God of Destruction

Chapter 4147: Anger

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Chapter 4, 155, Anger

There is a conspiracy, there is indeed a conspiracy, but it is a pity that the time gods and demons can't see clearly. Now Xing Tian has disappeared before his eyes, has penetrated into the core of the earth, and has already confronted the destiny gods and demons. Trust, so the death **** and demon would not hesitate to break through the time **** and demon, so that they would mock the other party in this way.

The decisive battle is advanced. Although it seems that the death **** and demon are going to lose the wind, after all, he really stripped his own killing magic power, and the time **** and demon did not have, but the time **** and demon did not dare to devote himself to this confrontation. Because he has fear in his heart, he is afraid of external forces, Xingtian and the destiny of the demon, for the time demon, whether it is Xingtian’s success or the final victory of the destiny, it is not good for him, and will let him It is in crisis!

"Damn it, this is a trap set by you and the lunatic Xingtian. Are you calculating me?" The time **** demon roared angrily, his eyes fixed on the death **** and demon, the fire of anger seemed to be about the death **** The demon burned.

The death **** and demon sneered disdainfully: "Hehe, it's ridiculous. You made a betrayal, but you want to shirk the responsibility on others. It seems that there is really something wrong with your character. A big problem, I can definitely I’m telling you, I have nothing to do with Xingtian, nor have I thought about calculating you. It’s your own greed and ruining everything you have. If it wasn’t for your greed in your heart, you want to kill us all, and want to sit back. Li, how could you get into such a situation? If you can hide again, wait until the decisive battle between Xingtian and the destiny **** and demon is over, and then make a decision, maybe your destiny will change. Unfortunately, greed makes you forget What is fear, let you take the initiative to jump out and attack me, let you completely betray everyone!"

Yes, all of this is the fault of the time **** and demon himself. It is that he himself is too greedy. If he is not so greedy, Kong Xing will not fall into this dilemma, but his betrayal has not given the death **** and demon. It brings too much pressure and shock, because all this has already been expected by the death **** and demon, and the death **** and demon has already been prepared.

The previous sneak attack did not succeed. It is not an easy task for the time **** and demon to kill the death **** and demon. The pressure he has to face is much greater, and it is also much more terrifying, not only facing death. The counterattack of the gods and demons must be guarded against changes that occur at any time. This is not only Xing Tian but also the destiny gods and demons, but also pressure from the world.

If the time gods and demon, death gods and demon and Xingtian joined forces to deal with the destiny gods and demons before, this can be recognized by the world and can alleviate the pressure of the world on itself. Now the time gods and demon betrayed this alliance, and then he It is bound to be targeted by the world. After all, the betrayal of the time **** and demon exposed his crazy ambition and made the world uneasy!

"Death, we should talk about it. There is no need to fight to death and life. After all, you have nothing to lose. You can't commit endless battles with me for this little thing!" When the power is stronger than others, the time gods and demons have to be soft and have to Bow your head.

"Haha! Do you think it's possible? You think I will let an enemy who can threaten your life go away. Your betrayal will cost nothing at all. This is too ridiculous. This is a big catastrophe. Since you have moved to kill, then You have to pay the price, stop dreaming about peace, peace has been broken by you, come to war, let me see how much you have, how much power you hide, today you and I are endless, between you and me The cause and effect of this will also end!" When he said this, the death **** and demon exuded endless killing intent, and the devil's aura in his body rose wildly.

magic! At this moment, the breath of the death **** and demon has completely changed. He is no longer the innate chaotic **** and demon, but a real demon, a fearless, free and free demon. It can be said that it is because of the betrayal of the time **** and demon, because of this great demon. With the changes in the environment, the state of mind of the death **** and demon has completely transformed, condensing the demon heart of great freedom and becoming a demon of great freedom!

"Damn, you want to use me to prove the Dao, do you want to kill me to prove your own magic way?" When seeing the momentary change in the breath of the death **** and demon, the time **** and demon suddenly changed his expression and said in horror. For a moment he no longer had the aura he had before.

Demon, how terrible a real demon is, the **** of time is very clear in his heart, because the magic way is his method of conspiring with the **** of death, but he did not expect that the way of cultivation that he originally thought was impossible would appear in the **** of death. After the change, the death **** and demon really understood the essence of the demon way, and really condensed the great freedom demon heart.

"Haha! It seems that you have a very clear understanding of the magic way, yes, I just want to kill you to prove the way, as long as I cut you, I can prove the supreme magic way, walk out of my own true magic way, no need to plunder the world There is no need to refine the world. As long as you kill you, my magic path will surely become successful, and I will step out of my own true magic path, and your own source is the best nourishment for me to prove the path. Take the time, this is you. The final ending! Kill!" The death **** and demon screamed, the devil's aura frantically killed the time **** and devil, and the devil cloud completely enveloped it like a net.

"Kill me with the magic way I gave you, you are too arrogant, you really have not studied the magic way for me, is there no prevention? If you want to fight, I will give you a fight!" Hearing the answer of the death **** , Time God and Demon completely give up, no longer have any illusions, only with strong power can protect themselves, no amount of words are just a waste of time, there is no possibility of peace talks between himself and Death God and Demon, there is only one between the two parties This war can only end when people fall!

auzw.com The death **** and devil sneered disdainfully: "Hehe! It's so nice to say, give me the magic way, is this a gift? It's a plot, if it's not you, this **** plots me, lay it down After such a sinister and vicious situation, how could I have fallen into this field? Originally, I was holding the principle of peaceful coexistence and gave up all hatred, but you **** didn't have such thoughts. All you have is greed. , Endless greed, you can abandon the covenant after you make the covenant, and a wicked person like you deserves to die!"

After tearing the skin, in a quarrel, the time **** and the death **** and demon made a big move. The death **** and demon realized the true meaning of the magic way, condensed the heart of the great freedom, and made an amazing breakthrough in strength. The avenue damaged by magical powers is not only fully restored, but even further, to make its own strength stronger, and the time gods and demon are always preserving their strength from beginning to end. Under such circumstances, the two of them are playing irrelevantly. , It’s even more difficult if you want to die.

"Damn it, how could this **** of death have such amazing combat power in a short period of time? Could it be that he really got out of his own path of magic?" After fighting for a while, he found that he could not kill the **** of death, **** of time. The devil’s heart became heavier involuntarily. You must know that the longer the time is, the more disadvantages you are. In this case, how can the time **** and devil not find another way, or if the death **** and devil’s magic way goes further, then It's your own death date!

"Asshole, I knew that the power of the magic way was so powerful. You shouldn't use it to calculate death as an asshole, and there will be no current crisis!" At this time, the time gods and monsters gave birth to regrets again. In time, the time **** and devil had thoughts of regret several times, but it was a pity that everything had happened, and he could not help but regret it!

"Can't hesitate any longer, I have to use the ultimate killer, or if I give the **** a chance to die, the consequences are really disastrous!" At this time, the time **** and demon didn't want to hold on like this anymore, because he didn't have so much time. Wasted, he was afraid that the duel between Xingtian and Destiny God and Demon would end, and fear that those'ants' that were blocked from the core of the earth would appear, because at this time he had betrayed the covenant and had become an enemy of the world, and Destiny God and Demon would again Being constrained by Xing Tian, ​​if the power of the world influences those'ants' at this time, his situation is really dangerous.

"Open it to me, the origin of space is merged, the origin of time is merged, the origin of time and space is combined, the innate chaos **** and demon's true body is transformed! Time and space come, I am time and space!" Under the terrible pressure from the outside world, the time **** and demon finally took out himself The ultimate killer is that he must forcibly integrate the origin of space, forcibly transform his innate chaotic **** and demon's real body directly into the origin of time and space, and take charge of the avenue of time and space.

Although this is very dangerous, if you are not careful, you will be backlashed by the origin of time and space, but the time **** and demon don’t take that much into consideration. Because the situation is not controlled by others, he has to make this crazy decision. When the origin of space is integrated into himself , The body of the time **** demon exudes a wave of space aura, the origin of time and space is constantly merging, constantly impacting, a trace of time and space aura gradually emanating from his body, and the transformation begins. .

Fortunately, the time gods and demon choose to transform in this battle, so that their own source of power will be oppressed by external forces, and will not overly confront or conflict with the space source, or else I am afraid that the time gods and monsters at this time are really already. Destroyed by the conflict between the power of time and space, you must know that forcibly merging the avenue of time and space, you have terrible pressure on yourself.

"Damn, you didn't abandon the space avenue. Everything you did before was to cover up. You **** is really sinister and vicious, and you don't even want to cooperate with me!" When the time **** and demon condense the origin of time and space again, Moreover, he was still forcibly transforming his own innate chaotic **** and demon's true body, and the death **** and demon was furious. He had always been deceived by this bastard, and the sinister and vicious bastard, the time **** and demon, was planning calculations from the beginning.

The Time God and Demon sneered disdainfully: "Hmph! Don’t you also have reservations? I don’t believe that with your stupid wisdom, you can make such amazing progress on the magic way in a short period of time. You are hiding your strength. What about me? Can’t do this!"

No, the death **** has no hidden strength. His leaps and bounds on the magic path are not because he is hiding his strength, but because of the stimulation of the time **** and demon, the death **** and demon has made amazing progress in a short period of time. If you say it, you won't get the approval of the time **** and demon, not to mention that it is useless to say more now, and in the end, you must use your strength to decide life and death!

Facing the cynicism of the time gods and demons, the death gods and demons ignored them, but devoted themselves to the battle. Under the anger, the death gods and demons became more and more powerful in their perception of the magic way. , The powerful power of the magic path can be exerted with the wave of the hand. If the death gods and monsters have such strength and such amazing insights, dealing with the destiny gods and monsters will not take so much trouble. It can be directly crushed by the power of three people. Overwhelmed.

The silence of the Death God and Demon greatly annoyed the Time God and Demon, and made him think that his thoughts were right. The Death God and Demon was no better than himself, and even more sinister than himself, so he continued to sneer: " Death, if you used this kind of power before, we still need so much effort. We are fully capable of directly crushing the destiny gods and monsters, but it is your selfishness that has caused everything now. You want to The responsibility is on me. You are the most insidious and vicious bastard. Compared with you, the destiny is a good person!"

Regardless of the truth of the matter, in the heart of the time **** and demon, it has been determined that the responsibility for all this lies with the death **** and demon. Everything is because the death **** and demon deliberately preserves their strength, so that they can make this wrong decision and let themselves. The choice of betrayal is the death **** and demon deliberately leading himself on this road of betrayal. All the faults are the death **** and demon, and he is only a victim. The death **** and demon is the greatest evil person. The most evil existence!

Putting all the responsibility on the death **** and demon, the time **** and demon's mood naturally improved. He is no longer the villain, but the real villain is the death **** and demon, but he is only deceiving himself by doing so, even if it is him. He can hypnotize himself, but the facts cannot be changed. He did sneak attack on the death **** and demon, and indeed betrayed the covenant!

"War, don't waste time, waste words, right and wrong you and I know in my heart, no matter how much you say, in the end, you must use your strength to solve everything. Immortality is the end of you and me. Either you die or I die. Today one of us must fall down, and that person must be you. This is what you deserved. Let me die!" Under the provocation of the time **** and demon, the death **** and demon finally uttered his own voice, violently. All the power of oneself pushed the power of the Demon Dao to press the Time God and Demon once again, and the simplest and most direct method was used to solve the life and death enemy of Time God and Demon.


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