God of Destruction

Chapter 4143: Dangerous

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Chapter 4, 151, Danger

"Okay, time and space are banned, but this is not safe. The power of destiny can't be underestimated. The magic way comes, the world is forbidden!" After seeing the ban of the time **** and demon, the death **** demon did not hesitate at all, and immediately used himself The Demon Dao, God Demon, added his own Demon Forbidden World to this time and space ban, giving this ban an extra layer of insurance!

As soon as the death **** and demon took action, the expression of the destiny **** and demon changed drastically. If the **** and demon had a chance to come back when the **** and demon made the move before, and now this opportunity has completely disappeared, once the forbidden world is released, the power of the magic way is completely determined. The connection between oneself and the world completely destroyed one's chance of comeback. Once such a situation emerged, the destiny **** and demon knew that he was going to work hard.

"Damn death god, do you really want to do things, you are forcing me to die with you!" The destiny **** and devil yelled frantically, as if he really had nowhere to go, struggling desperately, using this to die. The way to threaten the enemy, let the time gods and the death gods retreat, let yourself have a ray of life!

"No, this is not what the Destiny God and Demon should have. He is showing the enemy's weakness. What is this **** doing!" Xing Tian instantly became vigilant against the Destiny God and Demon's performance, and was repeatedly caught by the Destiny God and Demon. Calculating, Xing Tian had to be more vigilant and did not dare to be careless, because this enemy was too insidious, and no one knew how much he had.

Remind time gods and gods of death! No, such a thought flashed through Xingtian’s mind and gave up. It’s not that Xingtian is selfish. He wants to see the gods of time, the gods of death and the gods of destiny fight each other because it’s impossible, they all It was not a fool, but Xing Tian worried that he had voluntarily broken the calculations of the time gods and demons and rote gods and demons. Xing Tian didn't believe that these two innate **** would be deceived by this ridiculous act of the destiny gods and demons.

Just as Xing Tian was thinking, he saw the time **** and demon laughed and said: "Huh! Fate, at this time you still want to threaten us, it is ridiculous. At this point in the situation, you and I already know each other's existence, you think we Is there still a possibility of reconciliation between you and me? It’s endless between you and me. If you have any ability, just show it. If you can really pull us to death, then we will recognize it. I’m afraid you don’t have this strength. You Those "ants" under your hand are not counted on now. Don’t think that we will be unprepared for them. It is impossible to expect these ants to save you, and the origin of the world, you’re afraid you can’t move too much, because you violated it. After this world, you want to refine the son of the world and want to get involved in this world. You can only say that your own greed has completely ruined your friendship with this world. Today you are dead!"

When talking about this, the time **** and demon's expression changed, and he shouted in a deep voice: "The two daoists will not wait for the moment, the power of ban is not permanent. We must hurry up and destroy this bastard, at least here. He was destroyed before the world changed. Only by destroying this **** can we achieve what we want and complete our plan! Kill!"

As soon as the words of the time gods and demons fell, the power of time rushed towards the core of the earth frantically, and the power of time was madly obliterating the origin of the core. At this moment, the time gods and demons seem to have no reservations, and they are attacking with all their strength, as if they are not killing. The destiny swears not to stop.

When the time **** and demon moved, the death **** and demon did not hesitate. They immediately joined the battlefield. When the two of them joined hands, the core of the earth was shaken. The power of time and the magic way was frantically consuming the origin of the destiny **** and demon, and it was obliterating him. Terrible body.

As soon as the time gods and gods and death gods took action, Xing Tian naturally wouldn't stand on the sidelines, and immediately increased his attack. The spear of the end, the original treasure, madly attacked the core of the earth, and the power of the end of the road exploded with terrible combat power. Bit by bit tore through the core of the earth's defenses, the power of termination continuously impacted the soul and soul of the destiny **** and demon through the core.

Of course, Xing Tian is also constantly testing the situation in the core of the earth with the help of the power of termination, searching for the location of his mother, when the three of them work together, the core of the earth is being polished bit by bit. The origin of is being wiped out bit by bit, and the core of the earth is constantly shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if under this series of blows, the body of the destiny **** and demon is being devastated, and so on. , It will not take long before the body of the destiny **** will be destroyed!

Under the combined forces of Xingtian, Death God and Demon, and Time God and Demon, the Destiny God and Demon roared again and again, but behind this roar, the Destiny God and Demon did not counterattack at all, just relying on the earth core. The huge body resisted the three sieges, as if the destiny **** and demon were really determined to consume the enemy's origin with the huge body of the earth core, and to use the huge body and the power of the source and Xingtian and time gods and monsters. Hold on to the death god.

"Damn it, how is this possible? Under the siege of the three of us, this **** can hold on for so long. If we keep fighting like this, it will not be good for us, because this bastard's body is too large and accumulated. The origin is also too terrifying. It will take too long to destroy him with such power! And I always feel a little abnormal. With this bastard, it is impossible to be passively beaten like this forever, and there is no counterattack!" Soon! The Time God and Demon couldn't bear it, because among the three, he was the only one who was the most urgent to destroy the Destiny God and Demon, and he was also the most worried about the Destiny God and Demon and his future.

auzw.com The death **** and demon nodded and said: "Yes, this situation is really weird. This is indeed not the way of the destiny **** and demon. It is impossible for him to be so behind. There must be a conspiracy, but what this **** wants to do, is it just to delay time, just to use this huge body to consume our origin, it is a bit arrogant, it is in the power of the three of us, it is completely capable of obliterating His body, unless he has more sinister calculations!"

At this time, Xing Tian also nodded, agreeing with the words of the time gods and the death gods, but Xing Tian had limited understanding of the destiny gods and gods, and limited understanding of the powerful magical powers of the innate chaos gods and gods. Under the circumstances, Xing Tian couldn’t figure out what the destiny **** and demon were going to do. It was just such a passive challenge. It was definitely not the response that an innate chaos **** and demon should have. No innate chaos **** and demon would think that he could withstand the siege of the three powers. !

However, the destiny **** and demon’s body of the earth’s core is cut off bit by bit, which is also beneficial to Xing Tian. At least as the earth’s core continues to shrink, Xing Tian’s grasp of the mother's exploration is a little bigger, as long as he persists. Going on, it won't take long before you can reduce the core of the earth by one point, allowing you to explore a wider range.

For the destiny **** and demon, for this earth core body, every small point is a huge source of attrition. For any **** and demon, it is impossible to accept such consequences! Suddenly, Xing Tian's mind flashed, his expression changed drastically, and he shouted in a deep voice: "No, we are in the midst of it. This **** is not killing my origin at all. He is borrowing our strength. Condensing our own body, our sharpening of the core of the earth is the tempering of his body! This **** wants to use our hands to complete the transformation of the true body of the innate chaotic **** and demon! Wants to break the shackles of the world in one fell swoop!"

When he heard Xing Tian’s roar, the expressions of the time gods and the death gods and gods changed drastically. This is indeed possible, and this is indeed in line with the sinister and vicious calculations of the destiny gods and gods, once he let his earth core body complete the transformation. , To complete the aggregation of the true body of the Innate Chaos God and Demon, even if this world is not destroyed, the Destiny God and Demon can also escape from the world. The three of their own shots are the power of human calamity, as for heaven and earth calamity, right Destiny does not exist at all, because he himself is part of the world.

The time **** and demon shouted angrily: "What a destiny **** and demon, so insidious, and so vicious that he dares to use our hands to temper himself. He really didn't treat the three of us as the same thing. In his eyes, we It's just a chess piece, the chess piece he used to break free from the world. This **** is too arrogant. If we can't kill him, we're afraid it will become a big joke!"

The Death Demon shook his head and said, "No, we will not be a joke, we will be fools, and we will become the nourishment of this bastard. Once this **** breaks free from the shackles of the world, we are not his opponents at all by the strength of the three of us. He is not an ordinary Chaos God and Demon. He is the Innate Chaos God and Demon who is in charge of the avenue of destiny. Once the innate chaos true body is condensed, can we fight against it with our incomplete avenue power? We are afraid it will be a dead end!"

At this moment, Xing Tian also nodded and said: "Yes, once this **** breaks free from the shackles of the world, his power will be fully displayed. With the power of Destiny, it is enough to destroy the three of us, because at that time He can already mobilize the original power of the entire world, and then he will be the master of this world!"

"To join forces, we need to truly unite. Only by combining the strengths of the three of us can we completely destroy the Earth’s core defenses, directly hit the earth’s core source, and deal a fatal blow to the destiny gods and demons. Otherwise, the three of us are scattered. Next, not only can’t hurt this bastard, but he will also use it to temper his body and complete the aggregation of the real body of the Chaos God and Demon!” At this point, the voice of the Time God and Demon paused, and then continued for a moment: "We Among the three, the power of Daoist Xingtian is the most powerful, so the death **** and I will help Daoist Xingtian with all our strength, and exert the most terrifying power of ending the road!"

When the words of the time **** and demon fell, the death **** and demon immediately nodded and said: "It is feasible, this is indeed the best way for us to break the situation, fellow Xingtian, everything is important to the overall situation, and the destiny **** and demon is not only To use our power to refine ourselves is to use our power to refine the son of the world, that is, your mother. If you don't want to see the worst results, we can only work together. Only in this way can we truly kill the destiny. magic!"

Xing Tian frowned at the mention of Death God and Time God and Demon. Although these two **** made a lot of sense, Xing Tian couldn't believe them. These two **** are not good things. A **** cooperates, Xing Tian doesn’t know if he will be calculated by him or if he will suffer. After all, there are too many things to cross the river and bridge the bridge, especially the dispute of the great road, it is even more crazy and terrible. Hit hard, will these two **** join forces to kill themselves?

Seeing Xingtian hesitating, the death **** and demon said in a deep voice: "Friend Xingtian, what are you still hesitating? We are not fools, let alone lunatics. We will not play against you in this battle. This is not good for us. Do you think that under the current circumstances, even if we kill you and take away the origin of the destiny **** and devil, what good is it for us? This world can no longer be refined by us. As for the origin of the world, we have no idea. After all, we Not a destiny **** and demon, I don't want to be backlashed by the world!"

The death **** demon is trying his best to persuade Xing Tian, ​​hoping that Xing Tian can let go of his consideration, can cooperate with himself and the time **** and demon, and can combine the power of three people to give a fatal blow to the destiny **** and demon. There is only the end spear in Xing Tian’s hand. This can be achieved. Only the power to end the great road can severely damage the body and soul of the destiny **** and demon, and only Xing Tian can really avoid the counterattack of the world. Although they have worked together to ban the power, but They have no bottom in their hearts, and they don't know if the world's origin will be backlashed when the destiny gods and demons are in desperation, will they break the power of the ban!

"Time is running out. Why should fellow daoists hesitate? There is no conflict of interest between us, there is no conflict of interest. What is the need for us to count fellow daoists and let ourselves be hated by the sons of the world? We are not crazy. When you want to take your own life to risk, let yourself be watched by this world for a little bit of the origin of the world!" At this time, the time goddess is also anxious, because the longer the time is, the power of the destiny gods It will be stronger.

"Okay, we decide in a word. I hope that the two fellow daoists will not let me down. Maybe my strength is not as strong as the two, but if the two of them want to plot against me, they will also endure the backlash of the Great Way of Ending, and my body will be destroyed. It’s nothing, but the two fellow Taoists will be entangled in the Great Road of End!” In the face of such a situation, Xing Tian finally compromised and decided to cooperate with these two chaotic gods and demons, but Xing Tian put the ugly words on the front. The stakes show that he is not without the ability to fight back, and he does not care about the destruction of this body, so as to warn the other party not to act rashly. He is not a weak person, and has enough strength to pull them to death, so that they cannot escape the impact of death!


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