: Persecution

Chapter 4147: Persecution

"No, I can't let this happen, and I can't let Xing Tian be moved by the Death God and Demon, I must stop him!" At this time, the voice of the Destiny God and Demon was a little crazy. After a while, he screamed at Xing Tian in a deep voice: " Xing Tian, ​​don’t believe the words of the death gods and demons. He lied to you. If you really believe him, it will only make your mother desperate. Don’t forget, you already have a trace of your mother’s soul, as long as this world is shattered , You can warm it up again!"

Xing Tian ignored the roar of the Destiny God and Demon. At this time, Xing Tian also fully awake, and he also fully understood that he was still caring about it before. Because he was too concerned about the safety of his mother, he was caught by the Destiny God and Demon's calculations. Fair cooperation, in fact, I have been calculated by the destiny gods and demon, and even the decisions made by himself in the core of the earth are vaguely affected by the power of the destiny gods and demon, if there is not this battle, if It's not that death gods and time gods stand up to persuade themselves, I'm afraid they are still deceived by destiny gods!

"I know what I am doing, and I also understand what I should do. I don't need you to guide me on how to do it. I have my own thinking!" At this time, Xing Tian will no longer be persuaded by the destiny **** and demon, and will no longer suffer. Cheating, Xing Tian is not a fool. He naturally understands how dangerous the situation is and how dangerous his situation is. Although he is calculated by the destiny **** and demon, the words of the destiny **** and demon are not all lies. So Xingtian must be careful!

If I said that he still had something to consider before, now that he has said the death **** and demon, Xing Tian really doesn’t care too much. No matter whether his plan will succeed or not, Xing Tian believes that his mother’s safety is guaranteed. Yes, at least if you have this trace of soul in your hands, then there is the possibility of starting again. This is enough!

Nothing is foolproof. To retreat in the midst of the catastrophe is nothing more than ambition. There is not much that can be done. Moreover, Xing Tian still does not know the true calculations of the destiny gods and demons, and does not know the other party. In what direction does he want to lead this world, what do he want from this world, so Xing Tian had to be cautious!

"Damn Xingtian, how dare he refuse my kindness like this!" After being rejected by Xingtian, the destiny **** and demon became more and more crazy. The situation is getting more and more unfavorable for him. The danger is approaching step by step. If everything cannot be reversed , The consequences are really disastrous, as long as Xing Tian speaks, he will be threatened with death.

"Xingtian, you don't think about yourself, but also for your mother. Do you really want to watch her go to destruction!" At this time, the destiny **** and demon really had no choice but to sacrifice this big killer again. Use Xingtian's mother to threaten Xingtian and persecute Xingtian, so that Xingtian can return to the'right path' and let the situation return to his own control again!

When faced with another threat from the destiny **** and demon, Xing Tian sneered disdainfully: "Hehe! If you really have such power, then I would like to see it. It seems that I was really too careless before, and I was cheated by you. , Even if it was deliberately induced by you, this time what you said is useless. If you have any ability, go to the time gods and the death gods, I hope you can survive in their hands, I want their news to you Must be surprised!"

The worst situation finally appeared. This time, the destiny **** and demon really got scared. After calculating, he failed in the end. He was still pitted by his own calculations. If there are not so many calculations, if there is no such big ambition. , Maybe the situation will not be the way it is now, at this time the destiny **** and demon once again felt regret, but everything is too late!

Just listen, Xing Tian said in a deep voice: "Thank you for the reminder of the dead fellow. If it weren't for your reminder, I'm afraid I will be deceived to death by the other party this time, and I will fall into a desperate situation. What I want to say next , I'm afraid you will be shocked, and the time gods, demon and Taoists will be extremely shocked. It is difficult for you to accept this news, because he is already a dead person in your heart. You have been looking for the enemy hidden in the dark as fate. Gods and demons, the destiny Gods and demons killed by the time Gods and demons!"

"What? How is this possible!" When Xingtian's words fell, the time gods and the death gods all cried out. The news was too shocking for them. This is really a result they could not imagine, if not from Xing Tian said in his mouth that they would never believe that this news would be true, after all, the destiny **** and demon really had to die in the war that year!

Xing Tian smiled indifferently and said, "Hehe! Do you think I need to lie? Not only you are shocked, but I think all the forces that have just fought with us will also be shocked. They can't think of the so-called world. The origin is actually the destiny gods and demons. They have always been under the influence of the destiny gods and demons. Behind all this is the destiny gods and demons single-handedly manipulated. He is controlling us and using us as pawns to complete his ulterior secret. , If it wasn't for the death of fellow daoists to wake me up, I wouldn't be able to detect the calculations, and I would be deceived by this bastard!"

"Damn, I said how could there be a familiar breath. Originally, I couldn't remember it. Now that Friends Xingtian said, everything is completely clear. My familiar feeling is the breath of destiny. No wonder the "ants" I always have inexplicable feelings in my body. It seems that we have all been teased by this bastard. The last time he escaped death, this time let’s see how he escapes again!” When he said this, the time **** demon exudes endless Killing intent, if you talk about the most hated enemy at this time, the enemy you most want to kill is definitely not the death **** or Xingtian, let alone the native creatures of this world, but the destiny **** and monster, who was defeated by someone Playing with the enemies under his own hands, this breath of time cannot be swallowed by the gods!

"Well said, I said how the situation will change again and again, and my own plans will have accidents over and over again. There were people in this world who did it earlier than me. I thought I was very smart. , But I didn’t expect that not only the **** of Time God and Demon, but also the **** of Destiny, God and Demon, he is so sinister and vicious. This is to kill us all. If we don’t kill this bastard, we will have no way to survive. !" At this time, the death **** and demon also shifted their target to the destiny **** and demon, and ignored the various forces that had escaped a catastrophe. For him, these'ants' can be broken easily, but the destiny **** and devil But it is not easy to deal with. Don't look at knowing his existence now, but if you really want to completely destroy it, it is definitely not an easy task, and it definitely has to pay a high price.

"Xing Tian, ​​let's join hands. Now we have a common enemy. If the **** of Destiny God and Demon is not eliminated, the road of destiny he controls will affect all of us. As long as he is alive, that is the greatest threat to us!" After knowing the person who calculated himself, the time **** and demon opened his mouth to suggest cooperation with Xing Tian. Of course, this was also his voice!


The Death Demon nodded and said: "Yes, we should be working together at this time. If Xing Tian joins forces, we can definitely strangle this bastard. I know you still have concerns about your mother in your heart, but you believe that as a It’s impossible for the son of the world to die so easily. The world will give her the greatest refuge. As long as we work together, we can kill the **** of destiny in the shortest time and save your mother from danger, and we can also Break free from the shackles of the world, be able to get rid of the threat of the world, and be able to completely escape from this world!"

At this time, the death **** demon no longer has any hope for the benefit of this world, because he knows the terrible destiny **** and demon, even if he can finally unite Xing Tian and time **** and demon to strangle it, he will not get it. What is the advantage? The destiny **** will not leave a trace of benefits to these enemies. If there is a benefit, it is to clear an enemy hidden in the dark for oneself. One less threat to himself, so that he can be more Safety!

In response to this suggestion, Xing Tian nodded and said: "There is no problem with cooperation, but how should we deal with the current situation? So many enemies are still watching us. This is not a good environment. Once they treat us at a critical moment. If we act, I'm afraid the consequences are still very dangerous, and the slightest mistake in the catastrophe will kill us!"

When Xingtian’s words fell and he had not waited for the answer from the time gods and the death gods, the major forces that were carefully guarding against the Xingtian, the time gods and the death gods immediately said: "Xingtian, we are right You are not malicious, we are also victims, and we don’t want to be controlled by that **** bastard. If you don’t rest assured, we can join your team and work with you to strangle this **** demon!"

When faced with threats, those forces that originally planned to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight had to express their views, because they were afraid that Xingtian, a lunatic, would clear the battlefield with the gods of time and the gods of death. Before going to war with the gods of fate, They will clean it up. You must know that this is not a difficult thing to do. If these three **** are really bad, the consequences will be really disastrous!

The Death God and Demon snorted disdainfully and said, "Hmph, it's ridiculous to cooperate with you, you **** have any credibility, if you really cooperate with you, I'm afraid you will be the first to run away when the danger comes. Let us be a shield!"

"If you want to cooperate, you have to show your sincerity. If you can't satisfy us, there is no need for you to exist. In today's environment, we can't afford the consequences of betrayal!" Speaking of their own thoughts, they also forced these **** who wanted to fish in troubled waters to the corner, so that they had to express themselves!

"We can swear, swear to the great road, never betrayal, never run away before danger!" When life and death are threatened, when new vitality appears in front of their eyes, these **** will desperately catch them without hesitation. Make a decision quickly, no one dares to hesitate at this time, because they are afraid that if they hesitate, they will ruin their lives, which will lead to the lore of these three lunatics. No one dares to risk this. !

Of course, among these forces, there are still some people who are reluctant and worried. After all, the destiny gods and demons can affect them silently. Such magical powers are too terrible, but now they dare not resist. Who will let them? The situation is so dangerous that if they dare to oppose at this time, they will die immediately.

Regarding the words of these people, the Time God and Demon was still dissatisfied, and sneered disdainfully: "Hehe! This guarantee is not enough, and the vows are also possible to get rid of its shackles. If you really want to cooperate, then charge forward and let us Seeing the true sincerity, tearing open the limits of this world for us, because you are the native creatures of this world, you will not be limited by the world, only you can easily open the road to the core of the earth!"

Yes, only by letting these assaults go ahead and opening up the road to the core of the earth can the time gods and demons believe in their sincerity, be recognized by the time gods and demons, and be able to convince everyone that they are really determined and determined. Destiny battle!

If Xing Tian still has time to tear the earth and open the way to the core of the earth, they will inevitably be backlashed by the world, because they all have a breath different from this world. The death **** and demon did not destroy the authority of the tunnel, he still had such ability, now everything can only rely on these native creatures!

"Damn, how can these **** deceive people so much? Didn't they do this to force us to go on the road of nowhere? They use us as cannon fodder. How could that **** of Destiny let us open the way to the core of the earth!" Someone could not help the anger in their hearts and complained, because in his opinion this is a dead end!

"Huh! Is it useful to say this? Do you think those three **** will allow us to reap the benefits of the fishermen? If we refuse, then we don't need that **** of Destiny and Demon to take action. These three **** will kill us first. We are now We have no choice. Weakness is sin. We are not strong enough to guarantee our own safety. If we want to survive, we have to listen to the orders of these three **** and open this channel for them. Otherwise, we don’t. The necessity of existence is stronger than people. We have no other choice, let alone refuse, do you understand!"



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