God of Destruction

Chapter 4144: Festival crazy

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The fourth thousand one hundred and fifty-two chapters are crazy

"Damn, he was threatened by this madman. He is really arrogant. Even me and death dared to threaten him. It seems that this madman really has nothing to do with him. There is only the Son of the World in his heart. Forget it. A madman usually cares about it, lest he be targeted, and wasted his time and energy, this time I will bear it!" Faced with the dangerous situation in front of him, the time **** demon still chose to compromise, not with Xingtian's madness. General knowledge of the disciples!

Of course, not only the time gods and demon made such a choice, but also the death gods and demon. In such a dangerous environment, their greatest enemy is the weird and terrifying destiny **** and demon in front of them, not Xingtian, who has been A madman whose family affects his head and caress about a madman is joking about his own life. No one would do that.

I saw that the Time God and Demon smiled indifferently and said: "I will naturally not let Daoists down, and hope that Daoists will not let us down and try to trick our companions. This kind of situation will not happen to us, especially this. Under the general environment, it will not appear. Fellow Daoists can put their heart in their stomachs, fearing that Fellow Daoists cannot break the defenses of the destiny gods and demons, and cannot inflict heavy injuries on him. You must know that this battle is no small matter. , There won’t be another chance. The madman, Destiny God and Demon, will directly get rid of this unfavorable situation, and will use our power to complete the final transformation of God and Demon!"

The Death Demon also nodded and sighed softly: "Yes, the situation is so dangerous. We only have one chance. We all underestimated this **** before. We have to admit that the calculations of the Destiny Demon are too powerful. Teasing is in the palm of the hand, everything we do is in his calculations, this time I’m afraid it’s no exception, so we must do our best to directly destroy this bastard’s defenses with the momentum of Mount Tai. His future!"

Destroying the future is an endless hatred. For practitioners, they will not do such crazy things as a last resort, but for Xingtian, the gods of time and the gods of death, there is not so much consideration. Because they had an unending confrontation with the destiny **** and demon in front of them from the very beginning, it would not be a big deal for them even if they focused on hatred.

"Don't worry, I know what I should do, and I won't break serious things because of selfishness, and for me, if the defense of the destiny is not broken, there will be no chance to save my mother. You can rest assured that in this case We have the same position on the matter. My Xingtian will definitely not hold you back. I will definitely try my best to let the destiny **** and demon know again and again what price my Xingtian will pay. No one can If you don’t pay the price after plotting against me, his destiny will not succeed. No matter how strong the road of destiny is, my Xingtian will fight to the end and fight!"

A low voice fell, Xing Tian’s fighting spirit burst, and the terrible fighting spirit rose to the sky. This is Xing Tian’s voice, this is Xing Tian’s decision. Faced with danger, he still fights to death. Nothing can make Xing Tian shrink back.

At this time, Xing Tian knew in his heart that this was his last war in this world, and also the most important one. This battle could not have any reservations. He had to do his best to pay for this battle, even though he was around him. These two allies are very unreliable, but Xing Tian understands that without their help, he would not be able to achieve his wish in this battle!

"Let’s start, we will succeed in this battle between the two fellow Taoists. The Great Way of Ending will come, and the Spear of Ending will come out!" Xing Tian cried out, and the Spear of Ending appeared in his hands again, and at the same time, Xing Tian’s The Avenue of Power and the Avenue of Stars are also fully activated, and even their own chaotic clone is also activated, giving themselves the greatest help.

With Xingtian’s move, the Death God and the Time God and Demon looked at each other, and they both saw a hint of shock from each other’s eyes. They were all shocked by the power of Xing Tian’s outbreak this time. Although Xingtian’s power was not as powerful as theirs. , But has the ability to threaten their lives, Xing Tian's progress is so fast, it is almost shocking them.

Killing with a knife, and purge Xingtian with the hand of the destiny god? No, such thoughts did not appear in the hearts of these two people. For them, although Xingtian is a threat, the threat of Xingtian is not as great as that of destiny. The most important thing is that they have no confidence in pitting Xingtian to death. If they fail , The consequences are even more disastrous, so they will not act rashly!

"War, the magic way comes, the magic way is blessed, the origins are merged and united!" The death **** and demon shouted, the power of the magic way came, and the origin madly poured into the spear of termination in Xing Tian's hands, and fully assisted Xing Tian to urge the termination of it. The power of the spear.

At the same time, the time **** and demon also shouted in a deep voice: "The time road descends, the space path descends, time and space merge, the source blessing, unity!" As the time **** and demon shout, the power of time and space origin is also blessed at the end of Xingtian. On the spear, for an instant, the Spear of Ending shines, the power of time and space is integrated into it, and the power of the magic way is integrated into it, and combined with Xingtian's own power, the entire Spear of Ending exudes terrifying power, even if it is the **** of time and the **** of death. Modu was shocked by this sharpness!

auzw.com"It’s terrible, it’s horrible. I didn’t expect that a junior boy could condense such a terrifying Avenue of End, and walk so far on the Avenue of End, that his Avenue of End was really out of the way. Our own path and even our original affairs can be perfectly integrated into it. It seems that we really underestimate this lunatic!" When seeing such a sharp end spear, the death **** demon couldn't help but sighed. Whispering in secret with the time **** and demon.

The time **** demon nodded and said, "Yeah, it's terrible, it's crazy. It's incredible that a junior kid has such ability and supernatural powers, but it's just so terrifying. The Spear of Ending will have the opportunity to end the defense of the Destiny God and Demon, and be able to inflict real heavy damage on him. Otherwise, once the conspiracy of the Destiny God and Demon is allowed to succeed, you and I have only one dead end, and the Destiny Demon will not let us go. !"

The death **** and demon sighed and said: "Friend Time, to be honest, this time I really felt shocked, and also shocked by this final catastrophe. In such a crazy catastrophe, you say we really deserve it. To be able to go to the end, really to be able to transcend the world, to survive this catastrophe? Even a junior has such a terrible power, with such an amazing Dao practice, do we really have a chance? Really Can you stand on top of the world again?"

Hearing this, the time **** demon shook his head slightly and said, "I don't know, the changes today are really terrible. I don't know what the end result will be, and I don't know how we will end up. , You must know that the destiny **** and demon is sinister and cunning, and can do anything. You can imagine that he will be crazy enough to attack the son of the world, want to refine the son of the world, and succeed under your eyes. If it weren't for the sudden outbreak of the lunatic Xingtian, I'm afraid we don't even know the existence of the bastard, the destiny **** and demon, when we know it, that is when we die!"

"Yes, this time, no matter what, we have to kill the Destiny God and Demon, and only the power of the Spear of End can end the core and the body of the Destiny God and Demon. Don't be distracted. Let's fight with all our strength and take us out. The ultimate power is devoted to all our bodies and minds, immortal, unless we fall, otherwise, we will be immortal with the destiny gods and demons!” At this point, the death gods and demons exudes a faint aura, this moment he really I began to devote myself to this battle, and I really had to help Xing Tian at all costs, in order to be able to kill the destiny **** and demon and achieve his wish!

In fact, the death gods and demons were still concerned and worried before, afraid that Xingtian would not be able to fulfill his wish. The power of the Spear of End could not integrate his own power source, and could not explode the power that threatened the life of the destiny, but now he I can finally let go of my heart, I can finally fight with all my strength, and I can devote myself to this battle!

Seeing the spiritual light on the death **** and demon, the time **** and demon couldn't help but sighed slightly. He was also greatly shocked by the death **** and demon's performance, knowing that he has always been guarding the death **** and demon, and the death **** and demon He is also defending himself, but now the Death God and Demon has put down this vigilance, put down all precautions, and devoted himself to this battle, putting his own life and death away, and really wants to live and die with the Destiny God and Demon. In the duel, if you are malicious at this time and have the ability to kill the death gods and demons, how can such determination not to shock the time gods and demons!

"Haha! Even the Death God and Demon can devote themselves to this battle so wholeheartedly. What do I have to worry about? What else can I take into consideration? I am the enemy that Destiny Demon wants to kill most, death. What the gods and demons can do, I can do it too!” When these words fell, the time gods and demons also exuded a faint aura, and devoted themselves to this battle, fully cooperating with Xingtian’s attack. , To help Xing Tian stabilize the power of the Spear of End.

The Spear of End, which integrates the origins of many avenues, is even more dangerous than it appears on the surface. It is necessary to know that using the ultimate treasure of life to carry the avenue of others will detonate the original source even if it is careless. Having said that, this is also why Xing Tian did not use himself to alleviate the original power of the death gods and time gods, because Xingtian could not do it, and his physical body could not withstand the terrible impact. He really had to do so to kill himself. And now Xing Tian is also on the verge of death.

Seeing the crazy behavior of Xing Tian's trio, the destiny **** and demon horrified and frightened: "Asshole, how dare these three lunatics do this? How dare to integrate their own avenues into a treasure of origin. Xingtian is a lunatic. I am not afraid that my original treasure will be severely damaged under the First World War, and their own avenues will be damaged. Is there no possibility of improvement? They really can ignore the threat of death, even if they pay a heavy price, they will pull me to death!"

In the eyes of the destiny **** and demon, these three **** are going to die with them. In his opinion, no matter how hard the three people try to stabilize the Spear of End, it is impossible not to cause a little conflict. As long as the conflict is together, it will inevitably lead to the three People are backlashed, and then the roads of the three of them will be damaged, and they will all fall into the crisis of death. Of course, the person who bears the attack will not be better. No matter how strong the defense of the earth core is, it will be terrible. Destroyed by impact!

escape! The destiny **** and demon cannot do it, because the time and space here has been banned, and his body is the core of the world, unable to move at all, unless he is willing to go out of his body and give up the core body, just doing so will cause himself to die more Hurry, without the protection of the body, his soul cannot escape the killing of Xingtian’s spear of termination, and he cannot escape from the attack of the road of termination. The power of termination can completely end his soul and let himself be Death!

remorse! The heart of the destiny **** and demon could not help but give birth to endless regrets. I knew that these three **** were so crazy, I shouldn't provoke them again and again, and shouldn't let the situation fall into the current situation. In addition, I knew that Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, could take his own life at risk, and I shouldn’t even calculate him. Unfortunately, it’s too late. The attacks of Xing Tian, ​​the time gods and the death gods have been condensed. The Spear of End is slowly coming towards him.

Yes, at this moment, the Spear of End is slowly advancing towards the core of the earth under the guidance of Xingtian, Death God and Demon, and Time God and Demon. Every time it advances, time and space are trembling, and the power of the Spear of End is all time and space. To the end, it can be seen how terrifying and terrifying the power contained in the spear of ending, and how amazing the pressure these three lunatics are under!

For Xingtian and Time Gods and Demons, and Death Gods and Demons, every time they advance the Spear of End, they will be under great pressure. You must know that the Spear of Ending now truly condenses the origins of their three Chaos Gods and Demons. The power to kill the gods, this kind of power can end any creature, how much power they will bear, it can be said that they are living like years now! No, it should be every minute, every second is as long as a year. Their bodies and souls are under tremendous pressure and impact. If it is not for their firm will, if it is not for their physical strength, they are all With a complete body of the Chaos God and Demon, under such pressure and impact, they have long collapsed. After all, they are facing the core of the world, the power of the destiny of the Destiny God and Demon!


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