God of Destruction

Chapter 4146: Betrayal

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Chapter 4154 Betrayal

Is punishment crazy? Make such a crazy decision at this time and risk your life? It's not that Xing Tian is crazy, but there is a vague feeling in Xing Tian's heart, this is an opportunity, an opportunity to let himself break and stand up, let himself end the opportunity to go further, although this opportunity is accompanied by great terror and great danger , But Xing Tian didn’t want to give up, because this was not just his own problem, but also his mother’s problem, so he had to go forward!

"War! The Great Road of Ending comes, and the Spear of Ending appears!" With a deep cry, the origin of Xing Tian surging frantically again, the terrifying power returned again, and this time when the Spear of End appeared in Xing Tian's hands, it was obviously already A little bleak, even a little flawed, and when the Spear of End appeared, a trace of blood flowed from the corners of Xing Tian’s mouth. It was obvious that Xing Tian’s clone of the King of End was backlashed, and the Great Way of End was backlashed. Forcibly condensing the Great Way to end, causing damage to Xing Tian's King of Ending clone, but Xing Tian did not stop because of this, and still persisted.

"I don’t know how to wait!" Seeing that the Time God and Demon didn’t cooperate with him in time, Xing Tian couldn’t help but exclaimed. Time waits for no one. The longer the delay, the more disadvantaged he is. After all, he The strength of his body is limited!

"Friend Xingtian, can you hold on?" Seeing the trace of blood at the corner of Xingtian's mouth, the time **** demon had a faint retreat in his heart. He didn't want to forcefully do it after knowing it was a failure, taking his own origin and taking himself. To make a bet!

Without waiting for Xingtian’s answer, the death **** and demon shouted in a deep voice: “Enough, when is this? You still have this hesitation in your heart. Of the three of us, you are the most stressed, but you are hesitant to give me Open, the origin of the magic way is divided, melt it for me!"

With a deep drink, the death **** and demon did not hesitate, and directly separated the killing magic power in his magic way, and directly hit the spear of ending in Xingtian's hand. When the magic way was integrated, the spear of ending was light. In the masterpiece, the defect is quickly repaired, and the spear of the end reappears before the sharpness, giving people a feeling of ending the common people!

With this move by the Death God and Demon, the Time God and Demon couldn't help but sighed secretly. At this time, he couldn't help but back down. If he retreats, I'm afraid that the target of the Spear of Ending to destroy is not the Destiny God and Demon, but his own master of time Gods and demons.

"Never mind! Since the death gods and Xingtian are so crazy, they don't hesitate to fight, what else do I have to hesitate about? Even if it fails, Xingtian is the one who suffers the most, not me!" I have to say this At that time, the **** and demon had other thoughts in his mind, and he had begun to forget his determination during the decisive battle. He had already begun to think about things after this life-and-death duel. Such thoughts appeared in the center of such a battle, which is betrayal. Start!

"Damn! The **** of Time God and Demon can't believe it, he can't be prepared without any preparations. This **** seems to be immortal with Destiny and Demon, but when it comes to this final battle, he has strange thoughts in his heart!" When he noticed the abnormality of the Time God and Demon, Xing Tian couldn't help but become vigilant, and he was more defensive against the Time God and Demon!

Not only is Xing Tian guarded in his heart, so is the Death God and Demon. You must know that in the final battle, there were countless betrayals. The time God and Demon’s hesitation was obviously because of an unease in his heart, otherwise Based on the cause and effect between the time gods and the destiny, he can't hesitate, but will stand up and destroy the destiny the first time!

"Peel the time and space supernatural powers, melt it for me!" With the deep cry of the time and space magical powers, a space-time supernatural power separated from him and directly merged into the spear of termination in Xingtian's hands. When this supernatural power was integrated, it ended. The breath of the spear grew a bit stronger, and the blood stains at the corner of Xing Tian's mouth also expanded a bit, and he was under greater impact.

"Damn, I know that the time gods and demons can't believe it. The magical powers he stripped are not the most powerful time and space killing magical powers. He really can afford to be unreasonable. He really has to count me and the death gods and demons!" At the time of the change, Xing Tian sneered again and again, completely murdering the time **** and demon. After all, Xing Tian didn't want to be tricked by such a bastard!

This is the human heart, this is the great calamity. In this great calamity, the change of the human heart is the most terrible. Now the time **** and demon Qiaqia proved this. His reaction made Xing Tian no longer hold on to this battle. Fantasy, the war is not over yet, the time gods and demons are thinking about things after the war, and they want to retain their strength and prepare for the death of the destiny gods and demons.

What does the time **** do this for? Naturally, it is for the origin of the destiny **** and demon, for this core body, it is obvious that the time **** and demon want to get rid of Xingtian and death **** and demon, want to monopolize all the benefits, it is not what he said before, as long as it can No matter how great the price is paid to kill the destiny **** and demon, no matter how great it is.

Not only Xingtian felt the impropriety of Time God and Demon with the help of the Spear of End, even the Death God and Demon who helped Xing Tian fully sensed the retention of Time God and Demon. But now that the war is about to start, the Death God and Demon cannot stop. Can be more vigilant and guard against the Time God and Demon, and while doing precautions, the Death God and Demon secretly informs Xing Tian, ​​warns Xing Tian of the sneak attack by the Time God and Demon, and tells Xing Tian that the Time God and Demon have retained their strength and have different intentions!

Didn't the death **** and demon ever think about plotting against Xingtian and time **** and demon, and seizing the origin of destiny **** and demon? No, he also thought about it. It’s just that the **** of death understands that this is difficult to succeed. You must know that in such a battle, it is difficult to preserve your strength from being discovered by your companions, let alone being noticed. So, it is possible to fall into a crisis!

auzw.com Don’t look at the death **** and demon reminding Xing Tian for the first time, but in the death **** and devil’s heart, he understands that Xing Tian absolutely perceives the abnormality of the time **** and demon, and the killing magic power of the time and space road is not like this. Weak, but Xing Tian didn't say anything, as if he really didn't know it. This is enough to show that Xing Tian is also calculating, and he is calculating the time **** and devil!

"The great avenue is unified, the end is coming, and the origin is merged!" A low voice resounded from Xing Tian's mouth, and the light above the Spear of End was a masterpiece. When the Dao of Ending once again descended on the treasure of origin, the rules of the avenue enveloped the entire Spear of End. , Both the magical powers and the time-space magical powers were swallowed up at this moment, and they were transformed into the origin of the end of the avenue.

"Human spear unite, end all things, and annihilate it for me!" After swallowing the magical powers of time **** and demon, Xingtian and human spear merged into a stream of light and rushed directly to the core of the earth. This time Xingtian personally controlled The Spear of End, mastering this treasure of origin based on itself, to penetrate the defense of the Destiny God and Demon, breaking through the huge core body of the Destiny God and Demon!

"Hey! What is Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic doing, how can he do this? With the combination of man and spear, he is not afraid that his own gods and demons will collapse under the big road backlash. He really doesn't worry about the tricks of the time gods and demons in his heart?" After seeing the unity of Xing Tian and human spears, the brows of the Death God and Demon couldn't help but frowned, and he felt a little uneasy!

"No, Xing Tian must have something to follow, and he has full certainty to calculate the time **** and demon. Maybe he is one person and spear to confuse the time **** and demon and let him jump out!" Soon the death **** and demon came out again! A new idea, but he thinks that his idea is the most correct. This is Xingtian’s bureau. For the time **** and devil’s bureau, as long as the greed in the heart of the time **** and demon is still there, he will definitely step into Xingtian’s place. In this trap.

"Haha! He is indeed a junior. He doesn't know the cruelty of the Great Tribulation. What kind of family affection is the most important thing. Is it important to have one's own life? If you want to save your mother, I will fulfill you. It's just a destiny. The origin of Xing Tian belongs to me, and this spear of ending will become my trophy!" When he saw the combined blow of Xing Tian and human spears, the Time God and Demon sneered secretly. In his eyes, Xing Tian was a chess piece. A chess piece manipulated by oneself.

Yes, under a fierce confrontation, the evil thoughts in the heart of the time **** and demon took the upper hand, no longer wanted to abide by the agreement, but wanted to monopolize all the benefits, and even wanted to take the opportunity to annihilate Xingtian and annihilate the death **** and demon. If Xingtian, Death Gods and Demons and Destiny Gods and Demons can all be killed in this battle, the origins they have left will certainly bring great benefits to Time Gods and Demons, allowing him to further his Dao practice. Under the temptation of huge profits, the time **** and demon made such a calculation!

"Damn Xingtian, do you really want to die with me as a lunatic? Don't you know the consequences of doing this? If you are willing to let go, I am willing to let go of your mother!" When Xingtian threatened the spear of ending Next time, the destiny **** and demon finally compromised, and finally frightened, and began to beg Xing Tian for mercy, wanting Xing Tian to stop!

Just listen, Xing Tian sighed: "It's too late, everything is too late. If you were willing to do this before, none of this would happen. Now I can't help myself, I can't help myself, this is what you asked for. Fight, this is the final battle between you and me, an unchangeable battle. End the great road, end the common people, and die! Die! Die!"

As Xing Tian’s voice fell, Xing Tian, ​​a human spear united into one, directly collided with the core of the earth. Xing Tian’s figure disappeared instantly, and the spear of ending disappeared. A hole appeared in the core of the earth. The result of being penetrated by the Spear of End. Yes, Xing Tian succeeded, and the combination of man and spear finally penetrated the body of the destiny **** and demon!

"Hahaha, the lunatic Xing Tian succeeded, died, we succeeded, we took this opportunity to jointly kill the destiny **** and demon!" When Xing Tian hole opened the defense of the destiny **** and demon earth core body, the time **** and demon laughed He said, as if he was really happy for Xingtian’s success, but behind this joy there was a sinister murderous intent. This was a murderous intent against the death **** and demon. He wanted to attack the death **** and demon, and he wanted to kill death. The gods and demons were caught off guard!

Before the death **** and demon could answer, the time **** and demon instantly came to the death **** and demon's side. At the moment he came, the origin of time and space manifested and time and space were banned. The death **** and demon was attacked by the time **** and demon. The gods and demons finally exposed their most evil side, and finally dealt with their "allies"!

At this time, the Destiny God and Demon hadn't died yet, and the Time God and Demon couldn't help but the greed in his heart actively jumped out. It can be seen that the Time God and Demon are sinister and vicious. Perhaps everything in his heart is a foregone conclusion, regardless of Xingtian or Destiny. Regardless of the devil, it is no longer a threat, and his biggest threat is only the death **** and devil, so the time **** and devil will attack the death **** and devil as soon as possible!

"Hmph, I have known that you **** is unreliable. I want to count on me. It's just a daydream, open it to me, the realm of the magic way, the magic is over the world!" Facing the sneak attack by the time gods and monsters, the death gods sneered again and again. , Directly opened his own demon realm, blocked the sneak attack of the time **** and demon, breaking the calculation of the time **** and demon!

"Damn, how is this possible, how would you know that I will sneak attack you!" When his sneak attack failed, the time **** and demon's mind was in a mess. This is not the result of his plan. In his plan, there are mental calculations. , The death **** and demon would be seriously injured if they did not die, instead of blocking their own sneak attack so easily now!

The death **** demon sneered and said: "Hmph, nothing is impossible. You as a **** is not worthy of my trust. The most important thing is that you still preserve your strength in this decisive battle. If you don't have ghosts in your heart, how can you It is a big joke to do such a move and want to attack me, but now that we have torn the skin, our decisive battle has been advanced. Come on, let me see what is so powerful about your time-space avenue. Take a look at how powerful the power you have been hiding!"

When he heard these words, the expression of the Time God and Demon became extremely gloomy. At this time, he couldn't help thinking of Xing Tian. His methods could not even conceal the death of the God and Demon. How could Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, not know about Xing Tian. The lunatic is in charge of the spear of the end, the source of the treasure, how could he not notice his hiding? Since this lunatic knows, why is he still so crazy, and has to fight to the death with the destiny?

"No, there is a conspiracy. The lunatic Xingtian has a conspiracy, and he stepped into this lunatic trap!" For a moment, the time **** demon couldn't help but feel terrified and uneasy. At the same time, there was also a trace of regret in his heart. It should be greedy, but unfortunately it’s too late to regret now. Everything has happened. At this time, I can’t retreat if I want to retreat. My retreat has been broken, and there is no possibility of remission. Both sides can only die endlessly. And now the Death God and Demon has taken action!


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