God of Destruction

Chapter 4150: Life saving restart

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Chapter 4158 Life Restart

"No, mother, this is not the result I want, and I don't need you to make such a sacrifice!" Faced with his mother's great maternal love, Xing Tian felt extremely shocked in his heart, and he was unwilling to accept all this, but now all this He couldn't help but, for this great maternal love, he could only passively accept it, and could not prevent the huge life source from pouring into his clone of the King of End.

"Child, I know what you think in your heart, and I understand your plan, but this is my love for you. Whether you want to accept it or not, you can only accept it, and even if I don’t do this, it’s impossible to live long, because I have too much cause and effect on my back. Instead of the huge life source dissipating between the heavens and the earth, it is better to entrust all of this to you so that you can get a new life!" Regarding the case of Xingtian, the king of the end, the mother of Xingtian Very clearly, directly dispelling Xing Tian's thoughts.

Seeing the concession and conversation between Xing Tian and his mother, the destiny **** and demon had endless anger in his heart. He needed endless vitality to get a new life, but no one gave him such an opportunity, and the lunatic Xing Tian didn’t need it but someone did. , This made him more annoyed, more angry, and even more unacceptable, but he couldn't do much, he could only slowly feel the fire of life steadily draining from him, extinguishing bit by bit, waiting for death to come. !

Why is it so? Up to now, the destiny **** and demon still can’t figure it out, can’t figure it out, and can’t find the answer from Xing Tian, ​​because he doesn’t understand the greatness of family affection and maternal love, even if he gets a chance to be reborn, but he does No change due to rebirth, he still has endless selfishness in his heart, putting his life and death first, and has no affection for the world that nurtures him. Perhaps this is the greatest thing that the innate chaos **** and demon brought him. Hidden danger, biggest disadvantage!

"Bang!" Xingtian’s mother’s body returned to heaven and earth, her soul dissipated, and the light of life was completely integrated into the clone of Xingtian’s End King. Although this clone was not conceived by the world, it was Xingtian’s clone. The soul is connected to the mother. There is no hindrance to this fusion. When the light of life flows into the source of the King of End clone, it immediately merges with it, and when the last light of life merges, Xingtian’s End The breath of Wang Fen's body also changed drastically, the endless breath of death dissipated from his body, and the endless vitality was shrinking and restrained.

In a short while, the avatar of the King of End of Xingtian disappeared, and the powerful **** and demon body also disappeared. What was left was just a source orb full of life aura, which is the vitality condensed by the mother's source. It is also the beginning of the re-growth of the clone of the King of the End of Xingtian, and the beginning of the restart of life. The clone of the King of the End is truly gone now, and all the causes and effects will disappear. Looking at the face of the source pearl condensed by the clone of the King of the End, Xingtian’s face There was a hint of distress on it, this was not the result I wanted, nor was it the rebirth I longed for.

When Xingtian was lost and unwilling, suddenly a voice rang from his soul: "Child, your mother gave everything for you. This is her choice and her destiny, but her life has not ended because of this. , You have retained a trace of her soul, you can give her life again, but you are too weak now to do all of this, this world has also come to an end, instead of the origin of this world dissipating between heaven and earth, it is better Given to you, so that you can bred your own mother again. Speaking of all this is the result of me. I gave the fate of the gods and demons the opportunity, but brought destruction to this world. Now it is me who finishes all the cause and effect. The time is also the time to clean the world!"

When this voice sounded, Xing Tian was shocked. This is the voice of the origin of the world. The origin of the world has finally appeared, and its appearance is to destroy the world, to cleanse this world, and the first to be liquidated. It is destiny.

Without waiting for Xing Tian to recover from the shock, a powerful breath fell on the body of the destiny **** and demon in an instant, and on his dying soul, and at this moment, the destiny **** and demon felt this power. Frantically shouted: "Father God gives me another chance, I don't want to die, I don't want to return to heaven and earth!"

In order to save his life, at this moment, the destiny **** demon let go of all arrogance in his heart and bowed his head to plead with the origin of the world, but unfortunately he did not get the recognition from the origin of the world. His every move has already broken the heart of the origin of the world. , That powerful force instantly passed through the body of the destiny **** and demon, passed through his soul, took away all the vitality of his body, took away all his origins, and then appeared in front of Xing Tian. The origin orb of destiny breath, this is the power of the fusion of the core of the earth and the origin of the destiny **** and demon, and it is also the origin of all the destiny **** and demon.

"Child, take it, it will add a little strength to your practice, and it will save you more time. This is also my owe to you and your mother!" At this point, the world originated. With a sigh, a breath of perseverance radiated. This is the reluctance to Xingtian's mother, the reluctance to this world, and the reluctance to life!

Looking at the Origin Orb in front of him, Xing Tian didn't know what to do for a while, whether he should accept this treasure. Although the path of practice requires the treasure as a nutrient, will swallowing such an Origin Orb will cause his own practice? Influence, after all, there must be the aura of the destiny **** and demon in such a source, and one carelessness may affect the purity of his source!

auzw.com seems to have seen through Xing Tian’s concerns, World Origin said again: "My child, don’t worry, all the breath of the destiny **** and demon has already disappeared. This is a pure origin. The bead is only good for your practice, there is no harm, don’t hesitate anymore, time is running out, this world is about to be destroyed, all living beings will be destroyed, you quickly accept it, with it, you can ignore the final You can watch the world’s destruction quietly. After this world is completely destroyed, my will will be completely dissipated between heaven and earth. I will use my last strength to gather a world source core, which will It will bring vitality to your chaotic world, bring hope, and make your world avenue go further!"

"Hey!" When he heard these words, Xing Tian couldn't help but gasped. Everything about himself has been seen through by the origin of the world, even if the clone of the chaotic world he thought was deeply hidden was also seen through, which made Xing Tian see through. I was shocked, but fortunately, the origin of the world didn't have any malicious intent towards me, otherwise I was afraid that I would die in this world!

Time waits for no one. Xing Tian understands this very well. Although he doesn't know what's happening outside, he still believes that this world is really going to be destroyed. The death of the destiny **** and demon will consume the death of his mother. With too many sources in this world, the world is about to be destroyed. Thinking of this, Xing Tian waved his hand and accepted this source orb and directly merged into the real body of the deity's **** and demon. When this source orb was integrated into the body , Xing Tian felt that an acupuncture point in his body was opened, and this original pearl was completely integrated into his body and became a part of his body.

Unfortunately, Xing Tian didn’t have time to quietly realize the benefits of the Essence Bead this time. After all, it’s not the time to comprehend himself. When he received the Essence Bead, Xing Tian clearly felt a great aura of extinction spreading in all directions. , Shrouded the whole world, the whole world was imprisoned by this power, and the destruction of the world began. This is different from the power of destruction that I had previously mastered. This is the power of destruction that is personally controlled by the source of the world. The world on this side will be imprisoned by this world-destroying power. If you don't integrate the Origin Orb, I'm afraid you will also be imprisoned by this world-destroying power!

"What a terrible power, what a terrifying power, this is the power to destroy the world, and this is the power to destroy a world. This time it seems that neither the survivors of those forces nor the time gods or death gods can escape. Once they die, unless they have the power to break the world's confinement, unfortunately this is impossible, because in this world, no creature can fight against the origin of the world!" Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed when he thought of this. , Also truly understand one's own weakness, understand the terrible world, the world's strength, even if one side is heading for destruction in the world, it is not something that individual forces can resist!

"Damn, what's going on, why can't I move!" When the power of extinction dissipated, the whole world was imprisoned by this power, and the survivors were crying frantically, they were all in fear, They were all scared, they were all shocked by this sudden change, but it was a pity that they couldn't change everything.

When the power of destroying the world imprisoned itself, the look of the time **** and demon changed drastically, and shouted at the death **** and demon angrily: "Damn bastard, don't you know how to advance and retreat at this time? The world is destroying the world, we have been stared at. Come on, what's the use of a death fight between you and me? If you want to survive, we can only work together to tear apart the world's confinement and break free from the world's shackles with our two strengths!"

At this moment, the death **** and demon was also a little dumbfounded. Although he had guessed before, he also knew that the madness of the time **** and demon might make the world's origin angry and cause the world to fall prematurely, but he did not expect this moment to come so soon He didn’t know what happened in the core of the earth, but he knew that the destiny **** and demon died, otherwise such a change would not happen, and he was caught in a crisis of death, and he had to face this extinction. Tribulation!

Cooperation! Under this terrible crisis of annihilation, the death **** and demon are also willing to cooperate with the time **** and demon, but everything is too late. Before the death **** and demon can answer, the terrible power of extinction has already rushed into theirs. In the body, their chaotic gods and demons' real bodies and souls are constantly being destroyed, and the power of destroying the world is destroying everything in the world.

The light of life is blooming. It is the aura emitted by many survivors outside when they die. The power of extinction is not only directed at them, the whole world is in destruction, and all living beings are there. In the destruction, endless causal karma is madly condensed at this moment, madly coming to the time gods and devils!

"Damn, how could this happen, this is not the result I want, get out of here, time is imprisoned, time and space are shattered, let me go!" The time **** demon was screaming frantically, exploding all his potential frantically, only It’s a pity that no matter how hard he struggles, there is no result. The magical powers of time can’t imprison the causal karma, and the time and space can’t be broken, and the power of the world can’t be destroyed. The more he struggles, the more he slips into the abyss of death, the more he has no source The power of extinction poured into the body, destroying his body and soul, speeding up his death, and letting the life in his body lose faster!

"Haha! This is cause and effect, this is karma, and the power of the magic way can't stop all of this. This is the ending I got in this world. There is only a dead end for the magic way to sublimate, and the world way is simply a huge scam. Refining the world is a joke, **** bastard, who is doing this!" Feeling the arrival of death, the spirit of the death **** demon gradually collapsed, but he understood that the World Avenue he knew was just a hoax. It is impossible to refining one side of the world successfully. No matter how powerful you are, you can’t do it, because you can’t bear the backlash of causality and karma when the world is shattered. When the world is shattered, this terrible cause and effect and karma. Will destroy everything directly!

Regret? No, the death gods and demons have no regrets. To blame, I can only blame myself for being too naive, and to blame myself for not seeing the essence of the world, not seeing the essence of practice, and letting his cultivation go on this path of no return. If I was not influenced by the Great Dao of the World at first, I never thought about refining this world, but instead practiced the Devil’s Dao by drawing my own origin, maybe the ending would not be like this, maybe I would not face the coming of death !

It’s a pity that all of this has happened. Now the death gods and demons wake up too late, even if they see everything through, they can’t escape the strangulation of the world, the backlash of cause and effect and karma, the terrible power of destroying the world. It poured into my body without any barriers, eroded my soul, and wiped out my own fire of life. No matter how large my life origin is, I can't bear this kind of destruction, I can only watch it. The fire of one's own life is wiped out bit by bit, feeling the gradual arrival of the breath of death, and feeling the vitality dissipating from oneself bit by bit, this is the end of oneself, this is own retribution, the destiny that cannot be changed!


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