God of Destruction

Chapter 4148: Fight to the End

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The 4th 156th chapter dead battle

When the time **** and the death **** and demon were caught in a battle between life and death, Xing Tian’s situation was not as good as they thought. Under the combination of human spear, Xing Tian smashed into the core of the earth and broke the defense of the destiny **** and demon. Suffering from a blow from the Destiny God and Demon, the Destiny God and Demon made a comprehensive counterattack outbreak, directly pulling Xing Tian into his body to fight Xing Tian!

"The Destiny God and Demon did not expect us to meet again. This time we can no longer end in peace. There is no end between you and me!" Faced with the counterattack of the Destiny God and Demon, Xing Tian said flatly, not for himself. Falling into the enemy's sphere of influence and worrying, not worrying about his own life or death at all!

"Damn Xingtian, why are you so crazy? Is it really necessary for you and me to die? Isn't it for your trapped mother? I have agreed to release her, why do you still do this?" The destiny **** and demon roared frantically. He didn't understand why Xing Tian did this, why he had to push himself on the road of Jue Tian, ​​what good is this for Xing Tian!

Facing the angry roar of the destiny **** and demon, Xing Tian was still unaffected, and said flatly: "It's not that I am forcing you, but you are forcing me, because you are too insidious and cunning, you have nothing at all. Sincerity, as long as you have a little sincerity, I will not be so crazy. It is precisely because of your insidious cunning that I have to do this. You calculate me again and again, if I do not fight back at all, Then do I still need to live? My Xingtian is not a weak person. I won’t be slapped in the face. I’ve been tricked. I don’t dare to speak or resist. You never gave me a way to survive, so I only have Desperately resist, now what use is it that you say more, you have no credibility, people can't believe it!"

Yes, all of this was made by the Destiny God and Demon. He was too insidious and too cunning. He repeatedly calculated Xingtian and forced Xingtian to do so. He had to unite with the Time Demon and Death Demon to deal with him. The destiny **** and devil have a bit of sincerity, and none of this will happen, but the destiny **** and devil will push the responsibility to Xing Tian, ​​which is really ridiculous!

"Xingtian, let me ask you one more sentence, is there really no possibility of a truce? You really have to live with me, don’t forget, this is my territory, even if you tear me apart with the power of termination Defense, but you still can't shake my origin, and your power of ending has already consumed most of it, there is only one dead end if you continue to fight!"

Faced with the threat of destiny, Xingtian smiled disapprovingly, and continued to say in a plain voice: "A truce is impossible, and Xingtian will not compromise by human threats. At this time, this is the case. Next, you are still insincere, and you still want to use threats to force me to stop. It can be seen that you don’t take me seriously at all. If I really stop at this time, I'm afraid it will be again soon. Suffered from your conspiracy, you are only delaying time by doing this. For you, you have never faced me squarely, and we have no possibility of peace talks!"

Xing Tian is right. The Destiny God and Demon are indeed delaying time. They are buying enough time for themselves to refine Xing Tian’s mother, the son of this world, to seize the origin of the world and regain its obliterated origin. Unfortunately, His conspiracy was impossible, and Xing Tian didn't give him this opportunity at all, and directly exposed all of it.

"Damn it, how could this lunatic see through my thoughts? Could it be that I am so stupid that even a junior can't deceive it!" Under tremendous pressure, the Destiny God and Demon couldn't help but show signs of loss. After all, suffering from this series of blows has a huge impact on his own soul. The most important thing is that the previous self-detonation completely shattered his destiny road. This is the biggest reason for his spiritual damage and the biggest reason why he hates Xingtian. .

Everything is caused by the lunatic Xingtian. If it weren’t for the lunatic Xingtian who had to unite the gods of time and the gods of death, and combine the power of the three to condense the terrible power of ending, how could he explode to his source and destroy the road of fate , In the heart of the destiny **** and demon, all this was Xing Tian's fault, and he did not see the consequences of what he had done.

"Xingtian, are you really afraid of death? You really want to die with me. You have to know that once you die, I won't die. You don't have to fight for those two bastards. You know that after you shoot , The time **** and devil betrayed you and the death **** and demon, and attacked the death **** and demon. Both of them hid their strengths. Now they are making a big shot outside. Do you think it is necessary to fight to the end for people like them? Is it worthwhile to do it?" Facing such a crazy Xingtian, the destiny **** and devil had to tell everything that happened outside, and had to use such means to put pressure on Xingtian!

Of course, this is also a temptation and a calculation. If Xing Tian shakes his mind when he hears these words, the destiny **** will not be soft-hearted and will not give Xing Tian a chance to breathe. He will directly kill Xingtian and destroy Xingtian’s **** enemy. !

It is a pity that the Destiny God and Demon is still disappointed. Xing Tian did not fluctuate at all when he heard these words, as if all this had already been expected by him, and he still calmly said: "It's nothing. Actually, at the beginning, I have never believed in time gods and gods and death gods and gods. They are both innate chaotic gods and gods. They have their own assassins. It is impossible to count on them to help with all their strength. I am not so stupid. The reason why I cooperated with them , I just want to use their power to break through your defenses and rescue my mother. What calculations they have has nothing to do with me, whether they are alive or dead, it has nothing to do with me!"

auzw.com "Damn bastard, how could this lunatic be so calm? Could it be that this lunatic really knew from the beginning that the time gods and the death gods are unreliable, everything is as he said, just to save My own mother! Human" To Xing Tian’s answer, the destiny **** and demon was a little hard to accept, which was completely different from what he thought. He didn’t understand why Xing Tian kissed this'ridiculous' family affection so much, for someone who did not benefit himself. Mother gave up her life!

Seeing that the destiny **** and demon did not answer for a long time, Xing Tian smiled indifferently and said: "destiny **** and demon, you never thought about peace with me from beginning to end. If you really want to negotiate with me, if you really don’t want to fight endlessly with me, you will be here. Release my mother for the first time instead of threatening me. Such ridiculous means can't confuse me. Come on, let me see how much power you have left, and see what you can continue to resist me. End the road!"

Having said that, Xing Tian once again waved the Spear of Ending in his hand. Although the Spear of Ending at this moment was scarred and no longer the sharpness of the beginning, under Xingtian's madness, the Spear of Ending was still given to the destiny. Bringing the impact of death, the Spear of End still has the ability to end the life of the Destiny God and Demon. Although this is the home of the Destiny God and Demon, but here the soul of the Destiny God and Demon has also lost its defense. Stabbing, there is also the danger of death!

The soul is the biggest weakness of the Destiny God and Demon. Although this is his home court, this place is also in his body. Here, his soul cannot be protected by his body. Faced with Xingtian, the Destiny God and Demon is not as strong as imagined. , At least he has to take into account the Spear of End in Xing Tian's hands, and fear that he will be hit by the Spear of End.

"Damn lunatic, he saw through my reality, and understood that my biggest weakness is my soul. No wonder this lunatic dared to unite with spears, break through my body's defenses at all costs, and enter my body to make life and death with me. Bo, he has already seen everything, this lunatic is even more sinister and vicious than the time **** and demon, he is the most sinister **** among the three!" The destiny **** and demon cursed Xingtian frantically in his heart. In his heart, Xing Tian has become the biggest conspirator!

conspiracy? No, Xing Tian doesn’t need to use conspiracy at all, and conspiracy can’t change the general trend. If you want to win the final victory, you rely on strength. Xing Tian is naturally guarded against time gods and death gods. No matter how they cooperate, they still It is the enemy, but they have to cooperate under the huge foreign enemy of Destiny God and Demon. Once there is no foreign enemy of Destiny God and Demon, the so-called alliance is just a joke, and it will collapse in an instant, just like Xingtian vs. Time Demon Sneak attack on the death **** and demon is not surprising at all, this is a normal thing, because profit drives the time **** and demon to do so!

Interest is the root of everything! For the Innate Chaos Gods and Demons, there have never been any allies, there are only benefits, and under the temptation of enough benefits, they can do everything! However, Xing Tian did not fully believe in the words of the Destiny God and Demon. At least the Death God and Demon did not preserve their strength as he said. They really stripped off his own magical powers and integrated them into his own road to the end. Xingtian can't go wrong at this point.

Although Xing Tian was very calm on the surface, he also had troubles in his heart. He had already entered the body of the Destiny God and Demon. He broke through the defenses of the Destiny God and Demon, but he still did not find the opportunity to end the road. How can Xingtian not worry? You must know that this time Xingtian risked his life to give it a go. Failure means that Xingtian will face death!

Without the increase in strength, can you really kill the destiny gods and demons, can you really win? Xing Tian was not fully sure of this. After all, he was facing a sinister and cunning innate Chaos God and Demon, an innate Chaos God and Demon who had laid out endless years in this world. Such enemies must be guarded carefully.

"Perhaps only when we really face death, and only when we die, can we truly understand the meaning of the end, and then we can make a **** path!" Xing Tian soon woke up from the doubt and made another crazy choice.

war! Time waits for no one, and I don’t have so much time wasted on thinking, wasted on confrontation with the destiny **** and devil, such a small conflict is not a war, the real war is only the choice between life and death , Only the test of blood and fire, kill! With a deep cry, Xing Tian waved the spear of ending in his hand and pointed directly at the place where the soul of the destiny **** and demon was, and slayed the opponent with a brave aura. The breath of killing instantly burst out of Xing Tian's body.

"Damn it, it's just a little bit of time, how could this **** do this? Give me a little more time, and I can refine the son of the world, get the body of the son of the world, and regain all power!" Xing Tian’s spear sworn to death, the destiny **** and demon couldn’t help but screamed frantically. This spear destroyed everything about him, broke his good deeds, and made him unacceptable. He clearly saw the light of hope, but was Destroy, this kind of contrast made his mind fall instantly, let the most terrifying tyrannical aura in his heart fully erupt, and the endless killing intent bloomed from the soul of the destiny **** and demon.

In an instant, Xingtian’s end spear collided with the murderous aura of the Destiny God and Demon. Although the Destiny God and Demon had lost the original treasure, although he was only smashing Xingtian’s terminating spear with his murderous aura, Xingtian’s blows were combined. Without causing harm to the Destiny God and Demon, the Destiny God and Demon successfully blocked the killing blow of Xingtian, and after the blow, the Destiny God and Demon was like a mad tiger, desperately rushing to Xingtian, a series of terrible killing attacks continued. The earth rushed towards Xing Tian, ​​and the destiny **** demon under the madness violently issued his most terrible attack. The tyrannical power made him forget death and fear.

Under a series of attacks, Xing Tian fell into a disadvantage in an instant, even if it had the power of the deity and the source of the world clone, but Xing Tian’s end king clone still lost to the destiny **** and demon, and still fell into the disadvantage. On the edge of danger, as long as there is a glitch, Xing Tian will be killed by the destiny **** and demon. Under this series of blows, there are more and more cracks on the Spear of End in Xing Tian’s hands. The power of the Spear of End It is also getting weaker and weaker, and it may collapse at any time.

The shadow of failure is enveloping Xingtian bit by bit. In such a terrible battle, Xingtian can’t find a chance to come back. Even if he can’t defeat the Destiny God and Demon at all costs, the Destiny God and Demon who is truly violent. It is more terrifying than Xingtian imagined. The destiny **** and devil under his mind has not been weakened. On the contrary, his combat power has been increased several times. Even with his soul body, he can still crush Xingtian and beat Xingtian. Without the power to fight back, this is the horror of a completely crazy congenital chaotic **** and demon. This is the terrible place of the destiny **** and demon. Once it breaks out, it is really irresistible!


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