God of Destruction

Chapter 4142: Festival ban

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Chapter 4150 Banned

"Showing up? I'm afraid he can't show up. He is trapped in the world now. The core of the earth is his body and his protection. The reason why he is a turtle is because he wants to use his body to be strong. Defensively protects his weak soul, he will not show up to fight us!” In contrast, the death **** and demon sees the current situation of the destiny **** and demon, knows the other party’s plan, and sees through it. It's useless. It is not easy to destroy the defense of the Earth's core. The Earth's core is connected to the entire world. The destruction of the Earth's core will destroy the world, and doing so is in harmony with the calculations of the destiny.

"Damn it, you shrunk your head, show up for a battle if you have the ability to end your cause and effect, what kind of ability to hide and hide!" The time **** demon roared angrily, with endless anger in his eyes. In front of him, he had no choice but to take the other party. This kind of suffocation made it difficult for the time **** and demon to accept, nor accept it.

Facing the challenge of the time **** and demon, the destiny **** and demon snorted disdainfully and said: "Hehe! If you have the ability, you can break my body. It is impossible to get my soul out of the body. Let you have the sky. Ability, if you can’t break my main body, just don’t blame the soul that killed me. I am not as stupid as you think, and I will destroy myself!"

As long as you are not a fool, you know what you should choose at this time, and the Destiny God and Demon is naturally not a fool. It is impossible to expect him to appear on his own initiative. Although the Destiny God and Demon is trapped in the world, the world is also protected. For my own safety, as long as I don’t take the initiative to leave the soul, the enemy can’t help it. As long as I have enough time, I will definitely come up with all the ways to solve the crisis. Just how much time is left for myself, and the destiny is also Not sure!

"Friend Xingtian, we need cooperation to break the power of the damned bastard, fate, and to resolve all these crises. We need your power!" When he said this, the time **** demon couldn't help but sighed. Doing so is to bow his head to Xing Tian, ​​how can he, who has always been arrogant, willing to accept such a result.

"How to help, with my little strength, even if you are willing to help, you are still powerless!" For Xing Tian, ​​this is after all a life-and-death duel, without any carelessness, or the results will be unimaginable, and all this I am afraid that I have already been in the calculations of the destiny gods and demons. At this time, I take the initiative to attack, I am afraid that I will fall into a greater crisis. !

"Friends should not be so eager to refuse. Actually, fellow Taoists don’t need to waste too much of their origins. We only need the help of fellow Taoists. Moreover, fellow Taoists have now broken away most of their shackles, and one foot has already taken a detached step. Now, what is lacking for Daoists is the origin and opportunity. As long as there is a chance to soar into the sky, the future of Daoists is unlimited. I think Daoists should think carefully. After all, we are not enemies, but our greatest enemy. It's Destiny God and Demon!" At this point, Death God and Demon sighed lightly. If it weren't for the power of Xingtian, Death God and Demon would not speak so easily.

You must know that this sentence will consume the luck of the death **** and demon. If you directly open up everything in this world, you will inevitably be backlashed by the world, but in order to be successful in one fell swoop, the death **** and demon can no longer care so much. Although it seems that the most anxious person should be the time **** and demon, but the death **** and demon is not much better than the time **** and demon. He also needs to fight quickly, because he can not guarantee what kind of accidents will occur over time, especially It is the destiny **** and devil in this situation, which makes people have to be cautious and have to be careful, otherwise it will only be yourself who will suffer in the end!

"It's not that I want to refuse, but that I don't have the ability to do things that neither of them can do. How can Xingtian and Hede do it? If I had such a powerful force, I would not have been The destiny is teasing, he will not watch his mother being trapped but unable to save it!" When he said this, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed, his face gleamed with a terrible light, this is the killing intent blooming The light coming out, in Xing Tian's heart, the destiny **** and devil are worthy of death!

"Hehe, since I dare to propose, there must be a way to solve the problem. The defense of this earth core is indeed very strong, but it is not impossible to crack it. If the destiny **** and demon were not crazy enough to trap the son of the world before, that is, fellow Taoist Mother, we really have no way to take him, but now it is different. The son of the world is in the core of the earth. It can be said that the destiny **** has angered the origin of the world, but his body is in harmony with the world, and the origin of the world does not dare to act lightly But we are different. We don’t have so many restraints. We can attack with all our strength. If fellow daoists are willing to help, based on the world’s origin of fellow daoists, the world’s defense against us can be completely eliminated, and the earth core can even be separated from the world. Come on!"

Crazy, I have to say that the idea of ​​the death **** and demon is too crazy. He actually wants Xing Tian to use his own world origin to separate the core of the destiny **** and demon from the world. Such an idea shocks Xing Tian. Knowing that this is not an ordinary method, dividing the earth's core from the world will bring endless trouble to oneself, because this is an enemy of the world!

"Haha! Don’t Fellow Death think that your request is a bit too much? Split the connection between the earth’s core and the world, you let me do it, and I will bear the terrible consequences, but you and the time gods and demons will have a little pressure No, you think I’m a fool!” At this point, Xing Tian’s face is already showing a hideous look. If it is not for his lack of strength and the current environment is not suitable, Xing Tian has the heart and death. Let's have another showdown.

auzw.com "No, fellow daoists misunderstood what I meant. I do want fellow daoists to take this responsibility, but this responsibility is not as dangerous as fellow daoists think, because you are different from others. It’s different, because you have the blessings of this world’s origin and your mother is the son of the world. In a sense, this world does no harm to you. The most important thing is that the destiny’s own behavior has been extinct from the world, so by You will not be backlashed by the world!"

Xingtian didn’t believe the words of the death **** and demon, and the death **** and demon was not worthy of Xingtian’s belief. Especially in such a big environment, Xingtian would not easily believe the words of an enemy and put himself in danger. in!

I saw, Xing Tian waved his hand gently and said: "Don't say any more about the death fellow, I will bear the danger. This is impossible. No matter whether I can avoid the backlash of the world, I will not take my life. Take risks, and I won’t risk my mother’s life. I can’t do this. It’s your own business what you want to do. Don’t drag me down. We are not the same. You and mine have different pursuits. It’s just my mother’s safety, the rest has nothing to do with me!"

When he said this, Xing Tian's voice paused, his eyes were staring at the core of the earth, staring at the body of the destiny **** and demon, and he said in a deep voice: "The destiny **** and demon, it's time for you to make a choice. I know your conspiracy. There is no grudge or hatred with you, all I want is one thing, let go of my mother, if you stop now, our well water will not violate the river, I will take the alma mater and turn around and leave!"

"Asshole, I know this lunatic can't believe it. He actually made a deal with the asshole, the Destiny God and Demon, at this time and under such circumstances. What does he think of us!" The Time God and Demon was enraged by Xingtian's actions. Reflecting endless killing intent, Xing Tian's words and actions touched his bottom line, giving him a crazy idea of ​​destroying Xing Tian!

Seeing the crazy appearance of the Time God and Demon, the Death God and Demon hurriedly stopped him, and said in a deep voice, "No, don't be angry. At this time, we don't need to be an enemy of Xingtian, a lunatic because of this little thing. Maybe in your eyes. , He is just an easy-to-kill ant, but I want to tell you, don’t be careless, the lunatic Xing Tian is not as weak as you think, and we don’t need to add an immortal enemy to ourselves. If you shoot, you will be in the calculation of the destiny gods and demons, and the situation will be even more unfavorable for us. I don't think you want to see the moment when you die!"

Regarding Xingtian’s suggestion, the Destiny God and Demon didn’t mean to compromise, and said disapprovingly: "Xingtian, do you think I would agree? If I let your mother go, you will really have no more care, I dare not. Put your own life and death on your trustworthiness. In a word, I can’t believe in you or the two **** around you. You want me to stop unless you fulfill my conditions and help me get out of this world. Come out, or we don’t have to talk!"

"Okay, very good, destiny, do you think I will be threatened by you? You should know that I don't care too much now, even if it's your mother in your hands, but don't forget, my mother's A trace of soul is already in my grasp, even if my mother dies, I can still let him regain life in my world!" When he said this, Xing Tian's voice paused, and then he sneered disdainfully: "Don't I thought that your little tricks, small calculations, I would not have noticed, would I have not noticed the trace you left in my mother's soul! Don't try to threaten me again, you are no longer qualified to threaten me!"

Before knowing the calculations of the destiny gods and demons, Xing Tian may not be too vigilant about the destiny gods and demons, but after the death gods and demons reminded him, Xing Tian fully awakened, and the first thing Xing Tian did after waking up was to observe his own chaos. If the soul of the mother in the world hadn't touched the Chaos Sea, hadn't really reversed the innate and became the innate Chaos God and Demon, Xing Tian might still not be aware of the insidious calculation of the Destiny God and Demon. After all, the power of destiny was very good.

When he heard Xing Tian’s words, Destiny’s heart became heavy. Originally, this was the final method he used to threaten Xingtian. Destiny’s destiny had full confidence in the power of his destiny. Xing Tian was aware of it, but now the situation has changed. His calculations have failed, and there is a trace of soul in his hands. Xing Tian can be said to be really worry-free, but the destiny **** and demon are not willing to give up like this. He wants to make the last one. Beat.

The destiny **** and devil sneered disapprovingly: "Hehe, if you really don’t care about it, why should you consult with me? You have a trace of soul in your hand, and you can naturally use your own world to re-incubate. You have no way to separate it. The power I left behind, you just want to use this ridiculous method to force me to compromise!"

"It seems that you and I can’t agree. Originally, I didn’t want to do anything. I didn’t want to intervene in this catastrophe. I didn’t want to care about all the causes and effects. I didn’t want to participate in the favor of you, time and death. But you have to force me, the destiny **** and demon, you are looking for all this yourself. Since you don’t want peace and don’t want to stop, then we have only one battle. Although the power of destiny is strong, my road to the end is not Weak, if you want to fight, I will fight with you. You think that the power of the core of the earth can block the time gods and demons, but it can't stop my road to the end!" At this point, Xingtian's killing intent The masterpiece, a terrible murderous intent swept across the four directions, making the time gods and the death gods feel threatened!

"Okay, great, I know that the **** of Destiny God and Demon has always been insidious and cunning, how could he have no success with Xing Tian, ​​but unfortunately, although his calculations are good, he finally failed and forced Xing Tian to us again. By the way, this time we don’t need to persuade Xing Tian to take the initiative. With Xing Tian’s road to the end, the ground check is no longer a problem for us. Prepare to take action. This time we must strangle destiny in one fell swoop, and not let him have a trace. The possibility of escape, if you let this **** escape again, you and me will be in great trouble, and no one knows what we will face next time!" At this point, the death **** demon exuded a terrible killing intent, then It is the killing intent to the destiny **** and demon.

"Yeah, this time he can't be escaped anyway, and the lesson from the last time can't be staged again. This **** is immortal. I feel uneasy. The power of the avenue of destiny is too weird and terrible. I don't want him to have any. The opportunity for rebirth, time comes out, space comes out, the power of time and space is combined, time and space are blocked!" Good guy, this time the time **** is really moving. Before the war, he directly used the origin of time and space and directly blocked this place. All of the "ants" are kept out, and the connection between the destiny and the outside world is completely broken, and the destiny and demon are not given the slightest chance to escape. Under the ban of time and space, even the earth core and the world are connected. It was cut off. Originally, this was what the Death God and Demon asked Xing Tian to do, but now it was completed by the Time God and Demon in one fell swoop. At this time, the area where the Earth's core is located is completely independent of the world.


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