God of Destruction

Chapter 4145: Fight for life

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Chapter Four Thousand and Fifty Three

"These three **** bastards, if it weren't for them to press on, I wouldn't be in such a crisis. I can't let these three **** continue to gather, or it will be unimaginable. The power of the Spear of End is really good. End my life in one fell swoop!” Seeing that the power of Xingtian’s Spear of Ending continued to increase, the Destiny God and Demon couldn’t help becoming more fearful and uneasy. He also understood that the situation cannot be allowed to deteriorate and the three of them cannot continue to strengthen the Spear of End. Power, it’s just not easy to do this. After all, the power of Destiny God and Demon cannot affect these three people, nor can it affect those'ants'!

"Do you really have to take this last move? Really want to abandon the original treasure that you have finally condensed?" Destiny is muttering to himself. For him, the only way to resolve the crisis is to abandon himself. The source of the treasure, use his source of treasure as a means to destroy Xingtian's spear of ending, and vent that terrible power!

After a while, the Destiny God and Demon sighed and sighed sadly: "Forget it, I have no choice. If I drag on, I am more dangerous. Isn't it just a treasure of origin? Compared with my own life, it is not worth mentioning. !"

Between the treasure and life, the destiny gods and demon still chose their lives. After all, there is only one life. If you fail this time, you will inevitably be surrounded by Xingtian, death gods and gods, and time gods and devils. There will never be a trace A chance to survive, and after breaking Xingtian’s Spear of End and venting that powerful force, he still has a chance to live again, and he can rely on his huge body to come back, or even go further, as long as he has enough time after all , You can complete your own transformation!

"Damn bastard, this is what you forced me, since you don't give me a way to survive, then everyone will die together, give me out, the wheel of fate appears, the road of fate comes, the verdict of fate!" With the madness of the destiny **** Roaring, a stream of light flew out from the core of the earth. It was the original treasure of the destiny **** and demon, the wheel of fate. As soon as this treasure came out, it rushed directly to Xingtian’s spear of end, and the light of fate fell on the spear of end Above, a powerful force of destiny is impacting Xing Tian and their hearts!

"Damn, this destiny **** and demon really made the craziest decision to share life and death with us. Once the wheel of fortune comes out, the final verdict of the avenue of destiny comes. This is an endless battle, but this wheel of fortune has some power. No, if he really has to work hard to pull us to death, it is impossible to have only this little power!" For an instant, Xing Tian frowned involuntarily, a little confused about such an attack, only with this little power of fate, Can't cause damage to the gods and gods who still have time, or even the souls of the three of them, how can such power threaten their lives!

"No, take back the Spear of End! Destiny, the madman, is going to explode the wheel of fate. He is not going to die with us at all, but to destroy the Spear of End. Without the Spear of End, we can hardly threaten By the life of the destiny **** and demon, he has enough time to complete his own transformation!" In contrast, the time **** and demon still have a good understanding of the destiny and demon, and he can see the conspiracy of the destiny and demon in an instant. Direct audible reminder.

"I still underestimated the madness of an Innate Chaos God and Demon, and underestimated his decisiveness!" Xing Tian sighed lightly, but he couldn't help heavier in his heart and retracted the Spear of End. This is easier said than done. At this time, this Under this circumstance, what kind of power would I use to retract the Spear of End, and even if I wanted to retract everything, it was too late. The Destiny God and Demon had already made a move. With his power, with this move, he had no room for recovery. , Everything will develop in the worst direction.

No matter whether it is Xingtian, time **** or death god, there is no way to prevent this from happening, because the wheel of fortune of destiny **** and demon came too fast to give them a chance to respond. I hit the Spear of End, and at the moment of the impact, the wheel of fortune exploded, and the terrible impact directly battered the hearts and minds of Xingtian, Time God and Death God, and directly caused terrible trauma to them. .

The trauma above the soul refers directly to the soul. If it cannot be healed, one's own path of cultivation will be cut off. I have to say that the destiny is cruel and poisonous. Of course, neither is the destiny who fights hard. Feeling good, he exploded the original treasure, his destiny road was completely destroyed and incomplete, and it is impossible to use the road of destiny to prove and control the destiny of the world!

"Asshole, destiny, this **** gave up the avenue of destiny and cut the avenue of destiny. This is to pull us to death!" The wounded death **** and demon roared frantically, and the roar was filled with endless resentment. With anger. Originally thought that the power of the three people could slay the destiny **** and demon and destroy this powerful enemy, but in a flash, such a reversal occurred. Such a result made the death **** and demon unacceptable, and made him extremely angry and angry. Unwilling!

The time **** demon said in a deep voice: "It is the power of the world. The **** destiny uses the power of the world. He has taken the power of the world from the son of the world. Although it is not much, it is enough to break a little bondage. We all underestimated this. Bastard, he underestimated his madness, this time we failed without complaining, it was our own carelessness!"

main idea? Xing Tian, ​​death gods and demons still have time, are they really careless? No, they didn’t. It’s not that they were careless, but the enemy was too cunning and insidious, and their successors were one after another. In the endless years, the Destiny God and Demon really had to prepare a lot of assassins for themselves. It will fail, it will hurt.

"Fortunately, even though we are traumatized by our hearts, the destiny gods and demons are also uncomfortable. His path of destiny is completely over, and his soul is bound to be damaged. Now he can only rely on this earth core body, as long as he can destroy it. With this earth-core body, he will definitely die, and there is no possibility of turning over again!" Soon, the time **** and demon saw through the current situation of the destiny **** and demon, and just wanted to destroy the earth-core body of the destiny **** and demon, this is still one The big problem, after all, Xingtian’s road to the end has been damaged, and I am afraid it will be difficult to continue the fight. Without the spear of the end, they will lose the opportunity to kill the destiny gods and demons!

auzw.com "Damn it, how could this be? Fate, this **** can turn around in desperation, can survive from death, I am not reconciled!" The death **** is also yelling frantically He was not reconciled to such a result, nor could he accept it!

"Daoist Xingtian’s spear of ending was damaged, and the Great Way of Ending was wounded. It is impossible to recover in a short time. Moreover, the batter of the **** destiny also hurt the soul of Daoist Xingtian. Since then, we really have There is no power to threaten the bastard's destiny. I have to say that this **** is indeed strong enough and sinister enough!" Although he was unwilling in his heart, the **** of time had to admit the power of the **** of destiny, and the sinister and cunning of the other party.

"Just give up like this, I am not reconciled. This is the best opportunity to kill destiny. If we miss this time, we will never have another chance. When this bastard's body is completely transformed, our situation will be in danger, even if It’s his destiny that was shattered, but the true body of the **** and demon transformed from the core of the earth is enough to threaten our lives!" The death **** and demon roared unwillingly, venting the unwillingness in his heart, and his state of mind was already Damaged, there are already signs of enchantment!

"Enough, stop yelling like this, is it useful? Even if you are not reconciled, it will not help. This is the ending. We cannot change the ending. I want to kill the **** of fate more than you, but we failed. , We must accept this result. If you want to destroy yourself, go ahead!” For the time god, although there is a struggle with the death god, under this situation, he still stands up to remind Death god.

When he heard the words of the time **** and demon, the expression of the death **** and demon changed drastically, and he immediately woke up from that anger, and realized his own fault. This is the power of the demon way, the backlash of the demon way, and his own mind. Under the fall, he was backlashed by the magic way.

Just when the time gods and the death gods were both angry and unwilling, Xing Tian suddenly said, "No, we haven't completely failed yet, we still have a chance, but I don't know if the two Taoists are willing to pay a higher price! "

When Xing Tian's words fell, the eyes of the Time God and the Death God and Demon burst into light, staring at Xing Tian in a deep voice, and said, "Xing Tian Dao Fellow has a way? As long as he can kill the **** of Fate, he will pay no more. We are willing to bear the big price. If he does not die, we will be uneasy. If he does not die, we will suffer!"

Xing Tian nodded and said: "Yes, I do have a way, and this way happens to come from the destiny **** and demon. He can abandon his own destiny, and he can explode his origin and treasure. Then why can't we do it? The two Taoists may not Dare to do this, because your original treasure not only carries your own avenue, but also your original source, but I am different. If you two can abandon part of your avenue, you can kill the magical powers and space avenues in the time avenue. The killing magic power and the killing magic power of the magic path are separated and integrated into my original treasure of the end spear, then the most powerful power of the end road can be restored for a short time, and everything can be destroyed, no matter how strong the earth core is, it will be terminated !"

"Hey!" When they heard Xing Tian's words, the time **** and the death **** and demon couldn't help but gasped. They were shocked by Xingtian's madness. They all knew how crazy the consequences of doing so were. How horrible, Xing Tian did this, and his road to the end would collapse, and this practice of the road to the end would be completely shattered.

Seeing that the time gods and gods and the death gods and gods have not answered, Xing Tian said in a deep voice: "Why, two fellow daoists dare not do this and are unwilling to pay such a price, even though you have stripped away the magical powers of your own way. , It will have an impact on your cultivation, but compared to killing the destiny **** demon, this price is not worth mentioning, he is our greatest enemy!"

Taking a deep breath, the time **** demon said in a deep voice: "Friend Xingtian, you can think clearly, you should understand the consequences of doing this. We will indeed pay a heavy price for this, but the end of the meeting It's worse than us. In all likelihood, you will be completely shattered by the end of your body, and even endanger your life!"

The Death God and Demon also nodded and said: "Yes, Fellow Xingtian should think clearly. Although we can't kill the **** of Destiny God and Demon alive, we don't want fellow Daoists to take such a risk. Of course, this is not the case. How kind we are, but the choice of fellow Daoists is crazy. If we are not well controlled, we will all be destroyed by the power to end the avenue. If there is no absolute certainty, fellow Daoists better not have this crazy idea!"

Xing Tian laughed and said: "Hahaha! Absolute certainty, there is absolute certainty in this world. If we are afraid of death and dare not take action, then we can only watch the conspiracy of the destiny **** and demon succeed, even though this **** The avenue of destiny is shattered, but the two must not forget that apart from the ban, there is also a group of local powerhouses, who can guarantee that they will not be controlled by the destiny! If this happens, the two are still confident Can you retreat all over?"

It is impossible to retreat all over! Not only that, even their lives will be left behind. If it is the heyday, the time gods and the death gods don't care about the existence of these'ants', but now their hearts are traumatized and their strength is shaved. Most of the time, under this situation, if you are besieged by those "ants", I am afraid that you will die forever!

"Damn, how could I forget that there are still those'ant's." Friends Xingtian said rightly. There is no absolute certainty in this world. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, we should all fight for it. As long as we kill the **** of destiny, For us, there is no threat of death, and those "ants" are nothing to worry about! Fight!" Soon the gods and demons woke up. This time is not a time of shrinking, not a time to preserve strength. If you do this Now, that is self-defeating.

"Well, even fellow Xingtian Daoist has such determination. They dare to risk their own lives and practice gambling with themselves. What can we not bear? Isn't it just killing magical powers, so what if we give up? As long as we live, we can still I have returned to practice again, and I agree!” Under the threat of external forces, the death **** and demon also made a choice and agreed to Xing Tian’s crazy suggestion. In contrast, Xing Tian was under more pressure and danger than theirs. It's much bigger, and it's also much more terrifying. Under such circumstances, what else can he hesitate about!


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