God of Destruction

Chapter 4140: Festival cooperation

Chapter 4148 Cooperation

It is not important to understand or not. What is important is your own "life". Under the threat of death, even if you don't understand, you have to understand, unless someone wants to die, as long as they don't want to die, they can only follow orders and only be cannon fodder. If you choose to fight by orders, there is still a glimmer of life. If you resist, you will die without life. This is reality, a cruel and ruthless reality.

"Hehe, the final battle is finally about to begin. I originally thought it was a decisive battle before, but this situation has repeatedly broken the original idea. Maybe this is the real decisive battle, a battle that determines life and death, but I don’t know. Did the Destiny God and Demon expect this moment? Did you make this preparation in advance!" When thinking of this, Xing Tian couldn't help but shook his head slightly, facing the Destiny God and Demon, no matter how cautious he was, These people are used as cannon fodder to "force" the destiny gods and demons. Perhaps this is the most correct choice and the best choice. After all, a dead fellow is not a poor fellow, not to mention these people are not their own fellow!

Regardless of whether these people are willing or not, under strong oppression, they still made the most correct choice, or opened the way for the time gods, death gods and Xingtian. Under their joint hands, the earth was quickly torn apart. Come, a road leading to the core of the earth is unfolding in front of everyone. This time they dare not take the slightest care, because they are the cannon fodder that rushes in front. If it is really dangerous, they must be the first to bear the brunt, for their own sake. For the sake of "sex", these people also have to be cautious, and have to take all precautions, for fear that death will come the next moment!

Seeing that the road to the core of the earth was opened so easily, the death **** demon couldn’t help but show a dignified look. In the process, he watched carefully, but he didn’t notice. The destiny **** and demon blocked it, as if the other party did not exist, as if this **** didn't care about all this, and let them enter the core of the earth!

The death **** demon said in a deep voice: "Damn, what the destiny **** demon is thinking, what is he going to do, how can he not react at all, can it be said that he doesn't care about our attack at all, or that the **** has done a good job Prepare, waiting for us to be caught in the core of the earth? If this is the case, our troubles are just beginning!"

"Yeah, it's too abnormal. It's not like his reaction. I'm afraid there are many crises in this earth core. You and I can't be careless, or we will be killed in the first time!" , The time **** and demon couldn't help but sighed slightly. In contrast, as the innate chaos **** and demon, they are much more dangerous than others, because they are the greatest threat to the destiny **** and demon. If you want to do it, you will kill them immediately, instead of choosing these ants!

"We still underestimated the patience of the Destiny God and Demon, and underestimated his layout. It is obvious that he does not want to fight with us here. The real battlefield is not outside here, but in the passage, even in the core of the earth. , That’s his home court there. I knew it was like this. The authentic origin shouldn’t be given up, nor should the authority of the tunnel be given up. It’s too late now!” When it came to this, the death **** and demon couldn’t help but take it lightly. Sighed, I couldn't help but feel a bit of resentment towards the time gods and demons in my heart. If it weren't for this bastard, how could I give up the authentic origin and authentic authority so easily!

hate! There is endless hatred for the destiny gods and demons, and the time gods and demons are also the same. They are even worse than they are. In the eyes of the death gods and demons, the biggest reason why they end up in the current situation is the biggest source. It is still in the body of the time **** and demon. If it weren't for this **** to compete with him for this world, how could he be calculated by the destiny **** and demon? I had already refined this world, truly detached from everything, and got rid of all previous difficulties, because In the heart of the death gods and devils, the reason why the destiny gods and demons calculate themselves is still in the time gods and demons. Who made the time gods and demons secretly counted against each other, and now the destiny gods and devils are revenge, and he is involved. , Even the whole world is involved!

The Death God and Demon hates the Time God and Demon in their hearts, but the Time God and Demon also hates the Death God and Demon in their hearts, and for the same reason. They both believe that the existence of each other has ruined their chances of refining this world. Without the madness of the death **** and demon, he would not fall into the field like this. If the person who the destiny **** and demon most wants to meet is undoubtedly himself, the person who has calculated him, once combined with others to kill him. Enemy of life and death!

Endlessly, this is the relationship between the time **** and demon and the destiny **** and demon. The unchangeable relationship. As long as they meet, terrible conflicts will inevitably erupt. At this point, the time **** and demon are clear in their hearts, so no matter what I have to let go of how much resentment I have against the death gods and demons in my heart, because my biggest enemy has appeared, and I need to deal with this terrible enemy with all my strength, and do my best to preserve my strength to protect my own safety.

For the existence of death gods, Xingtian, and these ants, the time gods also have a trace of vigilance in their hearts. They are also worried that these **** will attack themselves at critical moments. After all, hatred cannot disappear. As long as there is a chance, these **** I will definitely fall into trouble, and will use the hand of the destiny **** and demon to remove himself, his life and death enemy. Similarly, if there is a chance, the time **** and demon will not intentionally kill these bastards. It can be said that their ridiculous combination is just a piece of loose sand. When it appears, the combination will collapse in an instant, it will be empty, and then a big shot.

Understand and understand, but the current situation makes the time **** and demon have to compromise, and as long as the fate **** and demon are still there, time **** and demon, or death **** and devil, they must focus their energy on this terrible enemy, destiny **** and demon. It is one's number one enemy, the one that must be destroyed in the first place, and everything else can be put down temporarily!

Compared with the many calculations in the hearts of the time gods and the death gods, Xing Tian didn't have so many thoughts at this time. For him, there was only one expectation in his heart. The safety of his mother at the time seemed to be in his heart at this moment. The human "nature" broke out completely, the whole person was affected by the power of human "nature", and the whole person was heading in a direction that had never been seen before. This is the home of the soul.


Is death terrible? Is it scary? Is there no fear in Xing Tian's heart for all this? No, he does, but now he has no retreat, but this is what he has to face, maybe he has a safer choice, he can give up everything, he can leave this world, but this is not the result he wants, his own The heart is not so cruel, it is impossible for me to give up all this!

For a moment, Xing Tian sighed secretly in his heart: "Perhaps, during this trip to the world on the battlefield, my biggest gain is not the improvement of my own practice, nor the practice of Dao, but the perception of my own soul, human nature. "Is everything to me, and the human "nature" is my foundation. This trip to the world has allowed me to truly find my core strength and my most important strength, human "nature"! This is me Everything is the driving force for my practice!"

If Xing Tian’s words are spoken, not only will no one agree, nor will anyone believe it, no matter whether it is the death **** or the time god, or even the powerful people of many forces, they will not agree in their hearts. Xing Tian’s so-called “nature” is because they don’t care about it at all. They only care about their own interests. For them, they are the root of everything. Similarly, they practice for their own detachment, the so-called human “nature”. , Not worth mentioning at all!

"It's starting, I hope the destiny **** and demon will not let me down, hope this world will not let me down, and don't "force" me in the unwilling direction!" After a light sigh, Xing Tian strode forward and went straight over. After all the forces that shrank and went straight to the forefront of the crowd, Xing Tian no longer had any fear in his heart at this time, there was just that endless belief.

In an instant, everyone felt the huge war intent coming from Xing Tian's body, the crazy war intent, and the intent to fight that would never back down! It’s just that they have different views on Xingtian like this. When they see Xingtian pass over them, all the unwilling forces are happy with this. With the appearance of Xingtian, they are a little safer. For the time gods and the death gods, they couldn't help but frowned, dissatisfied with Xing Tian's performance!

"Damn it, when is this? How can this lunatic be so ignorant, so knowing how to advance or retreat, obviously there are these ants as cannon fodder, what mentality he is so anxious to go forward and die!" In an instant, the time **** demon expressed his heart against Xingtian. He was dissatisfied, because Xing Tian was more useful to him than those cannon fodder, so he didn't want to see such a result.

The death **** demon shook his head and said: "Perhaps this lunatic thinks that his own power can withstand the counterattack of the destiny **** demon. Maybe he really has to be affected by his ridiculous human "nature", and he will die for the mother of this life. Strike, but his madness does have some influence on us, but the influence will not be too great. No matter who can consume the power of the destiny, it is beneficial to us. Let this madman continue to go crazy Well, we don’t need to care!"

The time **** demon sighed: "I'm afraid that the appearance of this madman will cause more trouble and make the situation more uncontrollable. We must know that we are facing the destiny **** and demon, a **** who has been in this world for longer. , Maybe even his death is just a trap! We can't be careless about such an enemy, or the consequences will be unimaginable!"

At this time, the time gods and demon really have to think more about things, and the fate gods and demons think more badly, thinking that the other party is like the death **** and demon, with so many conspiracies and tricks, so they can solve them in their own hands. He came to get rid of the catastrophe with his own hands, and now he is being targeted by this **** again, how can this prevent the time **** and demon from dealing with it carefully and dare not be careless!

"Yes! This is really a big problem. Although I haven't had much contact with the destiny gods and demons, I also know the terrible aspects of the destiny avenue. This **** has mastered the destiny avenue and can silently affect any creature. It was because of this before. If the **** shot in secret, we will walk step by step to the present field. If he is not prepared, I will not believe that he will be killed. And Xingtian is such a crazy man, I am also very worried that the situation will be out of control. , But we can’t stop all of this from happening. We can only watch it happen. This is really suffocating!” At this point, the death **** demon couldn’t help but add a trace of irritability. Such a situation makes He was also disturbed.

"Oh! It's useless to say so much now. We can only take one step and look at it one step at a time, hoping that the situation will not be as dangerous as we said. I also hope that the lunatic Xingtian knows what he is doing. To be honest, I really didn't think I would fall. In this field today, I knew that there would be such an ending. What are we still fighting for? What are we going to do!" When he said this, the time **** demon's voice suddenly stopped, and then he sighed and said: "Death, this time We must work together, I know you must be suspicious of my intentions in your heart, but I want to tell, I have no malice, and will no longer be malicious. This is related to the survival of you and me. There is a slight mistake, and you and I have a dead end. One, we can only make a living by working together!"

Although the voice of the time **** and demon’s words is very light, they are full of endless killing intent. This is aimed at the destiny **** and demon’s killing intent. When the situation comes to this point, he wants to go from the catastrophe. There is no other way to get out of the way, only by really breaking a blood path can there be a way to survive, other than that, he really can't think of other ways.

The death demon nodded and said: "Okay, we are determined. In this battle, you and I work together. No one can calculate each other secretly. No one can see death without saving, although I also understand that your situation is better than I am much more dangerous, because you have a murderous vengeance with the **** destiny, but I also know that if you die, it will be difficult for me to escape this catastrophe. Only when we work together can we have a trace of life and be able to come from here. There is a **** road in the catastrophe, Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, can't count on it, let alone those ants, so we can only be alive if we cooperate!"

I have to say that the words of the Death God and Demon are beautiful enough, and things are done beautifully. They directly show the situation of the Time God and Demon, and secretly point out the intentions of the Time God and Demon, so that the other party understands that he has seen his thoughts thoroughly. , So that you can take a little bit of initiative in the next cooperation. Although only a little bit, it plays a vital role in their cooperation, not to mention your own safety!

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