God of Destruction

Chapter 4141: Festival body

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Chapter 4,149

Hearing the answer from the Death God and Demon, the Time God and Demon couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. It’s not surprising that the Death God and Demon can see through their intentions. If the other party can’t see through, then there are ghosts. With the consent of the death **** and demon, the time **** and demon felt a lot less pressure on him, and he was more confident in this final battle.

"War! Since the enemy is already prepared, it is better to take the initiative instead of being passive. These ants can't be counted on. At this time, the destiny **** and demon are afraid that we need this ant as cannon fodder, if we are the same as Xingtian. He acted in the opposite direction, and took the initiative to kill him by surprise, and perhaps change the situation!" In an instant, the time **** and demon spoke his own heart. If he was alone, such a crazy decision would be impossible. Yes, but now with the full cooperation of the death gods and demons, everything is possible, and that crazy idea also ignited in his heart!

"Okay, let's give up our lives. No matter how much cannon fodder, how much power can be consumed by the **** of Destiny God and Demon. With complete preparation, even if these cannon fodder is a deadly battle, there will not be much results. On the contrary, if we take the initiative Attack and kill him by surprise, everything is possible. Perhaps Xingtian, a lunatic, has such an idea. Xingtian dared to do this. What else do we dare not do, kill!" The death **** demon nodded and approved. The suggestion of the time **** and demon, in such a decisive battle, it is impossible to gain anything by relying on conspiracy and tricks. In this case, it is better to let go and use strength to decide life and death!

For an instant, the death **** and the time **** and demon smiled at each other, and they saw a trace of madness in each other's eyes, that trace of determination, in this laugh, they were full of endless killing intent, a battle that determined the fate of life and death. There must not be the slightest carelessness, and there must be no reservations. If there is no fight, the first battle is bound to be a fight to the death, without any retreat.

Yes, there is no retreat, nor can there be a retreat. With a retreat, there is no determination to give up a life, and the courage to fight to the death is lost. If it weren’t for the knowledge that this unknown enemy turned out to be a destiny, this The two chaotic gods and demons could not make such a determination, but now they must be so, this is their destiny!

"Kill!" Both the time **** and the death **** and demon roared, and then, like lightning, quickly passed through the many origin cities, and rushed directly into the passage, immediately after Xing Tian, ​​the terrible killing intent, that resolute The action made many strong people in the city of Origin startled and puzzled. They didn't understand what was going on, and suddenly this series of shocking changes would happen!

"Crazy, these three **** are crazy, and they rushed in desperately. Could it be that the previous persecution was just a bewilderment to the enemy, and we people are really vulnerable!" Some of the strong in Origin City couldn't help but rush in. Secretly sighing, this change made them wonder what to do for a while, wondering if they should continue to advance and continue fighting!

Turn around and run away! At this time, many people have this plan in their hearts. It’s just that the prestige of the gods and demons and the death gods and demons was too strong to make them dare to act rashly. They are afraid that if these two **** win, they will kill themselves. But Moving on, they didn't have the courage, and they were stunned on the spot for a while!

"Dear fellow daoists, what should we do now, should we continue to participate in the war and follow them to give it a go, or just watch the changes and wait for the end of the decisive battle?" Someone couldn't help but worry in their hearts and asked, this is not a trivial matter, this It's related to your own life, so there can be no carelessness, no mistakes!

"Wait, we are still waiting for the end of the decisive battle. It is not a good thing to intervene at this time. Although the time gods and the death gods are strong, the destiny gods and gods are not easy to provoke. We were silently affected by the destiny gods and gods before, everyone They are all clear and understand the horror, so at this time, we don't need to be the first bird, there is no need to stand in line, and it is not too late to make plans after the decisive battle is over. Maybe the situation will be more favorable to us at that time!"

There is another sentence after this statement. If the enemy loses both sides and the power of everyone is combined, it can be swept away in one net, but it is reaping the benefits of the fisherman. It is just that such a result is difficult to appear. Both parties are not fools. It is difficult to appear. In such an outcome, if any side wins, it will swallow the enemy's origin and make itself stronger. With their power, it is difficult to threaten their lives. After all, their power is too weak, and it is still a mess!

Xing Tian, ​​who broke into the core of the earth, didn’t know the situation outside, nor was he in the mood to understand. For Xing Tian, ​​only his mother was in his eyes, and he had to rescue his mother from the enemy, although the chance was slim. But Xing Tian still wouldn't give up. As long as there is a chance, he must try his best. This is his determination.

Kill, rushed into the core of the earth madly, but Xing Tian was shocked by the result. On this road, he did not encounter the heavy obstacles of the destiny **** and demon, and the road was unimpeded, as if his enemy had never been Existence, as if the Destiny God and Demon had never appeared before, and the more abnormal the situation, the heavier Xingtian's mood became, and the enemy was more terrifying, more terrifying, and more sinister than he thought. In his eyes, he is just like an'ant'!

anger! Xing Tian was indeed very angry, but Xing Tian understood that it was because of his weak strength. Perhaps from beginning to end, he was not regarded as an opponent by the Destiny God and Demon. The real opponent of the Destiny God and Demon was only Death God and Demon. Time Gods and demons, and this world, and he is just a **** in the opponent's hand.

] Rushing into the core of the earth, Xing Tian did not find his mother, nor did he see the existence of the destiny **** and demon. This situation made Xing Tian's mood even more heavy. Is the other party deliberately avoiding him, or he has made a mistake path of?

auzw.com"Come out, destiny, I know you are watching everything, come out and fight me!" Xing Tian yelled frantically, his eyes flashing with endless killing intent, it's a pity No matter how loudly it was Ren or Xing Tian, ​​there was no response.

Just as the patience in Xing Tian's heart was about to be polished, a voice rang in Xing Tian's ear: "Xing Tian, ​​shut up, that **** won't show up, for him, he won't be with you. Fight, because he never thought of confronting us head-on from start to finish, he is delaying time, all this is just his game!"

When he heard this voice, Xing Tian looked back and saw that the time gods and the death gods appeared not far behind him. There was also a hint of surprise in his eyes, and there was also a hint of heaviness. Their plan was completely frustrated. The devil is not here. Perhaps what Xing Tian saw before was just a fantasy, just a game, or perhaps the destiny’s methods were more sinister and vicious, here is just a trap, a trap for them, and now they are falling into each other’s calculations. in!

The death **** and demon sighed and said: "It's careless, we are still too careless. To fight against the **** of the destiny **** and demon, our little thoughts are not worth mentioning. What we think is already in his calculations. , This is a trap, a trap against us! Perhaps those'ants' are still under the control of this bastard!"

Facing such a weird situation, the Death God and Demon couldn't help feeling the sinister and viciousness of the Destiny God and Demon even more, and felt that all this was a game, a game for the three of them! No, it is precisely the game between himself and the time **** and demon. As for Xingtian, this is just a manipulated ‘ant’, a **** that draws himself and the time **** and demon into the game!

"Go ahead, destiny, let me take a look at your methods and let me see the traps you have laid for endless years. To be honest, I didn't expect you to use my hand to solve it. I didn't expect you to do so. Sinister, feign death and get out. If Xingtian didn't tell you your existence, I would still be deceived by you. Why, I saw an old'friend' and I didn't want to show up!" The Time God and Demon sneered, revealing in his eyes Out of endless fighting spirit, challenging the destiny gods and monsters!

"Haha! The breath of the world, if I'm not wrong, you want to seize the origin of the world. You bring Xingtian into the game, and you hold the mother of Xingtian, the son of the world, in your hands, because you want to take her. The origin of the world, if you want to become the son of the world, the Taipingdao is basically the **** you laid out long ago, and the Taipingdao is your power to seize the identity of the son of the world. If it hadn’t been for the emergence of the lunatic Xingtian to break some of your plans, you wouldn’t I don’t know if I’m right to reveal my existence so easily!” When seeing the destiny **** and demon not showing up for a long time, nor making any move, the death **** and demon sneered disdainfully, telling the calculations of the destiny **** and demon. Tell me the conspiracy bit by bit.

There was no reaction. Under the provocation of the death **** and demon, the destiny **** and demon still did not respond, which made Xing Tian frowned. All of this was really tricky. What exactly the destiny **** and demon wanted to do, could it be said that he guessed wrong? Up!

At this time, Xing Tian's heart couldn't help but shake, but Xing Tian quickly gave up this idea. This is a trap. He was indeed calculated by the other party before. The death **** may be true. The reason why the destiny **** If he didn't make a move, maybe it was because his appearance disrupted his plan, maybe the destiny **** and demon were really weak, really trapped in this world, bound by the world, dare not act rashly, afraid to expose his existence!

"Destiny, it seems that you really have to be trapped in the world. It seems that you really dare not expose your existence, but do you think it is useful to hide like this? Do you think this idea of ​​delaying time will succeed? Now, the spear of ending appears, end all spirits, kill!" Xing Tian shouted, and the spear of ending appeared in his hand, and a spear pierced directly at the center of the earth's core, and the terrible power of ending was about to destroy this place. Everything about nuclear is to destroy everything.

'bump! With a sound, Xingtian’s end spear was blocked by an invisible force. It seems that the destiny **** and demon still can’t stand it and dare not let Xingtian’s end power destroy the earth’s core. The earth’s core is his weakness and fundamental. .

When this happened, Xing Tian suddenly understood why he was calculated by the Destiny God and Demon, because the core of the earth is the body of the Destiny God and Demon, and his mother is trapped in the core of the earth, that is, by the Destiny God. Fettered by demons, the destiny gods and demons are refining his mother from beginning to end. No wonder he can divide a trace of his mother's soul so easily. All he does is just to lower his defenses and delay time.

"Hurry up, the core of the earth is the body of the destiny **** and demon. He has always been trapped in the world. He has always wanted to destroy this world so that he can escape!" When he understood all this, Xing Tian immediately said in a deep voice. Drink, remind time gods and gods of death!

"Damn it, just count it!" When he heard Xing Tian's words, the Death God and Time God and Demon immediately woke up, and immediately understood the sinister intentions of the Destiny God and Demon! Time, the destiny gods and demons have been delaying time, this is indeed a round, but an empty city plan, using the empty city plan laid down by their vigilance.

"Hehe, I was still aware of you, and I knew you were the biggest hidden danger. Unfortunately, because of the constraints of the world, I couldn't destroy you in the first place, so that the situation was out of control!" When Xingtian broke everything, The destiny **** and demon finally stopped hiding, and sighed. In these words, there was a hint of regret in his voice.

The time **** and demon sighed softly: "What a destiny **** and demon, it is a good plan, a good method, to tease all of us in the palm of your hand, using the core of the earth as your body, it seems that you are integrated with this world. , You have been absorbing the origin of the world, you are using the power of the world to complete your own transformation, but unfortunately you have countless calculations, but in the end you miscalculated, the world has not been directly destroyed as you thought, you are still trapped in the world Come to the first battle to end all our cause and effect!"

Causality, for the time gods and devils, he and the destiny gods and devils have great cause and effect, and the great cause and effect of immortality. If you don’t know the identity of the destiny gods and devils, then he has no way. The body of the demon is too big. With the core of the earth as the body, both the origin and the defense make the time **** and demon have to be cautious. How strong the earth core is, as the chaos **** and demon, the time **** and demon is naturally clear. Not only did he know, but the death gods also understood that it was not an easy task to break the defense of the earth's core.


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